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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Sep 1, 2010.

  1. NoMames

    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 14
    Age of first orgasm: 12
    Age when first blowjob given: N/A
    Age when first blowjob received: 19
    Age when virginity lost: 18
    First kind of drink you ever had: Screwdriver
    Age when first drunk: 18
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 18
    Age when smoked first weed: 18
    Age of first broken bone: 14
    Age of first cavity: 15
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 18, coke
    First song you ever downloaded: No clue
    Are you here to fuck Chater? Negative
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? GA to Michigan
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: Fall
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Mighty Ducks 2
    Do you own a gun? No
    Current relationship status? In a relationship
    Mac or PC? PC, because both of my Macbooks got stolen.
    Have you ever been arrested? Twice, Underaged Possession of alcohol in 2007 and Drunkenness in 2010
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Drinking and driving
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex?: Hope Solo
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 1
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Jersey Shore
    Favorite band of all-time? Dire Straights
    The sun or the moon? Moon
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Money
    Non-standard recurring dreams? I never remember my dreams, unless they involve sex.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Chicago
    Ideal vacation spot?: Antigua
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in?: All-American in college
    How many deaths have you experienced (old enough and close enough to know them and care)? 3
    Have you ever had your heart broken? I'm talking smashed into a trillion pieces heartbreak? No
    Assuming you've found "your calling", what/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? N/A
    Favorite Porn Star: Whoever helps me finish
    what is your biggest regret in life? Don't have one.
    Most despised sports team: Liverpool
    What you drink when you wake up: Gatorade or water
    How old are you? 23
    Favorite movie? Good Will Hunting
    Have you ever been knocked out? Yes
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 3
    Top or Bottom? Doggy
    How many jobs have you held? 3
    Ever given or received anal? Yes
    If you won the Lottory and never had to work again, what would you do: Buy a bar on the beach
    Favorite smell? Fall nights on a soccer field.
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? No
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? Winning conference championship my Junior year of college.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? No.
    TiB Members: Marry/Kill/Fuck? Don't pay attention to members enough on here.
    Do you feel you are successful? Yes and no*
    Shoe size: 11
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Antigua
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 7 years
    Favorite Internet Meme: Not sure
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Don't pay attention enough.
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? Not that I know of
    Ass or Titties? Ass
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 110 on a back road in Illinois
    What do you drive? Honda Civic
    Closest book to you at the moment? Above the Law by Tim Green
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Grand Marnier
    How often do you check Facebook? If I'm connected to the internet, its up, at least in the background.
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Fuck a hot stripper.
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? Didn't have any, to my knowledge.
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Darius Goes West or Soccer in the Streets
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Depends who I'm with. Friends and single, beach; girlfriend, winter.
    Rock, paper, scissors? Rock.
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be: No one, zombies freak me out.
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who? Tim Howard
    Did you like IHTSBIH? No, it was the same stories I had read on the site and in the book, just with shitty acting.
    What's your theme song? Sandstorm.
    Favorite book: Any of the Myron Bolitar novels from Harlan Coben.
    Favorite enlightenment philosopher: Dr. Phil?
    Favorite candy: Nose
    Worst movie you've seen: The Perfect Score
    Who do you most resemble? The guy in the mirror
    Do you ever buy $6 cocktails on airplanes, with % of time: No, I take pills on flights.
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? Some time when Jesus was alive, so I could tell everyone what a fraud he was, with video evidence.
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Coach of a Premiership side.
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? Pay for school.
    Favorite TV show of all time? Sky Sports News
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Neither
    Favorite cartoon character: Cartman
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? Father
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? Forrest Griffin
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? No.
    Favourite pizza topping? Pineapple and pepperoni
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? Blowski
    Middle Name? Are you named after anyone? I'm named after a famous Dodger's player.
    Favourite color? Don't have one, but most of my shirts are either black or grey.
    Ever cheated on a significant other? Yes.
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Donate to charity?
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? If not, where do you wish you studied harder to attend? Yes and no. I went on athletic scholarship to a really shitty school, but it was my only offer.
    Your most guilty bad habit? Beer.
    What are you irrationally afraid of? Snakes
    Burn to death or be Daniel Pearled? Daniel Pearled.
    Would you (a)give up sex for a year to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy, or (b)would you rather have guaranteed plain vanilla sex every day for a year, but know you will never be able to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy? A I guess, though I've done pretty much everything I've wanted with non-famous people.
    What compelled you to fill out this survey: Waiting for my girlfriend to drive two hours to see me and having nothing better to do.
    Do you have any genuine friends of the opposite sex? Yes
    What motivates people, sex or power? Power, because power enables sex.
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? Not know
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? High school after my friend's mom died.
    Favorite sound? Thousands of fans yelling at a sporting event I'm playing in.
    Favorite food: Ceviche or seared tuna.
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? Sister Hazel at the Chicago House of Blues.
    First CD you ever bought: Eminem's first.
    You are granted one superpower. What is it?: Knowing the future
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Jersey Shore
    Save the whales, or save the rainforest? Save the rainforest I guess.
    Ever have food poisoning, and if so, what establishment? No
    Favorite NFL team: Falcons
    What are you self-conscious about? Nothing
    Ever had a Threesome? Yes
    Longest you've went without sex: 8 months
    Do you believe you've slept with too many people? No, but my girlfriend does.
    If you could murder a person and get away with it, would you? Yes
    Is your signature legible? I have an athlete's signature, so its recognizable to an extent.
    Name a random fact about yourself: I can pour 16 ounces of alcohol perfectly, 10 out of 10 times.
    Whats the worst thing you have done to a friend? Fucked his ex the day after she got back in the country.
    What do you do for work? Manage a bar and referee collegiate soccer.
    Biggest pet peeve: Guys who wear hats indoors, specifically at restaurants.
    If you could spend one day as the opposite sex, would you do it and what would you do? Get free drinks all night at the bar.
    What is the last movie you watched, and was it any good? Surrogates, yes.

