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Missed signals

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lhprop1, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. LessTalk MoreStab

    LessTalk MoreStab
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 29, 2009
    I missed the signals that would have led to a birthday threeway, one of the girls was hot the other not so much but within tolerance.

    I was working as a bartender and tour guide at a nature lodge when I first left uni and couldn't figure out what I wanted to do. I was living on site, just me and 4 chicks.

    The night of what must have been my 22nd the above mentioned girls asked me if I wanted to come into their room for a birthday spliff, I said “thanks but no, I’m trying to give up” (I was and did) they nagged for a while but eventually gave up and left me sipping beer by the fire, alone, feeling depressed on my birthday.

    Not a totally sad story, a week before I left I shagged the hot one out of the two, it was afterwards during pillow talk that she disclosed their intent that night.

    Almost took the shine off.
  2. TJMax

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    Oct 19, 2009
    North Las Vegas
    More times than I can count. I'm one of those you'd-better-just-grab-my-dick-and-say-"let's fuck" kind of social retards.
  3. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Freshman year I took a girl home that lived in the same dorm as me a floor below my room. We started hooking up at the very classy party and after walking her home, she was locked out and her roommate wouldn't be back for awhile. Since my roommate was passed out, she had no problem climbing into my loft. A half hour later her roommate is at the door and asks if she wants to stay or go back. She even said "Oh I can stay here..." but I said it was fine if she wanted to go.

    Yeah... not the brightest.
  4. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    It's funny that none of the girls have posted anything here. This thread is making me rethink my entire flirting strategy, seeing as how I have almost solely relied on hints and the like just like the girls in the stories. From now on, it's going to be this:

    It's never let me down the couple of times I did it while drunk, and apparently that's the only thing that gets through to you people.
  5. jrussellmikkelsen

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    East Bay, Ca
    I find it interesting that many of the stories don't say anything about whether the author was actually attracted to the girl or not. I don't know if we're supposed to assume so or what, but it seems that many of the guys here were missing signals because they weren't looking ie. they weren't interested. But now that they realize the girl liked them, they regret missing the chance to hook up with a female.

    So, I wouldn't change my tactics if I were you. Unless, that's the kind of guy you're into.
  6. JDTheHero

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    Oct 19, 2009
    So you weren't laid off, but more removed and slapped with a restraining order for sexual harrassment! No wonder you're having problems generating traffic to your site.

    Anyways, from one of the threads I started with regards to my being stupid with women due my extremely long term relationship with my lady friend:
  7. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    After going to a movie with a woman I was friends with (who I would have banged in a heartbeat if I had a clue that she was into me):

    Her: So, do you want to come in for a cup of coffee?
    Misanthropic: Nah, I'm fine. I'll see you next week.
    Her: How about some tea? Or some soda?
    Misanthropic: No thanks, I'm good, really.
    Her: How about a glass of water? It's a long ride home.
    Misanthropic: No, I'd better get rolling. Thanks anyhow.

    15 minutes down the road -
    Wait a minute! Did she mean ?. . . . .shit.
    #27 Misanthropic, Apr 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    When I was seventeen, I had the biggest crush on my best friend's brother. It was absurd how much I adored him. As he was older by a few years, I would attempt to be cool and mature, normal teen shit. I was certain he was oblivious to me and eventually gave up.

    TEN YEARS LATER, I am chatting with an old guy friend from that era and he askes why I never hooked up with Raleigh. I laugh at myself and say something to the effect that I was invisible at the time. My friend shakes his head. He begins to recount not one or two, but several social situations where this guy was trying to make a move.

    Things like dedicating songs to me- Beastie Boys "She's Crafty". Guy friend says the song says" She's just my type" over and over. I thought it was about a scandalous girl who was a thief. Um, okay.

    Pointing out how tan I was, calling me hispanic even. I guess that's some code for hot.

    Telling me I wear exotic clothes, which "fit" my look. Exotic is supposed to mean "hot."

    Buying concert tickets for his sister and I on a very regular basis, he would never let me pay him back.

    and a whole bunch of other dumb little things. I was so paralyzed by my own insecurities that I assumed this guy would never be into me.

    So retarded. Someone needs to invent an intention decoder.
  9. CougarChamp

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    This happened about 3 months ago:

    I wanted to bone Hot Chick From Work. I became friends and flirted with Hot Chick From Work at the bar. Friendliness and flirting goes on for about 6 months. I get a new job and decide to move out of her city. One night Hot chick From Work and I end up at her place after a lot of boozing. I decide I want to go home and that she doesn't want to hook up. We are standing on her front porch, I'm saying goodbye, when she plants one right on my mouth, and, in hindsight, gives me the fuck me eyes. I say "ok bye" and hop in a cab. At the time I guess I thought it was just a friend kiss, but I realized the next day that I was an idiot and she wanted to bone.

