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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Sep 1, 2010.

  1. BadBrains

    Expand Collapse
    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 12
    Age of first orgasm: 12
    Age when first blowjob given: Never
    Age when first blowjob received: 15
    Age when virginity lost: 15
    First kind of drink you ever had: Purple Passion
    Age when first drunk: 16
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 16
    Age when smoked first weed: 16
    Age of first broken bone: 6
    Age of first cavity: 19
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: None
    First song you ever downloaded: Pantera - "Walk"
    Are you here to fuck Chater? Nope.
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Los Angeles to Boston
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: Fall
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Where The Red Fern Grows
    Do you own a gun? Colt AR-15, Springfield XD
    Current relationship status? Married
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? Nope
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Messed with someone "off limits". Long story.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Scarlett Johansson
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 0
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Glee
    Favorite band of all-time? Led Zeppelin/Cream
    The sun or the moon? Sun
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Doll-Hairs
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Being chased. Kind of has a "Indiana Jones" vice to it.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Boston
    Ideal vacation spot? A Beach. Anywhere.
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Landing my current job. Unbelievable.
    Number of deaths? 4
    Fav. Sport: Football
    Favourite "Road Trip" Destination: Boston
    Favourite Poison: Jack Daniels
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Yup.
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Money. But I like the challenge as well.
    Fav. Porn Star- Lexi Belle or Brianna Love
    What is your biggest regret in life? Not heading to college right after the military.
    Most despised sports team: New York Yankees
    What you drink when you wake up: Coffee
    How old are you? 28
    Favorite movie? Full Metal Jacket or Dazed and Confused
    Have you ever been knocked out? Yup
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 4
    Top or Bottom? Top
    How many jobs have you held? 7
    Ever given or received anal? Yup.
    If you won the Lottory and never had to work again, what would you do? Persue other interests.. playing music, build a recording studio.
    Favorite smell? Coffee
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Yes
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? Coming home from deployment.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? No
    Marry/kill/fuck? None/None/Roxanne
    Do you feel you are successful? Yes, to a certain degree.
    Shoe size: 11
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Austin, TX or Boston, MA
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? ...Yes
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 14 years
    Favorite Internet Meme: Rick Rolling
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Hmm.. Sisterkathlouise
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? Yes.

    New Question:

    Ass or Titties? Ass
  2. jordan_paul

    Expand Collapse

    Oct 26, 2009
    Binbrook, Ontario
    Age of first kiss: 16
    Age of first orgasm: 13
    Age when first blowjob given: Never
    Age when first blowjob received: 16
    Age when virginity lost: 16
    First kind of drink you ever had: Newfie Screech
    Age when first drunk: 15
    Age when smoked first cigarette: never
    Age when smoked first weed: never
    Age of first broken bone: 7, two ribs
    Age of first cavity: 5
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: Never
    First song you ever downloaded: No clue
    Are you here to fuck Chater? I dont swing for that team
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Eaither Newfoundland or Calgary
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: Fall
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Simon Birch
    Do you own a gun? 22 (no milsurps eaither)
    Current relationship status? Single
    Mac or PC? PC 4 LYF
    Have you ever been arrested? No
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Switch Schools
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Angelina Jolie
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 0
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter
    Biggest guilty pleasure? I like porn
    Favorite band of all-time? Brooks & Dunn
    The sun or the moon? Moon
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Money will buy expreience
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Cant say I have any
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Gaspe, Quebec
    Ideal vacation spot? A sick 4 month Eurotrip
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Learning the automotive trade
    Number of deaths? Couldnt say
    Fav. Sport: Hockey
    Favourite "Road Trip" Destination: Manitoba for moose hunting
    Favourite Poison: Rye
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Not really, just confused
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? A very wise man
    Fav. Porn Star- I watch amateur porn from time to time
    What is your biggest regret in life? Switching Schools
    Most despised sports team: Montreal Canadiens
    What you drink when you wake up: What ever is in the fridge
    How old are you? 20
    Favorite movie? A Man Apart
    Have you ever been knocked out? Ya, I got sucker punched with a piece of pipe at a party in grade 11
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 0
    Top or Bottom? Bottom, I like when she does some of the work
    How many jobs have you held? 8
    Ever given or received anal? Given, its different
    If you won the Lottory and never had to work again, what would you do? Build the biggest shop in Canada
    Favorite smell? Fresh Cut Hay or freshly manured fields
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? ya
    How old are you? 20
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? Just one more day with my grandpa when he was healthy.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? no?
    Marry/kill/fuck? the one that got away/jay leno/angelina jolie
    Do you feel you are successful? SO far, more then most of my friends
    Shoe size: 13
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Europe
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? Does a rub and tug count when I was 18 and hammered
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 10, she was 30
    Favorite Internet Meme: light saber dude
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): that guy with the little girl wearing a mustache, crakes me up everytime
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? fuck No.

    New Question:

    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 170kmh on a Harley and 241 in my friends dads drag car going down the 407
  3. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 14, I think
    Age of first orgasm: 13, I think and thanks swingset pole!
    Age when first blowjob given: 18
    Age when first blowjob received: N/A
    Age when virginity lost: 18
    First kind of drink you ever had: Amaretto&Coke (haven't touched the shit since)
    Age when first drunk: 16 (I blame the above)
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 19
    Age when smoked first weed: 19
    Age of first broken bone: Never
    Age of first cavity: Who the hell remembers this? Dunno.
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 20 coke
    First song you ever downloaded: No clue
    Are you here to fuck Chater? I already did. How do you think I became a mod?
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? No idea. Probably like 100 miles, to the mountain.
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: Fall (I'm an October baby so it's natural)
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Where the Red Fern Grows
    Do you own a gun? Yup
    Current relationship status? Taken
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? Once
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Almost rolled back over a motorcycle, that was ridden by a cop.*
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Ryan Reynolds
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 1
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Abba
    Favorite band of all-time? The Eagles
    The sun or the moon? Moon
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience.
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Dunno.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Don't have one.
    Ideal vacation spot? A beach resort in Jamaica.
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? My job. I help people and educate them all at the same time.
    Number of deaths? 0
    Fav. Sport: FOOTBALL!!!
    Favourite "Road Trip" Destination: The beach
    Favourite Poison: Vodka
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Yup
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Nothing, I just fell into it.
    Fav. Porn Star- Don't have one.
    What is your biggest regret in life? Wasting far too many years in a relationship with a complete dick.
    Most despised sports team: Steelers
    What you drink when you wake up: Water
    How old are you? Older than you.
    Favorite movie? Forest Gump
    Have you ever been knocked out? Nope
    How many times have you moved? 7
    Top or Bottom? Top
    How many jobs have you held? 4
    Ever given or received anal? Nope
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? No idea but I know I'd go nuts at the boot store.
    Favorite smell? Just after rain
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Nope
    How old are you? Still older than you.
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? Ever meeting my ex.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? Nope.
    Marry/kill/fuck? Go with TiB. BD (his cheeks are red from this thread, it's cute)/there's 3 of them here I equally cannot stand so I can't pick/I'd hate fuck Frebis because he's often agro, kinda like me.
    Do you feel you are successful? In some things yes, in others not even close.
    Shoe size: 11. I'm 6'1" if they were small I'd fall forward all the time.
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be? Hawaii, the Big Island, on the Kona side.
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? Nope.
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 15+ and I was the cradle robber
    Favorite Internet Meme: RickRolls
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Decatur Dave, the pork chop makes me giggle a little every time.
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs. Why is this even a question?
    Do you have any kids? Fuck no.
    Ass or Titties? I have both, thanks for asking.
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? No idea. Maybe had my old Mustang up to 130 or so, once. I'm a wuss.

