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Your Cheatin' Heart

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcc001, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    This is a dated article, but I remembered the story during a conversation at work and I thought you guys would get a kick out of it.

    "Chris Taylor, a 30-year-old British computer programmer, grew suspicious of his live-in girlfriend when his pet parrot began to imitate her saying, “I love you, Gary.”

    Ziggy, an 8-year-old African gray parrot, would also make kissing noises whenever the name Gary was mentioned on TV and would mimic Suzy Collins saying, “Hiya, Gary,” every time she answered her mobile phone.

    Confronted with the evidence, Collins admitted to a month-long affair with a coworker named Gary and moved out of their shared Leeds apartment that same night."

    That might also fit nicely in the "Whoops" thread.

    Focus: Ever had the experience of being The Other Man or The Other Woman? It would be nice if we could avoid the one-liner "My ex is a cheating crack whore who ruined my life" posts.
  2. Viking33

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    Oct 19, 2009
    The incident that jaded me completely was going into my senior year of high school. I was cleaning house with girls from local high schools and met this girl "Lexi" through a friend. Lexi was gorgeous, dumber n' hell and rich. The first night we hung out, I had her in the mall parking lot in back of my Explorer taking all 7" of my 6" and was conceited enough to think that I was just that good with girls to where I owned any piece of ass that came my way. I was cocky as hell and invincible. No girl would have the balls to try to play behind my back or cheat on me, right? I mean, I'm motherfucking Don Juan. Lexi and I started dating after a couple weeks and things went smoothly for about two months. We would hang out, watch a movie, party with friends and then I would crush her guts through her throat at the end of the night.

    One night, one of her friends calls me up.
    "Hey Viking, do you know "Intercity Stud Muffin"?
    "Yeah, I've met him a couple times. Why?"
    "Lexi's been dating him for the past two years."
    "No she's not. She's been dating me for two months."
    "Yeah Viking, you and Stud Muffin."
    "Ask him."

    I called up Stud Muffin and asked what the deal was with Lexi. He said they had been together for two years and that she was over at his place at that moment. I told him to step into the other room for a second and calmly explained what Lexi's friend had told me. He was pretty disbelieving at first but once we started to collaborate when we were hanging out with her, it made perfect sense. I was her Monday, Wednesday, Friday guy and he was her Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday guy. She told me she had dance classes on Tuesday and Thursday while in reality she was off taking loads of Muffin's man chowder. She told him that she had cheer practice on Mondays and Wednesdays while in reality she was swallowing my kielbasa without chewing. I was furious and told him we needed to sit her down.

    Muffin calls her out first. She denies everything and he believes her, tells me to quit talking shit or he'd beat my ass. I told him to get over himself and to realize she was a cheating whore. I call her and it takes all of about 20 minutes before she finally breaks down crying, saying that she never meant for things to go this way. I tell her to go fuck herself and that I hope she contracts an STD and dies. Her mom calls me, accusing me of being a jealous asshole and that I didn't deserve a girl like Lexi. I tell her mom Lexi's a cheating whore. She tells me she's getting a restraining order. I tell her to be my guest.

    As well as I kept it together during the hashing out of details, it really hit my ego hard. It brought me down a couple notches and left me pretty jaded against girls. For about six months after, I refused to go past FWB with any girl I met and hate fucked a few in the meantime. The damage from that is not something that shows on the surface in any relationship I've had since, but I've always got a lingering question of "What were you really doing on Thursday night?" with every girl I've dated since.

    Reading Sperm Wars didn't help at all. I just couldn't take the blue pill and live blissfully ignorant for the rest of my life.

    PS- She's now a model and ring girl in Vegas. Anyone around Vegas looking for an easy time, PM me and I'll be happy to send her details as long as you're not clean and have a healthy rap sheet and a history of violent crime.
  3. XAM

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    That's my forte. I've been the other man 4 times - and this is only counting the times the girl and I had a relationship of several months of hanging out nearly every day together. Their live in boyfriends usually worked night shifts, so that gave ample opportunity for their girlfriends to spend time with me from after work until nearly morning. The kicker is, that only one of these chicks broke down and actually confessed to having a steady long-term boyfriend before I found out via being confronted by an enraged dude or used my very limited abilities of deduction to figure it out.