    Oh well.
  10. roy jones

    roy jones
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    This is from a while ago...

    I was enjoying a nice drunken night of clubbing. We pregamed at a friend's house, and I was tripping balls by the time we had to leave. Four of us piled into his suped-up Cavalier and we were off.

    When we got to the club, I immediately did 2 Flaming Dr. Peppers with the crowd. I was ready to dance!

    Out on the dance floor, we settled into the guy circle between multiple groups of girls. Within minutes, a group of girls we knew headed our way and our group went from 4 to 8. I began dancing with one of these girls.

    She was cute. I was horny.

    Unfortunately, she was also fucking around with my buddy that wasn't there that night.

    I kept my distance from her, but enjoyed the scenery. Next thing I know, this Mexican kid comes up and starts grinding on her. She gives me the disgusted face, and I swooped in to save her.

    I pulled her to me, gave the guy the evil eye and nod, and danced a little closer to her for a moment...

    or so I thought.

    She was on me.

    She thrust her pelvis to mine, and held. My grip on her hips loosened as I slipped my hands a little further down. She was staring into my eyes, and I into hers. She put her head on my shoulder, and tightened her hold on me. Without skipping a beat, she turned and was now facing away from me, but still pressing against me. I held her waist, and she intertwined her fingers into mine. Giving a coy smile, she began rubbing my hands on legs, stomach, and breasts. She turned again, and (sort of) bent over/kneeled while running her hands down my chest clear down to my crotch. She held her hands there, and brought the rest of her body to mine again (all while not breaking eye contact). I was enjoying myself a little too much with my buddy's fuck buddy.

    After forcing myself from her and a trip to the bathrrom, I went to the bar for a beer and to cool off. I found her at the bar waiting for me, and we walked out to the deck. She proceeds to tell me I'm a great dancer, and my buddy is a horrible lay. She moved closer and closer as we spoke while sitting on a picnic table. I could see down the front of her blouse, and kept turning my head as to control myself. She kept touching my leg and arm.

    The rest of our respective groups came out shortly thereafter. I recieved odd looks from all, and this girl's friends pulled her away and I didn't see her again that night. My buddies explained to me later to stay away from her as she was claimed. I told them I had realized that, and that's why I had went outside. They then began explaining that she had pined for me when she had met us, and had settled for my buddy as I was fucking somebody else. She was always saying that I was much nicer, and that she could see herself in relationship with a guy like me.

    I had missed all of this in the 3 months prior to the evening. I was getting laid, and not looking for anything else outside of that.

    She broke it off with my buddy 2 weeks later, and I never saw her again.
  11. GTE

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Happened to me last night. Meet up with this girl that I've hung out with a few times. We catch a baseball game and then grab ONE beer afterwards. Head back to her house to drop her off and after a 15 minute 7th grade make out session in my truck, she leans over, puts her hand on my inner thigh and asks "Are you ok to drive or should you wait a bit?" Of course I reply "Yeah, I'm good" Way to go GTE, way to go.
  12. Stealth

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    What about signals intentionally missed from (fat) bitches you have little to no interest in.

    For me its often been a case of always the one's you're not interested in.
  13. ex Animo

    ex Animo
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    San Jose, CA
    Absolutely no fucking interest:

    Went out to a bar with my older brother. I get pretty hammered, but I'm coherent enough to play wingman for my brother - He needs the help, he's a bit rusty and just got divorced a few months ago. We go out to another bar down the street. Inside, this girl who I thought my brother would be in to started talking to him. I look away to finish my drink and her fat fucking friend comes out of nowhere and starts dancing with me. Now, it may be rude to say "fat", but I'm being completely honest. This girl was a hambeast.

    She starts grinding on my leg. I look over to my brother, and start grimacing at this hamburgler bitch just getting down on my leg. I yell out to him:


    The girl he is with says:

    "What is he talking about?"
    "Oh. He's joining the Air Force"

    Right the fuck on, I am. I'm joining the air force so you can get laid, fucker.

    Hambeast, screaming: YOU'RE JOINING THE AIR FORCE?
    Me: ...Yeah.
    Me: Fall.
    Hambeast: ARE YOU TRYING TO PACK IT IN AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!? *fucking wink, nudge*
    Me: ...... Sure, whatever.

    Afterwards, I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. Last call. I'm walking with my brother and ask him why he wasn't fucking the girl he was talking to:

    "Dude, I didn't want her."

