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The Fappening - NSFW

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nettdata, Aug 31, 2014.

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  1. Popped Cherries

    Popped Cherries
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 26, 2009
    This 100000%

    No one, besides a few ESPN articles who put more of the focus on asking about Upton, have said one word about Verlander. ZERO. No one gives a shit something like this happened to him. Once you realize this, all of the "outrage" becomes laughable.
  2. Popped Cherries

    Popped Cherries
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 26, 2009
  3. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Verlanders cock, rightly or wrongly, had next to no commercial value in publication. While releasing nude photos might have diminished his brand and endorsement attraction, and in all likelihood nobody would have paid for them (or at least not enough to matter), having them leaked really doesn't touch his market value or damage future ability to sell that imagery. For the girls, that shit isn't remotely true.

    Also? Nobody slut shames pro athletes. If anything he'd be more shamed for not having jammed his cock into a celebrities eye. And really, apart from the fact that it's his partner recognisably in the photo, how do we know it's verlander? Did the neck beards have other clock shots to go all csi 4chan on? Unless he acknowledges it, it could be an old photo with forged metadata or she could be banging some other guy.

    No right or wrong in it, but it's a different situation for verlander
  4. Clutch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    God that would be an astounding way to get caught cheating.
  5. Popped Cherries

    Popped Cherries
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 26, 2009
    So, because his photos didn't have a commercial value it's somehow different then a person who could have profited from their nude photos? A leaked photo is a leaked photo. You can't stand on one side of the fence about one and another side for another.

    He did acknowledge it. It's also hard to make the leap that photos included in a set of 100+ pictures that include him, his current and ex girlfriends is somehow not him. I agree, can't be 100% sure, but in all likelihood, I highly doubt it's someone else. They didn't just release nudes of him and Upton, there are about 20 shots of them just doing normal things any couple might have in their phones camera roll.
    As to the fact that no one slut shames athletes, well, that's not entirely true either. It's been mentioned in more than one online hit piece that Jeter's given herpes to about 20 different women. Alex Rodriguez has had quite a few articles written about his sexual lifestyle. Mike Piazza had a front page SI written entirely about whether he might be gay. The story last year about people at the NFL combine getting asked RIDICULOUS questions in pre-draft interviews.

    Guys face equally abhorrent shit, maybe not to the 'nth degree that women do, but you can't put blinders on and think everything is one sided just because you don't hear the outrage from certain people.
  6. happyfunball

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    overly defenCive stuffed cougar

    Nov 6, 2009
    I for one, AM freaking out there aren't more celebrity cock pictures dammit! Where's the equality? I am just as curious as what male celebrities look like naked. I can't believe there isn't more outrage about this. My picture scrolling went like this:

    Hey! Dick! Alright!
    This is boring, exit.

    I think he kind of acknowledged it by not acknowledging it. He was asked about it and said he's here to play baseball and doesn't talk about his personal life. For me, that's a big fat yes.

    Edit: Sorry, Popped got to it first.
  7. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Honestly? Imagine a colleague telling someone in the leaked photos that they saw the photos last night. Who do you imagine getting high fived, and who do you imagine getting completely creeped out on? I think it's delusional to think that a pro ball players experience with having his dick in photo with a hot girl leaked is comparable to a non nude model having a photo leaked with a cock jammed into her eye. Slut shaming and stud celebration may. to be purely gendered in all circumstances and male slut shaming certainly happens. But for a working pro ball player? His feedback will be vastly more positive, and vastly less negative than anything that upton or JLaw experience.
  8. Popped Cherries

    Popped Cherries
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 26, 2009
    So if I understand what you're saying is that because of who he is and the content of the photos were not just him, but also of his hot GF, he's going to get more, "You're fucking that, NICE!" reaction than JLaw who people are saying she's a whore for taking nude photos.
    This, I can't argue with, but I do have the opposing view as to why that happens.

    Who are the people who went apeshit about the photos? Upton, JLaw, and now Maroney. We haven't heard much mention of Kaley Cuoco because publicly she took it in stride. We haven't heard anything from Kirsten Dunst other than her posting a simple tweet calling apple icloud a piece of shit. What about the chick who had a couple videos, one of which she was begging the guy she was fucking to smell his asshole. I mean, if anyone should be shouting on the rooftops, it's her.

