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What's in your "Oh-Shit Kit"?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by downndirty, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    I'm building an "oh shit" kit for That Which Gives Me Sex. She's in residency, so it's stuff like phone charger, coffee press, etc. I noticed I have water, a book, a leatherman tool on me every time I leave the house thanks to lessons learned in Peace Corps.

    For me, I had a piece of shit car that caused me no end of trouble. So, my OSK was born by necessity.
    My car OSK includes any manner of implement I can theoretically use to un-fuck a car problem as it sits: jumper cables, oil, antifreeze, tools, jack, blanket, window ice scrapers, etc. I recently added an overnight bag to compensate for me going to the gym without work clothes or forgetting socks. It also has a first aid kit, emergency asthma meds, a flashlight that can signal the ISS, tp, tow chain and a lighter.

    Focus: What's in your "oh-shit" kit? Why do you have one?
  2. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    What are we classifying as an "Oh Shit Kit" situation? I guess mine includes:

    -Stoeger Cougar 9mm semi-automatic
    -LED flashlight
    -KA-BAR knife
    -Map of New England
    -My hiking backpack that contains a sleeping bag, emergency blanket, waterproof matches, and water purification tablets among other things. I dont keep that packed because Im paranoid, I just dont bother unpacking when I get home from a hike.

    For the less serious, my work OSK includes:

    -Blue and black pens
    -Tide pen because I spill on myself constantly
    -iPhone charger (I went on Amazon and bought about 10 of these things a few months ago and put them everywhere so I never have to look for them.)
    -Spare batteries for my wireless mouse
  3. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Our house doesn't require an "earthquake kit" in this region but out cars both have first aid kits, matches, candles (a single candle will heat the interior of a car for hours if stranded) and thick quilts. I have a 100 mile commute to and from work at night and if I crash in the middle of nowhere It can be very dangerous in winter, even with me having CAA.

    That's another thing. If you don't have AAA/CAA, get it. It's cheap and my GOD has it saved my ass from time to time.
  4. CanisDirus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Aug 7, 2014
    Coeur d' Alene, Idaho
    I have:

    -emergency blankets
    -water purification tablets
    -water containers, basically just hiking water bottles made of shatter-proof plastic
    -backpacks to store crap in
    -emergency rations, a couple MRE's and the easier CLIFF bars and other packaging-ready protein and fruit and such
  5. CanisDirus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Aug 7, 2014
    Coeur d' Alene, Idaho
    Also my other basic camping/hunting/fishing stuff, a bunch of knives and crap. I don't have a true bug-out bag, but I have all my OSK stuff within a five minute or less of packing time. When I go out and feel I might have to stay a night over hammered or am out to have coitus, I get a plastic shopping bag and put clothes in it so I can take a shower at a friend/partner's house in the morning.
  6. BakedBean

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Rat cheer
    If we're talking a Walking Dead type bugout-bag, it's an academic thing for me (I'm diabetic, so I'm pretty much fucked). There is an overlap, though (mostly things I already have) for less fantastic scenarios:

    Wool blanket
    Compass (with a direction finder and mirror if possible)
    A good lighter
    A half-dozen boxes of campfire matches
    A copy of a survival book (Camping and Wilderness Survival by Paul Tawrell is ideal).
    A half-dozen safety razors to remain connected to civilization
    A map of the area I'm in
    12 cans of meat and fish
    A folding knife
    A machete of some sort (small kukri style is light and effective)
    A whet stone
    A tack hammer
    An e-tool
    A pair of hiking boots
    A small container with a some bleach and an eye dropper
    A mass market paperback of length (Moby Dick, for instance)
    A small pair of scissors
    A backpack to hold it all
    A puffy coat (optional)
    The clothes on my back

    I could survive rather comfortably for at least a week on the above, if I was pushed into it. This would be ideal if I had a vehicle to reckon with (also a tarp would help). Most of these I have already and can toss in the backpack at a moment's notice if I needed to.