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The Softer Side of TiB

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, May 25, 2011.

  1. DrFrylock

    Expand Collapse
    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    TiB is a community. It is held together by many threads: drunkenness, rage against the world, boredom at work, and so on. But today, I want to engage with a smaller part of our world. A community within the community, if you will.

    No, not the spergs!

    I'm talking about our lovely TiBettes.

    TiBettes, we very much appreciate your presence here. It brings a sort of balance to our Internet gathering. As you may have noticed, this forum is fairly-well male dominated. Guys around here spew so much digital testosterone all over the place, I have to move it just to get to the suggestions board some nights. I imagine it's even worse than if you got all these guys together in real life, because we're all likely compensating for something.

    So I would like to engage in a discussion to pick the brains of the TiBettes. TiBbers, you may ask the ladies questions, but don't derail the conversation, please. You have many other threads in which to post your opinions.

    I'll prime the pump:

    • What brings you to TiB?
    • What keeps you here?
    • Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?
    • Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?
  2. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I'd like to know who the biggest perverts are on here so we can all mercilessly judge them for who they really are, so which members send you the creepiest PM's and reps?

    And nice shoes, by the way.
  3. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    And by all means, tell us about the other TiBettes that you secretly can't stand.
  4. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    Guys, seeing how far you can put your toes over the "I'm going to shit up this thread before it gets one legitimate post in it" line is not going to make me a happy mod. Mjolnir the Banhammer stands ready.
  5. scootah

    Expand Collapse
    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Is this really a fucking question at this point?

    I had other questions about how you tolerate this sausage fest and how many of you are actually guys trolling for blackmail material, but I don't want to find out that Mjolnir is actually what Frylock calls his penis.
  6. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
    Expand Collapse
    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Fine, a real question: You are obviously vastly outnumbered on here in the gender department, so why here? There are a million (much more feeble) message boards out there that the sexes are more even, so why choose this kegger at the nerd frat?
  7. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I was brought to (the old site of) TiB by Harry Coolahan, who also introduced me to Tucker Max. I had a love-hate fascination with him so I thought a whole forum dedicated to the type of guys he epitomized was too intriguing to pass up. (I assure you I was never one of those girls protesting his readings, but I don't really feel like going into a shpeal about what I meant by "love-hate fascination.") I got hooked on it because I was in a nocturnal phase so I had hours of nothing to do but read through the archives and discover that it was actually ridiculously entertaining, in sort of a gossipy way.

    I stayed because when this site was born it seemed to weed out the bro-y-ness of the old place and I thought a lot of the posters were some combination of funny, interesting, or smart. I like hanging out with dudes, and the type of stuff that gets talked about around here is a fun break from being around girls. Also, I don't know what girl would pass up the chance to "be a fly on the wall" to see how guys talk/what they talk about when they're just hanging out with each other. (I know you all are aware of us TiBettes but I'm pretty damn sure none of you censor what you're saying to protect our delicate sensibilities.) It's juicy. Plus, there's the fact that I work from home, so I enjoy the added internet-distraction factor of it, and - I'm trying to say this in a way that doesn't make me sound like an internet nerd - it's kind of nice to have people to "talk to" when I'm mostly just hanging around by myself.

    Of course sometimes I find the male-dominated culture a bit off-putting, but like I said that's what attracted me here in the first place. I occasionally have to bite my tongue and not post before I go Bunny on ya'all, but for the most part I don't feel pushed away or anything.

    I've actually never gotten any pervy messages. I mean, I have. A lot. But it's always been perfectly appropriate.

    On a sidenote, I've always loved the term "TiBette." It makes me so happy. I want to round up all the others and get our hair done in Beehives and put on tight glittery dresses and sit around drinking gimlets. Anyone in?

    EDIT to answer Crown Royal's question: I don't know of many others, but the couple of ones I've come across it's way too LOL speak and flame war-y for me. I think the little subtitle is perfect for this place. I've found a couple of female boards, but they're always on one focus (parenting, fashion, cooking etc) and I get bored. The closest female version of this is on BUST's site but it's really disorganized and not very active. If I found one, I'd probably go there too, but I haven't yet.
  8. jennitalia

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 5, 2010
    What brings you to TiB?
    I read I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell when I worked at a bookstore and I occasionally lurked on the TMMB/RMMB, but never posted. Pretty much forgot a board existed until I randomly went to visit one day to find no board. I then followed the link on Tucker's website here.

