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"You boys like Mexico"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by falconjets, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. falconjets

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    It's spring break time on college campuses around the country. (not sure how universities are set up in other countries) and that means the yearly journeys down to countries with low drinking ages and very little laws.

    Focus: Share the memorable stories, failures or any other shenanigans from your spring breaks past.
  2. fly1180

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Oh Spring Break, how I miss you. I'm only one year out and most of my friends are in Panama City right now. I would literally kill a human being to be there right now. It just isn't fair.

    Having done 4 years of pretty standard spring break locations (Miami, Cabo, Negril, and Vegas) I have a whole host of stories. Drinking with the guy from Miami Ink (my friend's dad works with his brother), drinking so much and taking so many percs that I got hit in the back of the head with a door, splitting it open, and having no idea it happened, my friend punching a Mexican vendor in the face and running away after he caught him stealing a bubbler, buying weed from our cleaning lady in Jamaica, banging a whole cadre of nameless, faceless girls, but nothing will compare to what I saw my first night in Vegas.

    We got in around 10pm and I immediatly hit the hold em tables. Around 5am, cracked out on red bull vodkas, I decided I should get some sleep as most of my friends had dipped out a few hours before. We we're staying in the suites at the MGM so its a solid mile+ from the casino to our room, so they had moving sidewalks. I end up running into a few cute girls and start talking to them and they invite me up to their room tosmoke a blunt and what I can only hope would be at the very least some ass. When we get to the moving sidewalks, one of the girls is facing me riding backwards, as we reach the end, she's still facing me and I try to tell her to turn around but do it a little too late. She stumbles, tries to get her balance and her thin stilletto heel gets caught in the teeth and she goes down, HARD. Face first onto the metal at the end. Her friends stare at her wide eyed in shock, and I did what anyone in my state of mind would do, laughed so hard I fell down. After her friends pick her up, I'm still on the ground trying to catch my breath trying to apologize, one of the girls walks up to me and calls me a "piece of shit, stupid motherfucker" and kicks me in the face, cutting me open just above my eye. It didn't bleed too bad and ending up leaving a scar, but was 100% totally worth it.
  3. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Acapulco was my only Spring Break choice when I was younger. It was less commercial than Cancun or the idiocy of most of the Florida cities, and I knew it like the back of my hand because I went to it several times with my parents as a kid (most of you may not know it has some of the best restaurants in the entire world as well). It serves fondly as the only one true time I flat-out went black-out drunk in my life, when we went ot a bar called Blackbeards that had an actual living baby lion leashed up to the front door and I drained 30 or so candy-like Rum Punches in two hours flat. My friends had to hire a large Mexican man to carry me back to my hotel room, where they kicked my in the ribs over and over again while I threw up off the balcony.

    Such an awesome time. I miss those care-free days. Foam parties, care-free sex, $1 Coronas, open bar nightclubs (BIG nightclubs, at that), awesome food, amazing weather, hot chicks in bikinis and most importantly: SWIM UP BARS. Greatest thing ever invented.

    The only other place I went to is Lake Havasu in Arizona. The true jewel in the crown for spring break in the U.S.A, and still so many don't even knows that it exists. It has bar none the best female to male ratio (as in guys would be happy, but the male douchebag quota is still annoyingly high) and it's just partying out on your own rented boat with thousands of others partying on other boats all week. Throw in the best weather in the entire country and you have a yourself a great time.
  4. thevoice

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 25, 2009
    Fuck me.

    I spent an hour recapping an infamous vacation I had to Cancun in 2003 with my pals Dan, Bryan and Bryan's family only to have my computer crash. So pissed off right now.


    I had a legendary trip to Cancun when I was 18. It should have been the best trip of my life, instead it turned into the trip from hell. The trip included:

    - Bryan and Dan nearly coming to blows on several occasions because of clashing personalities.
    - A trip to Senor Frogs nightclub where I got to pour cold water on some broad during a wet t-shirt contest.
    - Took a photo of three girls from Ottawa flashing their titties on a bus.
    - Bryan and his Dad nearly coming to blows because the Dad felt like we were an embarrassment to his whole family.
    - Bryan's Dad crying because everyone was so pissed at one another.
    - Tequila Volleyball (A black dude swims into the water and funnels tequila down you're throat if you fail to hit the ball over the net.)
    - All inclusive boozing from 1 PM - Passing out in a nightclub while dancing with a blonde from Chicago.
    - Attempting sex with said blonde from Chicago only to have my penis fail like Paris Hilton in a spelling contest.
    - Had Bryan's Mom praying and trying to 'heal me' in the lobby of the resort after hearing of my drunken exploits from the previous night.
    - Pretending to be passed out drunk while watching Bryan fucking an absolute manatee on our last night.
    - Meeting a girl from Surrey BC who I ended up dating for six months.
    - Not speaking a single word to Bryan's parents since the end of the vacation.
    - Bryan and Dan not hanging out once since the trip (2003).

    It doesn't do the story justice, but there you have it.
  5. Senna Vs. Prost

    Senna Vs. Prost
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Montreal. Just go. I'm making my brother go to McGill so I can have a place to stay for another 4 years.
  6. kuhjäger

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I go to Cancun every year for spring break, even though I am long out of college.

    Last year I took the week off as paid vacation, and had a blast, however I went after the main spring break period. While I was there the whole swine flu panic took off.