    So we go back to the people who are the focus of this whole thing. The people who are standing up and saying, "we are going to prosecute, fuck the internet, we are getting the FBI involved, etc etc" I think people are mostly throwing back the "slut shaming" language because it's those people who are basically saying, "I have zero responsibility in this matter, it's an attack not against me personally but against all women, and how dare you say anything negative about me or any of these women."

    I don't know, maybe I'm not seeing the viewpoint the same as others are, but I can't help to think there is a lot of bullshit noise that's being parroted as absolute and non-negotiable.
  9. Chellie

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    Verlander's dick isn't a big deal because he's a man. A picture of a guy doing what guys do and getting laid? Cool story, what's your point? When it's a woman, we'll OH EM GEE y'all, check out those genitals! A pussy is not a dick, and a titty is not a man nipple. This is slut shaming pure and simple, and that just doesn't happen to men. Whether you like it or not, and whether you agree with it or not, there is a double standard and you know it.

    These women did not post their pics anywhere remotely public. They trusted the security of a corporation that assured them they were secure. They thought they were protected, and we're assured of that. If you set the alarm system in your house using the panel at your front door and left for the day, after repeated and multiple assurances from your alarm company that you were protected and then someone waltzed into your back door because 'whoops! Company totally didn't think to protect that one!' And you were robbed blind, whose fault is that? There are 2 correct answers here. And neither is 'yours'.

    The fact is these women did something private. They entrusted their privacy to people who went out of their way to make them feel that privacy was safe. Then their privacy, dignity, world wide reputations, sense of self, and sense of agency was violated for MILLIONS to see. Bar's daddy has now seen the inside of her anus. By all means men, keep saying 'they should've known better'. We're used to it.

    In the meanwhile, I've requested that every nude I've put up here be deleted. Even though this is a public forum, where I have even less expectation of privacy than these women did, I'd like to think that if some asshat took my pics and posted them to the moon and back, this board would give that person a resounding 'fuck you'. Now that I know the actual response would be 'meh, she should've known better,' I'm left feeling a little icky about those pics being here.
  10. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010

    Cool story. Absolutely NOTHING in either version gives ANYONE ground, or privilege, or entitlement, or anything else to the food. The fridge is inside a private residence behind locked doors.

    And when you say "Well. You told everyone how good it was, what did you expect?" you're laying some portion of responsibility for a thief doing harm on the person from whom goods were stolen. And that simply isn't right.

    You HAVE to separate Kate Upton the Product from Kate Upton the Woman. We all know that celebrity image is carefully crafted, chosen specifically by a group of personnel hired to create a persona. That persona is the product and the existence of that product doesn't diminish the rights of the person.

  11. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T LEAVE THE DOORS OPEN AND THE KEYS IN IT. Their cars were locked, alarms set. They didn't leave it open. They took their security measures.

    Well. Apparently because if women do that, they are placing themselves in imminent danger because we all know men can't resist a pair of titties, so if/when, while sunbathing or after sunbathing, a woman is sexually assaulted - "Well. I mean. She's got the 'right' to sunbathe topless, but...I mean...she laid out there for like 4 hours and everyone could see. Somehow she should've expected that a little bit, taken better precautions."
  12. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    You really can't have it both ways. You can't beg women to be trusting and open when you want them to send tit pics and then blame them when that trust is violated.

    That's the part that really makes me sad. I bet all of these pics were taken to make a dude happy, and now they've been stolen to make other dudes happy, and a bunch of dudes get to get their boner on at the expense of women who did nothing wrong but trust them.
  13. Chellie

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    Actually, I'm going to take it a step further and encourage all the other Tibembets to take their pics down too. Ladies, you know what's going to happen if an asshole like, oh let's say Ballsack logs on and posts your pics all over the interwebs? Apparently you'll be told you should've known better.

    Now that we DO know better, let's just put the lesson we're being taught by these gentlemen to use! Thanks for the education?

