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Survivor Season 22 - Neecahrwhagwhaaa

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by Nettdata, Feb 17, 2011.

  1. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    I have to admit, this is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine.

    This season opener, though, is off the hook.

    Couple of interesting twists in there, with the redemption island part, Boston Rob and Russell coming in to play on the teams, and the star-giddy kids sucking up to Rob.

    The super-secret agent man that is there is a fucking gong show, though, and is all sorts of fucked up awesomeness. Holy Crap. What a maroon.

    Anyone else follow this at all?
  2. litwin

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 23, 2009
    I have been following Survivor since the first season. This season opener has got to be one of the best. With Boston Rob and Russell coming in to play and the idol, I'm excited to see how the season progresses. I'm not sure how Redemption Island will be, but it will be interesting to see how it impacts the game.
  3. Muley05

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    I never miss an episode of Survivor. This had to be the best opening episode of any of the seasons.

    Philip, the secret agent, is out of control. I have never seen anyone blow up an alliance at tribal council like he did. Hilarious.

    Christina, the chick that found the hidden idol without clues, was an idiot. First, she should have made a fake idol and hid it with the paper that the real idol has with it. They always find the idol after a couple of clues, and when they see that it is not there they will know that someone already has it. And that someone would be her since Boston Rob already caught her trying to find the clue.

    And then she should have never tried to blindside anyone right off the bat. Even if that part worked and Rob was voted out, that puts a HUGE target on her back and she would be gone next. Dumb dumb dumb.
  4. Gatling

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I am enjoying this season very much. Few observations in general about the show (I've watched every season).

    1. The show is now highly focused on the social aspects of the game. The producers recognized that having the cast forage for water and food got old after awhile. Although some of the cast members have suffered in recent seasons, by and large there seems sufficient water and food for all. I must admit I enjoyed watching the deprivation scenes in past seasons, but the producers were right to move on.

    2 I like that the show now generally has only one challenge per episode (combined immunity and reward). In recent years I found myself fast forwarding through the challenges because they are generally not that interesting because it is hard to come up with something new. In fact, I now really only enjoy the "endurance" challenges at the end when there are fewer participants. "How long can you stand holding something etc."

    3. Although I enjoy the social aspects of the game (especially the amazing moves by Russell in the prior two years) I don't like that many of the recent winners were coat-tailers. I'm not sure how to fix the game but it is a problem. The people who are best at the game in terms of generating public interest (love or hate them) are those that backstab and maneuver. Yet those same people are the ones who don't get votes at the end.

    4. For years I have fast forwarded through the scene where the final three are reminded about all those who have been voted off. It is lame filler so the show can fill two hours on a Sunday. Similarly, I rarely watch the "final" tribal counsel where the contestants make their pitch for the million. I think that part of the show could be revamped (I just don't know how).

    Regarding the current season. I like the Redemption Island twist. It does not fundamentally change what I like about the game, but it does add a new and interesting element. I have my doubts about how long Russell will survive insofar as he has never been a star in the challenges and he will have to win a series of "duels" to eventually get back in the game.
  5. Gatling

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I am sad to see my assessment was correct. Russell did not even last one "duel" on Redemption Island.

    The show is weaker without Russell. (It is noteworthy that on the Celebrity Apprentice, Trump just fired David Cassidy, not because he deserved to go, but rather because keeping Richard Hatch on the show would be better for ratings. This luxury does not exist on Survivor.)

    I must admit I like how Boston Rob is playing this time. I have never been much of a fan, although he started to grow on me the last time he played. I think he is doing a great job this time.
  6. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    How the fuck is he still there?


    I notice they gave him some shorts so he wouldn't wear the tightie pinkies any more.
  7. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    I never thought that the douchebaggedness of Coach could be surpassed.

    Until Phillip.
  8. Gatling

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Net -- It looks like just you and me on this thread, but here goes.