    New questions:
    Favorite Sports team? Everton
    Live with roommates or alone? Alone.
  2. lyle

    Expand Collapse
    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 14
    Age of first orgasm: 14
    Age when first blowjob given: N/A
    Age when first blowjob received: 19
    Age when virginity lost: 19
    First kind of drink you ever had: Vodka and coke
    Age when first drunk: 13
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 15
    Age when smoked first weed: 16
    Age of first broken bone: 24
    Age of first cavity: 15
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 18, mushrooms
    First song you ever downloaded: Think it was a deftones tune
    Are you here to fuck Chater? wrong gender
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? uk to florida
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: summer festival season
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Either Lion King or Leon: The professional
    Do you own a gun? No
    Current relationship status? Its complicated
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? a caution for marijuana possession
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? cheat on my gf
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex?: Scarlett Johannson
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 1
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Taylor Swift (the music just as much as her)
    Favorite band of all-time? Tool
    The sun or the moon? Moon
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience?
    Non-standard recurring dreams? I remember having dreams where I'm driving a car from the wrong seat or trying to run but it feels like I'm running in treacle
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: New York
    Ideal vacation spot?: Probably New york
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in?: Getting into Uni
    How many deaths have you experienced (old enough and close enough to know them and care)? 4
    Have you ever had your heart broken? I'm talking smashed into a trillion pieces heartbreak? Yes
    Assuming you've found "your calling", what/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? N/A
    Favorite Porn Star: Lela Star
    what is your biggest regret in life? fucking up uni
    Most despised sports team: Liverpool
    What you drink when you wake up: water / coffee
    How old are you? 25
    Favorite movie? franklyn
    Have you ever been knocked out? no
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 2
    Top or Bottom? top
    How many jobs have you held? 6
    Ever given or received anal? not my thing
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do: help people (after helping myself)
    Favorite smell? one of my ex's perfume
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? yeah..
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? last christmas when I realised everything would be alright
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? No.
    TiB Members: Marry/Kill/Fuck? Don't pay attention to members enough on here.
    Do you feel you are successful? not enough to say yes
    Shoe size: 11
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: New York
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? does getting the taxi fare there and back count?
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 4 years
    Favorite Internet Meme: wolf motivation posters
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): shegirl i think
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? thankfully no
    Ass or Titties? Tit-tays
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 120
    What do you drive? old ass bmw 3 series
    Closest book to you at the moment? the dice man
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Captain Morgan and coke
    How often do you check Facebook? few times a day, but its hard not to really
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? sky dive
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? think i was too unknown for that to even happen
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? children's hospice
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? ski trip
    Rock, paper, scissors? paper
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be: bill hicks
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who? Ricky Gervais, Steven Merchant and Karl Pilkington
    Did you like IHTSBIH? it was ok. I got exactly what I expected, which was a low rent hangover
    What's your theme song? I've been given "you're so vain" by the people I work with
    Favorite book: American Psycho
    Favorite enlightenment philosopher: Dawkins
    Favorite candy: Refreshers
    Worst movie you've seen: A.I.
    Who do you most resemble? haven't a clue
    Do you ever buy $6 cocktails on airplanes, with % of time: just valium
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? woodstock, to see if the hippies were as full of shit then as they are now..
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Music Producer / record label exec
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? house
    Favorite TV show of all time? Lost
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? mum
    Favorite cartoon character: spongebob
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? mum
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? Kimbo Slice
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? nah
    Favourite pizza topping? pepperoni
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? sloppy bj
    Middle Name? Are you named after anyone? nope, was named Francis for no good reason apparently
    Favourite color?not that fussed
    Ever cheated on a significant other? Yes.
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? stop being so self involved
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? If not, where do you wish you studied harder to attend? yeah
    Your most guilty bad habit? smoking
    What are you irrationally afraid of? spiders
    Burn to death or be Daniel Pearled? Daniel Pearled.
    Would you (a)give up sex for a year to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy, or (b)would you rather have guaranteed plain vanilla sex every day for a year, but know you will never be able to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy? A..
    What compelled you to fill out this survey: i have nothing better to do
    Do you have any genuine friends of the opposite sex? a few
    What motivates people, sex or power? sex,
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? assuming it was only the neighbor who was watching, not know
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? 8, after church camp
    Favorite sound? the screaming of fans when the lights dim and the band take the stage / gf orgasming
    Favorite food: bloody steak
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? Stevie Wonder
    First CD you ever bought: The Verve - Urban Hymns
    You are granted one superpower. What is it?: slow down time
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Britain's next top model
    Save the whales, or save the rainforest? Rainforest... wouldn't mind trying whale
    Ever have food poisoning, and if so, what establishment? got an iron stomach
    Favorite NFL team:n/a -
    What are you self-conscious about? pretty much everything about me
    Ever had a Threesome? Yes
    Longest you've went without sex: about 10 months maybe?
    Do you believe you've slept with too many people? no, though a couple I wouldn't mind taking back
    If you could murder a person and get away with it, would you? I could probably live with it
    Is your signature legible? not particularly
    Name a random fact about yourself: I can separate my arm from its socket, virtually dislocating it.
    Whats the worst thing you have done to a friend? fucked his ex, to my credit, it was in a 3-some so it balances out right?... right!?
    What do you do for work? Get people drunk
    Biggest pet peeve: rudeness
    If you could spend one day as the opposite sex, would you do it and what would you do? Play with my boobs, have a very cheap night out getting everything paid for me.
    What is the last movie you watched, and was it any good? Unthinkable - and yes was pretty good
    Favorite Sports team? Manchester United
    Live with roommates or alone? Alone

