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Your breaking point

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Revengeofthenerds, Oct 13, 2018.

  1. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    I just got robbed.

    My wife and I took our 4 year old son on a "date night" bowling, so our attention was all about him and not about his 1 year old brother. We try to make him feel special with these nights.

    And then, on the way home, I filled up with gas. And at the gas station someone approached me with a knife. He wanted my truck and my money. His knife was uncomfortably close to my throat. As I've mentioned before on here, I've had a priest give me my last rites before my brain tumor and all kinda fun stuff so I'm not necessarily always afraid.... So I waited while he talked, and then I took the opportunity and pulled out my concealed handgun while he was distracted. He can take my truck if he wanted, but my wife and son were in there, so I was ready to fight for them. I wish I had a picture of his "oh shit" face.

    Attitudes change when there's a gun in your face. I was shivering from my own nerves, but dammit if my booger finger wasn't on the bullet button.

    Tonight was my worst nightmare.

    And also the reason why I am prepared for what I can't prepare for. He ran away, and now the cops have him. I hope he rots in prison.

    Tonight was my breaking point.

    I hope I never have to kill a person in defense of myself, but at least after tonight, I know that my cum finger will find it's way to the fire fiddler if I need it. I hope I never have to hit that breaking point again.

    Focus: Your breaking point. Obviously, it won't (I hope not) be as dramatic as the above. But sometimes, violence IS the answer!

    Alt. Focus: Rough times where you got them to hug it out
  2. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
  3. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    About 20 years ago when I was doing glass work I went to Wards store to change out a piece of laminated glass in a display case. I was walking back to my truck with the old piece of glass which was approximately 18" x 72". (For a reference point, laminated glass is what your windshield is made of, it cracks but doesn't shatter.)

    While I'm still holding the glass (Vertically) some dirt bag walked up to me and said "I've got a gun, give me your money." I looked at him and saw his hands shoved into the front pocket of a hoodie and just said "Hit the bricks" and turned my back to him while I dealt with the glass in my hands. A few seconds later it registered what this fucker had said to me and I spun around to deal with him. He was running away.

    That dumb son of a bitch is so lucky I'm not excitable....I could've easily beat him to death with that piece of glass, even if he really did have a gun.
  4. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    That’s fucking crazy intense and I hope whatever sentence he faces keeps him away from people for a good hot minute.

    I’ve discussed my ex husband here before so I won’t repeat the story except to reiterate that no one knows what they’ll do in that moment until they’re in it. Talking someone out of shooting you is one of the most nerve wracking and horrifying experiences and just a tip - don’t beg for your life. He didn’t give a fuck if I lived or died. I had to convince him I wasn’t worth him never seeing his son again and even that took some talking to break through his medication and alcohol haze.