    What keeps you here?
    The majority of you are amusing critters. Occasionally, some of you offer hilarious, albeit useful, advice in my direction.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?
    I actually find your dick-waving and splooge-spewing oddly endearing. As audreymonroe said it's interesting to see how guys behave with a lack of girls around. There's some stuff I withhold from you guys. Lady business is lady business.

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?
    I wouldn't classify my behavior as unusual in either of these regards. I used to drink A LOT more, but I have been drunk less than a handful of times in 2011, hence my recent absences from drunk threads. When I'm single, I like to have fun which, yes, includes having sex with different dudes. Currently I'm in relationship mode; combine that with the lower frequency of drinking means that I'm posting here less.

    You are obviously vastly outnumbered on here in the gender department, so why here? There are a million (much more feeble) message boards out there that the sexes are more even, so why choose this kegger at the nerd frat?
    Most of you can spell and have some semblance of grammar skills, which is more than I can say for most of the interweb.

    As far as creeps go... I haven't got creeped lately. In the boobie thread days, yes. But that's what you get for having your tits on the internet.
  9. hotwheelz

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Is there a secret club where y'all gossip and giggle and braid each other's hair?
  10. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    It's called the mod forum.
  11. hotwheelz

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
  12. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Ive told my girlfriend about this place as she asks what Im typing or what Im laughing at when were on the couch, and I know other guys have told their ladies about it too.

    For the ladies that have boyfriends or husbands, do you tell your men about this place? Why or why not?
  13. mya

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I won't echo what audreymonroe and jennitalia said, because it is much the same for me. I posted a little bit on Tucker Max, but I always thought that the community was a little too big for me (and a little too bro-y, as has been mentioned). I am probably in the minority in that I have never read or seen anything by Tucker Max so didn't fall into that blind devotion thing that so many on that site did. I can't even remember how I stumbled across it, but was instantly intrigued and stuck around, eventually following to this site. Of course some posts make me want to pull out my hair, but then I remember that this is the internet and how silly would it be to get my panties in a wad about it. As far as the most pervy person, I don't really get any pervy PM's. Probably because like many things in life, you get what you give, and I will rarely bust out the overtly sexual post. And I have been pretty open about my marital status, so I am sure that all of you respect that fact (haha). Why not go to a more female centric site? Do you guys know how catty big groups of females are when they get together? I'll just put up with that in my real life thankyouverymuch.

    And to answer the new question, no my husband doesn't know about this site. He knows that I am on the internet on a message board, but he doesn't know which one. Nor does he care. He is not the message board type so he doesn't understand why somebody would waste time sitting in front of a screen posting to strangers. But I suppose that he doesn't mind if I do it.

    Oh - and hit me up with one of those gimlets audrey!
  14. fleafly

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    Dec 10, 2009
    I started on the old TMMB/RMMB, stopped shortly after because the site was blocked at work. When I went back, the site was down and I was routed here. I stay because there is a lot of funny shit going on that's well written and thoguht out. It's also really amusing the neg reps you get from random people.

    And let's not forget how good it is to vent or rant to random people.
  15. Noland

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    New Orleans
    When did you become a woman?
  16. Frank

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I was wondering the same, but I think this post was feminine enough for him to qualify.
  17. Mantis Toboggan M.D.

    Mantis Toboggan M.D.
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    Dec 6, 2009
    Last June, in Thailand.
  18. fleafly

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    Dec 10, 2009
    aaaand....i'm a moron!
  19. tweetybird

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    What brings you to TiB?

    A long time ago, in a land far, far away, I had a job that required maybe 2-3 actual hours of work per day and to amuse me, my then-boyfriend sent me a link to Tucker Max's stories. I read them all, amused and horrified, and when there were none left I was still bored and clicked over to the messageboard. My first post got green dots without being boobie or sex related, which I am told was quite rare back in the day, and I figured that meant I could hang with the big boys. I have found TiB even more cozy than the RMMB, and try to get involved more even though life and occasionally being exasperated with The Idiots gets in the way.

