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Wah, This Stadium Is Too Loud.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by effinshenanigans, Feb 23, 2011.

  1. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    I'm thinking that the embarrassment might have been from the meaning behind the chant, rather than the actual words. I'm reaching pretty far here, but I think I'm on to something. Unless I've missed some massive and revolutionary event, failing to be a complete douchebag does not require you to carry or use a tampon. I see where you're coming from about the kid being part of the team, but I doubt a disabled kid is going to get much game time so what time he does get is big for him. How about some respect for the kid having the balls to go out there and try? If this was any other kid, fine, but making fun of the retarded kid is pretty low. But hey, don't let sensibility and decency get in the way of being a miserable, uncreative cunt.
  2. bmc415

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    Village Idiot

    Apr 6, 2010
    Count me as someone who used to participate in the classless/vulgar/mean-spirited cheers back in my HS/College Days. I'll second the guy that talked about HS basketball in NC, we did some really cruel shit to some people that did nothing to deserve it other than attending a different school.

    All that said, it's something that I regret now. Like it or not, you are a representative of your school/team, and you're making an impression on the others around you. Like it or not, there are kids at the game, and you shouldn't be the one to choose the age at which they are exposed to the term "Fuck dook."

    I went to the Carolina/LSU football game down in Atlanta this past September with a big group of friends. We happened to be in one of the sections that was split amongst fans of both schools and we were seated behind a family of 4 with two young children that were LSU fans. One of my buddies had WAY too much to drink, and was falling all over himself, cussing, spitting, etc. I'm ashamed that the perception that those people will have of my school will be of that behavior, rather than of a group of fans who were loud and rowdy but knew where to draw the line.

    My parting shot on this issue is this: Every school has that "bottom 10%," the fans that just don't know how to behave in public. They're the message board idiots who will start fights in the parking lot, in the stands, whatever. It's how the top 90% treats those bottom 10 that defines how your school is perceived. In the ACC, at least, I've found that fans of schools like Carolina, Clemson and <gulp> dook will tell those idiots to shut up and act right. Schools like NC State and Maryland allow it to continue, and that's why no one can stand them. Their fans take away from the fun of the game by being classless and obnoxious and bring nothing to the table in return.
  3. zyron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The UConn paper got so much crap for their idiotic editorial that they make themselves sound even more retarded by saying they didn't mean to print it. Even though it was on the print edition and on the website for two days. Bullshit article.
  4. hawkeyenick

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    While StayFrosty sufficiently addressed your point, I have to at least say something in my own defense.

    Are you actually being serious with this? You cannot understand that my embarrassment had nothing to do with what was being chanted, but rather the spirit in which it was intended? My problem lied in the fact that my fellow students were making fun of someone with physical and mental disabilities who, despite those disadvantages, was still playing Division I basketball and going to college. That kind of courage and determination should be encouraged, not laughed at and made fun of. This wasn't some rivalry game, this was a game where the opposing team was paid a bunch of money to come in and lose by 40 points. What is the point of mocking those teams? What is the fun in mocking those teams? And more importantly, what is the fun/where is the advantage in mocking a player with obvious disabilities who is in at the end of a blowout loss?

    Honestly, I'm fine being the "biggest pussy" you've ever met online. I'd rather be a huge pussy than someone who has no reading comprehension skills, and who cannot understand why its offensive to mock someone with disabilities who is trying to do something only a small portion of the population gets to do.

    When its a big game, I lose my voice cheering for my team and doing my best to distract the opponent, but mocking a cakewalk team is classless. Not only that, but it is completely unnecessary for home court/field advantage.

    And while it has nothing to do with anything that we're talking about, yes, I have played sports. While I was not a good enough athlete to play college sports, I did play varsity baseball, basketball, football, and soccer. I've been involved in plenty of rivalry games, on both the winning and losing ends, and I've been cursed at, yelled at, and talked shit to. But whether I played sports or not has nothing to do with whether what the crowd did that night was right. If you want to justify being a dick who makes fun of a handicapped person trying hard to be normal and taking on tasks that are difficult for even relatively high functioning members of society because you were and athlete, that's your choice. But I think most decent people would find that behavior reprehensible and would be ashamed to be associated with such a crowd.
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Whether he chose that number or his teammates did it for him, the number 00 is ALWAYS chosen as an attention-getting device for the wearer, no matter what team you'e on, just like regular zero or 99. Nobody's favourite number is zero or 99, so there was some kind of gimmick involved.

    I really wouldn't be ashamed just because they were chanting his number liek that. He's on a team, and everybody gets badgered when they're on a team from the opposition, handicapped or not. That's the way it should be because it's a natural part of sports. If they were mocking him BECAUSE he was handicapped then that's a different story and in poor taste, so maybe you should have left iour fellow idiots instead of sticking around if you were ashamed.
  6. palmettosc

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    That is an outright lie.
  7. Luke 217

    Luke 217
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Provo. Spain?
    Every year I played High School basketball in suburban Chicagoland and our AD would schedule a game against a large Orphanage. That all changed when our student section would travel to their gym for our games and chant,,, "We got parents yes we do,,, we got parents how bout you?"

    I'm not saying its right or wrong,,, I'm just impressed that they filled the gym without having any family members. That's either heartfelt school pride, or you know,,, having tons of free time because of the lack of familial duties like chores. Or an after dinner catch with Dad.
    Anyway,,, those orphans showed up supported their team. Even though they were never good. Probably because they didn't have a dad to show them the proper form on a set shot.
  8. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I think there's a certain amount of humor and taste in yelling crap in the stands.

    Making fun of the refs, insulting and needling opposing players and coaches, and loud chants can, and usually are, hilarious and awesome. I'm usually pretty quiet at games, but even I find it amusing and fun.

    In a few cases, though, they cross the line, like the drunk idiots who mocked Steve Kerr for his father being killed by terrorists when he played for the University of Arizona. That's fucked up. Outside of that and other obvious nonsense (blatant racism, death threats, and yes, talking about raping JJ Reddick's 16 year-old sister), the rest is fine, and adds something to the fan experience.