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The Sibling Thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shegirl, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    As someone that is an only child I often hear horror stories about siblings. Ones that make me glad I'm the only one but, every once in a while (ok maybe a little more often than that but bear with me here) I hear something that truly makes me sad I don't have any. This is one of those things.

    It brought tears to my eyes. If you really listen to all the things he is saying about his Brother, about when he has kids and who their favorite Uncle will be and the things they will do when they spend time together. It's all true and pure. So this will be the feel good thread of the week. Share some stories about your siblings. The things that make them special, the things only you and they share.

    And toddamus, I think I can say for all of us, congrats on the news about your twin. Like my rep said, today is a good day.

    PS Don't let this little bit of nice make anyone think I'm still not the same old shegirl. I am I just have a serious case of the weepy PMS going on so zip it.
  2. shegirl

    Expand Collapse
    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    I guess I should have known none of you would have anything nice to say so fine, talk shit, complain, tell how you put little Jimmy in the dryer with a pillowcase full of bees when he was 5*.

    If anyone can guess what TV show that is from, you and I have something in common, good taste in comedy.
  3. lhprop1

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I'm glad you're not my sister. It would make that akward boner I get when seeing your avatar even more akwarder.
  4. McSmallstuff

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    My favorite thing about my sister is that we have a bond that makes communication with her different from any other human being on earth. For example my phone rang around 11pm a few evenings ago all she said was "the fucking fuck." My fiance asked what the late night phone call was about. With no more information than my sisters greeting I responded with "' 'LittleSisterPerson' is pissed at the proscecution in the Zimmerman trial.". Telling this to my fiance was greeted with a tinny "cuz they're fucking morons," from my phone.

    Our friends won't let us play any games where you're guessing clues from your partner because we can just grunt at each other and convey our meaning perfectly. Everyone maintained it was an unfair advantage.
  5. shegirl

    Expand Collapse
    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    Considering how long we've been posting on the same boards and I've had her, you've been sportin' a boner for a long long time.
  6. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    My sisters are rad. I am the youngest, so I get the benefit of their wisdom. They are kind, smart, inventive, and dependable. I cannot say enough nice things about my sisters. My brother on the other hand...well. I want to love him. It is hard when he exhibits mild antisocial personality disorder traits and is passive aggressive. Being the youngest and only boy sure didn't help.

    In any case, it was a little rough growing up just because us girls all shared one bathroom, but we are spread out in age so we weren't all living in the house at the same time. My oldest sister is 39 so she was in college by the time my little brother was even born. I had the typical squabbles and such growing up, but no one event was particularly traumatic. I have a lot of fond memories of these people, and we all work really hard to make time for family events. Holidays are boozy, happy times and we all try to make every Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Mardi Gras, and misc birthdays. I seriously cannot wait to be back on the mainland.

    This is the pic that I deleted from the wdt because I thought it was too personal, but I suppose it belongs in this thread. I was the only one to not make the celebration that my sisters put on for my mom, and I feel pretty bad about that. I should be back in time for Thanksgiving though.


    Attached Files:

  7. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    I was always kind of jealous of friend's of mine who had sisters. They were way ahead of the game when it came to talking and dating girls.

    Im the middle of three brothers. I'd say that aside from some little differences we are about the same person. We all have to be right about everything. Hell you hear us on the phone and sometimes you can't tell which is which. We also weren't wild children. All pretty laid back and maybe to introverted to be rowdy. I'm a lot closer to my older brother since we were around the same age and grew up in the same room for most of our elementary/middle school years.
  8. LessTalk MoreStab

    LessTalk MoreStab
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 29, 2009
    I love both my brothers but am only mates with one of them.

    The middle bro is just too much fucking work as a result of being a self centred narcissist and general trainwreck. Example from a couple of years ago; I hadn’t seen him for 6 months and he was in the state so organised for him to come around for dinner, then we were going out. He turned up drunk at my place with some dickbag drinking/surfing buddy I’ve never met and he couldn’t understand why I thought this was bullshit behaviour at 33. He was supposed to arrive at 7 instead it was at 10pm with aforementioned dickbag in tow, both smashed. I had been looking forward to seeing him and was actually getting worried because he wasn’t answering his phone. Trying to use me like a shitty hotel created the kind of over the top anger that can only be directed at a sibling.

    He decided the best course of action was to drive to my parents house 3.5 hours away, I’m sure the fucker secretly hoped there would be a smash so I would come off like a monster. Parents took his side and thought I was a bastard for “turning my brother out”, this turned into another fight.