    New question:

    What do you drive? A Mustang.

    *He had pulled me over and I was so busy freaking out and rifling though my glove box for my shit I didn't set the brake. When I realized what was happening I looked in my rearview to see him with his hands on the rear of my car trying to hold it back. Lucky for me he was a nice cop......and I was wearing a ribbed turtleneck. What?
  4. Gloria

    Expand Collapse
    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 6
    Age of first orgasm: 12
    Age when first blowjob given: 16
    Age when first blowjob received: Oral sex at 16.
    Age when virginity lost: 16
    First kind of drink you ever had: Vodka and OJ
    Age when first drunk: 14
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 14
    Age when smoked first weed: 14
    Age of first broken bone: Never
    Age of first cavity: 8?
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: Acid, 15
    First song you ever downloaded: I don't remember. Something from the 80's probably.
    Are you here to fuck Chater? Nope.
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? New York to Alicudi
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: Fall
    First movie you shed a tear watching: The Little Mermaid.
    Do you own a gun? No.
    Current relationship status? Married
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? Yes
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? See above.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Johnny Depp
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 0 - 1
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings
    Biggest guilty pleasure? I don't feel guilty about my pleasure.
    Favorite band of all-time? Led Zeppelin
    The sun or the moon? Sun
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience
    Non-standard recurring dreams? I'm in the back seat of a car. The driver disappears. I have to get to front and drive the car before I crash.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Taormina
    Ideal vacation spot? A cabin in the woods.
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Getting a master's degree while working full time and raising a toddler.
    Number of deaths? 10?
    Fav. Sport: None
    Favourite "Road Trip" Destination: Any cabin in the woods.
    Favourite Poison: Maker's Mark
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes.
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Money.
    Fav. Porn Star- I don't know any.
    What is your biggest regret in life? Not taking the guy back when he asked.
    Most despised sports team: I don't care about sports.
    What you drink when you wake up: Coffee
    How old are you? 30
    Favorite movie? The Money Pit
    Have you ever been knocked out? Yes.
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 1
    Top or Bottom? Bottom?
    How many jobs have you held? 8
    Ever given or received anal? No.
    If you won the Lottory and never had to work again, what would you do? Shop! Travel, clean the house, cook dinner, raise my son, pamper my husband.
    Favorite smell? Musk
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? No.
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? My 17th year.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? I did.
    Marry/kill/fuck? I've been away far too long to know.
    Do you feel you are successful? Sure.
    Shoe size: 6
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Maine, I think.
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? Yes
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 7 years
    Favorite Internet Meme: That guy in the Tron suit.
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Shegirl!
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? 1 son.
    Ass or Titties? Titties!

    New Question:

    Closest book to you at the moment? Italian 101 textbook.
  5. Bravo

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 12
    Age of first orgasm: 15
    Age when first blowjob given: 18
    Age when first blowjob received: 18
    Age when virginity lost: 18
    First kind of drink you ever had: Natty Light
    Age when first drunk: 17
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 17
    Age when smoked first weed: 21
    Age of first broken bone:18
    Age of first cavity: 16
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: Haven't done anything else.
    First song you ever downloaded: Notorious B.I.G. - Hypnotize
    Are you here to fuck Chater? No
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? 2500 miles - Atlanta to Tahoe
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: Summer
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Brian's Song
    Do you own a gun? Yes, a 30/30 rifle and a 20 gauge shotgun
    Current relationship status? Girlfriend
    Mac or PC? PC (linux)
    Have you ever been arrested? Yes, DUI.
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? See above DUI.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: My girlfriend......, I kid. I kid. She's hot, but not Jessica Alba hot.
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 0
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings, I guess.
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Video games
    Favorite band of all-time? Metallica
    The sun or the moon? Sun
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience
    Non-standard recurring dreams? I'm the new Batman
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: New Orleans
    Ideal vacation spot? Fiji
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Being where I am and doing it completely self-made.
    Number of deaths? 2
    Fav. Sport: Baseball
    Favourite "Road Trip" Destination: Again, New Orleans
    Favourite Poison: Wild Turkey 101
    Have you ever had your heart broken? No
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Pops
    Fav. Porn Star- Gianna
    What is your biggest regret in life? Nothing, really. It's all a learning experience.
    Most despised sports team: By sport: New York Yankees, Dallas Cowboys, LA Lakers, USC Trojans
    What you drink when you wake up: 1 Diet Coke
    How old are you? 29
    Favorite movie? Still Dumb and Dumber
    Have you ever been knocked out? Yes
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 1
    Top or Bottom? I like the girl on top.
    How many jobs have you held? 4
    Ever given or received anal? Yes
    If you won the Lottory and never had to work again, what would you do? Golf, read, travel, charity.
    Favorite smell? A just lit match
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? No
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? Last Christmas visit before gramps passed.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? No
    Marry/kill/fuck? None/None/Shegirl
    Do you feel you are successful? Yes
    Shoe size: 9.5
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: I would stay in Atlanta
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 5 years (above and below)
    Favorite Internet Meme: None
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours):effinshenanigans'
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? No
    Ass or Titties? Ass
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? Just over 120 mph.
    What do you drive? Ford F-150
    Closest book to you at the moment? Hacking the Linux Kernel

