Theme: I'm not sure wtf the deal is with people sporting big fugly hornrimmed glasses (many with no lens=retarded) but apparently it's a thing now. So this weeks theme is hot chicks with glasses. And, go Panthers! I hope they kick the shit out of the Niners, for obvious reasons.
Now? Geez Grandma, 2012 called and wants it's complaint box back. Did anybody find out why Juice is on sabbatical? Edit: Sorry, I forgot to post a theme photo.
So, apparently half of NYC is freaking their shit because their mayor was-- and prepare to become engulfed with rage-- caught red-handed eating his pizza with a knife in fork. That fucking monster. these assholes not realize he's Italian, and that's how they eat it? I heard that Italians may have something to do with the dish. And here I thought my town had a lot of morons for believing in Bigfoot.
Can't we have a guy theme one week? Or for an hour or something? I'd like to request "Shirtless guys with pubes sticking out over their shorts/underwear" as they are my favorite. And here's my contribution and I'm not even spoilering it. Suck it men of TiB! I was at the gym tonight on the treadmill (quiet FreeCorps, I need time to research dammit!) and a couple comes in. I'm on the 5th treadmill in out of 9 and I was the only one there. They take one to the right of me and one to the left. I was waiting to get jumped or something. Or it was their subtle way of telling me I was on THEIR treadmill that they use every Friday at 5:00 pm. So I stayed extra long just to be annoying. Cause that's how I roll.
Treadmills are awful. They're one of those things I'm doing it...I start thinking about other things I can do that don't suck so much. Or hurt my knees as badly.
They aren't my first choice, sometimes they just work into my schedule the easiest. Bang out a quick workout, I try to mix it up with intervals at least, but then I'll throw in some floor work later.
That's fair. They just hurt. There are rowers at the gym on post. I've never used them before - we never bought any when I was in Texas. I may give them a shot once my back unfucks itself.
This is literally the first I have heard about this and I live here. You know the New York Post's headlines aren't based on city-wide surveys, right? And that exaggeration and sarcasm exist?
I would read Mein Kamph before acknowledging the New York Post even exists. Im not a 300 pound deadbeat housewife. It was from more than one news feed (mine was on AP) and people ARE freaking out. The fact even one single person would turn this into news is laughable.
Haven't had a drink since new years, trying to cut back here and there to save money for the future kid yada yada yada. Just had my first beer since then. It tasted like cold, bitter shit (though admittedly, it was a miller lite). Clearly the only solution here is to go back on the bottle and try to cut costs elsewhere. Perhaps I'll ask my wife to give up her drinking and smoking habit instead.
It's news in the same way that it was news that time that Rob Ford tripped playing football. A chortle and move on with your day sort of news story.
I didn't think that was news. It was funny in an AFV sort of way, but he's a gigantic fat fuck and falls over all the time. He's worse than the killer from Scream.
Or, you know, you could listen to the people that actually live in New York City. Your constant inability to not be able to detect when something is sarcastic/disingenuous/tongue-in-cheek is crazy. The vast majority, if not all, of the publications and websites that are writing about this are outspoken De Blasio supporters. They're not trying to make an actual scandal about it. It's just teasing, which is pretty much the currency of affection in New York. Calm down.