    This is not an isolated incident. Other fun brother tricks:

    Didn’t come to my grandmother’s funeral because didn’t have the money, instead went on a six week surf trip to Bali a month later. Out of all our grandparents funerals he’s been to only 1. He “doesn’t like funerals”

    Borrowed and wrote off the folks 12 month old car, fell asleep at the wheel after a night out drinking, blew .085 so no insurance payout. Folks were happy he survived and because he became “depressed” afterwards dad bought him a car 6 months later. Dude was 27 at the time. He wrote off this car of several months later. (Think he’s up to 5 write offs, all without a scratch)

    Deceased grandfather gave him 15K for a one of these cars he wrote off, I think he spent about 8k on a new car the rest on booze and drugs. Bro didn’t attend his funeral 2 years later.

    Several overseas trips that the folks have paid to get him home from because he either missed his flight or stayed beyond his budget and became stranded.

    Have to stop, getting angry.
  9. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    My older brother has an extreme speech disorder. If you saw The King's Speech, remember at the beginning when he's trying to make a speech at the exhibition and he can't get the words out and pretty much an entire stadium full of people is thinking "Come the fuck on dude, nobody's judging, we all want you to be able to speak normally" Well, that's been every moment of his life, more or less, even when doing something as simple as ordering a meal in a restaurant. When he's not stuttering in an extreme manner, he is a wannabe cop who will tell you (well, me, as he can sort of talk to me) every ticket-worthy offence you commit while driving and try to get jabs in edgewise about scratches on my car or whatever. No job, no job prospects, no friends, living with my parents, mom buys all of his clothes (this is also why I can't wear anything she buys), no ambition, and I foresee a very small chance of this changing. As you can see, there are more than a few barriers to us ever getting along.

    My little sister has potential, but in the meantime is a spoiled so and so who intentionally speaks like she's dumb (though she has apparently done rather well in university), and will cry at the drop of a hat around my parents to get what she wants. When it comes to things like weddings she will go into a pout about not wanting to dress nicely for it. I wish I could say I'm recalling incidents from when we were still kids, but these things persist. I feel like we could get along, but I see her quite rarely as she goes to lengths to avoid being near the family. Which is all well and good, I don't exactly make it a priority to go home very often, but I'm properly moved out and independent. When I do see her, there is very little exchanged as she will mostly hide in her room as if she were still a teenager.

    You're right, shegirl, this did cheer me up.
  10. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Im the oldest and was kind of a dick to them growing up. My sister getting sick put everything into perspective real quick and even though she and my brother and I all live quite a distance from each other, I make an effort to call or contact them once a week.

    They are much closer in age than I am with them and had much more in common. My brother is very independent and always has done his own thing, to the dismay of no one since he's fairly successful. My sister despite her sickness and learning disabilities she had to deal with, turned out surprisingly well. No gripes about either of them, though I don't know if they'd say the same about me. That probably breaks my heart more than anything.
  11. toddamus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    So yea, there's my twin, which is a good thing. It is a different deal from normal siblings. I pretty much text him everyday. We're identical, however we went to different schools so that we could develop our own personalities. Also, my friends and his friends tend to be pretty different. He's much more nerdy, and I'm more of a jock. Btw, I've posted off and on here about my brothers journey. I remember when it first started for real, I posted a rant here say three years ago, and you guys were supportive then. Its nice for it to come full circle and have you guys continue the support. We fully understand that many cancer cases don't have happy endings and we count ourselves unlucky but lucky.

    Then I have an older brother who is 8 years older than me and my sister is 6 years older. I'm close to them, but the age difference between me and my brother is pretty apparent. He's a good guy, but he's way too boring for my taste. My sister is cool, but she married a guy younger than me who is really passive and kind of a Sally (the only hangover he's ever had in life was after his bachelor party!). I like my other sibllings but its easy to not talk to them. I can't imagine not talking to my twin.

    I do like having siblings. They are a nice support network. I assume my friends will come and go, and they may ditch me or I ditch them etc and etc. However with my siblings I can count on them to be there when shit goes wrong. Its nice to know when I need them they are there.
  12. Jason Mc

    Jason Mc
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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Is anyone else just happy shegirl is around and bumping threads?

    I have 4 younger sisters but only grew up with one. The rest were adopted or married in after it really counted. My sister and I were very close until I went off to college. About the same time both of our already separated parents started making drastic life changes. No cell phone, no car, etc. etc. we didn't talk much for about 4 years. We have since reconnected as adults and get along famously. We are at different points in our lives but we can still talk to each other about anything. She recently graduated undergrad and I provided the toast at her party. I'm also taking her to London next month because I'm an awesome big brother.
  13. Reifer

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jan 15, 2010
    Some may remember me posting about my brother and how close we were. He was 2 years older than me almost to the day. Growing up, we had different personalities and gravitated to different kinds of people but we always had each others back. Our family went through some pretty rough times and the parents were all kinds of fucked up, so a lot of times it seemed like it was just him and I doing our best to avoid the hell of being at home and pretty much raising ourselves.

