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Two chicks at the same time

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Winterbike, Jan 14, 2011.

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  1. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    I'm jealous. The closest I've come to a threesome is having sex with a pregnant woman.
  2. $100T2

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    There have been some requests for details.

    When I was 20, I was taking a history class with a friend of mine, and we sat in the back row and basically went over the stats from USA TODAY for our rotisserie basketball league. A redhead named Stacy sat next to me. She wasn't hot, wasn't ugly, I'd basically give her face a 6.5/10, but she had a great body, with an ass that looked just fine in the jeans she was wearing. For whatever, reason, she started passing me notes, most likely because the class was incredibly fucking boring.

    After a few days of this, the conversations started to get a bit more sexual. She started talking about how she wanted to take me to her house and get me in the shower. I was playing stupid, writing back things like, "Oh, I showered this morning, I'm all set."

    She quit the subtle tactics:

    "My sister and I have always wanted to share a guy."

    I quit playing stupid, and started getting interested. Sure, I'd never date this chick, but fuck her and her sister? Absofuckinglutely.

    She had me meet them out for lunch, I'm assuming so the sister could give me the stamp of approval. Basically, the sister (Jen) was a two year older version of the girl who sat next to me in class. Face was about a 7/10 again, but the body was even better... Same great ass, but bigger tits.

    They told me to skip class the next day and come over at 10 a.m. I said I would.

    Now, of course I thought it was all a bunch of bullshit, and nothing was going to happen, but when I showed up at their apartment (they were roommates), and Stacy opened the door naked, I figured I was all set. I walked in, she closed the door, and it took five minutes just to get her tongue out of my mouth. She brought me over to the couch and wasted no time getting on her knees, yanking my clothes off, and sucking my dick. Of course, I asked her where Jen was, and she said she was just getting out of the shower and would be joining us soon. Sure enough, Jen comes over, gives me about a two second kiss, then gets on her knees and starts eating her sister out from behind.

    That put Stacy into absolute freak mode. Next thing you know, I'm on the floor, and the sisters are taking turns, one on my face, the other on my dick. Then, one sister would hop off, and the other started sucking my dick going, "I love how (name sister) tastes on your fucking cock!" The nastier they got, the hornier they got. The hornier they got, the louder they got. I honestly can't believe the cops didn't show up, except all the yelling and screaming was basically stuff like, "Slam your fucking cock in my ass! Grab my hair and fuck me like a whore!"

    I would bang one doggy style, and the other sister would be underneath, licking clit, balls, anything she could get her tongue on. The sister I was fucking would have her head so deep in the other one's crotch, I don't know how she could breathe. These two had NO limits. They started licking each others asses, having me fuck one in the ass, then the other would suck my dick, etc. I got a bit caught up: I would shoot a load in one sisters pussy, then she would sit on the other sisters face so it could be licked out, then they would make out with each other, and both swallow.

    By the time we got done around midnight (and me taking about 3 naps to recover throughout), I thought my damn dick was going to fall off. My balls hurt, and I mean fucking throbbed, for about a week.

    Yep, good shit.
  3. zyron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    You sick fuck.
  4. $100T2

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Whoops. Fixed that. I was typing it as fast as I could remember it.

    I forgot the part where Jen started fist fucking Stacy. Then she took three fingers in both holes and started alternating thrusts. It looked like an anti-aircraft gun.
  5. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    Not that I'm calling bullshit on your incestual threesome that a random classmate invited you to out of the blue but.....

    Wait, yes I am.

    As awesome as it'd be to find muff-diving sisters who love to focus on pleasing each other and the penis, this sounds like you plagiarized the Penthouse Forum.
  6. Gravitas

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    somewhere vaguely rapey
    Sorry, I'm just filled with questions.

    Did this happen just once? Any fallout afterwards?
  7. $100T2

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    It only happened once. Mostly because I was a bit freaked out. They were WAY too into each other. As much as they wanted me to believe that whole, "Oh, we've always wanted to share a guy", I have a feeling it wasn't the first time they did that.

    And I knew you'd all call bullshit: I would have too, except I was the one who got to go over there. If any one of you posted the same story, I'd be the first one to say, "Wow, great plot for a porno" or something.