    When I got home, I got a call from my work instructing me not to come in for that week as they didn't want me to take the chance of infecting anyone. Basically I got another week of vacation out of it.
  7. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Most of my actual spring breaks were pretty standard two to Miami, one to Gatlinburg Tennessee (not a hot spot for millions of coeds but with 23 other friends in the same cabin there was enough drinking and fucking to go around).

    The best school trip wasn't spring break it was actually the first week of summer after my Sophomore year. I actually had to talk my professors into taking exams early so I could leave exam week. I went to LA with my friend Jachobi and stayed with a buddy of ours that lived out there. We traveled to his family's house on Lake Havasu for a portion of the trip.


    Redondo Beach, we went to a bar strip and got wasted the first night. LA people aren't very uptight and were very fun to get wasted with.

    San Diego, less partying more picking up Elliot (my LA friend's) girlfriend and her friends for the trip to Havasu. Seemed much cleaner than LA and much more expensive.

    Lake Havasu. Now this is where the real party started. We averaged between three guys three thirty packs a day for three consecutive days. This shit was off the hook. Wake up drink a 30 pack, walk to the lake in the afternoon, drink a thirty pack, walk back to his place, drink a thirty pack and then go out to the clubs.

    My recollection of the events are fuzzy. I tried to get with one of Ell's girl's friends at the lake but she went off to score coke with some hillbillies and didnt return for a few days. One night on the way to the clubs we were hopping fences and Ell accidentally kicked me in the face on the way over and gave me a bloody nose. At some point at the lake a tall girl with huge boobs was into me and I somehow fucked it up in a drunken stooper. Most of the disposable camera photos I have are either us pounding beer or titties and ass ala Girls Gone Wild. Unlike the let down of Bourban St in New Orleans havasu delivered on the outrageous college girl nudity.
  8. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nor'east USA
    My best spring break memory was from before I was even in college.

    My parents were always cool about pulling my sister and I out of school for a week or so once a year for a trip somewhere. I distinctly remember my mother wanting to go somewhere warm, my father wanting to go somewhere with some "culture" and fishing, and me wanting to be able to drink.

    Stupidly my parents basically let me pick/plan the vacation and I chose Cancun. Mexico without really being in Mexico. Sure we hit the ruins and I went fishing with pops but the best part was that I scheduled the trip during spring break and my *parents didn't know until it was too late. They never questioned why the flights and hotel rates were so low that week.

    We stayed at a sweet resort on the beach and I had a resort card that I used indiscriminately to get myself and quite a few college girls drunk. It was fantastic. To his credit my father helped me out immensely allowing me to beg off going golfing or horseback riding with the family he only asked me not to get anyone knocked up.

    Katie from Kentucky, if you're out there I still think of you (and your awesome breasts) fondly.

    *After years of suspicion I'm pretty sure my father knew but likely had no issue with sharing beaches with scantily clad coeds
  9. Nitwit

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    I'm less than an hour from South Padre Island right now.

    Although I'm way old for spring break, I 'm giving serious thought to shaving off all my body hair, loading up and donning one of those beer helmet holders, painting "Blue" across my chest and riding my mountain bike half naked up and down the island for an afternoon. That way I won't look like some old guy who just doesn't fit in anymore.
  10. fly1180

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I just want to add something. I'm not sure how many younger (HS and college age) people are on this board, but here's a piece of advice. If considering going on Spring Break to a traditional location (Cabo, Cancun, South Padre, Pananma City), GO! It doesn't matter if you have money issues (apply for a credit card to pay for it (I did, twice)), parent issues, or any other bullshit excuse. You need to go. There is no way to give justice to what Spring Break is. It is simply the best parts of college (drinking in public, amazing weather, hot girls who are given the ok to be a slutty as possible) slammed into one week. I realize I'm young and haven't seen much, but those 4 weeks are some of the best 4 weeks of my life.

    Beyond the stories people will share on the board, I have probably one of the best examples of why you need to go on spring break. About 4 weeks ago, my friend broke both his tibia and fibula just above his ankle. He needed surgery. He's still on crutches and can't put pressure on his foot. He is a large, hairy wildly inappropriate drunk boorish buffon. He is usually awful with girls. According to the guys he is with this week, despite being pretty immobile and getting pushed around all the bars and clubs, he is absolutly CRUSHING legit hotties. I spoke to him yesterday and he was nearly in tears of joy describing how much fun he was having. The thing is, this is not a huge surprise, because that is what Spring Break is all about; getting as drunk as possible and hooking up with tons of hot girls.
  11. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009




  12. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    We went camping and canoeing along the Buffalo River in Arkansas one year. I swear I saw Ned Beatty crying in the woods.
  13. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    I'm sure I could've gone on spring break if I wanted, but never had the inclination.

    Instead me and my coworkers would drink every night and morning while hooking up, and work shifts completely shitfaced.

    To me that was more fun than sitting on a beach, but I have weird taste.
  14. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    I was the guy in high school that wasn't great friends with anybody, but kinda friends with everybody. I wasn't necessarily popular, but I got along just fine with any of the groups. So imagine my surprise when I got invited to go to Cancun with about 30 of the "popular table". It was epic.

    I could tell I was getting sick a couple days before the week and a half was over, so I made the decision any semi-alcoholic 18 year old in Mexico for spring break would make. Drown the virus. I started dinner with 3 doubles of Tequila, and then the drinking began in earnest. I wok up the next day with a bruised head, lying facedown wedged between the toilet and the wall. Then I spent the last day moaning in bed. Hell, I spent the next week at home lying on the couch, sick as shit. So, yeah. Everyone has that, "there's a reason I don't drink Tequila" story.