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The Softer Side of TiB

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, May 25, 2011.


    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    What brings you to TiB?

    I picked up a discounted paperback by Tucker Max. I devoured it in in two hours, laughing my ass off. I googled him and found my way to RMMB. I ended up rather enjoying most of the board and actually cared when it was shut down. I followed the group to TIB.

    What keeps you here?

    I am here to fuck Chater, duh.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?

    Nah, it's boring at times but I always have something else to do if you guys suck at entertaining me. Drunk threads have been damn repetitive lately, but that seems to keep me sober, which seems like a healthy side effect.

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?

    No, I have some good stories about getting drunk and using someone to get off, too.
    It seems my proclivities aren't too unusual, I am quite open and blunt about them.

    I'd like to know who the biggest perverts are on here so we can all mercilessly judge them for who they really are, so which members send you the creepiest PM's and reps?

    The creepy ones seem to have begun retreating or have managed to get banned. I have a couple of fans, but we are all on the same page. Like Tweety, I'm not single so that probably limits creepers imaginations.

    And by all means, tell us about the other TiBettes that you secretly can't stand.

    I get along pretty well with most everyone. I have always been outspoken and blunt, but rarely have any ill intention. Dcc and I really bonded when I was going through some crazy shit last year, she gave sound advice and kept me laughing. There appears to be a thread of horse love running through most of the girls here, which probably speaks volumes.

    You are obviously vastly outnumbered on here in the gender department, so why here? There are a million (much more feeble) message boards out there that the sexes are more even, so why choose this kegger at the nerd frat?

    I enjoy the humour and general banter. I have learned a great deal about inumerable subjects. Plus, there are no retarded emoticons, ass kissing is kept to a minimum and the blunt honesty found here keeps me laughing.

    For the ladies that have boyfriends or husbands, do you tell your men about this place? Why or why not?

    I don't go into detail, but my man knows I post here as PIMPTRESS. I don't have anything to hide, it makes it all easier. He has his things, I have mine. He's respectful of that.
  2. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    Which TIBer would you most like to have a one night stand with?

    Which TIBette would you most like to have a one night stand with?
  3. bewildered

    Expand Collapse
    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    I'm not sure how, but I found the Tucker Max site about 2 years before he shut down the message board. I lurked a lot and only posted a few times. It was kind of intimidating there and while I enjoyed reading a lot of the material (the advice board was by far the BEST part of that board), I usually kept my comments to myself because I knew I would probably be red dotted from here to hell in less than an hour.

    I've always been more comfortable around guys, just shooting the shit and talking. When ladies get together, claws at some point are going to be extended and feelings are going to be hurt. So, I actually prefer that this site is mostly populated by gents. There are just enough ladies present to have "the other side" represented, if that makes any sense.

    There is a wide variety of interesting topics to read about and I'm not scared to chime in. This board makes me feel much more welcome than any other online community. Since it is not attached to some commercial product, there aren't a ton of new people coming in and out on a regular basis. There's a decent, steady base of people here and I associate certain personalities with certain posters. I like wondering when KIMaster is going to post a 5,000 word response to why your opinion is wrong, or when Ballsack will go off on a "you're a fag" rant, or when AudreyMonroe will post something unknowingly racist while trying to be open minded, or when Ghettoastronaut will wave his dick around about being smarter than everyone because he's gonna be a pharmacist! People occasionally lock horns but the admins here are quick to ban and lock and keep things happy for the most part.

    I post at a couple other websites and the level of maturity is just much lower. Even if a reasonable topic comes up, their take on it is usually shallow and the thread ends up locked after a flamewar and endless stream of meme pictures. It makes my head hurt. Honestly, the level of dick waving and cum spewing here is hardly enough to even mention.

    There are always new topics here to read. I have a sick sense of humor so I feel right at home.

    And I second (third? fourth?) that statement about TiBette. It's too cute and whoever coined it is a genius.

    Which TIBer would you most like to have a one night stand with?

    Which TIBette would you most like to have a one night stand with?

    Didn't we already cover that in that stupid ask a question, answer a million questions thread?
  4. sharald27

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    Average Idiot

    Dec 9, 2009
    chucktown, il
    I'll make this short. Pretty much reiterate everything everyone else is saying.

    What brings you to TiB?

    A looong time ago when I hated men and wanted only sex with no feelings attached-a guy I was kind of seeing went with me to Borders and he showed me this book "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell". I read the first story, found it extremely amusing, and bought the book. I went on Tucker Max's site. Found the forum and then travelled to TiB went RMMB shut down.