    New question 1: What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Wild Turkey 101 on the rocks.
    New question 2: How often do you check Facebook? I don't.
  6. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    Age of first kiss: 14
    Age of first orgasm: I don't remember. I started masturbating when I was really young.
    Age when first blowjob given: 16
    Age when first blowjob received: n/a
    Age when virginity lost: 16
    First kind of drink you ever had: Crystal Palace vodka. Represent.
    Age when first drunk: 13
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 14 or 15
    Age when smoked first weed: 14
    Age of first broken bone: never
    Age of first cavity: pretty young.
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 14
    First song you ever downloaded: I don't remember, but I do remember the first CD I had burned for me: Eminem's The Marshal Mather's LP. I thought i was so fucking cool.
    Are you here to fuck Chater? No
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Boston to D.C
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: Spring. I can't stand winter.
    First movie you shed a tear watching: The Fox and The Hound.
    Do you own a gun? No
    Current relationship status? Single
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? No
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Nothing comes to mind.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Jon Hamm
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 2
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Reality shows involving New Jersey
    Favorite band of all-time? The only band I ever felt strongly about for a while was No Doubt. I tend not to pick favorites.
    The sun or the moon? Moon
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Walking across a bridge and it collapsing, or really having to go to the bathroom and for a variety of reasons not being able to. What the hell?
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: New York City. (Followed very closely by Paris.)
    Ideal vacation spot? Either a tropical beach or a European city, depending on my mood.
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Single-handedly published a magazine, and then fighting the system to get it accepted as my BFA thesis.
    Number of deaths? 7
    Fav. Sport: The only sports-related thing I enjoy is going to baseball games.
    Favourite "Road Trip" Destination: I haven't yet, but I'd love to take a road trip along the West Coast.
    Favourite Poison: Bacardi Gold.
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Yeah, a number of ways
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Creativity
    Fav. Porn Star- I prefer amateur girls. Porn stars are too fake.
    What is your biggest regret in life? Meh, too personal to put here.
    Most despised sports team: n/a
    What you drink when you wake up: Orange juice.
    How old are you? 21
    Favorite movie? It's not my favorite (too hard to choose) but I love Stand By Me. It's as close to perfect as a movie can get.
    Have you ever been knocked out? Yeah. Not by another person though. I was thrown from a horse.
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 3
    Top or Bottom? Bottom
    How many jobs have you held? Like, 10. Those are shitty part-time jobs though.
    Ever given or received anal? Yeah
    If you won the Lottory and never had to work again, what would you do? Travel. I'd still write, though, and pitch to magazines.
    Favorite smell? Leather.
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Yes
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? The happiest I've ever been is the summer after high school graduation.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? No
    Marry/kill/fuck? I don't know...
    Do you feel you are successful? Sometimes.
    Shoe size: 8
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: I live in New York City. I wish I could actually afford it. I would like to have additional homes in Paris, San Francisco, and some remote tropical location, though.
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 7 years. Not that exciting.
    Favorite Internet Meme: I don't know dude. I like to watch pug videos.
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Can't say I've paid attention.
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? All of the above.
    Do you have any kids? No
    Ass or Titties? Titties
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? Probably around 100 mph
    What do you drive? I don't have a car. I drive the G.
    Closest book to you at the moment? Whip Smart. It's a memoir about being a dominatrix. Not as trashy as it sounds.
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Bacardi Gold and Coke with lime.
    How often do you check Facebook? I have a tab open with Facebook all day (along with Gmail). I check it periodically.

    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Sky-diving
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? That I hosted orgies with one of my best (male, platonic) friends.
  7. bigtom0404

    Expand Collapse
    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Houston, Tx
    Age of first kiss: 16
    Age of first orgasm: 17
    Age when first blowjob given: Never
    Age when first blowjob received: 17, on a John Deere Tractor
    Age when virginity lost: 17, not on a John Deere Tractor
    First kind of drink you ever had: Budweiser
    Age when first drunk: 14
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 18
    Age when smoked first weed: 18
    Age of first broken bone:14
    Age of first cavity: 18
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 19 - Ecstasy
    First song you ever downloaded: Metallica - One
    Are you here to fuck Chater? Negative good sir.
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? 1729 Mi, Houston to New York, Driven in a car.
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: Winter
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Rudy
    Do you own a gun? Too many to list.
    Current relationship status? Single and ready to Mingle
    Mac or PC? Win 7
    Have you ever been arrested? Yes, DWI.
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? See above DWI.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Jessica Biel
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 0
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Porn
    Favorite band of all-time? Pink Floyd
    The sun or the moon? Sun
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Dating some random girls I barely know and have only talked to a few times.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Miami
    Ideal vacation spot? Amsterdam
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Bachelors of Science
    Number of deaths? 9
    Fav. Sport: Football
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: Austin, Tx
    Favorite Poison: Any Scotch
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Grandfather
    Fav. Porn Star- Savannah Stern
    What is your biggest regret in life? Getting said DWI
    Most despised sports team: By sport: New York Yankees, Dallas Cowboys, LA Lakers
    What you drink when you wake up: Orange Juice or Unsweetened Grapefruit Juice
    How old are you? 24
    Favorite movie? Back to the Future
    Have you ever been knocked out? Yes, many times
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 1
    Top or Bottom? Doesnt matter to me as long as I am having sex
    How many jobs have you held? 6
    Ever given or received anal? Given-Yes, Received-Never
    If you won the Lottory and never had to work again, what would you do? Golf, blow, and asian hookers
    Favorite smell? Cooked Veal Parmesan
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Yes
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? My Drug years
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? No
    Marry/kill/fuck? Nobody, Will never get married/My Neighbor/Savannah Stern
    Do you feel you are successful? Sometimes
    Shoe size: 11.5
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Miami
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 3 Years
    Favorite Internet Meme: None
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours):shegirl
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? No
    Ass or Titties? Titties
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 137mph.
    What do you drive? Chevy Impala
    Closest book to you at the moment? Engineering Thermodynamics Reference
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Unsweetened Ice Tea, with a lemon
    How often do you check Facebook? Daily/Hourly
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Join the Military
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? That I was a giant asshole

    New Question 1: Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Suicide Prevention Awareness
    New Question 2: For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Beach of course!
  8. JC62

