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You're Hopeless

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Imagine you are a Physics major at Rutgers with a 4.0.

    Then imagine that you transfer to Michigan to major in Particle Physics, and graduate with something damn close to a 4.0

    Now imagine that everyone and their brother is calling you, including the US Navy, and offering amazing positions for insane amounts of money.

    Then (bear with me here), imagine that you graduate and settle on a job where you . . . . . drive trucks at a recycling facility. After several years, you leave to work at a hospital as the guy who sets up the video conferences. Which would make you . . . .the AV dude for the hospital.

    You've taken more mental ability and promise than most people have in their little finger and pissed it away. And believe it or not, extracurricular pharmaceuticals played only a side role in this person's life.
  2. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    A good friend's father is a total fuck up. Not in the traditonal, distant-wasnt-around kind of father. This guy is a Yale graduate and ran his own multimillion dollar waste treatment plant and became very rich. Fast forward 10 years, he left his family and pissed all his money away on a mistress he was seeing. To make up the lost amounts from his company's ledger, he started selling drugs to his employees. Hes now going to jail for 17 years for possession of heroin with intent to sell and a loaded AK-47 in the trunk of his car.
  3. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    But Kuhjager himself turned out relatively fine, didn't he? Surely, you're not arguing that every child whose parents weren't ideal and later had a divorce is bound to become a violent junkie?

    By the way, I'm usually a bit skeptical towards the whole "physically/mentally abusive parent" angle. What exactly does it mean? When I was growing up, I got beatings from my parents for misbehaving, as well as being yelled at and browbeaten. Was I "abused"? No...I absolutely loved my childhood and parents, and think they did everything right, in retrospect.

    In fact, it was only during the latter half of the 20th century, in a select few countries, that children were not "abused". Strangely enough, those countries also experienced an upswing in drug violence during that time.

    I'm sure that if I were closely related to someone like that, I would have a certain amount of sympathy for them. (I AM human, haha) They're family, after all, no matter how odious they may be.

    But I'm not, and so she's just another random piece of human garbage based on Kuhjager's description.

    Anyways, I hope this isn't de-railing the topic too much.
  4. Sam N

    Sam N
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    Notwithstanding the fact that I don't actually know if kuhjager is normal or fucked in half retarded, the interesting catalyst is that he moved at a younger age, and likely was able to develop friends much easier (friendships are always easier the younger you are) and before that early highschool stage hits, where the first measurable split between actual good kid and bad kid really occurs.

    As for your beatings, you're Russian right? Enough said. I guess when kuhjager said abuse, I wasn't figuring a good parent laying the smack down when the kid acts like a little shit. That's not abuse in my vocabulary.
  5. kuhjäger

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I came out pretty normal, and my sister resents it. She refers to me as the golden child even to my mom.

    And you are right Sam. A kid getting smack because they really fucked up, and need to learn is different from abusive hitting. Your kid runs away at 8 o clock at night when he is 7, a spanking might be in order, and is probably deserved.

    Your daughter can't solve for (x) in an equation 3 years above her level? That doesn't deserve getting slapped in the face.
  6. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    Wow, y'all are some depressing Eeyore-like motherfuckers. Doesn't anybody have a hopeless friend who's just a forehead-slapper and not a cancer on humanity?
  7. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    Other than you?

    I wish I had a focus-worthy post to go here, but I just needed to get that jab in (cause it was there) so delete it if you must...
  8. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Wow, weather conditions dark and cloudy today.

    My one "friend" (I say that loosely, more like a "Group drinking associate") we call LaLoon is the biggest fucking mess to hang around. This 250 lb. Hulk-strong gorilla asshole has an allergy to alcohol, but does nothing more than drink like a fucking sailor whenever we go out. Soon enough, he's the most smashed and evil human being in the galaxy, and not in a good way. Some of his inebriated actions include:

    - Walking up to smaller guys and snatching their beer out of their hands, drinking it as he walks away
    - Putting his arms in front of him (like a snow plough) and running full speed though the dance floor
    - Grabbing dudes and dipping them "Dirty Dancing" style
    - Picking girls up on the dancefloor and throwing them around like a malfunctioned carnival ride
    - hip-checking random passers-by
    - getting pulled over drunk, then getting out and running laps around his jeep as the cops walk up
    - clotheslining a guy clean off his bike "for riding on the sidewalk"

    - however, the mother of them all was when we were in a 7-11 after the Deperation Hour, when a guy we knew from highschool came into the store. LaLoon simply slipped out through the door and took off with his still-running van, with his terrified wife and her friend still inside the vehicle. He slammed down a 4-foot drop into another parking lot, and did donuts for 5 minutes. You could hear the women screaming from 100 yards away. When the guy from school realized his van was gone, he asked me (surprisingly calm) where his vehicle was and I just pointed at the four-wheeled Swan Lake going on across the street. Nobody was hurt and NumbSkull Shitbrain Fuckface drove it back unscathed, the two women white as Klan hoods.

    Fucking RETARD. I'd be a happy man to never see him again.
  9. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    The topic is "trainwrecks" and the majority of the replies involve booze or drugs. Color me surprised!
  10. ZJB

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    The biggest train wreck I know I will call "Pumba':

    That is honestly what I have called him since we were in about grade 8 (about 11 years ago). Now "Pumba" is a good guy and always buys drinks for me and my friends, but he is a compulsive liar. I swear, he must have told me and my fiends he lost his virginity at least 10 times before he actually did. He has had about 8 jobs since he graduated university, and he always claims he is making more money which my friends never believe.

    "Pumba" took 5 years of high school, copying almost every test he ever took and lying at every opportunity. This guy is currently engaged and I am undecided as to whether or not I will go to the weedding( only because he was engaged after knowing her for 2 months). I will probably go though because it is a guaranteed drunk fest where I can blame everything on the alcvohol!