    What keeps you here?

    Like everyone says, the intelligence level. I always have gotten along better with males than females. The topics and humor are more my style that you find more with guys. It's always fun being able to rant to random people and not worry about repercussions. Basically what everyone else said.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?

    No, not really. Like I said, I get along with guys better most of the time and a lot of stuff talked about on here is similar to what I talk to my friends anyways. I generally think more like a guy-or at least am able to understand it more. Plus it does give a better insight to how the male mind works no matter how much I think I know about guys.

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?

    Nope. Still in college so this is typical behavior and topic.

    I'd like to know who the biggest perverts are on here so we can all mercilessly judge them for who they really are, so which members send you the creepiest PM's and reps?

    Nothing creepy really. I've had my share of extremely creepy encounters in real life that have no comparison to some of the guys here saying stuff they'd like to titty fuck me which I take more as a compliment.

    And by all means, tell us about the other TiBettes that you secretly can't stand.

    No problems with the chicks. I'm pretty sure all the females on this site have very similar personalities.

    You are obviously vastly outnumbered on here in the gender department, so why here? There are a million (much more feeble) message boards out there that the sexes are more even, so why choose this kegger at the nerd frat?

    Spelling, grammar, and complete sentences make all the difference in the world. I correct all my friends papers and had to tutor some people in English 101 for grammar lessons. This one dumbass didn't know what a goddam fragment was and couldn't even comprehend the concept the first few times I explained it. Total. Grammar. Nazi.The intelligence factor behind it all makes it worth-while. Topics I'm actually interested in. There's only one TiB after all...

  5. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    What brings you to TiB?
    Like a lot of people here, I started off at Tucker max's message board. I went to it one day because some girl asked Tucker to prom and the ensuing verbal abuse the girl was getting entertained me for awhile. After that board shut down, I saw the link to this place and I've been here ever since.

    What keeps you here?
    The intelligent conversation, believe it or not. I've learned a lot being here, although I couldn't give you a single example.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?
    Not at all. I work in an office with 10 women and one man. At the end of the day, I need a break from hearing about mensuration and make-up. That's not to say the women in my office don't have filthy minds, but that part only comes out once in awhile.

    As for censoring myself, hell no. Although, that may have more to do with the anonymous nature of the forum than anything else.

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?

    No. I mean, I don't drink all that often and I get laid even less, but I make up for it by being a hot mess when I get a few drinks in me and by making the sex kinky when it happens.

    On a sidenote, I've always loved the term "TiBette." It makes me so happy. I want to round up all the others and get our hair done in Beehives and put on tight glittery dresses and sit around drinking gimlets. Anyone in?

  6. lostalldoubt86

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe

    Yes. But you need to know the handshake.
  7. mya

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Why choose just one, wasn't there an event planned involving cocktails (not to be confused with cocks) and a trampoline?
  8. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    I'm still waiting for this to happen. Talk about the best party EVER!
  9. Chirpy

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    Oct 20, 2009
    What brings you to TiB?

    Like everyone else, I read "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell" and was completely hooked. When I read it, I was definitely intrigued and had never had something that was so simple teach me so much about myself. Truthfully, I'd read the stories and sadly identified with some of the girls described and was completely horrified with my revelations. So in the interest of self-improvement, I became a pretty active poster on the old board. I remember getting flamed by DRex and Tucker on a few occasions and it was awesome because it made me stop thinking like such a chick. Fast forward to now where I'm not as active but certainly still intrigued. I just enjoy reading about other people's lives and opinions and luckily at this point, think I'm coming at it from a totally different perspective now.

    What keeps you here?
    All of the above plus that amazing procrastination factor. Would I rather enter grades or read some funny stories? Hmmmmm...TiB wins every single time.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?

    Not at all. I adore men and have always preferred their company. With all the emasculation that seems to be happening in the world today (ie "mancaves", "murses", "man dates", etc) it's actually refreshing to see boys being boys. This place is a treasure trove for the male perspective...a girl would be a fool to not make use of it.

    There are certainly some threads that I feel as though I can't participate in since they're so geared towards the male psyche. That doesn't really bother me--there are certain limitations to being a woman and I accept that gladly. I couldn't tell you who'd win in a fight between Mighty Mouse or Mickey Mouse so those times, I just sit back and enjoy the conversation. As for other threads, I am never intimidated...sometimes you boys need a little estrogen around to stop jerking each other off.

