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Parker ain't got SHIT on them!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kubla Kahn, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Saw this on yahoo yesterday and had a good laugh:

    Rich Kids of Instagram

    Aside from the slight tinge of jealousy most of the people posting pics look like they'd be from the Jersey Shore if they weren't filthy rich.

    If I won the lotto this is exactly how I'd build my game/drinking room:

    Also, what the fuck is going on in this picture?


    Focus: Make fun of the photos and comment of the site. Let's try and stay away from bitching about OWS talking points (we know you're jealous you don't have a jet pack).

    Alt Focus What have been your interactions with the .00001%? Parker got a baller as vacation out of one of them. Stories of just out of touch from reality they can.
  2. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The guy who lives a few doors down from me recently pledged to donate $500 million to charity. He wrote my cousin a letter of recommendation to a veterinary school... that bears his name.
  3. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    No shit. This looks beyond awesome.

  4. Puffman

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Central California
    One of my clients is a pilot for a Silicon Valley Billionaire. The Plane is a Gulfstream V, so it is a pretty large and pretty fancy and rents for between $10,000 to $15,000 a flight hour. About 8 years ago they needed to fly the plane from an airport near where I live to one near where the owner lives so he could leave for Europe the next day. I got a 25 minute ride in the plane, then rented a car and drove 2 hours back home. It is the closest I have ever come to living like the other side and it was wonderful.
  5. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    Alt-focus: One of the guys who invented plasma TV was my neighbor. He was old and crazy. My best friend and I had a joint graduation party, and since her family was friendly with him he was invited. I was a little surprised when he handed me a card, even though I had known him in that friend-of-a-friend way my whole life, but I was frankly excited to see if it included a check. It did include a little present along with the card: a $5 gift certificate to Barnes and Noble. Thanks, millionaire neighbor. I greatly enjoyed the magazine I bought with it.

    But, when it comes to stories about actually being spoiled by rich people, one of my friends in middle school was super JAPy and had a really rich grandpa who would frequently bring his family down to Atlantic City for a weekend, and she would get to bring a friend or two that usually included me. We would go down there in a limo, and stay in a Hangover-esque suite complete with jacuzzis and what not. We'd go out to all these fancy restaurants and go to spas during the day and run around the boardwalk. It was totally the wrong age to be treated to trips to Atlantic City, but it was still always fun.
  6. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    We've seen some guy zipping around our lake with one of those water-jet packs, and I knew some guys in high school who were given a Ferrari by their dad - so some of these pictures don't surprise me much. And stealing a bottle of Dom from your parents liquor cabinet only to waste it in such a heinous manner doesn't make you a big shot, it just makes you stupid.

    And some of those receipt photos have to be fake. One shows what appears to be a line item for a bottle of Patron XO cafe, 750 ml, for over 4 grand. While I'm a big fan of the Patron XO, one bottle goes for $25. You can get a case for around $300. So does the "1" under "Quantity" mean 1 tanker truck? Did they have it delivered to Antarctica? So either that receipt is bullshit, or whoever was on the receiving end of it wasn't cool, just a complete fucking moron.
  7. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I can't even process this shit. I went to early elementary school with kids who's parents have fuck you money. I don't know many now. My guy I went to Vegas with he's not like that because its new money to him at the age of 22. Him and his dad (who is marrying the rich lady) grew up middle class so they're not arrogant fucks. The lady herself T, was adopted by the guy that sold a company to P&G, so she's super fucking humble. She was geeking out about all the nice stuff in Vegas as much as I was. You'd never be able to tell she has a cent over 100k in her bank account unless you went to her house.

    It's not the jetpack shit that gets me, its the pretentious, I'm still going to dress like I'm poor shit that kills me. If you're rich, go ahead and wear your polos and sweaters around your kneck. Nothing pisses me off more than the photo of that girl dressed like a hipster on her pool table. Fuck her.

  8. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    Mark up dude, they'll charge what ever people are willing to pay. I did a restock run for booze at one of the bars I worked at, I was surprised at how little a discount was given for our bulk buy, maybe a dollar per bottle even though we bought maybe ten grand worth of booze for the weekend. Anyway you could piece out the bottle shot wise or charge five-8 times face value for bottle service. Also, I think some of those receipts are from Euro nations with ducats or drachma.