    New Questions:
    Band you want to see before you die: Daft Punk
    Sell out and become rich and famous, or obscurity with a small but dedicated following?: Obscurity. Once again I'd choose quality over quantity
  3. Juice

    Expand Collapse
    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 15
    Age of first orgasm: 14
    Age when first blowjob given: N/A
    Age when first blowjob received: 17
    Age when virginity lost: 17
    First kind of drink you ever had: vodka and sprite
    Age when first drunk: 13
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 17
    Age when smoked first weed: 18
    Age of first broken bone: N/A
    Age of first cavity: 22
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: n/a
    First song you ever downloaded: Blink 182, Dammit
    Are you here to fuck Chater? wrong gender
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? seattle to san diego by car
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: fall
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Either Lion King or Leon: Saving Private Ryan
    Do you own a gun? No
    Current relationship status? GF
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? apprehended by national guard troops, no charges filed. Long story.
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Moved to the ghetto part of town
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex?: Milla Jovovich
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 0
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? LOTR
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Jersey Shore
    Favorite band of all-time? Alice in Chains
    The sun or the moon? Moon
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Money
    Non-standard recurring dreams? A recurring dream about a girl Im supposedly in love with but cannot see her face, its been happening for about 10 years.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Las Vegas
    Ideal vacation spot?: Goa, India
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in?: 1st college grad in my whole family
    How many deaths have you experienced (old enough and close enough to know them and care)? 5
    Have you ever had your heart broken? I'm talking smashed into a trillion pieces heartbreak? 2 times in my life
    Assuming you've found "your calling", what/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? N/A
    Favorite Porn Star: Jordan Capri
    what is your biggest regret in life? Not treating true friends as well as I had should, being a down right asshole in high school
    Most despised sports team: NY Yankees
    What you drink when you wake up: Coffee
    Favorite movie? Terminator 2: Judgment Day
    Have you ever been knocked out? no
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 5
    Top or Bottom? top
    How old are you? 24
    How many jobs have you held? 8
    Ever given or received anal? given, she was into it, I quickly found out I was not.
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do: travel the world and then give the rest to charity
    Favorite smell? Freshly baked bread
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? No
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? September 10, 2001. The last day the world was somewhat normal
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? No.
    TiB Members: Marry/Kill/Fuck? N/A
    Do you feel you are successful? Hopefully on the pathway
    Shoe size: 12
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: London
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? In the form of brownies and cookies
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 4 years
    Favorite Internet Meme: ORLY owl
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): N/A
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? No
    Ass or Titties? Tits any day
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 105
    What do you drive? 2004 Acura RL
    Closest book to you at the moment? Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Jack and coke
    How often do you check Facebook? few times a day
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Travel around Europe
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? That I was liked some girl I didnt know
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Lance Armstrong Foundation
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Ski lodge
    Rock, paper, scissors? Rock