    Expand Collapse
    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 4 peck,12 real
    Age of first orgasm: 14
    Age when first blowjob given: never
    Age when first blowjob received: 15
    Age when virginity lost: 15
    First kind of drink you ever had: beer/wine as a kid, Tango Screwdriver - 14
    Age when first drunk: 14 see above
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 12 ish
    Age when smoked first weed: 14
    Age of first broken bone: 34
    Age of first cavity: ?
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 16 - Black Beauties (speed)
    First song you ever downloaded: what does down load mean?
    Are you here to fuck Chater? not even close
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? 3500 miles - fuck kilometers
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: all four - that's why I live in New England
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Brian's Song
    Do you own a gun? No - but my company produces all of Marlin Firearms gun magazines
    Current relationship status? Married
    Mac or PC? Both
    Have you ever been arrested? Not yet
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Too many to mention
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Any redhead with a good figure
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 0
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Both
    Biggest guilty pleasure? cocaine - when it's good
    Favorite band of all-time? Old School Eagles
    The sun or the moon? Sun
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Money - actually, both
    Non-standard recurring dreams? sex with random women
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Too many to differentiate
    Ideal vacation spot? Any beach
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? My children
    Number of deaths? Too many
    Fav. Sport: ?
    Favourite "Road Trip" Destination: Any place with booze and women
    Favourite Poison: Absolut
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Me, myself and I
    Fav. Porn Star - none
    What is your biggest regret in life? No regrets - I never look back...
    Most despised sports team: I don't do sports
    What you drink when you wake up: water
    How old are you? 48
    Favorite movie? Wall Street (the original) "Greed is good" - gotta love Gordan Gecko
    Have you ever been knocked out? Yes
    How many times have you moved 7
    Top or Bottom? As long as we are talking females - variety is great!
    How many jobs have you held? 8
    Ever given or received anal? Yes
    If you won the Lottory and never had to work again, what would you do? I own my own business, so I would keep that going but stop and smell the roses a little more frequently
    Favorite smell? Fresh cut grass, the ocean
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Yes - my grandfather, I told him it was okay and he went...
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? The day my first daughter was born
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? No
    Marry/kill/fuck? none/ballsack/shegirl
    Do you feel you are successful? yes
    Shoe size: 9
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Anywhere there is a beach
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? Yes - to get
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 20 years
    Favorite Internet Meme: ?
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours):Shegirl/effinshenanagins
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? dogs
    Do you have any kids? Yes - 6
    Ass or Titties? Ass
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 145 mph - car had a governor so the tires wouldn't blow
    What do you drive? Audi Q5
    Closest book to you at the moment? dictionary

    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Absolut, rock splash of cran - no fruit
    How often do you check Facebook? once a day

    New question - Rock, paper scissors? Rock
  9. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Jesus this has gotten fucking ridiculous.

    Age of first kiss: 12
    Age of first orgasm: 14
    Age when first blowjob given: for christ's sake
    Age when first blowjob received: 16
    Age when virginity lost: 16
    First kind of drink you ever had: capn and coke
    Age when first drunk: 13
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 11
    Age when smoked first weed: 13
    Age of first broken bone:14
    Age of first cavity: 26
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: 18 Coke
    First song you ever downloaded: Led Zepp "Hey Hey what can i do"
    Are you here to fuck Chater? as long as he's catchin
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? mexico mofo
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: summer
    First movie you shed a tear watching: I'm a man, I don't cry
    Do you own a gun? nope
    Current relationship status? Married
    Mac or PC? PC, MACs are for long hairs and pussys
    Have you ever been arrested? oh yeah
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? drugs, lot's of em
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Natalie Portman
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? beats me
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Both, Harry's the better book/ LOR is the better movie
    Biggest guilty pleasure? 80's music
    Favorite band of all-time? Rolling Stones and of course Social D
    The sun or the moon? Sun
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Money
    Non-standard recurring dreams? nah
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: I love Vegas, Chicago and Riviera Maya
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? career
    Number of deaths? beats my ass, i lost my brother that's the only one I ever think about
    Fav. Sport: Football
    Favorite "Road Trip" Jersey Shore baby.......
    Favorite Poison: pills and whiskey
    Have you ever had your heart broken? all of us have
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? My Father
    Fav. Porn Star- I'm old I loved Jeanine
    What is your biggest regret in life? Not finishing College
    Most despised sports team: Dallas Cowboys
    What you drink when you wake up: OJ
    How old are you? 35
    Favorite movie? The Departed
    Have you ever been knocked out? Choked out, close enough
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 3
    Top or Bottom? behind
    How many jobs have you held? I'm a banker, fuckin tons
    Ever given or received anal? Given
    If you won the Lottory and never had to work again, what would you do? Travel and become a scratch golfer
    Favorite smell? the beach
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? yeah
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? 24-28
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? Who doesn't like SHegirl?
    Marry/kill/fuck? Marry Jennifer Anniston, Kill Bin Laden or Ryan Seacrest Fuck Natalie Portman
    Do you feel you are successful? Yes
    Shoe size: 12
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: French Riveira
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? Oh yeah
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 25 years
    Favorite Internet Meme: what??????
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours) I like Decatur Daves, Sleeves and whoever has the one that goes "Oh Snap"
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? expecting
    Ass or Titties? t
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 166 BMW m-5
    What do you drive? 2009 ES 330 Lexus
    Closest book to you at the moment? With The Old Breed
    What is your drink of choice (be specific) Belvedere and Club soda with a lemon
    How often do you check Facebook is for fags
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? fuck two chicks and go to Brazil
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? I knocked out the janitor, no shit
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? AIDS awareness/ cure
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Beach
    Rock, paper scissors? rock always rock

    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be??? John Lennon

    New Question:
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Mike Ness, Chase Utley and George Clooney

    Did you like IHTSBIH? I thought I did but after watching it again on Showtime I don't think so
    Report this post
  10. Sicnevol

    Expand Collapse

    Oct 22, 2009
    Age of first kiss: 19
    Age of first orgasm: 14
    Age when first blowjob given: 20
    Age when first blowjob received: 21
    Age when virginity lost: 19
    First kind of drink you ever had: Framboise
    Age when first drunk: 22
    Age when smoked first cigarette: Never
    Age when smoked first weed: 17
    Age of first broken bone :never
    Age of first cavity: 15
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: nope
    First song you ever downloaded: Alice in Chains, Heaven Beside you.
    Are you here to fuck Chater? Nope
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Chicago to Tokyo
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: Spring
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Never happened, Im a cold bitch.
    Do you own a gun? Yes, but Its not with me.
    Current relationship status? Single
    Mac or PC? Both, dual boot bitches.
    Have you ever been arrested? Not once.
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Austin
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Alexander Skarsgård
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 1
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Lord of the Rings
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Top Gear
    Favorite band of all-time? Pearl Jam
    The sun or the moon? moon
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Experience.
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Lots of kinky sex.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Tokyo
    Ideal vacation spot? Rome
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Not being Dead yet.
    Number of deaths? 3
    Fav. Sport: WRC
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: Tucson Az.
    Favorite Poison: Vodka
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Many, many times.
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Myself
    Fav. Porn Star- Don't have one.
    What is your biggest regret in life? Micah.
    Most despised sports team: uh,, no idea.
    What you drink when you wake up: Milk.
    How old are you? 26
    Favorite movie? Death to Smoochy
    Have you ever been knocked out? yes
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 3
    Top or Bottom? Bottom
    How many jobs have you held? 4
    Ever given or received anal? nope.
    If you won the Lottory and never had to work again, what would you do? Writer, samething I want to do now.
    Favorite smell? campfire smoke.
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? yes,
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? December of 2009
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? Nope, unless they have a sweet as stache'
    Marry/kill/fuck? No one, Nate, Alexander Skarsgård
    Do you feel you are successful? Yes
    Shoe size: 9 1/2
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Osaka, Japan
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 9 years
    Favorite Internet Meme: what has been seen.
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): All of them
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? All three.
    Do you have any kids? No, thank jesus.
    Ass or Titties? Ass
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 120mph, on a track.
    What do you drive? '04 Lancer Ralliart
    Closest book to you at the moment? Notes from the Cold Sholder. James May
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Framboise.
    How often do you check Facebook? many times a day, I chave a shitty desk job.
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? public sex.
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? I would be the serial killer.
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? ASPCA
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Winter,
    Rock, paper scissors? Rock.
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? Nickola Tesla or maybe Julius Caesar.
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Amelia earheart, Budicca, and Marie Curie

