Today is National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day. Huh? Ok let's put our own spin on it with a theme, hot chicks with (or covered in) chocolate.
I believe we were discussing Keira Knightly's nipples. We can just talk about nipples. I mean, they're cool too.
You mean her untouched nipples.
So I'm bored as fuck, and I just started going through internet things. First I went back and looked at all the girls I'm friends with on FB that are still hot or used to be in college. Then went and looked up all the girls that unfriended me because they realized I was only friends with them because they were hot. Or I upset them with some silly status, whatever. Then I just had a random thought "Whatever happened to Dr. Rob?" He hasn't blogged in two years. Then I was like "What every happened to Philalaywer?" Then his blog died, but he went to B1LY's site. Then I just saw that site hasn't posted since August of 2013. And then I had the thought "Are these people dead? Why do I think these people are dead just because they're no longer updated their social presence." I need to get the fuck outta work already.
The customer service girl on the other side of the wall needs to accept that she does not now, nor will she ever, have the vocal prowess of Sam Smith. Or Daffy Duck. Stop fucking singing already.
A good page at that, and a necessary message. Today, I found a fresh pile of moose crap out behind my house. Guess what the dogs had to snuffle and get all hyped about? Looking for the leaver of said pile of crap. They also flushed some ruffed grouse (forgot a shotgun because of course I was just walking the dogs, not planning to put down game birds for supper) and nearly had the drop on a squirrel. Also, this morning, as I go into the shower, either my cats or my ferret left a half-eaten house mouse corpse next to the toilet, I guess to prove to me that they do indeed earn their respective kibble, treats and affection. Thanks if that is the case, August, Ein and Kronos. (The kitten, the older cat and the ferret, respectively)
I like her boobies. From one small titted girl to another. We're here and it's awesome. First drink being consumed. Margarita. My friend brought amaretto sour stuff. Next!
Man there's a lot of caveats to the hookers and blow claim. Damn. It's my first anniversary this weekend. That's paper, right? Does "a kleenex to clean yourself up" count as an appropriate present?
Poke yourself really hard in the elbow. EDIT: Or, you could come over to my house and deal with the repercussions of my 12 year old who I just caught drinking salsa out of the bottle. Children are animals.