    I joined the Navy and about a year and change later, he did too. We both got out of the fucked up home life and did well for ourselves. No matter where we were, we'd always call or text each other, just to bullshit about nothing and have a few laughs.

    Sadly, last April, my brother was killed by a drunk driver that ran a red light. In May of this year, my family and I read statements to the court while standing not 10 feet away from the man that ran him down. The judge gave him 12 years. 12 years and he'll be out, but I'll never see my best friend again.
  14. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I'm an only child, but I had a younger brother for a few years. My stepmother had a son who I think was 7 year younger than me. We bonded the first time we met. He was kind of a handful at times and was prone to tantrum-throwing (I think he was 3 the first time I met him), but I think we both really wanted siblings and enjoyed spending time together. When his mom got sick he was simultaneously the reason why I had to be an adult much more than I would have if I was going through it alone and the reason that I still got to be a little kid. As his mom got sicker and my dad was getting more depressed and distant, I ended up cooking all our meals and getting us ready for school and making sure he got on his bus and all that. But, I also just got to fucking play sometimes and have a distraction from all of the very adult things that were happening all around us and get into our own world together as kids. We could have fun and we could talk to each other as the only other people who really understood what we were going through. He knew that my mom had died and he kept asking me what it was going to be like. For a while, it felt like we were all each other had. When it happened, and we had to tell him, I ended up being the one that got him to stop crying - we even got each other to start laughing.

    But, after his mom died, his dad took him and wouldn't tell my dad and I where they were or how to reach them. He didn't give us any warning and changed his number. (That's the shortest version of the story, at least.) I was 13 the last time I saw him. I tried to find him off and on for a few years and then eventually gave up. Then, for whatever reason, I tried to track him down again when I was in college, and I actually managed to do so. I found his cousin on Facebook and she gave me his address, so I sent him a really long letter. I thought I was never going to hear from him when he called me and we talked for around 45 minutes while I was trying to hear him on the street and we were both alternatively trying to figure out what to even say to each other and crying. When we hung up it was pretty clear that we were never going to talk to each other again. I think he was 6 the last time we saw each other, so he probably barely remembers me or what our life was like together, and I think it's too sad and strange for him to have this tie to the sadness surrounding his mom. And, I've gotten the impression over the years that his dad somehow manipulated him into thinking that my dad and I are the enemy, so there's a good chance that he hates me for reasons that are untrue and I have no idea about. I think about him all the time - his cousin recently posted a picture of him at his high school graduation looking like a goddamn adult, and he's going to school in Boston like I did - and I like to imagine how maybe one day we'll find each other again and be a part of each other's lives. There's a part of me that still considers him my brother even though it was just those few years and it's been so long, and I'll even falter for a second when people ask me about my siblings. I've found him on Facebook and I think about writing him again sometimes, but I don't think he'd want me to. Maybe it'll happen someday.
  15. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    That really hit a nerve with me. Growing up as an only child, I longed for a sibling. My father happily obliged by getting married 6 times and introducing his new wife's offspring as my brothers and sisters. I eagerly embraced these new siblings so I was just like everyone else I knew, I had brother's and sisters.

    Then came the inevitable nasty divorce and I suddenly had no siblings again.

    That's what makes my sister so special to one can take her away from me. I really have a sibling and no matter what, I always will. That's a pretty awesome feeling for someone that has had the rug ripped out from under them so many times.
  16. Arctic_Scrap

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Duluth, MN, USA
    I have an asshole younger half brother. His entire life has consisted of lies and trying to be the victim and getting people to feel bad for him. A month before my mom died[this past march] she actually apologized to me for wasting so much time with him when we were young because she finally realized he is a worthless drug addict. He was also investigated for some type of sexual contact with a young boy but there was never enough evidence to do anything. Now I am executor of my moms estate and have had nothing but problems with him. He took my 28lb lake trout mount that my grandfather had caught with me, took a shotgun that was given to me, and I believe he stole some jewelery that had been in the family. While we have been arguing he went so far as to make fun of me because I really only have 2 close family members left, a grandfather with dementia and an aunt. I do not speak to my dad or his family. Right now I am nearly to the point of giving up my executor position and letting the bank handle it. It will cost us both a lot of money but I have a decent job and he, at the age of 24, has maybe a years worth of working at a real job. Fun stuff.
  17. effinshenanigans

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I have one sister who's five years younger than me.

