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Spank that ass

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcc001, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    So the award for worst father of the week goes to this guy:

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ruise-boat</a>

    Dude threw his seven-year-old son overboard because the kid was acting up. "The father hit him several times and then threatened to throw him overboard if he didn't stop crying," [Police] said. "The crowd on the boat became very angry at the father for hitting the kid and extremely angry when he threw him overboard."

    Focus: Do you believe in physical punishment for kids? Spanking them, restraining them, etc.?

    Alt Focus: Experiences disciplining your own kids. Hopefully no one has thrown their child from a cruise ship here.
  2. Backroom

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I was spanked once and only once as a young kid. From then on, when dad started counting back from 3, I stopped being a little shit and straightened up. So I guess it worked for me.
  3. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    My parents would grab me by one arm, hoist me until I was on my toes, and smack my ass all the way down the street hard enough that I would swing back-and-fourth if I went past my "boundry" in our neighbourhood. That was commonplace back then, though. My best friend next door would have a wooden spoon slammed across the back of his bare legs until it broke, whether it be one swing or sixty. I thought that was pretty extreme.

    I haven't spanked my daughter, but then again she's not yet three. I think if I were to do it, it would be more of a shock than intent to hurt or inflict pain. Just a "smarten up" tap. If she shitfits, I squeeze her hand. She hates it, and it's the "You are in TROUBLE young lady" signal. Which means she sobs in a way only little girls can sob, and I feel lower than Hell's basement.

    Can't wait to hear Frank's post on here. Let me guess: a dozen carpet tack strips taped together with glass shards glued to them?
  4. mya

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    It is funny how the views on this have changed. I am sure that how my parents used to punish me would now be considered abusive (and I might even agree with them). I got the wooden spoon from my mom, and the belt from my dad.

    All of that time out shit really changed the whole discipline thing, huh? I don't have kids, but I wouldn't be afraid of using a spanking every now and then, but I would certainly not do anything that would leave a mark.
  5. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    ...So confused here, did I get drunk and say my parents abused me? Because if I did I was full of shit, my mom spanked me on the hand lightly when I did something wrong, but other than that until I was 18 and turned into an ungrateful prick shame was all my parents needed to get me to do what they wanted.

    I have no issue with hitting kids if it actually works, but from what I can tell it doesn't really. I'm pulling from a really small sample set here, but just comparing me (who didn't get hit) to my cousins who were borderline abused, I was such a better kid, but you never know how much is nature vs nurture.
  6. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I'm probably being a know-it-all non-parent who will change his views once he learns from first person experience, but my first question is always, "Well, how'd you get to the point where a spanking was necessary?"

    When I see misbehaving child, my first instinct isn't "That child needs a spanking." Instead, it's "Well, someone's fucking up at parenting."

    Kid can't behave at adult restaurants? Don't take them to adult restaurants. Kid throws a tantrum in the toy store? Take them outside and don't return to the toy store until they've learned to act appropriately.

    Physical punishment seems like a lazy man's approach. I'm sure I'm being naive, but fear seems like the most base sort of motivation, and the last resort when one can't sufficiently use other means.

    I was spanked a handful of times as a child, but it was a very rare occasion and required me being exceptionally shitty. Which I probably was on a regular basis. But it was 90% a symbolic act. Any pain was sort of beside the point.
  7. hooker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Awwwww man, Dcc! Your thread title had me all excited. I thought this was going to be a thread about getting a little roughed up while you fuck.

    Honestly though - my parents didn't hit me and I'm positive that is why I turned out to be the brat that I am. My children will get beatings. God help me if I have children like me.
  8. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Hey, I'm sorry! I'll go rectify it right now.

    Anyone else have parents that NEVER yelled? I recall getting spanked by my father once, and that's it. However, if my dad told you to do something you fucking did it. And you never acted up or threw a fit. I can't imagine a child misbehaving around my dad. All he had to do was give you a look and you were done.
  9. KillaKam

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 17, 2010
    Can't say if I actually condone physical punishment towards kids or not, but it seems like in some cases that some of these kids who cannot realize when they have done wrong need a good swift smack on the ass at times.