    Did you like IHTSBIH? Meh, it was ok I guess.

    Whats your theme song?: I Burn The Toadies.
  11. toddus

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    SGEDIT: Some like it and some don't much like just about everything that goes on here. I knew you'd feel that way.
    Off topic.
  12. Zazz

    Expand Collapse
    Experienced Idiot

    Mar 1, 2010
    First kiss: 12
    Big O: 11
    BJ Given: N/A
    BJ received: 14
    Loss of V-card: 15
    First drink: 13 Bacardi
    First Drunk: Same
    First Cig: 12
    First smoking weed: 13
    Broken bone: 22
    Cavity: Who the fuck knows
    Drug other than weed: 16, Mushrooms
    First song DL: C.R.E.A.M. Wu-Tang
    Here to fuck Chater: as a power bottom!
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation: Denver to Europe
    Seasons: I miss seasons
    Cried in a move: Homeward Bound? I think
    Own a gun: A worthless snubnose, only brought out when Nicas are around
    Been arrested: Drunk tank half a dozen times
    Relationship status: single-ish
    Mac or PC: DO NOT BUY A DELL
    Dumbest thing I've ever done: Move to Utah/date a Mormon
    Most attractive (famous) person of the opposite sex: Mila Kunis
    Kinsey Scale: 0
    HP or LOTR: LOTR
    Guilty pleasure: I don't really feel guilty about anything I do, I'm open about my drugs/fetishes/goofy shit I read or watch.
    Favorite Band: Sublime and Ween
    Money or experience: money
    Recurring dream: I don't remember dreams
    Favorite city I've been to: Sevilla
    Ideal vacation spot: Medellin
    Achievement most proud of: Just hit 2 years living in CR
    Number of deaths: a few
    Sport: Hockey and golf
    Road trip destination: Moab, or Dewey Beach
    Favorite Poison: Don Julio
    Responsible for me pursuing my curent life: Dad, Jack Kerouac
    Fave porn star: Bree Olsen
    Biggest regret: see dumbest thing
    Most despised sports team: Red Wings
    Drink when I wake up: a lot of water
    Age: 26
    Favorite movie: Blazing Saddles
    Been knocked out: Yup
    Times I've moved: 6
    Top or bottom: That's a gay porn name right? Topper Bottom?
    Number of jobs: like 20
    Anal: never
    If I won the lottery: I would sail everywhere.
    Favorite smell: Headdy buds
    Seen anyone die: best friend in highschool crashed his motorcycle on the way to lunch and my friend pulled him out from under a truck and he died right there in front of us.
    Moment I wish I could relive: Had 3 of my oldest best friends come to central america for a month and we lived it up.
    Secret crush on a TiB member: nah
    Marry/kill/fuck: ha/none/are there really girls here? I thought this was a Bohemian Grove thing.
    Do I feel I'm successful: I'm happy, so sure.
    Shoe size: 10.5
    If I could move anywhere: Summers in Bali, winters in AK
    Paid for sex: a couple times
    Biggest age difference for a sex partner: 23 years (my billet mom in juniors)
    Internet meme: is that like goatse?
    Favorite TiB avatar: ScotchCrotch
    Dogs cats etc: dogs or gtfo
    Have kids: nope
    Ass or tits: legs
    Fastest in a vehicle: don't know, don't care
    Do I drive: 98 Pathfinder
    Closest book to me at the moment: I am America, and So Can You! by Stephen Colbert
    Drink of choice: Colordao Bulldog (White russion with a splash of coke) or on a hot day a Moscow Mule in the copper cup
    Check Facebook: 2-3 times a week
    Rock paper scissors: scissor me

    New question
    Favorite book: Tie between The Tropic of Cancer and Confederacy of Dunces
  13. theillest

    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Sep 1, 2010
    Halifax, NS, CA
    Age of first kiss: 13
    Age of first orgasm: 13 maybe?
    Age when first blowjob given: Never
    Age when first blowjob received: 17
    Age when virginity lost: 19
    First kind of drink you ever had: Beer
    Age when first drunk: 13
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 12
    Age when smoked first weed: 14
    Age of first broken bone: 15
    Age of first cavity: Never

    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: Mushrooms 17
    First song you ever downloaded: maybe Nas - Life's a Bitch?
  14. JProctor

    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    SGEDIT: Some like it and some don't much like just about everything that goes on here.
  15. dieformetal