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be: Patrick Swayze
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who? Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sly Stallone, Bruce Willis
    Did you like IHTSBIH? Not at all, it was painfully unfunny
    What's your theme song? Rapture by Hurt
    Favorite book: God and Man at Yale
    Favorite enlightenment philosopher: William F Buckley
    Favorite candy: Starburst
    Worst movie you've seen: Cougar Camp (not a porno, but an awful comedy)
    Who do you most resemble? Preston from Cant Hardly Wait
    Do you ever buy $6 cocktails on airplanes, with % of time: 5 hours
    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? Christ's crucifixion to see what really went down
    What would your dream job be, if you had to work? Astronaut (shut up)
    What's the first thing you would spend your money on if someone handed you $1,000,000 (US currency you Canadians)? House
    Favorite TV show of all time? Seinfeld
    Momma's boy/girl or Daddy's boy/girl? Mommas Boy
    Favorite cartoon character: Popeye
    If both parents were dying and you could only save one, which one would it be? I dont even want to think about it
    Favorite fighter (any discipline)? Masaaki Hatsumi
    If you were paid five million to get a sex change, would you? No
    Favourite pizza topping? Buffalo Chicken
    Bareback blowjob or sex with a condom? Sex with a condom
    Middle Name? Are you named after anyone? Middle name is Thomas, and No
    Favourite color? Blue
    Ever cheated on a significant other? No
    If you do one thing to be a better person tomorrow, what would you choose to do? Volunteer somewhere
    Did you get into the college that you wanted or should have? If not, where do you wish you studied harder to attend? No, got into my safety school. Wanted to goto MIT
    Your most guilty bad habit? beating off 3 times a day
    What are you irrationally afraid of? Getting AIDS from toilet seats
    Burn to death or be Daniel Pearled? Daniel Pearled.
    Would you (a)give up sex for a year to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy, or (b)would you rather have guaranteed plain vanilla sex every day for a year, but know you will never be able to fulfill your ultimate sexual fantasy? A
    What compelled you to fill out this survey: i have nothing better to do
    Do you have any genuine friends of the opposite sex? No, its impossible
    What motivates people, sex or power? Power
    You’ve been living in the same apt a year; would you rather know or not know said neighbor has been watching/filming you bathe for quite some time? Either/or I wouldnt care
    If you don’t believe in god, at what age did you know this? I believe in God
    Favorite sound? I have to go with an orgasming girl also
    Favorite food: Pizza
    What's the best concert you've ever been to? Ozzfest 2008
    First CD you ever bought: Sneaker Pimps
    You are granted one superpower. What is it?: Super strength
    What's your "guilty pleasure" tv show? Intervention
    Save the whales, or save the rainforest? Rainforest
    Ever have food poisoning, and if so, what establishment? Gave it to myself after making food
    Favorite NFL team: Patriots
    What are you self-conscious about? my sweaty feet
    Ever had a Threesome? No
    Longest you've went without sex: 17 years until I lost my virginity
    Do you believe you've slept with too many people? Yes, many regrets
    If you could murder a person and get away with it, would you? Depends on the person
    Is your signature legible? Are they supposed to be?
    Name a random fact about yourself: I have 20/15 vision
    Whats the worst thing you have done to a friend? Fucked his sister, in his bed. Then wiped up with his comforter
    What do you do for work? Financial Auditor
    Biggest pet peeve: Girls with a bad attitude
    If you could spend one day as the opposite sex, would you do it and what would you do? Immediately find a hot lesbian
    What is the last movie you watched, and was it any good? Good Will Hunting, yes its good
    Favorite Sports team? Boston Red Sox
    Live with roommates or alone? Roomates
    Band you want to see before you die: Bruce Springsteen and E Street Band
    Sell out and become rich and famous, or obscurity with a small but dedicated following?: Sell out

    New Questions:
    Favorite Comedian (dead or alive)? Adam Carolla
    Best part of waking up? Morning wood