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Roommate Olympics

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MooseKnuckle, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. MooseKnuckle

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Me and my roommate recently started playing a new game we like to call "Land Mines". What happens is sometimes when you use the ice dispenser on the fridge, a stray cube will fall to the floor. Instead of throwing it away we've just been placing it in a strategic spot on the linoleum. Eventually the unsuspecting roommate will go to cook some mac & cheese and step on a puddle of water and get his sock all wet. It's an annoying minor nuisance, but it brings us a lot of joy and satisfaction when we deliver a direct hit. Friendly fire is extremely demoralizing. If one of us has a girl over, there will probably be civilian casualties.

    In college my buddy brought his grandpa's cattle prod back from the farm. We would bet cattle prod shots on games of Madden. Just so you know, the armpit and throat are the worst places to get shocked. Other than the nuts of course, but we never took it to that level.

    Also in college, one roommate made some ridiculous statement to my other roommate like "I could probably fart in your face 100 times by the end of the semester". The other roommate simply said "That's not possible". LET THE GAMES BEGIN!! Technically the 2nd guy didn't agree to bet, but he challenged the ability of the 1st guy to do what he claimed he could do, so we figured he had the right to defend his original statement against the denials. The rest of the semester had tally marks on post it notes stuck to the coffee table, farts to the face of a sleeping guy, and many arguments about whether a fart was actually delivered to the face or not.

    FOCUS: What games/competitions have you and your roommates created? Let's try to leave the pranks for another thread.
  2. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    We didn't create it, but INDOOR RICOCHET DEATH FRISBEE was the favourite. It's easy: Get drunk, close the door to a bedroom, put on safety glasses, sit down, the whip a frisbee as hard as you can into the top corners of the room. Hours of contusion-riddled fun!
    Another fun one had no real name, but we'd buy those 100 packs of bracelet-sized glowsticks, turn off the lights and bombard them at each other. It was pitch black, so this pain-inducing fight looked like the "higher state of being" scene from 2001.
  3. VanillaGorilla

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I lived in a house that had a sunken area on the deck for a hot tub. The hot tub was long gone, but it made the perfect fighting ring. We bought some giant boxing gloves and went at it. By the end of the year, we had our own sets. I had some Incredible Hulk fists. They were awesome. The only rule was that if a roomate challenged you to a fight, you had to fight, no exceptions, no questions asked. One minute you're playing goldeneye and the next minute there are poofy boxing gloves in your lap. Pause the game and go at it. In hindsight, it relieved a lot of stress. The no questions asked policy really made it nice. Anyone with roomates knows that sometimes you look at those bitches and think "I just don't fucking like that jackass right now. I want to kick his ass."
  4. kuhjäger

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    After a hefty finals time meal from the dining hall my roommate sophomore year and I started ripping ass. We decided to see who could produce the worst smelling fart.

    This went on for an hour until I turned on the heater without him knowing, got it going nice and hot, and then ripped a lovely silent but deadly over it.

    We had to leave the room after that one.
  5. Jubes2681

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    North of Beantown
    My boyfriend and his roommates played Hammer Darts during sophomore year of college. The game was simple - throw a hammer into the wall across from the doorway of their bedroom. The bigger the hole, the better the throw. Usually drinking was involved, but not always. One day I was walking down the hall to their room and, just as I was about to turn into their room, a hammer flew by my face and crashed into the wall. I'm pretty sure I saw my life flash before my eyes in that moment. At any rate, I quickly announced my presence and suggested that something akin to "fore!" be yelled before throwing the hammers. They agreed, but I don't remember them ever playing that game again.

    They also took to punching holes in the wall, playing Who Can Find the Stud. One of our friends was extremely good at finding them.

    Needless to say, the damage bill for their floor was pretty high that year.
  6. schubeal

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 23, 2009
    My freshman year roommate and I played the same game whenever our cafeteria served something particularly greasy. I always won thanks to lactose intolerance and two clandestinely consumed glasses of milk. Painful, sure, but it guaranteed the room to myself for the evening. Although, in hindsight, there's not much point of a free dorm room when it smells too bad to invite a girl over.
  7. trh2h

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    Should still be lurking

    Nov 2, 2009
    We used to keep all the used liquor bottles lined up around the top of our cabinets. Somebody's crazy cousin came to visit once and starting filling up a trashcan with all the bottles and told us to come outside for a game. Puzzled we all came out into the dark night just as he hurls a bottle down the street lined with cars and yells "GLASS OR PLASTIC?!" It shatters somewhere down the street. Glass. He went through the entire huge trashcan full of bottles while everybody guessed glass or plastic and listening for the resulting shatter or 'ploink'. Guess wrong and you drink.
  8. barney

