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When Violence Strikes

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shegirl, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    I'm not a particularly violent person, but I seem to get in fights every couple years or so. It's usually while trying to prevent my friends from being hurt, but once or twice I was just drunk around the wrong people at the wrong time.

    I'm a very laid back, easy going guy. It takes a very large amount of provocation to get me angry. That's good, because I go into red-rage blackout mode when that happens. In my early 20s, I knocked out a couple guys that were trying to pick a fight with my friends, and didn't remember it later. All I knew was my hands hurt, and everyone was looking at me weird.
  2. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    The real lesson is: avoid. Talk your way out of it. You never know if some sore loser/winner might have or knife or gun, and nobody is more impulsive than in the heat of the moment. You could get hit with a brick or windshield wiper or ten thousand other things that can turn you into a drooling vegetable. Plus, the police could show up. You go to jail, where if you miss bail you lose your job. It is a butterfly effect of bad shit.

    It's just not worth it.