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LOST Season Six

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by The Good Doctor, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Durej

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    Jan 27, 2010
    Oregon, USA
    I thought some of you would be interested in these two articles.

    Some Unanswered questions answered in the link above. Even though I have to take there word for it it made me feel better that they have an idea and that some answers would be on the blu-ray when it comes out. Speaking of I think I am going to re-watch all the seasons all over again to see if I can answer some of my own.

    Mr. Eko or the Actor who played him was offered a guest spot for the series finale and turned it down because he but wanted five times the amount offered! Since I havent seen him in anything after lost I have to say bad career move.
  2. El Tee

    El Tee
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Try telling him that to his face, tough guy...YO JOE!!!
  3. Durej

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    Jan 27, 2010
    Oregon, USA
    I'm just stating the obvious and I'm not suicidal thank you very much. I'm just ranting because he was one of my favorite characters on the show and I would have liked to see him in the season finale. Is it just me or can anyone else see Mr. Eko giving pretty much the same speech Christian(Jacks dad) said at the end.
  4. Hosstyle

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    Village Idiot

    May 18, 2010
    I have been reading these forums the last few weeks, and have been a HUGE fan of Lost since the beginning. I have waited a few hours to post my opinion of the final, as I didn't want post an emotional response without sitting back and thinking back on it first.

    The final was good in a lot of ways, but the whole they were dead during their flash sideways just didn't land with me. I loved the character back stories, I loved all the intrigue and mystery, and I told myself the only way they could ruin this final would be to use the purgatory cop out. It just seems like a cheap ending to an amazing series.
  5. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Just so we're all clear on this, the Island is the bathtub drain to Hell, correct?
  6. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I'm never going to look at this thread again, to avoid spoilers. I've already heard the doctor dies, which was apparently the biggest spoiler anyways. I also have not read any posts in this thread. I just started watching season 1 today. I like the show. But it sucks knowing I'm just setting myself up for a huge fuck you and a disappointment when the series ends.
  7. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    And so begins finale viewing number two. I absolutely love the music in this episode.
  8. mekka

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    It isn't a huge fuck you and disappointment at all. Despite my posts on the topic, I actually loved the finale. I'm just greedy and wanted everything to be wrapped up in a neat little package since in my entirely unprofressional, uninformed opinion, that's what a TV series should do when it ends forever. If you go into this prepared to really get attached to the characters with the mysteries of the island being a compliment to all of it, then you're in for a good ride. If, however, you are watching this solely because you want a more objective, scientific approach to the mysteries it offers, then you won't enjoy the finale.

    As a way of wrapping up the characters, I give the finale 10/10. They make you really, really care, and that is something of a rarity for TV.

    As a way of wrapping up the mythology of the island, I give it a 7/10. You get the general idea of what's going on, but some more detail would have been nice. No matter what anyone says, I think that Darlton really did use the mythology to suck people in and then once they were there, they really began the character development. Nothing wrong with that since they do an utterly amazing job of making you like the characters, but the people that were sucked in by the mythology and tuned in every week for that aspect will most likely want it to be taken further than it was.

    As some other people have mentioned, you basically need to watch Cloverfield and see if you can deal with that. If you can watch Cloverfield in a way that allows you to enjoy and care about the characters with the monster stuff added as a sort of backdrop for their progression, then you'll enjoy it (though it doesn't nearly come close to Lost in terms of how well it does that). If you watch it purely as a monster movie, you will not like it nearly as much.
  9. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    You know, people are saying that they would like to see Hurley as the new protector, but I think we did, at least a little bit.

    What we see of him, especially in this final episode, in the flash-afterlife is what he becomes. Now that I know what is going on, its pretty great to watch him going about what he now does best.
  10. Mexicutioner

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Las Vegas
    I was pretty excited with how things ended. Was bummed we didn't see Jacob in the flash sideways. I wonder what became of Michael, is he trapped on the island forever? Who else was a whisper, I can't remember. And Sayid killed a shit ton of innocents, as much as I like him, not sure he belonged at the end.
  11. Mr. Crow

    Mr. Crow
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    Village Idiot

    Dec 15, 2009
    Chewing a bit over the ending, I really like it. I mean, I'm not entirely satisfied with what I got over the course of this last season, but they definitely gave it a perfect ending.

    Wasn't the season a bit short? I feel they could have put in one more episode to pace it out a little bit (the last few episodes felt like they were really in a time crunch) and round out our understanding of MiB, the exact purpose of the island (is the light goodness, life, the source of birth (I think it's the latter, to have connected that for us with the Tawaret statue (Egyption goddess of birth/fertility) and maybe related that to the birth problems on the island would have been nice), the identity of Jacob/MiB's adopted mother (even if it was vague, just for her existence to be acknowledged), or something would have made me 100 percent satisfied.

    Maybe it's because MiB didn't turn into the smoke once during the final episode, and Jacob was gone, but that's what made it feel like they didn't properly address the mythology at the end. Was it even necessary for him to be a smoke monster for that ending? I was kind of expecting to see him defeated as smokey; I thought the people in the whispers might somehow help them out in the final battle (earning Michael redemption).