    Never was disciplined physically by my parents very much, but when I got hit, I knew I had better straighten up real quick.
  10. toddamus

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    Once when I was a kid my parents were real late to pick me up from hockey practice. I thought it was appropriate to ask them "where the fuck were you?" They thought a little attitude adjustment was appropriate. Funny how that works.
    I believe physical punishment can be appropriate, so long as the physical contact is not too severe, the offense necessitates it, and the person who is punishing the child is consistent in which behavior does and does not necessitate the punishment.
  11. E. Tuffmen

    E. Tuffmen
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Negative space
    I was only hit 2 times as a child, the worst time was when I was 5 and I didn't come home when I heard my father's whistle. He had a fucking whistle you could literally hear blocks away and if you were out of ear shot you were too fucking far from home. One day I decided to ignore that whistle. When I got home my father took a wooden ruler, grabbed me by the arm, and beat my ass so hard I pissed myself. After that I never ignored the whistle again.

    The other time was I was being a smart mouth when I was around 11 and he gave me a little tap on the face. It was nothing really. It hurt my feelings more than my flesh.

    I have hit my son only a couple of times and mostly just a quick smack on the ass when he was 3-4. The guilt I experienced was so intense I haven't been able to do it since. And you know what? My parenting and our relationship is a whole lot better now. I don't know how my father didn't hate himself for what he did because I couldn't even fathom doing that to my boy, and I have zero doubt that my old man loved me most out of his 3 kids.
  12. McSmallstuff

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009

    Really not to be a dick but as you said you haven't been a parent yet. There are certain times when your kids are doing everything, but getting down on their knees and begging to be spanked and you would be remiss as a parent not to provide it.

    As a general rule, the steps I like try to consistently take with discipline;

    -Positive reinforcement. ex. You eat a good amount of all of the food I know for a fact you like and asked for you will get fruit snacks.
    -Negative reinforcement. ex. You run up and take your brothers ball you loose your ball for a while.
    -Short time out with a warning that if the behavior continues spankings will be coming.
    -Longer time out with spanking.

    Once I get to the final stage every followed similar discretion is followed with spankings and time outs. Maybe it makes me a bad parent, but between the fiance and I we have three three year old children. It is so far the only way we have found to keep some semblance of discipline. And have an enjoyable time with which ever children have decided to follow the rules.

    Especially because at three these children seem to have days where they want nothing more to push boundaries and buttons. And while I am definitely for their push for independence but some of their behavior is simply not tolerable, and down right dangerous.

    But Cowbell when they act like fools in public places that should be fairly calm (adult restaurants/stores) they get exactly ONE warning and then they are removed. I realize it is completely unfair and downright douchey of me to subject others to a cacophony of wailing because I am trying to work through a disciplinary process.
  13. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Man alive, Boo. When or if you have a kid, you will realize as soon as they are damp and steaming from the womb that they are not robots that you can bend to your will and intimidate with your size. Free Will is what controls them when they are yet to grow a conscience. Any parent with a brain in their skull will grab a doggy bag and book it from the restaurant their kid acts up. If they don't, well fuck them they're idiots. But how many times I've seen that around here you could count on the hand of a shitty wood shop teacher. You sound less like a know-it-all non-parent and more like a stand-up comic from 1987.
  14. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    My mother did nothing but yell at us. She even used to have a violent streak in her. I remember her holding my sister to the wall once. Not cool. To this day, I respond very badly to yelling and voice raising. It upsets me a lot and makes me lose focus.

    My dad was always very calm and you did what he told you to do. If dad was mad at you, then you fucked up big time somewhere down the line. I only remember getting into trouble with him once or twice. I was always in trouble with my mom.

    I see how my sisters raise their kids. Sometimes, like BigPerson says, kids are intent on pushing boundaries. This is especially true in the 3-5 age span. To me, a spanking is a sharp jolt of reality. It shouldn't leave a mark and it shouldn't actually hurt.

    My second oldest sister, I'll call her M, has fantastic kids. They are smart, creative, enthusiastic, good students, and involved in sports. They are perfectly mannered and really just great. And you know what? They probably both have received a total of 2 spankings in their life. They get time outs, sent to their room without dinner, etc. M is very even tempered and fair, and as a result, has kids that respond in kind. Kids really are a reflection of your parenting style.
  15. LatinGroove

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jun 28, 2010
    I often find the people who are the most vocal about not spanking are the ones who never have kids.

    I have a 2.5 year old boy and I will say only one thing about this topic:

    "You must know, then, that there are two methods of fighting, the one by law, the other by force: the first method is that of men, the second of beasts; but as the first method is often insufficient, one must have recourse to the second" - Machiavelli
  16. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    I spank, when necessary. I think a lot of people do it wrong, personally. Too many parents just swat their kids without warning. I couldn't count the number of times I've seen it and kid has no idea what for (because kids are largely clueless).