    As for out of touch encounters. The husband and wife owners of the market research company I work for are kind of out there. All together I'd say all the branches combined they are probably worth in the 50-75 million range. They go on multi month vacations every few months which is the best thing about them since they aren't at our offices, the head offices, to micro manage stupid ass shit. Making that much money and basically never having anyone question your decisions or logic has resulted in some really fucking weird behavior.

    Out of the blue a few months ago one of them decided he didn't want us making coffee anymore at the offices. So we asked if we could bring our own coffee in to make instead of using the stuff used for clients/respondents which they had been letting us do. That was forbade. Then he said we couldn't bring in coffee period, no Starbucks, nothing. Why? Because it was summer and he thought it was too hot for us to be drinking coffee. About a week later he changed his mind and let us start using the company's coffee again.

  9. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    +1, especially combined with the #wealth hashtag.


    Bragging about burning a pile of money you clearly didn't earn? Fuck that kind of arrogance.


    I'd bet the owner doesn't realize the gun beneath the thin layer of gold is a loosely made hunk of stamped steel parts that you can get very cheaply anywhere. I hope it's just Krylon on that thing. Oh sure it's all about having shit with the Versache logo on it, but that AK is the definition of "polishing a turd".
  10. JoeCanada

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Edmonton, AB

    "Whoa, whoa, WHOA - $10 per Coke? I DEMAND TO SEE THE MANAGER, THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!"


    "Fucking jerks. They totally stiffed me with an $5,000 tip."
  11. rbz90

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 8, 2009
    Alt Focus:
    A HS friend of mine comes from a super rich family. They actually don't actually show it that much. They live in a large house etc, but aside from the couple of nice cars in the garrage i don't think you'd assume "these people have 100s of millions of dollars." Anyway, before we could legally purchase alcohol this guy used to steal it from his parents wineroom/liqour closet. One day his parents were away for a few days and some of us were hanging out in his house being stupid drunk highschoolers. Eventually we decided we needed more alcohol so we go to the wineroom and this guy starts handing out bottles to people. I noticed him ripping off some sort of label which I assumed was some information about the wine. You know, for the wine connoisseurs who give a shit where it was made what grapes were used etc. At some point after this guy had handed out maybe 5 or 6 of these bottles I looked on the floor to find out that those tags were actually price tags and they were around $300 per bottle. Now I'm sure that a couple of thousand dollars weren't a big deal to those people but I feel like I could be a billionaire and I still wouldn't be cool with my teenage son and his friends blowing through almost $2000 worth of good wine in one day. Now that I think of it the scotch and whisky we drank probably wasn't the cheapest either.

    The same guy also taught me to drive his dad's 1971 Nova SS.
  12. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    What is the obsession with Don P and other champagne amongst these rich assholes? I thought regular douchebags were obsessed with presentation with their table bottle-service of Grey Goose but these jerks..... yeah, let's order a monstrously overrated $20,000 bottle of Ho-Hum that tastes like shit anyway and gives monster hangovers. I didn't see ONE of them drinking a beer in any photos that I looked at. Is being rich worth hanging around fuckwads like this? Is this what you become when you're rich? Caviar, champagne, sushi and other barely-palatable "It Food" crap that costs more than I make in a year with two orders? Where is a crippled Japanese nuclear reactor when you need one?

    I mean, look at the photo two posts above. Somebody ordered Beluga. Fucking Beluga. Why? Because only poor, shit-eating rats eat animals that aren't ferociously protected by environmental groups. You could have bought high- quality steaks for everybody in a restaurant for that price, but you'd rather eat an animal you only get to see at zoos and aquariums.

    There is nothing more obnoxious than rich people bragging about how rich they are, especially when (a) nobody gives a fuck and (b) their mommies and daddies are the rich ones, not them.


    My city does not have a whole lot of super-rich people, but one I HAVE met a couple times is Steve Plunkett. You don't know him, but his father co-invented the birth control pill (Dr. Earl Plunkett). So, every 6 months or so he gets a five million dollar cheque in the mail. He's never worked in his life. He owns the largest estate in the entire city, complete with a car collection that is only rivaled by Jay Leno. He's a SUPER awesome guy, a bonifide pillar of the community heading many foundations. He regularly has car shows, dog shows, children's conventions on his property, then gives all the admission money to local charities while matching what people donate. A model for spoiled rich people to follow, which they don't.

