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More Punishment, Please

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by effinshenanigans, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. effinshenanigans

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    A woman recently beat the shit out of a would-be robber, tied him up in the back of her hair salon, stripped him naked, and used him as a sex slave for three days, force-feeding him viagra to keep things going (article here). She did this to "teach him a lesson" (which is apparently, "rob every hair salon you can find hoping this will happen again").

    This also happens to be Scootah's idea of a nice long weekend.

    Once the "punishment" was over, she claims that she bought him a new pair of jeans, gave him food, and even paid him 1,000 roubles (roughly $35 USD) before she released him.

    He went to the police and admitted he intended to rob the place, and now they're both arrested.

    Have you ever been punished in a way that actually ended up benefiting you? Ever get caught drinking beer by your parents, only to be "forced" to drink all of the rest of them to teach you a lesson?
  2. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    I can't say any punishment ever worked out well for me. Not that I got punished a lot, but my folks were pretty smart and would not have left any loopholes. So I don't have any stories where Mom punished me for drinking by sending me to spend one-on-one time tutoring our hot foreign exchange student in the back bedroom.
  3. AlmostGaunt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Well, there was this one time with a steel anal hook...

    Ahem. Part way through our final year of highschool, me and about 4 friends got busted skipping our Phys Ed classes, which consisted of going to the local bowling alley and playing 2 games. To punish us, they told us we were no longer allowed to go bowling. (Yeah, the Head of Department wasn't very bright, but he could kick a mean football, so I guess it balances out). They left us in the care of the computing teacher, who hated the sports head. Consequently, he let us play card games all 'lesson', and to this day I am pretty damn good at Asshole and Poker. Thanks Mr. Panegyres!

    Although my favourite was an old housemate who got popped with a bong and some weed in the car. Here, you can pay a $100 fine or go to 'cannabis school', a two hour long seminar on how pot will ruin your life. He chose the class, and brought 3 new dealers back to our house to smoke immediately afterwards. Easiest method of finding new contacts I've ever seen.
  4. archer

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Perth, Australia
    In my final year of high-school me and 3 mates got busted at the park across the road from school, we were smoking but we saw the teacher before he saw us so had gotten rid of the smokes by the time he got to us. He knew what was up though, you could clearly smell ciggy smoke on all of us.

    This was the day we had our yearly school fete, which was basically a free day for everyone; parents and family would come along, food and game stalls run by the kids, rides, a talent show, cross country run etc. The only bad thing was the day started with a compulsory 2 hour mass (catholic school).

    Well this bright spark of a teacher thought the ultimate punishment was not allowing us to go to mass, instead we had to help the cool phys ed teacher setup the cross country course (he gave us a map of the course, some traffic cones and high vis tape and left us to it). The kicker was the fact that we had all dropped tabs of acid not 5 minutes before the teacher found us at the park, i don't know why we thought it was a good idea to take acid and go to mass but im damn glad our 'punishment' was getting to avoid that shit and fuck around outside unsupervised for 2 hours.

    Somehow we did get the cross country course set-up in time even with a head full of acid.
  5. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    Getting sent to bed without any supper. If you had ever eaten my mother's cooking, this makes total sense.
  6. Poopourri

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 1, 2009
    Whenever my family was going out to dinner at a place I didn't like, I would curse, complain, act like a little prick. I was then of course sent to my room while my family went out to eat. It was FANTASTIC.

    I had uninterrupted use of the SNES, I got to go through my brother's shit and steal stuff (usually stuff he had already lifted off of me), watch scrambled porn on channel 84 (shut up, this was like 1995-97), basically free reign to do whatever I wanted. Inevitably my mom would always call on their way home to lecture me, and then ask what I wanted them to bring home for me to eat.

    Looking back on it, I think it was probably an unspoken agreement that neither party wanted to acknowledge. They got a vacation from me, I got time to do what I wanted, everyone got to eat what they wanted, and everyone lived passive aggressively ever after.
  7. RCGT

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    My parents were generally too smart to give me punishments that I actually liked, but a lot of stuff from the White People school of parenting falls into this for me. To wit: "Go to your room." Are you kidding me!? I've got an Xbox in that bitch! Fuck sunlight, I'm shooting Nazi zombies till my fingers fall off! Same goes for school suspensions and the like. It's like parole.

    My punishments were usually nagging from my mother and corporal punishment from my father, coupled with having to help my grandmother with house chores. Nowadays, I'm not so scared of the second one, but nagging drives me up the wall, so it was very effective... in the punishment aspect, not the "correcting behavior" sense.
  8. Harry Coolahan

    Harry Coolahan
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    Apr 22, 2010
    I found an exploit in my high school email system during English class and created fake school email addresses to send funny emails to my friends and mess with them. My school tried to expel me for "hacking their network" and I had to demand to see a system administrator so that I could explain that what I did was harmless and not malicious.

    Instead of expelling me, they kicked me out of my English class. This happened at the start of a new semester, so grades for that semester were reset (two grades per subject per year, averaged out for the final subject grade). Instead of attending class, the English teacher would give me my assignments at the start of class, I would complete them in the library, and turn them in at the end of class.

    She did this for about 2 days before basically telling me to fuck off (she stopped printing out extra assignments for me). I stopped picking up my assignments and spent that period fucking around in the library.

    My semester grade for that class was a 97%, the highest grade I ever got in high school. My entire grade was composed of those two days of work, since I was never marked present to do any of the other assignments. Instead of taking the final exam, my English teacher made me re-take the final exam I took in my previous English class. I got an easy 100% on it and walked out laughing.
  9. c_norris

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 31, 2009
    drifting by, totally
    This is me at age eight, rather than six as poor Calvin is here. I guess my dad having smoked since he was sixteen wasn't enough to turn me off it.

    Rather effective, I think. No cigarettes, ever, ever, ever.

    Attached Files:

  10. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    I'm not sure why this kept happening, but whenever I would get in trouble, my parents would do one of two things. Either my mom would yell at me until I acted overly upset about something little and she would just drop it because she thought I had learned my lesson, or I would be "grounded" until I started being annoying and my parents would tell me to go outside. I learned this second tactic from "Daria."

    Generally, I was a pretty good kid and besides a few shoplifting charges, I wasn't worth punishing.
  11. rbz90

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 8, 2009
    I'm sure I wasn't the only one but, who else here found it ridiculous that in some High schools including mine, the punishment for skipping school was getting suspended. Seriously? So I decide I'm going to not show up to school and your method of discipline is to give me 2 days vacation? Not only that, the school would ask for a signed sheet of paper indicating that my parents knew I was suspended. I signed all of those myself.
  12. JoshP

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jun 7, 2010
    Yeah that always made me laugh. Then my senior year they instituted "Saturday School." However nobody went, idiots!

    My dad and step-mom would take a lot of weekends away from the house in high school. However I would also get grounded quite a bit in high school. My father would call the house phone (yeah a house phone in 2003) at an undisclosed time to make sure I was home. So what did my "grounded" Saturday nights consist of? Me asking my brother to buy me some booze (Read: him charging me $20 for a 750ml of vodka.) and my buddies and me inviting chicks over to drink in my hot tub. #WhitePeopleProblems