    Expand Collapse
    Hurricanes Are My Bitch

    Oct 20, 2009
    First kiss: 11
    Big O: 13
    BJ Given: N/A
    BJ received: 14
    Loss of V-card: 15
    First drink: Gold Schlager
    First Drunk: Same
    First Cig: 11
    First smoking weed: 11
    Broken bone: 6
    Cavity: 6ish
    Drug other than weed: 15, Ex
    First song DL: don't remember
    Here to fuck Chater: hell no
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation: New York to Germany
    Seasons: Summer
    Cried in a move: N/A
    Own a gun: no
    Been arrested: yes
    Relationship status: Taken
    Mac or PC: PC
    Dumbest thing I've ever done: got two DWIs in one night
    Most attractive (famous) person of the opposite sex: Natalie Portman
    Kinsey Scale: ?
    HP or LOTR: LOTR
    Guilty pleasure: I don't really feel guilty about anything I do..
    Favorite Band: Manowar
    Money or experience: money
    Recurring dream: Braveheart style battle
    Favorite city I've been to: Frankfurt
    Ideal vacation spot: Rome
    Achievement most proud of: Add being a father in December
    Number of deaths: a few
    Sport: Baseball
    Road trip destination: Texas
    Favorite Poison: Whiskey
    Responsible for me pursuing my current life: Me
    Fave porn star: Caroline Pierce
    Biggest regret: not going to school sooner
    Most despised sports team: Red Sox
    Drink when I wake up: a lot of water
    Age: 26
    Favorite movie: Braveheart
    Been knocked out: Yes
    Times I've moved: too many to list
    Top or bottom: Bottom
    Number of jobs: too many to remember
    Anal: never
    If I won the lottery: Lots of traveling
    Favorite smell: Can't smell
    Seen anyone die: saw a stranger low his brains out
    Moment I wish I could relive: Germany Metalfest
    Secret crush on a TiB member: no
    Marry/kill/fuck: my girlfriend/Glenn Beck/my girlfriend
    Do I feel I'm successful: Yes
    Shoe size: 14
    If I could move anywhere: Germany
    Paid for sex: no
    Biggest age difference for a sex partner: 12 years
    Internet meme: what?
    Favorite TiB avatar: Geigs
    Dogs cats etc: dogs
    Have kids: will have a daughter in December
    Ass or tits: Ass
    Fastest in a vehicle: don't know, don't care
    Do I drive: 2010 Jetta
    Closest book to me at the moment: Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow
    Drink of choice: Whiskey
    Check Facebook: 2-3 times daily
    Rock paper scissors: scissor me
    Favorite book: Confederacy of Dunces

    New question: Favorite enlightenment philosopher: Voltaire
  16. Czechvodkabaron

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    First kiss: 19
    Big O: 13
    BJ Given: N/A
    BJ received: 20
    Loss of V-card: 20
    First drink: Miller Lite, from the can
    First Drunk: Smirnoff strawberry vodka
    First Cig: 17
    First smoking weed: 19
    Broken bone: 9
    Cavity: 19
    Drug other than weed: 20, Mushrooms
    First song DL: "The Bum Bum Song" by Tom Green
    Here to fuck Chater: no
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation: 350 miles, to Panama City
    Seasons: Fall
    Cried in a move: Homeward Bound
    Own a gun: no
    Been arrested: no
    Relationship status: single
    Mac or PC: PC (Asus, to be more specific)
    Dumbest thing I've ever done: Move to Valdosta
    Most attractive (famous) person of the opposite sex: Kim Cattrall
    Kinsey Scale: 0
    HP or LOTR: niether
    Guilty pleasure: I own every season of Walker, Texas Ranger on DVD
    Favorite Band: Rilo Kiley
    Money or experience: money
    Recurring dream: I get the girl who got away
    Favorite city I've been to: New York City
    Ideal vacation spot: Japan
    Achievement most proud of: all the years that I played quiz bowl
    Number of deaths: 2
    Sport: basketball
    Road trip destination: Los Angeles
    Favorite Poison: MGD, from the can
    Responsible for me pursuing my curent life: John Fradel
    Fave porn star: don't watch porn
    Biggest regret: not picking a better college major
    Most despised sports team: Yankees
    Drink when I wake up: sweet tea
    Age: 24
    Favorite movie: Happy Gilmore
    Been knocked out: n/a
    Times I've moved: 1, not counting moves for college
    Top or bottom: either
    Number of jobs: 2
    Anal: nope
    If I won the lottery: retire and do what I feel like
    Favorite smell: charcoal still in the bag
    Seen anyone die: no
    Moment I wish I could relive: freshman year of college
    Secret crush on a TiB member: no
    Marry/kill/fuck: marry Jenny Lewis, kill Al Franken, fuck Kim Cattrall
    Do I feel I'm successful: no
    Shoe size: 12
    If I could move anywhere: beach
    Paid for sex: no
    Biggest age difference for a sex partner: a year
    Internet meme: ?
    Favorite TiB avatar: Kimmie Gibbler
    Dogs cats etc: I have 2 cats, like dogs better
    Have kids: no
    Ass or tits: ass
    Fastest in a vehicle: around 85
    Do I drive: 2004 Hona Accord sedan
    Closest book to me at the moment: Somebody's Gotta Say It by Neal Boortz
    Drink of choice: chocolate milk that is not lowfat
    Check Facebook: a few times a day
    Rock paper scissors: rock
    Favorite book: The Great Gatsby

    New questions

    favorite candy: Reese's Fast Break
    worst movie you've seen: Spice World
  17. Durbanite

    Expand Collapse

    Oct 30, 2009
    Weymouth, U.K. (formerly Durban, South Africa)
    Age of first kiss: 18
    Age of first orgasm: 13
    Age when first blowjob given: n/a
    Age when first blowjob received: still waiting on that...
    Age when virginity lost: 20
    First kind of drink you ever had: Glenfiddich single malt. Most of the bottle, at my grandfather's funeral service...
    Age when first drunk: 2. See above.
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 19. Haven't tried it since.
    Age when smoked first weed: 20. Also haven't tried it since.
    Age of first broken bone : Haven't broken anything, yet.
    Age of first cavity: Never had a cavity. No fillings in my mouth. Booya!
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: None.
    First song you ever downloaded: Wow, can't rememberr, but I was using Audiogalaxy...
    Are you here to fuck Chater? Negative.
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? My recreation, or someone else's?
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: None.
    First movie you shed a tear watching: The Neverending Story. I was like 6. Fuck off.
    Do you own a gun? No. It's impossible to get a permit in S.A..
    Current relationship status? Broken in the head, so, single.
    Mac or PC? PC.
    Have you ever been arrested? Nope.
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Falling into a swimming pool after miskicking a ball, which 300+ people saw.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Honestly? I don't know.
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 0
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter.
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Bourneville slabs.
    Favorite band of all-time? AC/DC
    The sun or the moon? Moon.
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Money. Anyone who has been broke as fuck will say Money, unequivocally.
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Always falling off cliffs in dreams. I guess I dream about being birdfood or shark bait?
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: I don't travel much.
    Ideal vacation spot? Home, with phones unplugged.
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Not being dead yet. Asthma's almost got me a few times...
    Number of deaths? Plenty. At least 8.
    Fav. Sport: Association Football (also called Soccer).
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: Don't have one, because I'd be at home.
    Favorite Poison: Bushmills for liquor, Guinness for beer.
    Have you ever had your heart broken? Of course.
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? I don't have one.
    Fav. Porn Star: I don't watch porn.
    What is your biggest regret in life? Going to college. I should've left S.A. instead.
    Most despised sports team: Blue Bulls.
    What you drink when you wake up: Coffee.
    How old are you? 28
    Favorite movie? Goldfinger.
    Have you ever been knocked out? No
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 0. Seriously.
    Top or Bottom? Bottom
    How many jobs have you held? 2. Same company, both part-time.
    Ever given or received anal? Nope.
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? The same thing I do now.
    Favorite smell? None. I try to stay away from strong smells, since that always kicks my asthma into overdrive.
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? Yes
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? December 1999. The time I should've left the country.
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? Yes.
    Marry/kill/fuck? I'll stick with TiB here... None/JProcter/Roxanne, maybe...
    Do you feel you are successful? No
    Shoe size: 11 1/2 U.S., 10 1/2 U.K.
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: The middle of nowhere, Wyoming.
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? No
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 2 years.
    Favorite Internet Meme: RickRoll.
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): dubyu tee eff's.
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? None. Don't want pets.
    Do you have any kids? No. Don't want any of those, either.
    Ass or Titties? Tits.
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 190 km/h, on a back road in my friend's then 11 year old BMW.
    What do you drive? Too poor to afford a car.
    Closest book to you at the moment? Financial Management, published by Juta.
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Bushmills, ice and water.
    How often do you check Facebook? Twice or three times a week.
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Not get seasick.
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? Those changed every week. I was the topic of everyone else's amusement. High school was a complete waste for me.
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Alzheimers research.
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Does the desert count?
    Rock, paper, scissors? Rock.
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? My grandfather (my dad's dad) - he died before I ever got to meet him.
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Dr. Gerald Bull, Dennis Bergkamp, Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
    Did you like IHTSBIH? It wasn't released in South Africa.
    Whats your theme song?: Not sure...
    Favourite Book: Not sure - does a favourite author count? In which case, Jack Higgins or Frederick Forsyth.
    Favourite candy: Cadbury's Bournville slab - it's not available as a candy bar.
    Worst Movie I've seen: Donnie Darko.
    Philosopher? No idea.
  18. deltabelle