    My relationship with her didn't really begin until I went off to college. We did okay as kids, but we fought a lot, especially when I was in high school and she was in middle school. A lot of that had to do with my parents and how they had a different set of rules and expectations for the two of us. For example, my father, my mom, and I would be outside in the yard spreading mulch or replanting flower beds while my sister would be inside watching tv and drinking lemonade. That never felt fair. On top of that, it gave her a serious sense of entitlement that spread into other things.

    But once I went away to college and she had the house to herself and I had some independence and distance, when I came back home, we actually got along great. She was a little older and we had more in common, so we started to enjoy spending time with each other. I'd come home late at night and she'd still be up, so I'd take her to a nearby diner for a bite to eat. We talked online while I was at school all the time to stay in touch. It was nice.

    When my parents divorced, it brought us even closer. She was in the house taking shrapnel as things between my parents fell apart and I was already living with my girlfriend. There were plenty of times when she stayed with us to just get away and we'd talk a lot about what was going on and how hard it was.

    The last three months have been rough for me without a job. When I first told her what had happened, she immediately asked what she could do to help. I said that I was going to be okay for a little while, but she continued to persist. She's still living with my mom and has a very good paying job, so one night (after hearing about a conversation I had with my mom regarding money and that things were getting tight/stressful) she just showed up at my place with her checkbook and asked what I needed--completely unsolicited.

    It's certainly not an easy thing to borrow money from your little sister, but because of her I was able to pay my mortgage last month. She's really come through for me in a huge way and has been incredibly supportive. Now that I'm more than just back on my feet again, I'm already planning on doing something really cool for her. I'm thinking that round trip tickets and hotel for a weekend anywhere in the U.S. for her and her boyfriend would be something she'd enjoy.
  18. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Only child here, bite sized family. My parents were extremely generous with me as well as very watchful and strict with boundaries. I always had earlier curfews and was NEVER allowed to talk back or even debate for that matter. It simply was not permitted in their house. Aside from that small thing, I went in awesome vacations, could sign up for any sport or activity, and had every GI Joe there was except for the aircraft carrier, which my friend next door had.

    Siblings freak me out, im sorry but you guys are fucking WEIRD. At one point you try to murder each other, one minute later you're defending that same sibling with your life. Maybe it's a "that's MY kill" thing, I dunno.
  19. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I am the youngest of four. I have a brother two years olders than me and two sisters four years older than me. Notably, all three got engaged in the past nine months. I am the last free man in the family.

    I get along very well with my sisters. They are identical twins and I swear they can communicate via ESP. Their personalities are a little different- one can cry at the drop of a hat and the other won't hesitate to say "Fuck you!" back. Both are awesome cooks and throw great parties and are a lot of fun. I like their fiancés too.

    My relationship with my brother has always been rocky. We fought constantly while growing up and I always felt like my parents sided with him. The physical fights ended when I was 17 and outgrew him so he could no longer keep winning them. He has a condescending "You have no clue" attitude towards me like he is the alpha dog, I am the little brother, and thats how it's gonna be. He can be very selfish and insensitive towards others in the family too. We lived about 20 minutes from each other for the past six years and generally kept out of each other's way.

    Reading this thread brings out a mix of emotions in me... half of it being guilt for taking his presence for granted and the other half says "he's still an asshole." He moved to North Carolina for grad school a couple of weeks ago with his fiancé and I feel bad for not taking the time or effort to try and connect with him better before he moved. He hasn't caused the family any harm or trouble but he has left an impression on me, both negative and positive. Because of him I'm a more competitive and determined person, but at the same time I can be very sensitive if teased and can overreact with a hot temper. More often than not I still get angry when I think about him, and typing this post has been no different. I don't want our relationship to continue like this.
  20. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I have a younger sister. She's 26. We get along really well now but growing up was rocky. We fought all the time and she still has the ability to piss me off.

    When I go visit home, things are generally excellent but she still has that bitchy teenager thing going on from time to time that I will never understand.

    I still hold a tremendous sense of guilt whenever I think of her. We did fight a lot growing up and she got me in trouble all the time. My problem was that instead arguing back, I would shove or hit her because I just didn't have the sense of self control as a kid. Granted it wasn't like a punch to the face or a kick or anything, but it was still something.

    I feel like I took her childhood away from her and left some sort of permanent damage to her. I'm not sure if its really true or not but I feel like I did.(Because in my mind, I dont see how I didnt) And I haven't forgiven myself for treating her that way. I'm going to be 30 in 2 weeks and it all feels like it was yesterday. It could have been so much better for her when she was little but because of me, it wasn't.

    She knows I love her unconditionally and she has turned out to be a wonderful person. I'm sure she has forgiven me. We don't really talk about this part of growing up together but I still live it every single day.

    I'm just glad we have a nice relationship now. I would be devastated if we went the way of my mom and brothers. None of them speak to each other.