    The most memorable situation was this girl whom with I began hanging out a few years ago ... we basically hung out together at least every other day, smoked pot, fucked and talked .. watched movies .. and whatever else people who are dating do.

    This lasted for a good five months or so, and she always asked this guy for money or a ride if she needed it. She'd call her boyfriend and ask him to give her money for a night out with me. I heard her while she was on the phone, and she'd actually say that she's going out with [my name] and needs some money and a ride back home.

    I just thought that the guy was his overtly nice roommate who'd borrow her some money every now and then .. because there's no way a guy would actually pay for his girlfriend to go have a night out with a guy (not to mention do it several times a week), especially if that guy is someone he's never met before. There's no way anyone is that naive or trusts their spouse that much, right? ... wrong.

    So while dating this girl we were one night over at her place, smoking weed and I was being my usual charming self and she was laughing at my jokes .. and we were kissing on their couch and so on. Suddenly we hear rustling at the door. Okay, so apparently the dude was coming from work to pick up his wallet he forgot.

    The chick panicked .. I was like "what's going on, isn't it only your gay roommate?". After the guy walks in and greets her with a hearty "Hi honey!" I can barely contain my surprised laughter. The atmosphere in the house after that was the most awkward thing I've experienced in a long while. I make small talk and find out that the guy is the most trusting boyfriend ever, and a remarkably nice guy ..

    Instead of bursting his bubble I make my exit after a good hour of hanging out never to return. I ended up fucking the girl a few times, but it kind of didn't seem right at all so I called it quits.

    edit: Of course I had a bunch of feelings for this girl and it was a pretty painful reminder that people are assholes sometimes. But it didn't stop me from being naive and trusting when it comes to women .. that hasn't worked out so well for me so far, but I've yet to give up hope.
  4. Zazz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Mar 1, 2010
    When I was redshirting my freshman year I was in charge of getting puck-bunnies to attend the games and parties. I always went back to my dorms and spoke with one girl, we'll call her Lauren, and she would round up the hussies for me. Lauren was a 10, no arguments about it, and obviously our stud senior captain was quick to move in. I didn't care, Lauren and I chilled and smoked and did other dorm-related activities together. Harmless, and it even made me in the good graces with our captain.

    One day Lauren and 2 sluts (not my common term for woman, these just happened to be a couple of honest and open sluts) burst through my door holding a bag of mushrooms. Never one to turn down my favorite (any) drug, and with the 200% chance of things getting strange, I was game. Couldn't tell you what happened during the trip, but I ended up with Lauren in the communal shower. Fun, living-on-campus-for-your-first-year-out-of-the-house related stuff ensued. Skinny dipping, the good kind of threesomes, etc.

    We'd be pregaming at her boyfriend's house, sitting around playing king's cup or quarters or whatever, and I kept getting texts from her. "Can I come home with you tonight?" This was fine. I liked it, even. It wasn't until one party she said she wanted us to be together. That's when I lost all interest. Weird, I know. She was a good friend, so I tried to play it off like I felt wrong about what we were doing to her boyfriend, my teammate. Her response was to come clean and break up with him so we could be together. At a kegger. I, in no way, wanted this to happen. A redshirt banging the C's girl? Hellllllooooo hazing. I sent a series of paranoid texts saying please come in the bedroom so we can talk about this. Captain ended up reading the texts before she went to break up with him, so he came storming at me asking if I was trying to get with his girlfriend, asking why I was calling her into the bedroom. I tried to ease up the tension by recommending he talk with his girl. He knocked me out with one haymaker. Then repeatedly kicked me while I was on the ground.

    Later that night, after a pity bang, I told her we can't do this anymore. She stayed with him. I never said a word about our numerous hook-ups to anyone. I was that guy who tried to hit on the Cap's lady. I caught a beating, but it sure could have been worse.

    I saw on the Facebook that they got married. Every now and again I see one of their lovey dovey I wubb u posts and get a good laugh.
  5. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    For better or worse, I have been the other man more than a few times.
    I remember something Tucker said on the old board, or maybe it was his book: There is no woman easier than a woman in a bad relationship.