    Threw my jeans in the wash as soon as I got home. Fat white girls aren't going to get me to play into the Black stereotype. Fuck that.
  14. Peppers

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    Feb 11, 2011
    I have one case of missed signals, or ignored signals, that had a pretty not awesome outcome.

    Last summer I was in a fuckbuddy relationship with this one girl that I had met the previous semester of university. I was pining for her pretty hard, so when a new, hot, girl started working with me I didn't even register this new girls fuck-me eyes and requests to hang out. I was too busy boozing and getting laid, and she was 18 while I was 20, which means that here in Canada I was out clubbing while she was doing whatever.

    Moving on from me she moved to another guy that we worked with. After fucking for about a month the two of them split because he didn't want a relationship and she was apparently all over him to get into one.

    In order to get back at him, she started trying to hang out with me and another co-worker. We hung out a few times, but I was still pining after the girl from school. At the end of summer/beginning of September she had moved on again. To the other co-worker. Who had a fiance and was in his mid-twenties. They proceeded to have an affair which eventually came to me when she tearfully told me, in November, that I was to partly blame for not paying attention to her intentions and passing her by. This came about because I had stopped pining for the girl from school and had gotten into a relationship with different girl we worked with.

    About a month ago the fiance found out about the affair and has since left my co-worker/friend. The girl from work who had the affair currently suffers from depression, tried to sleep with our manager, and has apparently attempted suicide numerous times.

    All this because I missed some random co-workers signals.
  15. turboawesome

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 7, 2009
    How timely. I recently just got a housemate for my 2 bedroom apartment, whom is a random girl off the Internet. It's been working out great, she's clean and pays bills on time.

    The other night she, I and my girlfriend were getting drunk in the living room. Very drunk - my housemate and I were on our second bottle of 50% Smirnoff vodka, and my girlfriend was on Cider and nowhere as drunk as we both were. The girlfriend decides to crash out and heads to bed. Not 20 seconds later, the housemate lunges at me and suddenly we're making out. Apparently being piss drunk removes any sense of loyalty, as I then find myself in my car having vigorous drunken sex. I'm just about to cum (I'm mystified as to how I maintained even a semi considering the amount of alcohol I'd gone through) when I hear a tap-tap-tap on the window and see my girlfriend staring back at us.

    So, that's thrown a big old spanner in the works and I'm now a single man. However, back on focus, at the time, I suddenly flashed back to every single missed signal that I'd glossed over - hair touching during every conversation, random arm touching, and an affinity for cooking me food. Perhaps I'm just inept, but I'd never considered that she'd be interested in me, let alone jump me with my partner in the apartment. Her timing could use some work.

    Oh, and before I get red-dotted to death: I deeply regret what I did and think it's the shittiest thing I've ever done to a person. It was inexcusable.
  16. sharald27

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    Average Idiot

    Dec 9, 2009
    chucktown, il
    Yes and no. I know for me and a lot of women I know, if you fuck up that chance up-yeah it is hard to recover from that. But I also know from talking with my girl friends and believe so myself, if a guy can make some kind of grand gesture and really shows that he's trying to make up for his mistake-more than likely will give him the benefit of the doubt. But rarely after we put out obvious signals and you guys just completely miss it will we ever try to put those signals out again.
  17. Harry Coolahan

    Harry Coolahan
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    Apr 22, 2010
    "Grand gesture" to "make up for his mistake"? Are you fucking kidding me? Unless your pussy spits out dollar bills, it is not worth as much as you make it out to be.
  18. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    You mean to tell me that pussy shouldn't be treated like a holy artifact, or at least the most valuable commodity on the face of the planet? That women shouldn't act as if having a twat makes them so above men that a guy should have to make a grand fucking gesture to MAKE UP FOR missing signals as if he's committed some cardinal sin?

    Well holy shit, that makes two of us on this planet.
  19. sharald27

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    Average Idiot

    Dec 9, 2009
    chucktown, il
    1) You're missing the main point and focusing on trivial phrasing. I'm saying that a guy has to make it obvious that he's trying to put the signals out there for the girl. Women over-analyze everything and if they put huge fucking signals out there that they want dick and the guy doesn't take advantage of that? It's a low blow to the self esteem so yeah, time for the guy to grow a pair and put the moves out. And I don't know about you, but missing a lay when it's right in front of you seems like a mistake to me...don't get so caught up in the wording

    2)Oh, if we are talking about my pussy specifically. Yeah, it is worth it.
  20. TX.

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    The Mad Pooper

    Oct 21, 2009
    With Waylon, Willie and the boys
    Well, yeah. I figure that if there's no response to my signal/window of opportunity the guy isn't interested OR is too socially inept for my taste. If someone ignores your "signals", what are you supposed to do? Continue throwing yourself at him like a desperate harpy until he responds? No, thanks.