    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Still lost.
    First kiss: 14
    Big O: 14
    BJ Given: 16
    BJ received: n/a
    Loss of V-card: 17
    First drink: probably a Zima with a Jolly Rancher in the bottom
    First Drunk: 15
    First Cig: 18
    First smoking weed: 15
    Broken bone: never
    Cavity: never
    Drug other than weed: n/a
    First song DL: probably something N'Sync or equally awful
    Here to fuck Chater: already banging a board member, thanks
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation: Mississippi to Connecticut
    Seasons: fall
    Cried in a move: Flubber (shut up)
    Own a gun: yes
    Been arrested: yes- 18 counts of malicious mischief and destruction of federal property (charges were dropped)
    Relationship status: taken
    Mac or PC: Mac
    Dumbest thing I've ever done: pay for the ex's college tuition, only to find out he was cheating on me
    Most attractive (famous) person of the opposite sex: Ryan Reynolds
    Kinsey Scale: 2
    HP or LOTR: Harry Potter
    Guilty pleasure: baking shit that has so many calories it should be illegal
    Favorite Band: Trampled by Turtles
    Money or experience: experience
    Recurring dream: being eaten by sharks on an elementary school field trip
    Favorite city I've been to: Tofino, BC
    Ideal vacation spot: Florence
    Achievement most proud of: finally getting back into school
    Number of deaths: over 20, mostly before my 21st birthday
    Sport: hockey and football
    Road trip destination: Little Switzerland, NC
    Favorite Poison: wine lately
    Responsible for me pursuing my curent life: Bill Andrews
    Fave porn star: not picky
    Biggest regret: leaving boarding school
    Most despised sports team: LSU
    Drink when I wake up: coffee (lots of milk & Equal)
    Age: 25
    Favorite movie: Pan's Labyrinth
    Been knocked out: no
    Times I've moved: too many
    Top or bottom: bottom
    Number of jobs: 4
    Anal: awful
    If I won the lottery: I would save it
    Favorite smell: fresh out of the shower boy smell
    Seen anyone die: yes- was there when they took my ex's sister off life support after her car wreck
    Moment I wish I could relive: first trip to NC
    Secret crush on a TiB member: not secret
    Marry/kill/fuck: dude- no way
    Do I feel I'm successful: no
    Shoe size: 7.5
    If I could move anywhere: Asheville, NC
    Paid for sex: nope
    Biggest age difference for a sex partner: 6 years
    Internet meme: jumping corgi
    Favorite TiB avatar: Viking33
    Dogs cats etc: dogs
    Have kids: no
    Ass or tits: tits
    Fastest in a vehicle: probably not very
    Do I drive: 03 Altima
    Closest book to me at the moment: Hinduism: A Spiritual Journey
    Drink of choice: vodka tonic
    Check Facebook: rarely
    Rock paper scissors: rock
    Favorite book: Lulu Meets God... and Doubts Him
    Favorite Philosopher: Socrates
    Favorite Candy: Dark Chocolate Reeses
    Worst Movie: House of the Dead