    For a period of about a year and a half, every woman I had sex with was cheating on her boyfriend/fiance/husband. It was weird, like I was putting out some sort of vibe. In every case, I was tossed aside in the end for the legitimate partner. The bad part was that I actually wanted a relationship with some those women (with one notable exception*).
    If you are the other man/woman or are thinking about it, remember that they almost NEVER leave their partner for you, and when it's over, you have probably burned some social bridges, not only with them, but other people they know.

    Another thing Tucker mentioned that I noticed in my experience was that all of them wanted me to go bareback and cum inside of them.

    *My ex-wife. Yes, I used to take pleasure in messing up her new relationships by seducing her and leaving evidence to get her busted. I was evil.
  6. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    I was the other woman once. He was a friend of a friend and through a series of events that I won't get into, we were forced to spend a lot of time together. We ended up making out on and off throughout the day while my friend was in the kitchen making breakfast/ cleaning/ making lunch/ making dinner. He left after dinner, and my friend told me that he not only had a girlfriend, but also a newborn baby and a virgin fetish.

    A few days later my friend got into a fight with this guy and called his girlfriend to tell her about me and get him in trouble. Telling someone that I spent two days making out with her boyfriend/baby daddy while she was in the hospital with his sick newborn is the most awkward surprise conversation of my life.
  7. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    There was only one time where I was technically the other guy. A girl I dated from work. We only hung out a month or so. The first night I called her to hang out she said she had to talk to her boyfriend long distance as he was in South America doing Peace Corps shit and said she might come out. I figured it was a loss and went out to the bars for my friends birthday as was originally planned. To my surprise she called and asked for directions and showed up a little while later. We chatted and drank. We ended up going back to my place and hooking up. She told me the story of how close they really were. Having dated in college she broke it off with him before one of her sororities last formals. He showed up to the formal trying to get her back but made a scene and ended up walking home 4 miles by himself. She reconciled with him a while later right before he was sent out in the Peace Corp. She too had joined the Peace Corp and left after a month or so of us hooking up. I talked to her for a while and she visited me on a vacation home but she wound up marrying some guy she met on the island she worked on out in the Pacific. I really did like her and it wasn't a soul jading experience so I never really faulted her.

    The only other time I was close was when I reconnected with a girl on myspace that I had hooked up with 4 or 5 years ago. This was the same ghetto girl that gave me the best BJ of my life. She had been married and had a kid but swore she was getting a divorce at the time. We talked on myspace and texted for a while. She seemed totally interested in hooking up again but when we tried to work something out she wanted me to come to her house while her husband was at work. Since she drove him she swore that he'd never be able to find out. Having a bad feeling that he'd show up with a gun or that it was all a set up and he planned to murder me when I arrived I politely declined her offer. We talked for a couple more weeks and she abruptly defriended me. She later told me that he had found all of the shit we had said over myspace, some lurid shit, and was heartbroken. I never heard from her after that.

    edit: There was also a time when I was out with my friend and his wife and one of her friends. This friend of a friend was in a bad relationship that involved physical abuse from her Marine boyfriend. After the girl dropped her phone in a beer glass her dude called her through my friends wife's phone to scream at her. Amanda my buddies wife, was then trying to get her to hook up with me so that she could have a little fun and forget about her over bearing boyfriend. Things were going well until she had a little too much whiskey and my patented charm turned her against me. Ah well, she was cute and I might be hanging out with all of them this weekend, I hear she left her dude as well...
  8. gtg2k

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    The House That Lawler Built
    I was the other man once, and in fact, broke up the marriage.

    I met this woman through the girlfriend of a fraternity brother. I thought she was cute, but knew she was married, and didn't pursue anything. Fast-forward about a year later, and I get a MySpace message from this chick about how she couldn't stop thinking of me, our friend had said so many good things about me, she was unhappy in her marriage, etc. Seeing as how I was in a vulnerable place myself at the time, I decided to meet her out for drinks.