    I'd like to know who the biggest perverts are on here so we can all mercilessly judge them for who they really are, so which members send you the creepiest PM's and reps?

    I'll never tell. I've gotten some seriously dirty stuff sent to me but nothing that has given me that "ugh I need to shower after reading that" feeling. Surprising, eh?

    And by all means, tell us about the other TiBettes that you secretly can't stand.

    I actually really like the girls on here. I like to think of the girls on this board how I think of Shirley McClain hanging with the Rat Pack...very chill, accepting, funny, appreciating men for being men but most certainly always a woman. I have a great deal of respect for women (broads) like that.

    The only time I want to shave someone's head is when you have that random post that screams "look at me!"--overly sexual or inappropriately provocative...I come here to get away from girls like that. Those posts just have that insincere vibe to them. For example, I remember there was a thread about words on the RMMB and one of the posters said she liked to use the word "niggardly" in regular conversation. Really? Niggardly? I'm sure. That post set the whole thread off track and it just screamed "please give me attention!!!" I hate that shit--male or female. Just be real.

    You are obviously vastly outnumbered on here in the gender department, so why here? There are a million (much more feeble) message boards out there that the sexes are more even, so why choose this kegger at the nerd frat?

    I think Tweetybird had the best answer here, so ditto.

    I thought we all did that before logging in. You mean, I'm the only one?

    For the ladies that have boyfriends or husbands, do you tell your men about this place? Why or why not?

    Yep because, quite frankly, he gets me. I teach all day and like to have this place for a little adult discourse to help me unwind a bit. He thinks it's cool that I'd rather read on here for a bit rather than turn on the tv. Haha...he is probably appreciative that I'm actually quiet when I get home from work and not bitching about school.

    Noland, I absolutely adore you.

    Oh so true. And don't forget about the pillow fight.

    That's easy. Geigs. And after, I'd get him a beer and make him a sandwich.

    Tweety, I’d drink with you any time, any place.
  10. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    My mind went straight in the gutter on this one.
  11. Trakiel

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    Call me Caitlyn. Got any cake?

    Nov 3, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Personally I thought it was mean to tell hotwheelz that the requirement was a handshake.
  12. Slambrarian

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 28, 2009
    What brings you to TiB?

    Some how, one day I found Tuckers stories, read them & then found the message board. It was a long time ago, pre-books, etc. I was more of a lurker and when I did post, it was always in a more fun conversation, not the scary ones where people yelled at you. But, I did love to read about someone else getting an ass reaming.

    What keeps you here?

    The people and the topics. They are hilarious. I love the stories everyone tells and I have learned a surprising amount on this site. Reading some of this stuff is almost like overhearing conversations I have with my friends. Some of the most disgusting stuff is kinda like an that accident I can't look away from.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?

    I love it, I love reading people's opinions, even if they get nasty. Hey, if I can admit that I am a vegetarian here and didn't get red-dotted, it's got to be an ok place! (I am going to get red dotted now, aren't I?)

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?

    I was never a big hook up person, but a few of my friends were & I always enjoyed hearing about the crazy situations they would get into, it's kind of like living vicariously through you all. Not in a jealous way, I love my life and I had my "wild" years but I still like hearing about the crazy shit some of you fools do.

    I'd like to know who the biggest perverts are on here so we can all mercilessly judge them for who they really are, so which members send you the creepiest PM's and reps?

    Surprisingly, being an out, full blown lesbian on this board, I have gotten very very few creepy PM's. I think most people picture me a a big old bull dyke and that freaks them out. And for the record - I am not.

    And by all means, tell us about the other TiBettes that you secretly can't stand.

    Oh, I like everyone. From some the pictures I have seem, I think I can conclude all of the TiBettes are adorable and wonderful.

    You are obviously vastly outnumbered on here in the gender department, so why here? There are a million (much more feeble) message boards out there that the sexes are more even, so why choose this kegger at the nerd frat?

    It's been said before, people who are on this board are intelligent & at least hold intelligent conversations. I have only been to a few others boards (mostly mom stuff) but they usually bore me and don't have the wide range of topics that we do here.

    For the ladies that have boyfriends or husbands, do you tell your men about this place? Why or why not?

    My girlfriend know I go to a message board, but she's not really into computer stuff and only has a general idea about what a message board actually is. But, I will tell her some of the funnier stores, etc. She gets a kick out of it. She also thinks I am a weird-o, but knows that I have a LOT of down time at work & need to do something to make my day go faster.
  13. taste_my_rainbow

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    What brings you to TiB?