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Edmonton, AB
    When I first moved out of home, I moved in to this nice townhouse with 1 of my friends and this other dude who was looking for an apartment in the classifieds. We were both 19, and he was 24, so for some reason he figured he was the boss of the household. This guy was the most uptight cocksucker I'd ever met, so we started a random terror operation. We'd wait until the guy had fallen asleep, then we'd stand on top of his desk and frogsplash him. The first time I did it he freaked the fuck out, and started convulsing all over the room trying to get out from under his quilt. I thought my buddy was going to piss his pants he was laughing so hard. We enjoyed it so much we did it at least 3 times a week after that.
  9. Racer-X

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Arlington, TX
    Shortly after I graduated I was living in a shitty apartment with one of my college friends and we made the fateful decision to buy a set of throwing knives at a flea market.

    We started out throwing the knives at a piece of wood, but since we weren't very good we would normally hit the wall. We quickly switched to throwing knives at the door. You got points if you could stick the knife into the door and more points if the knife bounced off the door and hit the other guy.

    We then moved on to a BB gun which led to widespread destruction (that fucker shot my hot pockets). Surprisingly after about a gallon spackle and some paint we got our deposit back.
  10. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    You guys never played paintball with BB guns before? You haven't lived!

    FOCUS: When I lived at the fraternity I was in during college, we had something called beer slides. All of our floors were crushed granite, so when you threw some kitchen soap and water down, you got a nice slippery surface. You would start in our dining room, take a full sprint, and jump down onto your back right as you hit the suds. You would have to do this with a beer in had, of course. At the end of the living room was a mattress, which you would run into feet first and spring yourself back across the room. The object of the game was to see who could travel the farthest back.

    We had one guy who was pretty good at this too, always kicked everyone's ass. Well, one time he made the mistake of pushing off at an angle and launched himself into the corner (facing out) head first. He required 10 stitches above his eye. Try explaining that to the ER nurses/doctors.

    *The vast majority of the time this was done was at 3 AM, while drunk, and generally ended up with half the people trying it naked. Who said fraternities aren't gay?
  11. deltabelle

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Still lost.
    My freshmen roommate in college was hilarious. I've mentioned this story before, but she managed to kidnap someone's dog while blackout drunk and get it up to our 14th floor dorm room before passing out. When she woke up the next morning, we got to play a fun game called "whose dog did I accidentally steal last night, and how do I get it out of here without getting kicked out of school?"

    Our game was "hide the filthy porn in the roommate's computer". We actually had a third girl who lived down the hall from us in on this game as well. We'd find the most disturbing porn we could find (this was back when tubgirl was a new phenomenon), and we'd rename it and hide it in the other person's computer files as something like "1st Semester English Paper". The rule was if you accidentally opened it, you had to watch the whole thing all the way through. Sounds like something you would learn to watch out for, but we were getting really creative by the end of the first semester and coming up with all sorts of stuff that only looked like that paper you were working on for your sociology class but instead was two guys having a contest about who could use the biggest sound (Google sounding. I dare you.). It also made both of us deathly afraid that one day we'd need to get a computer repaired and the poor technician would think we were freaks. When you're 18 years old, having some strange guy find the freaky porn your roommate hid in your Comp 2 file is a scary thought.
  12. cuOL66

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 23, 2009
    Black Hollywood, Georgia
    Ah, to live in the football fraternity house in college. My favorite:

    KEG BOWLING: Dumb as it sounds but alot of fun. Back at the house around 4? Drank all the liquor? Keg tapped? YOU'RE ALL SET!!! We would set empty bottles up at the bottom of stairs, and roll the keg at them. Repeat until out of bottles. Always fun for when we were seniors, and the young'ns had spring practice the next morning.

    A distant cousin of this game saw us trying to make the biggest hole possible in a wall when the keg went off it's path down the stairs. We eventually fit a couch in there.
  13. Bundy Bear

    Bundy Bear
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 16, 2009
    Blue Mountains, Australia
    A game me and a few mates used to play in our brew room was throw shit into the fan. ANything and everything from running shoes, tv remotes, cds and coathangers were used. Object was to get it into the fan and try and hit someone.

    We managed to get a half full coke bottle embedded in the wall and one day I threw a plastic coathanger into the fan, it shattered and the sharp bits embedded in the wall about a foot above my head. Used sports drink bottles were another good one as when they split someone would get covered in the dregs of the drink.