    We met up for drinks, and immediately had some serious chemistry going on. I took it slow that night, and tried to go slowly, but I guess the old black Irish charm was too much, because a few days later, she practically kidnapped me from my house, and took me to hers, while hubby was at work, for some hot, steamy action. Afterwards, she went on and on about my abilities, and how she'd needed me in her life. I ignored the obvious signs, and instead soaked up the praise.

    This went on for a month or so, until she dropped the bomb on me: She was divorcing her husband, and wanted to start an new life with me. I told her in no uncertain terms that I couldn't be party to that, especially since she had a child involved, and that we needed to stop seeing one another. It's my understanding she divorced the guy, and is now married to someone else.

    I see this as one of my biggest moral failings in life, and am just waiting for the other shoe to drop, especially since A) I met my wife right after, and B) I'm the only guy my wife has even been with. I'm fortunate that my wife is of much higher moral character than I am, but I never say never. Besides, I always tell her I don't want her to wake up in 15 years and regret being married to me. Here's hoping.
  9. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nor'east USA
    The weirdest experience was with a girl I met through Friendster of all places.

    She was this country bumpkin from PA that was overly into couture clothes and fashion yet she had a shitty part-time job that I knew couldn't afford the shopping habits. After hanging out with her once, having a good time, and not having her try to hit me up for $$ (which is what I thought she would do) I decided to see her again.

    We went out, got drunk, and ended up at "her" ridiculously nice condo in the back bay of Boston. We went inside, started fooling around on the couch and all of a sudden I hear this really gruff horrible coughing coming from the other side of the wall.

    She never mentioned a roommate so I was a little surprised when she told me, "not to mind the noise, it was just Shawn."

    Uhh ok.

    As the night went on and I tried to fuck her she told me she couldn't in her place because Shawn would hear. Also that Shawn was the owner of the condo and worked as an accountant in Boston and that he was 45 years old. She was 20 at the time. Also that she and Shawn had dated for a few years and became engaged but then ended the engagement 6 months before.

    I saw a photo of the guy with her on the fridge and he looked like a fat sad bastard that was use to having his roommate-girlfriend-fiance fucking other guys and not doing anything about it.

    Since we couldn't screw on the couch I decided to be a gentleman and bring her out to my car.
  10. Saint

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 2, 2009
    I was the unknowing other man once and am not proud of my stupidity. I met a smoking hot girl one night at a club, ( no ring or ring tan line) just fuckin' gorgeous, bolt on chest, full six pack abs, and a mouth full of pearly whites. She comes back to my apt that night but refused to fuck. Over the next couple weeks we date, go out, and screw. We always end up back at my place but I think nothing of it because I have picked her up at hers and it is on the outskirts of the city. I was really starting to like this girl....shoulda known better. One afternoon we are on the phone and I ask what she is doing that night.

    Her: Just going to the bar with my girlfriends.
    Me: Well, I'm going out with the guys...maybe we'll meet you there.
    Her: Not a good idea, my husband is in town.
    Her: Ya, I'm that a problem?
    Me: Ahhhh, yup. don't call me again.

    Turns out she was going through a "rough patch" with her husband and decided to try and re-live her high school days. But continuing to see he would have broken one of my cardinal rules......."If she will cheat with you, she will cheat on you"
  11. Stealth

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I don't know about the laws regarding this is the US , but if you suspect a pertner is cheating behind your back , these days the technology exists to find out or confirm ones suspicions.
  12. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
  13. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I've made a minor career out of being the "other man", and the prime example would be the time(s) I nailed my sister's friend "Sam".

    The first time was shortly after she got engaged. We spent the day among a group of friends at a baseball game, then mutually satisfied each other when i dropped her off at my parents house, where my sister lived at the time.

    Cut to about a 2 years later during her bachelorette party, where, unbeknownst to me, I was the main attraction. I took her home, took her in a variety of positions and rooms, and awoke to her asking me if i treated all my women that way.

    In the interest of full disclosure, I'm nothing special, which cued me in that she wasn't used to being treated with basic decency. But sure enough, about a month into her marriage she called me up and asked me to meet her out at a club, at which point I pulled the plug. I'm an asshole up to a point, but that point stops when a ring has been slid onto a finger.