    A friend of mine introduced me to Tucker's stories and message board way way back when it had just started up. I posted somewhat regularly there and came here after RMMB's shut down.

    What keeps you here?

    There's several things I like about this place... I like that it's not too big. I like the relative anonymity - only three people from here have met me in real life. It's also super nice to have people with knowledge about a vast assortment of things I know nothing about that I can ask questions.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?

    Considering that I live with a man that's far more offensive than 99% of you, no. I keep a lot of my opinions to myself only because that's just me, most of you don't give a shit anyway.

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?

    There was a time when getting drunk and hooking up was my routine but it's passed - I keep most of my hook ups pretty private these days and hardly drink.

    I'd like to know who the biggest perverts are on here so we can all mercilessly judge them for who they really are, so which members send you the creepiest PM's and reps?

    I've never gotten a rep or message that was just outright creepy.

    And by all means, tell us about the other TiBettes that you secretly can't stand.

    I've never met any of our fine TiBettes or had more than a couple PM's back and forth but generally speaking I like them all.

    You are obviously vastly outnumbered on here in the gender department, so why here? There are a million (much more feeble) message boards out there that the sexes are more even, so why choose this kegger at the nerd frat?

    I like that I'm a minority here - I generally get along better with men anyway. Too many women and there's bound to be problems. I also dig the no politics, no religion rule, there's enough of both on FB and it's nice that it's absent here.

    I'm in too.

    For the ladies that have boyfriends or husbands, do you tell your men about this place? Why or why not?

    I don't even tell my friends about this place. Sorry TiB, I'm keeping you all for myself.
  14. Aetius

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    You say that like I've never been a DJ.
  15. fertuska

    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    What brings you to TiB?
    Postsecret. I know... Years ago there was one postcard that said "sometimes I think that Tucker Max is the only person truly living life. I secretly wish I could be like him. And I am a girl". So, I looked this "Tucker Max" up, was entertained by the website, which led me to the old message board.

    What keeps you here?
    I <3 you all. awww.

    male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture
    As if this wasn't the case in the outside world too. Well, not so much in the US. Girls here have it so much nicer than rest of the world. No, but seriously, I enjoy the company of men because they are direct, have a less of a filtered sense of humor (is that even English?) and are, in reality, easier and simpler to get along with. That said, I like hanging out with women too. It's just easier to get along with guys for me, especially as colleagues.

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?
    Oh, I am very mild compared to most of you. I only had 2 longterm boyfriends, and am marrying the second one soon. And actually, I am pretty content. To each his own. I have a bunch of crazy friends though.

    creepiest PM's and reps?
    I either never got anything creepy, or my threshold for creepy is skewed.

    And by all means, tell us about the other TiBettes that you secretly can't stand.
    I hope noone is going to walk into that trap...

    You are obviously vastly outnumbered on here in the gender department, so why here?
    It's been said many times before. Where else can I learn about the male urinal etiquette and simultaneously discuss current world events? Plus, I just get so entertained by you guys. I have learned a lot about how men think, and that has been quite helpful.

    do you tell your men about this place? Why or why not?
    My fiance knows that when I am "studying" and start giggling, I am likely on that "stupid messageboard". He has his own stupid hockey messageboard, and we give each other crap respectively.
  16. Judas

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    Oct 25, 2009
    That was exactly what I was thinking. I actually started scrolling through the thread to make sure I wasn't alone. Thanks Fernanthonies, I guess I'm not alone.
  17. shimmered

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    1. Fairly intelligent conversation. The men aren't generally dude-brahs, and the girls aren't vapid wastes of hairspray and cosmetics. I can talk with the females here about men, makeup, and everything in-between, and the conversation is (mostly) intelligent and well thought out. The life experiences among the group, male and female, are varied enough that I can gain a new perspective or at least new insight.
    2. See previous point.
    3. Nah. Guys are going to be guys, just let the girls be girls too.
    4. I think women are more willing than ever to get drunk and hook up. I'm probably pickier than most of my peers, but that's about it. And less emotional about it, generally speaking.
  18. Dcc001

    Expand Collapse
    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Like I would ever expose such intimate, classified information to you jackals.

    Primer all the way.
  19. Nettdata

    Expand Collapse
    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Anyone else under the mistaken impression that Nom is a chick?

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I thought jokes were funny?? There are definitely more feminine posters than Nom who claim to be male.