    Here's only one of his drive sheds for his collection:

    and another:

    ...this place is less than 10 minutes from me. It's eye-popping.
  13. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Not to derail a good rant, but that's beluga CAVIAR. The 125g size should have given that away. Caviar being a stupid classic rich person food is another story, but they weren't munching on seafood steaks made from Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea.
  14. Noland

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    New Orleans
    To be fair the Beluga sturgeon is critically endangered and the importation of beluga caviar into the US has been illegal for quite a while now.
  15. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    When I worked construction we had a German dude move into the area. Apparently his father or grandfather invented the modern newspaper printing process or something. This guy owned every major newspaper in Germany and decided to make a home on the lake in Idaho.

    His first order of business was to build a garage. Not just any garage mind you, this one had to have a solid polished black marble floor, because what else would you park your Porsche collection on?

    Then he took to building the main house. He bought 5 interior doors from the company I worked for that cost us $65K, I have no idea what they marked them up after that. 5 years later I was doing some work out on his place and saw the doors stacked against a wall unused and collecting dust.

    Of course such a house needs big windows to view the lake and mountains, but the architect made one tiny mistake in his plans for the house. The window in the main living room needed to be tempered and there wasn't a plant in the US that could temper a piece of glass that big. But there was in Germany. He ordered two, had them put on a ship to the US, then trucked across the country. It took 8 of us to set that piece of glass.

    Then it was time to landscape. First thing to go in place was a large section of the Berlin wall. This dude had a section of the fucking Berlin wall shipped from Germany and trucked 3/4 of the way across the country simply to amuse himself.

    But pieces of fallen communist atrocities weren't enough, the yard was still missing something. He bought a 1948 Dodge Power Wagon, had it covered in bronze and commissioned an artist to sculpt a hobo roasting a deer over a fire next to it. I'm still not sure, but that may have been an actual hobo covered in bronze against his will.

    And for a finishing touch, he had a fucking canon and would shoot it off every evening to try and knock the setting sun out of the sky because why the fuck not?

    That man is my hero. Rich and batshit insane.
  16. ace

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 19, 2009
    One fateful Friday night a few years back, I'm walking back to my condo after work and trying to figure out what to do for the weekend. As luck would have it, I run into a bunch of friends in the lobby who are on their way out, suitcases and duffel bags in tow. I jokingly state "What, Vegas?!" and one of my friends replies, "Yeah, you should come with us. It's Erin's 30th birthday!"

    I respond with "Yeah, right...but Happy Birthday Erin" and then another friend explained "Dude, Brad booked us a private jet, and we're staying at his timeshare. Flight and hotel are taken care of for the weekend. We're meeting him at the airport. Just come! No need to pack - you can buy some clothes when we're up there..."

    Without hesitation, I jumped in with the group, we go to the airport, meet Brad (and his incredibly hot then-fiancee, now-wife), board a Marquis jet, and fly to Vegas in a way that I've never done before (or after.)
  17. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    He has access to a private jet and stays at time shares?

    Not to call you out but...nevermind- you're full of shit
  18. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Scotch is right, we need to break this down to find the truth:

    Truth: "I was walking home from the car wash one Friday night to spend another evening in my apartment while my roommates went out and left me to mind their cats."

    Truth: The lobby = the parking lot littered with broken bottles and feces. Friends = a bunch of drunk gangbangers laughing and having foul intentions on the $18.21 in my pockets. I don't actually know anyone named Erin. Or Aaron for that matter.

    This is the correct response when you come across a possibly violent group of strangers who tell you it's Erin's birthday. Except for the "Yeah right" part...that's probably why things went down hill from there.

    By "Dude" they meant "Bitch" and "Hooked up with a private jet" and "Staying in his timeshare" were actually horrible euphemisms for what went down.

    It was actually a Grand Marquis and they stuffed me in the trunk. Then they took turns raping me in the city dump all the while yelling "You're flying to Vegas!" Then some asshole would holler "It's time to share" and well, it wasn't a pleasant evening.
  19. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    "I would've bought the place, but this way when I'm jet-setting I can save a fortune on rent!"
  20. ace

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 19, 2009
    In typical form, y'all are just being a bunch of haters. Yeah, it was a timeshare condo. But it was also HIS timeshare, and big enough to fit over 10 people comfortably. But seeing as how 85% of the shit you guys post on here are complete fabrications anyway (or is it just a coincidence that EVERYBODY has a story about EVERY situation), I'm not surprised you would call BS on something that was actually true.