    I had a long discussion with a Survivor insider about this Season's preoccupation with Christian/God/Jesus.

    Here's the explanation. Mark married Roma Downey a couple years ago. She's super-religious. Apparently the girl who rode Russell's coattails to victory in Russell's first season (now three seasons ago?) was a super-Christian (I don't recall it being played up much that year, but whatever). Anyway, Roma used that girl's success as part of Roma's efforts to convince Mark that the show should cast more Christians, and, that their beliefs should be highlighted in the show.

    There is a classic joke about a Priest in trouble (drifting in the ocean, lost in a dessert, etc.) who turns down all help by saying that he "puts his faith in god." When the Priest dies and meets God the Priest asks, "why did you forsake me." And God replies "I sent you a boat, camel, etc.".

    Matt is the living embodiment of this Joke. He gets back in the game, knows he should start playing, but instead puts his faith in "his god," and gets screwed.

    Ratings for this season are declining because viewers want to see people playing the game, not sitting around waiting for God to play for them.
  9. LadyLecter

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Stamford, CT
    I swear I am to the point where I desperately just want to put the TV on mute whenever Phillip starts on one of his rambling speeches. He looks like a douche with that feather on his head. He makes me twitchy. I couldn't believe the preview for the next episode where he basically called Steve a racist because Steve said he was insane. Well, I could believe it because he is a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

    I agree that Matt was incredibly naive to think that Rob wouldn't screw him over again.

    Right now I am curious to see what happens at the next Redemption Island challenge with all three guys there.
  10. Gatling

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    My guess is that they will let a number of players (maybe 4 or 5) get voted onto Remption Island. They will all live there together until a multi-person challenge. The winner of that challenge gets back into the game.

    Just a guess; I have no inside knowledge.
  11. Marjorine

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 25, 2009
    Brisbane, Australia
    If there weren't just a few episodes left... I might be giving up on Survivor. I really just cannot stand Philip and he is getting all the air time. I guess I'm kinda curious about who wins. It will probably be Rob. It's been a really disappointing season, which is sad because it started out with so much potential.
  12. LadyLecter

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Stamford, CT

    I really agree with you about Phillip. Every time he opens his mouth I started to get twitchy. At least he took the stupid feather off his head for now. I think the producers told him where the shorts were because they knew that people would start changing the channel if we had to watch him prance around in his pink undies again for the rest of the season ...

    At this point I'm almost more interested in who will get back in the game from Redemption than who will win the whole thing because it'll probably be Rob. The only thing that is keeping me going is now that all the easy pickings are gone I want to watch how they start taking out their own.

    I'm wondering if Rob is going to try and take Phillip to the final 2 because he knows that there would be no way in hell they would want Phillip to win. No idea though.

    edit: Just looked back at my older posts on here and realized that I continually refer to Phillip as making me twitchy. It's still true. Guess I'm more consistent than I thought.
  13. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    I think he said as much in a little aside he did.

    Paraphrasing: "As long as Philip keeps bringing the crazy, he's coming with me to the finals." Which makes sense. He's fucking nuts, but he's somewhat harmless, and a great distraction from what's really going on.

    But the whole thing is too Lord of the Flies for my taste... Rob is basically a cult leader, and the dopey little harem is blind to what's happening. The only thing that would redeem the show to me would be for them to revolt and vote Rob off soon... basically the little girls we've hardly seen anything about so far take control.
  14. Czechvodkabaron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    And I actually think that that's what is going to happen.

    Even if Rob makes the Finals, there is no way that he will win. The members of the old Zapatera tribe are not going to vote for him. I think that even Phillip would get their votes over Rob. They will just not overlook the fact that he basically brainwashed the members of his alliance, and it helped lead to them being picked off one by one.

    Since season 4, the only seasons of Survivor that I have really watched are the All Star seasons, and Samoa. They need to put twists in the game that prevent one told tribe from picking off the other, like they did in seasons 3 and 4.