    EDIT: Almost forgot to answer the other question. Yes, shit got very, very weird after that. Turns out Stacy had a boyfriend in the Navy who proposed to her when he came back from boot camp or wherever the fuck he was about a month later. She came to class flashing her engagement ring to me, then she quit school to move to wherever he got stationed.
  8. $100T2

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    The only thing you said there that was wrong was including the penis. They liked me fucking them, but man, they didn't give a rat's ass about getting me off (of course, I was 20, so at that point all it took was a stiff breeze anyway. Sure, I would fuck the hell out of them, but I would last all of 4 minutes.) Like I said in the other post they were really, really, really into each other, passionate even. I mean, in retrospect (about 18 years later), it's actually a bit gross thinking about two sisters being that into each other. It was my suspicion that they spent every night without a guy fucking each other anyway.
  9. PewPewPow

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I went to this place called the Eden Club in Bangkok after I came back from deployment the first time. The minimum you can get there is a threesome. It was basically every 19 year-old's wet dream $100 for an hour with two crazy bitches doing whatever you wanted, I got it for myself for Christmas. I was a little intimidated at first because the girls seemed happy to being doing a young guy for a change. They brought me to this room where all the walls were covered in mirrors and shit. Gotta tell ya, it's great to look up and see a girl blowing you while her partner in crime eats her out... Mmm memories.

    On the opposite end of the scale Ive gotten close once, I went out with a group of friends and aquaintances for drinks. Among them was a girl I had dated a few months back that was very pretty but also whorish. So we all go back to my buddy's house smashed and she goes down to the guest bedroom with some dude, looks like I'm not gonna get laid. Five minutes later she texts me to come down, she wants to fuck me blah blah, anyway I walk in and they're both naked and it looks like the dude is about to go to town. Turns out she wants me to join them, dude ended up not being cool with it and bails even though I was all for it. Oh well, more for me.
  10. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Maybe I'm asking an obvious question, but (pending this is actually true) are you absolutely SURE they are sisters? Maybe they're just two chicks who look really similar and are friends/roommates. Hell, just today there were two girls in a class of mine that, if you didn't know any better, could pass as sisters. It isn't like you checked their ID or some shit. They could just said they were sisters to fuck with you.

    Go ahead, tell me that two chicks who are fisting and fucking each other like that wouldn't be willing to fuck with you by pretending to be sisters.

    Focus: "Alyssa Jones? Shit I know Alyssa Jones, I mean I KNOW Alyssa Jones! Know what I'm sayin'? Me and Rick Darris used to hang around her house after school and shit cause her parents were like never home and shit. One day Rick just whips it out and starts rubbin it on her leg and shit, starts chasin her around the living room. I was dyin. But you know what the crazy bitch did? She drops to her knees and she just starts suckin him off. Right there in front of me, like I wasn't even there man. I almost died. But that's not the fucked up part. The fucked up part was Rick, man, right in the middle of it, he turns to me and he says 'Cohee!' Just like that, 'Co-Hee!' So I'm like, "Yo ill give it a shot." So I start pullin' her pants down and shit. All slow cause I'm figurin' any minute she's gonna turn around and belt me in the mouth and shit right? But yo check this shit out man. Shes all into it. She doesn't even try to stop me or nothin'. Shes all wet and shit and I just start going to work, Know what I'm sayin? Me and Rick are just going to town on this crazy bitch and shes just loving it, all moaning and shit, it was fucked up! So Ricks the one that came up with the nickname, cause that day she had us locked in tight from both ends like a pair of god-damned Chinese finger cuffs!"
  11. $100T2

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    There is no way they weren't sisters. Finding two girls who had "that" look (the hair, freckles, facial features, ass, etc, etc, etc) would be like finding Salma Hayek and a two year older version of Salma Hayek. That genetic combination wasn't random chance.

    Could they be inbred? Possibly. It just ain't right to have two sisters go that nasty on each other.
  12. KillaKam

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 17, 2010
    My first threesome came sort of out of the blue, when I was least expecting something like it to happen. I was on my way back from my third deployment, and my best bud from my squadron was texting me the day when I was flying back in to S. Dakota. He was all happy as shit, telling me about this chick he met at the bars while I was away, that was basically a sexed out nympho and was down for a threesome when I got into town.