    New Question: Who do you most resemble?
  19. Natty

    Expand Collapse

    Oct 19, 2009
    First kiss: 11
    Big O: 13
    BJ Given: N/A
    BJ received: 16
    Loss of V-card: 16
    First drink: 14, Mickey's Malt Liquor
    First Drunk: 14
    First Cig: 15
    First smoking weed: 15
    Broken bone: N/A
    Cavity: 17
    Drug other than weed: 16, [redacted]
    First song DL: Aphrodite, Rinsing Quince
    Here to fuck Chater: I don't even know how to say the motherfucker's name.
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation: Atlanta to Paris.
    Seasons: This is a copy and paste, favorite season? Spring.
    Cried in a move: Neverending story, Boys n' da Hood, Forest Gump,
    Own a gun: No.
    Been arrested: Three times.
    Relationship status: Married.
    Mac or PC: You guys are fuckin' geeks. I don't use a Mac, but would if owned one.
    Dumbest thing I've ever done: Start Smoking Cigarettes.
    Most attractive (famous) person of the opposite sex: Christina Aguilera, Your Mom.
    Kinsey Scale: Uh, not familiar with this scale. I feel comfortable with calling dudes attractive, but I never had a sexual impulse, so 1, I guess?
    HP or LOTR: LOTR
    Guilty pleasure: Drinking enough Natural Light to kill a Golden Retriever each day?
    Favorite Band: Sound Tribe Sector 9
    Money or experience: Experience
    Recurring dream: Cliffs, narrow spaces, sometimes on Roller Blades. Anxiety / vertigo feeling.
    Favorite city I've been to: Geneva
    Ideal vacation spot: Northern California (been). Mauritious (have not been)
    Achievement most proud of: Hasn't occurred yet.
    Number of deaths: 5.
    Sport: Football (watch), Hockey (play)
    Road trip destination: Atlanta, Asheville.
    Favorite Poison: Er, Natural Light.
    Responsible for me pursuing my curent life: My Uncle and my boy Tex.
    Fave porn star: I can't remember her name, some red head, pretty popular.
    Biggest regret: Telling my first love I wanted to fuck other girls.
    Most despised sports team: Dallas Cowboys
    Drink when I wake up: Natural Light
    Age: 31
    Favorite movie: Forrest Gump
    Been knocked out: Tryin' to knock someone up
    Times I've moved: 11
    Top or bottom: Bottom
    Number of jobs: 5
    Anal: Never to completion.
    If I won the lottery: I would set my alarm clock on fire.
    Favorite smell: Headdy buds - can't argue this one.
    Seen anyone die: No.
    Moment I wish I could relive: Uh 1987 / 1991 Redskins Superbowl victories?
    Secret crush on a TiB member: Secret? Naw. But I would like to know what Shegirl looks like, and Anna's got some nice tits and seems grounded. So I'd split dem whiskers whenever.
    Marry/kill/fuck: Wife/That dude on the Fasion Show (designerrrrsssss)/Paris Hilton
    Do I feel I'm successful: I'm Alright, if successful is greater than or equal to a 7.5/10.
    Shoe size: 10
    If I could move anywhere: Charleston, SC.
    Paid for sex: once
    Biggest age difference for a sex partner: 20
    Internet meme: I don't know what this means.
    Favorite TiB avatar: OE 40 girl.
    Dogs cats etc: dogs or gtfo
    Have kids: nope
    Ass or tits: Ass, tits, non-hangy, pink pussy, face. Choose three.
    Fastest in a vehicle: 137 (limited)
    Do I drive: '09 Outback
    Closest book to me at the moment: Designing RF Prototype Hardware (Fuck you, I'm in training)
    Drink of choice: Come on man!
    Check Facebook: What's facebook? Never.
    Rock paper scissors: Paper.
    Favorite book: The count of monte cristo

    New Question: Do you ever buy $6 cocktails on airplanes, with % of time. Yes, 25%.
  20. Prefontaine

    Expand Collapse
    Village Idiot

    Jan 20, 2010
    Age of first kiss: 13
    Age of first orgasm: 13
    Age when first blowjob given: n/a
    Age when first blowjob received: 17
    Age when virginity lost: 17
    First kind of drink you ever had: Margarita
    Age when first drunk: 17
    Age when smoked first cigarette: 15
    Age when smoked first weed: 20
    Age of first broken bone : 8?
    Age of first cavity: ?
    Age of first use of any drug aside from weed, and which one: Mushrooms - 22
    First song you ever downloaded: Easy-E Gimme dat Nut
    Are you here to fuck Chater? No
    Farthest distance traveled for recreation? Phoenix to Boston
    Which of the four seasons do you most anticipate?: Summer
    First movie you shed a tear watching: Titanic
    Do you own a gun? No
    Current relationship status? Single
    Mac or PC? PC
    Have you ever been arrested? Yes
    Dumbest thing you've ever done? Get arrested.
    Most attractive (famous) member of the opposite sex: Shakira.
    What do you think you are on the Kinsey Scale? 0
    Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Harry Potter.
    Biggest guilty pleasure? Stalking TiB
    Favorite band of all-time? The Offspring
    The sun or the moon? Sun
    Rich with money or rich with experience? Rich with Experience
    Non-standard recurring dreams? Dreams where it feels like I'm in a video game. I keep dying, then having to restart from the beginning and do everything over again. It always involves running from something, but for some reason I always run extremely slow.
    Favorite city in the world that you've been to: Amsterdam
    Ideal vacation spot? Ibiza
    Achievement you've taken the most pride in (not necessarily greatest)? Qualifying/Running the Boston Marathon
    Number of deaths? few...
    Fav. Sport: Football
    Favorite "Road Trip" Destination: Miami
    Favorite Poison: Car Bombs.
    Have you ever had your heart broken? No
    What/who is responsible for inspiring you to pursue your current life goal/career? Neil Strauss
    Fav. Porn Star: Whoever's on redtube front page
    What is your biggest regret in life? Missing State Track meet.
    Most despised sports team: Steelers. And their fans. Jesus.
    What you drink when you wake up: OJ
    How old are you? 23
    Favorite movie? Glengarry Glen Ross.
    Have you ever been knocked out? Yes
    How many times have you moved (excluding college moves or same town/local moves)? 4
    Top or Bottom? Top
    How many jobs have you held? Does online poker count as a job?
    Ever given or received anal? No
    If you won the Lottery and never had to work again, what would you do? Travel. And two chicks at the same time.
    Favorite smell? Ex gf's hair
    Have you ever seen anyone die/dying? No
    Moment of your life you most wish you could relive? Knowing what I know now, the time I lost my virginity
    Do you have a secret crush on another TIB member? TX.
    Marry/kill/fuck? I'll stick with TiB here... shegirl/shegirl/shegirl
    Do you feel you are successful? Up to this point, yes
    Shoe size: 9
    If you had the money to move anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Austrailia
    Have you ever paid/been paid for sex? Yes
    Biggest age difference with a sexual partner? 19
    Favorite Internet Meme: ?
    Favorite TiB avatar (that isn't yours): Viking33
    Dogs, cats, or strange animals? Dogs
    Do you have any kids? No
    Ass or Titties? Ass
    Fastest you ever been in a vechicle? 125 MPH
    What do you drive? Civic
    Closest book to you at the moment? Consultative Closing
    What is your drink of choice (be specific)? Ginger Ale and Coconut Rum
    How often do you check Facebook? Daily
    What's something that you've never done, but really want to do? Pick up a chick at the grocery store and fuck her that day
    What's a rumor that was spread about you in high school? Dunno...I have a small penis, but not really a rumor
    Given the opportunity to donate millions of dollars at no cost to you, what do you donate to? Electric Car Research
    For spring break trip, beach/southern atmosphere or ski lodge/winter atmosphere? Beach. God, the Beach.
    Rock, paper, scissors? Rock.
    If you could bring anybody back from the dead to Have as a guest Who would it be? Steve Prefontaine
    You can have dinner with three famous people of the same sex, who?: Abraham Lincoln, Casanova, & Henry Clay
    Did you like IHTSBIH? Yes
    Whats your theme song?: Gay Bay, by Electric Six
    Favourite Book: IHTSBIH
    Favourite candy: Peanut Butter M&Ms
    Worst Movie I've seen: IHTSBIH
    Philosopher? Day Cart


    If you could have been present during some point in History, what would you choose to observe? First Olympic Games