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Make Me Cum, Or I'll Cut A Bitch...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shegirl, May 6, 2010.

  1. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    Worst: This was with a an ex about 4 years ago. At this age I was still quite young(18) and wasn't all that experienced sexually. It was only a couple of months into the relationship. This girl was also hornier than I am. After resisting the first couple of times she had her time of the month, she finally convinced me to have sex with her while she was on her period. She made the compromise that she would be on top and I could just lay there while she did all the work. The room was dark, lit only by the glow of my laptop screen which was placed on the side-table next to me for some music. She got on top and she was doing her thing and I thought to myself, "hey this is no big deal at all, why was I being such a pussy?" Then on one of her upstrokes, my cock escaped her pussy. I immediately dimly saw 3 drops fall out of her fluid and at the same time felt something warm drop on to my lower stomach. She began to reach for my cock but I interrupted her by screaming "GETITOFF GETITOFF GETITOFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!"

    At this point, in one of my less manly moments, I realized I could not move out of fear for the blood dripping to other places. I reached over and turned on the light, carefully so as to prevent any dripping while I demanded she get the nearest towel to wipe me off. I then layed there with my hand over my eyes, hyperventilating as she fetched a towel and wiped off the offending fluids. I then ran to the bathroom like a bitch and scrubbed down the affected area. When I returned she started laughing as I cursed her, her parents, and the rest of her general ancestry. Then she made the bold move of trying to grab my cock to get me going again, but I gave her a defiant "NO SOUP FOR YOU....COME BACK 7 DAYS!!!" and turned over and went to sleep.

    ...Ok I made up that last part but it would have been really funny if I said that right? In reality she didn't even make another move until she was off her period and made sure to inform me as soon as she did.

    Best: Ever seen a set of DD's in a corset? Put it on your to do list. Frankly, the sex was nothing out of the ordinary, but that sight is unforgettable.
  2. Dread

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    Apr 22, 2010
    I've got a blood story, but it was MY blood and the sex was fucking great.

    Was sleeping with a woman during my last year of college. She had an out-of-town boyfriend and her and I had no desire to be a couple. We just fucked occasionally. The semester was winding down, though, and we were about to part ways. We went out and drank a lot before going back to her dorm room. We were fucking in no time and it was great. It usually was. Her and I just clicked.

    So... How does she make an already great night better? By asking me to fuck her ass. Who was I to say no? She assumed the position and I slid it in. Once she gave me the signal, I pumped away. She stopped me after about a minute, though. She said that my dick was too big and she couldn't handle it. I was feeling pretty fucking good at that point. Anal and a size compliment? Can't complain.

    She was still on her knees, so I started fucking her vaginally again. Hard. Before I knew it, I could feel blood pouring out of my nose. Great time for a random nosebleed, right? Where the Hell did that come from? It luckily wasn't a bad one. I grabbed and towel and the bleeding had stopped within a minute. Tossed the towel across the room, we went back at it and I came in her mouth. Despite not being a couple, we laid there cuddling for a few minutes before I left.

    Only saw her twice after that and slept with her once. When I think about her, I think about anal and nosebleeds. Awesome.
  3. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    So you put it in her ass, then in her puss and she still took the load in her mouth? Jesus was she a catch or what?

    You all do realize that there is no better cure for cramps and a bitchy bleeding female than fucking her right? It relieves her cramps, her mood improves and she's the most horny during that week or so than any other time due to hormones overtaking us mind, body and soul. With many the "flow" either gets so light it's a none issue or stop all together once she's wet.

    Jez, what a bunch of Nancys.
  4. bottledsoul

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    Should still be lurking

    May 13, 2010
    Not going to lie, that woman has me ultra hot in my pants...
    The things crack does to our bodies, oh me oh my... seriously though, what makes you want to let that bitch near a pair of scissors, or more so, your wang meat?
  5. JPrue

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    Dec 28, 2009
    WORST: This is the worst for her, most embarrassing for me despite the great story. I'm having sex with this girl and we're both drunk. Midfuck we agree that it's pretty dry, so I suggest we grab some KY. We were in my bedroom so I, drunk and in the dark, start fishing around for the lube tube in my bin under my bed. I squirt some on my hand, then realize that the tube in my hand is double the length of the KY tube, so I promptly flick the lights on to realize I'm holding a tube of IcyHot in my hand and the gel is in my left hand. Sober I would have gone to the bathroom to wash it off, but drunk I just made a mental note not to use that hand, and put KY on my right hand. I shut the lights out and apply it to the condom and start going at it again. 30 seconds later we are both cursing and screaming out loud, because apparently I mixed the two gels together. My roommates overhear the commotion think there is a fire in my room (I guess there was, in a sense). She bolts out of the room to the bathroom, while I try to get that shit off me. It felt like I was fucking a listerine bottle, and I had a condom on. I can't imagine the excruciating pain that she was dealing with. We clean up and get back to it.

    Fast forward to 3 days later and I get a text message saying that she had to go to the doctor to get 3 medications to deal with the complications of that little mix up.
  6. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    You're not going to get anything clot-like on your unit. As I said, for most women, once she's wet the flow lightens and in many cases stops all together.

    I don't know what females are in your life but I have never heard of this. I can tell you this much I would never share anything of the sort with anyone I was or wanted to sleep with. I hate that time of the month with every fiber of my being, why would I want to share the gross details with anyone? Who the hell are you hanging out with that takes pleasure in sharing that stuff?

    Am I wrong guys? Is this common? Anyone else get to hear Tales of the Bloody Crotch?

  7. whathasbeenseen

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 30, 2009
    Nah man. I ain't got no problem with approaching the beast when its coughing up blood. Lay down a towel or a drop cloth depending on your lady or just hop in the shower for easy clean up. Feels good man. Beyond that the added benefit of taming a hormonal beast is worth a lil blood on the pecker. I see it as a public service. Oh and my rocks got off. Win/Win.
  8. Primer

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Edmonton, AB - The frozen suck.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't have a problem with this. As far as I'm concerned, I'm going to be sweaty and covered in vag juice normally, so, I'm going to have a shower after anyway. Blood is just another part of life, get over it.
  9. Psychodyne

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    State of Hockey
    Not only that, but making her feel like she's NOT some sort of untouchable, hideous, wildebeest (especially during a time when her hormones are all fucked up), along with helping her knock some of those cramps out, and generally making her feel, you know, desired, goes a long way to bringing us closer together as a couple and stuff. Crazy, I know...
  10. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    Not to derail things but I've found in my experience that it's the woman who is queasy about it. I have no problem, it's a bodily fluid. Women either tend to feel it's disgusting and put the whole area off limits for the period (pun intended) or are all for it because they're horny as hell for the duration.

    But there was that one girlfriend I had who desperately wanted me to go down on her on her heaviest days. Sorry, no Dolmio grin here.