    I can only recall one time I've had to spank my kid in the last year, and that was several weeks ago. He lied to me about something, and continued to lie despite being caught out. The spanking only took place after a discussion of what he did wrong and why he did it. Even then, I gave him a choice of punishments. Silly him took the one whack on the butt, which he immediately regretted after.

    Any time I've ever spanked him it has only ever been after a period of specific warning. I don't mean "stop that", I mean "stop that or you will get a smack". I'll usually follow that with asking if he wants one. He'll usually say no, and I'll tell him again that what he's doing is a good way to get one. 99% of the time, it works. He stops what he's doing and understands what it is that is wrong and why. Any punishment is handed out on the spot.

    It's simple, at least to me. Parents are teachers, and pain is a powerful teacher. It's why we have the ability to feel it - it tells us something is wrong.
  17. AlmostGaunt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Ahh, the good old days. I'll preface this by saying that my Dad is actually a good person and I get on very well with him (now), but he probably wasn't ready to have kids when he did. The punishment that sticks with me is this: I've mentioned before that I was a fat kid, despite my parents insistence on exercise and healthy living. Dad used to make me run on a treadmill for a set amount of time. One evening, I think him and Mum had been fighting, and I got off the the treadmill before I was supposed to. He was holding a knife that he was using to cut veggies in the kitchen. He put the tip of the knife to my stomach and told me to get back on the fucking treadmill and not stop till he told me to. I would have been about 14 at this point I guess. As a strategy for controlling your kids, I wouldn't really recommend holding them at knifepoint. Similarly, once upon a time in a basketball game, my brother tripped me onto the concrete. Dad ended up strangling him for a while.

    A quick note to prospective parents: don't have kids if you have a severe alcohol habit. My relationship with my Dad improved significantly when he stopped drinking, probably 8 or so years ago now.
  18. guernica

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    My parents, particularly my Dad, had some strange techniques. If we were caught swearing, it would be soap in the mouth. Soap doesn't taste good. Miss the toilet when using it? "I'm going to rub your nose in it!" He only had to do that a couple of times before my aim was as good as William Tell's. Mum also used to threaten with the wooden spoon spanking. I can't remember if I ever endured that.

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Getting beat and getting disciplined are two very different animals. My mommy dearest was the queen of getting angry and taking it out on me. After a while I just didn't care, I would even provoke her so I could laugh at her stupidity. Looking back, I am surprised she didn't just hang herself trying to raise me.

    Example, she would get angry if I didn't clean the kitchen to her liking. Cue whatever tool seemed applicable to beat me with. I would let her hit me, then she would demand that I go finish my task correctly. I would do it with a smile, then ask if it was to Hitler's liking. Or suggest hitting me again if I missed a spot. Yeah, I was an asshole.

    The last time she slapped me I just stood up straight and looked down on her. I was fifteen and had about five inches on her. She looked afraid and so I laughed in her face. "Go Jesus" was all I said and left. She never touched me again.

    As for disciplining my kids, I tried to avoid swatting them. But sometimes that's all that will get their attention, depending on the child's personality. My older son only needs "time-out." He is remorseful if you ever even raise your voice. My younger son is a whole different ball game. He doesn't care if you put him on time-out, ground him from television, or even spank him. Spanking worked a couple of times, but then he chose to ignore it. I am not going to up the ante as far as using a belt, spoon or any of that shit.

    What works? Currently, hot sauce*. A drop on his tongue works wonders. Tobasco wasn't cutting it, Sriracha seemed tasty, so I tried some demon habanero sauce. That kid will do anything to avoid "the green sauce."

    Overall, my children are very well behaved. They listen, they mind their manners, and they don't throw tantrums. I guess I may just be lucky.

    *ONE DROP. Not several, not dousing them with horror. I feel hot sauce is better than fucking soap, healthwise.
  20. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Didnt that woman just get convicted for child abuse for doing this exact same thing?

    We got spanked infrequently until about the end of elementary school. We weren't really terrors and behaved pretty well. I used to torment my little brother and the last time my dad ever hit me was in middle school after he chased me down from a bout of teasing my brother. He just swatted my arm, I made huge deal of it to my mom who then flipped on my dad for "beating me." He just laughed and walked off.

    My dad was always much more effective when he yelled. He had a pretty booming voice and hearing it thunder through the house could send chills up your spine. He didn't demand OCD level cleanliness but sure as hell didn't want any messes left in the house. A friend of mine in elementary school stopped coming over after school because, as we learned from his mom when she talked to mine, that he was scared of my dad's yelling after he had found our backpacks and shoes left out when we got home.