    ETA: Tibembets? Thanks auto correct, but I don't think that's a word either...
  14. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    If you posted your tits onto a public, open forum, into a thread whose sole intention is to show other people on the internet your tits, and expected their dissemination or viewing to be somehow protected or controlled, then you're naive, and an idiot, and yes, you should have known better.

    And if you think, for a second, that any of those celebs whose pics leaked even thought for ONE second about things being secure in the cloud or on their phone, then you're so wrong... they didn't think at all, they just sexted it because that's what everyone else does and they were in the heat of the moment. People, by and large, don't understand technology, they just use it, and then bitch when the repercussions bite them in the ass.

    Just remember... nobody but us around here gives a shit about your tits, because to everyone else you're a nobody... you're not famous, you don't make it onto tabloid covers, or on entertainment shows, or make movies for millions of dollars. THEY are the ones that should have known better, not you.

    To the rest of the world you're just a stupid, no-name chick who showed her tits on the internet, just like like the million other ones.
  15. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    No, they fucking didn't.

    Because what they were protecting was the equivalent of the Hope Diamond. If you have the Hope Diamond, you will have very sophisticated thieves that are going to try and grab it using very technical measures, not some meth addict kicking in the back door and rifling your liquor cabinet. So you take precautions over and above what is normal. Do you think the Louvre just locks their deadbolt and calls it a night? No... they have insane security. Why? Because they're not your normal target.

    Sure, JLaw and the crew did the same kind of basic, simplistic security measures that will work for normal people. But, again, they are NOT NORMAL.

    They were targeted. Apple has said that they were specifically targeted.

    Why do you think they were targeted? Because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time? Because of some random coincidence?

    No. They were targeted for the exact same reasons that the paparazzi go to great lengths to get pictures of them doing inane shit that they can sell to TMZ or some other bullshit tabloid website.

    Everyone else knows that their personal information and pics were highly valuable, and they should have as well... and they should have taken extra precautions, over and above what "everyone else does", to ensure that that shit didn't get out.
  16. Popped Cherries

    Popped Cherries
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 26, 2009
    I should have stopped reading here, but I gave you the benefit of doubt that you wouldn't continue along this line.

    I guess the rebuttal to this is, "JLaw's tits, isn't a big deal because she's a women. A woman not knowing a thing about technology and taking nude pictures, isn't that just what girls do?

    Seriously, lost about 100% respect for anything you have to say from here on out.
  17. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Look, I like tit pics as much as te next person, hell probably more than most. But this is an open forum. The only security you have with pictures here is obscurity. Which is like not locking your doors because you're in quiet neighbourhood. If having your pictures stolen and reposted elsewhere is a catestrophic circumstance, Jesus fuck take them down now. Also, were you fucking high when you posted them? Bigger forums like gone wild on reddit are routinely scraped and archived for amateur porn sites so that you can never undelete your photos. The only reason that doesn't obviously happen here is because it's a small site and probably not worth the effort.

    My best analogy for this is that nobody deserves their bike stolen. But of you leave your bike unlocked on the street in a busy town? The outcome is predictable. And maybe you didn't deserve your bike to be stolen, but acting like people always and only get what they deserve and that the world isn't full of cunts might not make you responsible for cunt acts, but it certainly doesn't make you the sharpest crayon in the box either.
  18. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Heaven forbid someone posts gaping-ass pics on Fetlife or something... then they're out there forever.

    And on that note, I'm done with this thread.

    I started it, so I'm going to take responsibility for my fucking actions and shut it down.

    (You know something is wrong with the world when the lactating senior citizen in the group is making sense)
  19. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    I made it a point to stay out of this and after this maybe I should have kept it that way but after reading what I have, fuck that. As a female member of the various versions of this place over the last many years, I have never posted myself at all. If the reasons for not doing so aren't blaringly obvious then you're probably one that has.

    I would also like to point out to a few of you ladies something that DRex called annabanna out on years ago, you are posting T&A pics on a site that you post pics and talk about your children on as well. To try to call out any member OR this board itself seems a little fucked up.
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