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Overrated bands everyone loves but I HATE

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by Juice, Jan 1, 2011.

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  1. Fracas

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 12, 2009
    Arizona Bay
    Not sure everyone loves them, but fuck Gym Class Heroes with a rusty pickaxe. The most milquetoast bullshit in... fuck it, I get too emotional. Just FUCK these clowns.
  2. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I always find "overrated" discussions equally funny and frustrating, and I believe it comes down to your definition of overrated.

    Those of you hating on Nirvana/Beatles/Stones (the Stones are 'nothing'...seriously?) etc., I get it if they aren't your cup of tea, but it sounds like some of are you saying they are without musical talent, or that their mass appeal/influence completely shocks you.

    Pretty much every band is overrated by their die-hard fans, but some of the posts come across like you guys don't even recognize the musical quality. I can understand not liking, say, Kurt Cobains voice, but to say the songs are of poor quality? What the hell songs do you know of that are so much better? I couldn't give a shit less about Dave Matthews, but his guitar playing talent (especially the stuff with Tim Reynolds), is glaringly obvious.

    For me, overrated means you shouldn't have even reached a fraction of the fame you've received. Bands like Good Charlotte or the fucking Killers come to mind. In no way am I bragging about this, but living where I do, I saw/heard Nickelback well before whatever single made them world famous. At the time, I remember thinking, 'Oh, an OK local bar band is making it big in Western Canada. Neat. Perhaps they'll open for The Hip someday,' and I'd say that's exactly the hype they deserve, even to this day. That they're so huge depresses me because I hate the rest of the world thinking that's the best Canadian music. My point is, I couldn't fucking imagine seeing/hearing AC/DC and thinking the same thing, and that's the impression/comparison I get from some of these posts (though I could be/hope I am wrong).

    I agree that The Beatles et al don't deserve to be regarded as gods, since no one deserves that, but if you can't objectively recognize them (and others listed) as one of the greatest of all time, then by all means, please enlighten me.
  3. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    The whole concept of "bands I hate" is subjective. Objectivity has nothing to do with that.

    It's a personal preference or feeling or judgment. There's nothing to justify or explain.

    That's like saying "I hate chocolate". "But millions of others love chocolate, why not you?"

    The whole premise of this thread does nothing but excite the holier-than-thou nerve, and it succeeded.

    Mission Accomplished.

    Time to collate the results and enter them in the science fair.
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