    What keeps you here?

    Like everyone says, the intelligence level. Also, the fly-on-the-wall factor. I am a girly girly pink and sparkles girl, I have no brothers, and although I have been boy crazy since kindergarten boys didn't really pay me much attention until college. I feel like I missed out on what makes guys tick, and I really do think it helps me function in life now that I have more of a window into the male psyche. I can sure as hell give my single girlfriends more accurate and realistic advice, anyway.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?

    Offputting, no. Sometimes it shocks me, but I have to remember that's reality and I shouldn't forget it. I usually say what I want to say here, unless someone else has already articulated it better than I could, and it pleases me greatly when said someone is a guy.

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?

    When I came to this site, I had just started dating the guy I would marry, and thus my hookup days were behind me. I think having wild days (although mine were certainly less wild than some other people's) before settling down is pretty standard, so no.

    I'd like to know who the biggest perverts are on here so we can all mercilessly judge them for who they really are, so which members send you the creepiest PM's and reps?

    It’s always the quiet ones. Most active board members engage on an intellectual/humorous level, especially since I make it so freakin’ obvious I’m taken.

    And by all means, tell us about the other TiBettes that you secretly can't stand.

    I really like the chicks here. Tough enough to hang, but girly enough to get each other. Shout out to Chirpy, who is my hippie sister from another mother!

    You are obviously vastly outnumbered on here in the gender department, so why here? There are a million (much more feeble) message boards out there that the sexes are more even, so why choose this kegger at the nerd frat?

    Moderation, moderation, moderation. Spelling, grammar, and intelligence go a long way. I lurk on boards occasionally, there are a couple where an ethos of spelling correctly and not being an idiot pervades, but it’s a lot of bored girls from middle America and sometimes hard to identify.

    Also, let's not lie, I like attention. Being relatively unique in a population gets you attention. And I'm ok with that.

    SO IN. My husband makes great fresh lime gimlets and is accustomed to fixing them for groups of shrieking girls, so he can bartend.

    For the ladies that have boyfriends or husbands, do you tell your men about this place? Why or why not?

    Like I said, my then-boyfriend now-husband introduced me to the path that led me here. He thinks he created a monster, and is generally bemused by my antics, but I think he likes that he didn't have to explain everything about life as a dude to me. He also enjoys reading my posts and seeing the rep I get, I think he's sort of proud I can hang with the guys.

    I am insulted, sir.
  20. Trickysista

    Expand Collapse

    Oct 22, 2009
    the burbs, PA
    Much of what the boys of this board talk about I never knew existed. There was a discussion about how if you sit to pee, your balls/penis could dangle in the water. Who knew? I always go home and ask him about what I learned on the board that day and he gets a kick out of it. I also find a lot out about sports and since my guy is into any sport out there, it gives me something to talk about with him.

    I'm totally down. I would LOVE to do this!! Can we get manis/pedis too??

    What brings you to TiB?

    What brought me here was Tucker's website. I would go on occasionally to see if he added any new stories. One day I was extremely board and decided to find out what this "messageboard" thing was all about. However, I always felt incredibly intimidated to actually post anything.

    What keeps you here?

    I feel like I can post and share stories without feeling stupid. I felt the old board was for the elite messageboard class, where this board plays more to the interests of everyone. The humor is another thing that keeps me reading. I literally laugh out loud at a post on a daily basis.

    Is the male-dominated dick-waving spooge-spewing culture here offputting? Do you feel there are opinions you can't express here because of it?

    Much of the content here is about getting drunk and hooking up. Do you think that your proclivities in these regards are unusual compared to your peers? In what way?

    Sometimes it makes me sad when I read stories from the college kids on this board. But I had my days of getting drunk and hooking up and the stories make me feel a lot better about myself. I thought I made some bad decisions back in the day, but it's nothing compared to have the shit I read on here. So thank you, TiB.

    All in all, I really enjoy being a TiBette. This board is great and keeps me coming back because there is a great mix of intellect, humor and depravity and I feel like those 3 things don't usually mesh well. It makes this board something special. *tear*