    I really didn't think much of it. Our group was out the previous night at our stop in Baltimore, and I was absolutely shitcanned drunk, and spent most of the night throwing up before our flight home the next day. I was hungover as all can be and dead to the world on the way back so I wasn't focusing on much except feeling like a normal human again. I make it back in, and my buddy takes me back to his house, have something to eat and makes me have some beers with him. Turns out, this girl is more than serious about making this happen. Finally she shows up, and brings a bottle of tequila with her. She is decent looking at best..couple years younger than us, cute face, body is merely average. They talk me into doing some shots, and we all get a bit loosened up. Still being skeptical, she walks up to me and starts grabbing my junk through my pants. Thats when I knew shit was about to get real.

    She tells me and my friend that she would be waiting for us in his bed. I'm still in disbelief that this whole situation is happening. He tells me to walk in and start priming her up, so finally I walk in and start fingering buddy follows in afterwards. He is standing on the bed getting blown by her, while I'm going down on her. We move from the bedroom to the living room, and the last thing I clearly remember is him fucking her doggystyle while she is blowing me as I sit on the couch. I'm way too drunk and still hungover to even muster any energy for this chick. I try my turn on her but cannot get it hard for the life of me. I call it quits. We all call it a night.

    So unfortunately, my first threesome was with another dude even though we turned all lights off and made it as unawkward as possible, and I still couldn't fully enjoy it. At least every time I saw her out at the bar the following weeks, it wasn't even a chore in getting her to come back with me and fucking the bejeesus out of her.
  13. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Heh. I was at the party, and I was still drinking with another girl while this happened. Despite being on the far side of a moderate sized paddock - we still got a pretty good soundtrack to the show. I wouldn't have used the qualifiers 'A little' or 'Semi-' when describing the carried away hate fucking.

    My first threesome was with a friend of mine and a girl he was semi regularly hooking up with at the time. We had been drinking at a house party and she'd been flirting with both of us all night. My friend suggested the threesome and there was a very erotic negotiation phase as she pointed out that we didn't have lube so she didn't want to be double penetrated - I creatively suggested a spit roast. She was necking a bottle of Everclear through the proceedings. It was memorable for not being memorable. I was not quite 17. It was a classy experience.
  14. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    No experience for me in that department, but i've been slowly convincing my fuck buddy that all the cool kids are doing it. Fingers crossed.
  15. BrianH

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Memorandum for Record:

    MMF != Threesome.

    MMF = Gang bang.

    MFF = Threesome.

    MFF = Well done, lad.
  16. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Actually I believe you have a part of the formula wrong.

    MMF = Fag

    For evidence of this, we can always remember the kid that said he wanted to have an MMF threesome. This was followed by a thread 10 pages long condemming him to a life of AIDS and poverty.
  17. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Well, TiB is officially a family. Within the span of 2 or 3 days . . .

    "$100T2, that's awesome, we support you, here's some money for your charity event."

    "$100T2, you are a big fat lying phony."
  18. jets22

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Actually I think it was more along the lines of:

    MFF = Awesome

    MMF = Fag, Fag, Slut

    Sadly the only thing I have to add is a missed opportunity. Back in college, a fuck buddy texted me after a long night of drinking asking if I wanted to come over. I was equally drunk and had just smoked, but had I not been in bed at that point I probably still would have taken her up on it, but the spins took over and I just rolled over and passed out. Come to find out that her neighbor's friend from home was visiting that night, they had hooked up a few other times that she had visited, and were looking to add some dick to the equation that night. Did her text mention any of this? Of course not.

    I obviously asked about a threesome with a different girl, but she explained it as some weird attraction to this one girl that she didn't have with anybody else. And she started dating some other guy before the friend ever came back to visit. Fuck me.
  19. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    Then you, sir, have not witnessed a true hate fucking...

    Yeah, I had a lot of trouble typing that with a straight face. Hey, at least everybody had the class to not slow clap me several hours later when I emerged.
  20. 8Track

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 20, 2010
    I have never had a 3 some (sad face)

    I did however sleep with 3 women in the same day. The 3rd girl mentioned that I should shower after I have sex with her cause yesterday, when we had sex, she could smell the sex on me today. Ooops.

    And once, I did have sex with my GF while her GF kissed her and made out with her naked. I wasn't allowed to touch her, but I didn't care. It was hot.

    I would NEVER have a MMF 3 some. What is the point? If she is willing to fuck one of my friends, she is more than willing to fuck me before or after. I can wait.
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