    Most of all, I'm just sad. I'm not gonna lie, I was feeling really satisfied up until the final 20 minutes, thinking that Jack was somehow going to do something that would throw them into the sideways world timeline, where they would live happily ever after. In retrospect, their ending was way better, but it was kind of a bummer of a surprise.

    But it was an awesome show. There won't be another like it in quite some time.
  12. Bread Mustache

    Bread Mustache
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    Oct 20, 2009
    Everyone else has touched on how incredible that was already so I'll take a different approach. One thing I paid attention to a lot more the second time was the music. I've been a huge Michael Giacchino fan since I first started watching the show, but his score for this last episode was truly incredible. It was pretty much a Greatest Hits of the music for the entire series. From each of the character themes (Locke's and Rose/Bernard's being my favorite) to "Parting Words" from the raft launch in Exodus as the Ajira plane flies away, and of course the Life and Death theme at the end. But I think my favorite cue of the entire thing plays when Jack has just put the "cork" back in the "wine". It starts off as the normal "Survivors' Theme" (<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>), but then when the light comes back on, it turns into an ultra heroic version (watch it again right now, seriously, it's almost exactly an hour and 14 minutes into the episode). Just the way the strings and horns harmonize during that moment is so goddamn amazing. Anyway, hats off to Michael Giacchino. I hope that guy works forever.

    also, I had a party and made some stuff

    This show was too much fun. I feel like I don't need to ever watch TV again.

    Attached Files:

  13. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    Hey look. A bunch of answers.

  14. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I absolutely agree. A lot of the "awakening scenes" and the final scene were very emotional, but were made so much more so by the fantastic music.

    Also, For everyone that is saying that they were wishing that they would have had a more precise explanation for the islands magic or the smoke monster, I say be careful what you wish for. Sherwood posted this about 20 pages back:

    If they had tried to give us a concrete explanation I think it would have been ultimately disappointing (although not as bad as midichlorians). By ending the series the way they did, we were left with what made Lost so great through all 6 seasons: The mystery and mysticism.

    At least thats how I feel about it.
  15. Rudolph

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Damn, good point. I'll have to go back and watch his Sideways world episode. Was there more than one?

    And I know I didn't respond much on this thread, mainly because I usually don't get to read things until a few days after the show airs (like today), but I really enjoyed all of your comments, theories, links, and ideas. All of you made this show what it is for me.
  16. Dmix3

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In the four-toed statue
    One thing I wish is that they was a way to track your feelings towards the finale in regards to when and how you started watching LOST.

    This of course could be horribly off base, but I'd be willing to bet that the people who "caught up" or started off on DVD/Blu are the majority of the people who disliked the finale and I'll explain why.

    I started watching on Sept. 22, 2004, the day the Pilot aired, and I loved The End, loved it. It was so dusty in my apartment when I re-watched it yesterday afternoon I almost called a maid. The reason it was so special for me was I finally got to see all of these special characters' (even you Kate) stories resolved.

    When you spend as much time as we all have discussing these characters and their motivations, an unexpected side effect is that you become emotionally invested in each of their stories and you care, making watching the ending all that much more difficult to bear. In a way it reminded me heavily of "IT" and how the bonds of friendship and doing one great thing in your life can follow you forever and that's exactly what these characters did. One special thing followed them and was the greatest thing in their lives. Each person was a cog in that wheel of greatness and contributed to that special event that they all shared, and their love for each other continued forever until they were all reunited, which made the scene at Christian's funeral as poignant as can be. LOST was never about the location, it was about how fundamentally broken each character was, and how each of them became whole after meeting, living and loving each other while doing this one great thing, saving the Island.

    Conversely, If you just ran through every episode as quick as possible, you were almost cheated of this experience as a viewer, because there is no time to think, to feel, to care in between episodes. So instead of you caring about the people, you begin to care more about the answers to the mysteries instead of what the show was all about to begin with, these special survivors destined to do one great thing with their broken lives.

    I'd be interested to hear from both sides of the viewership coin.
  17. Sherwood

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    As another member of the "Watched the Pilot when it aired" club, I'm totally on board with you, and here has been the main difference.

    Those who started in the DVD's and expected instant gratification seem less willing to accept that the flash sideways was actually an epilogue, and are placing too much importance on them. Not to say I don't find them important as a storytelling device and a way to further explain the characters, but it's clearly not as important as the Island story.
  18. rockmanj

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    Village Idiot

    Dec 1, 2009
    I am not sure exactly which mold I fit in, as I started watching in early 2006 [during a flu-induced marathon]. And watched it (pretty much) live from season 3 on. It was also a bit different for me because I was living in South Korea at the time, and none of my coworkers and a small number of my friends were interested in the show. so my main community to share Lost with was the RMMB, and then the idiotboard after that shut down. So, it wasn't really in a rush watching besides seasons 1-2, but I fell i was invested in the show as anyone on the board...(well, I didn't make a bunch of Dharma shit) so much so that my friends that watch casually are grilling me about the finale, and its getting to be a bit too much. Maybe I should direct them to this forum, as the discussion, exposition and arguments have been almost as fulfilling and entertaining as the show itself.
  19. Durej

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    Jan 27, 2010
    Oregon, USA
    I remember when the pilot was getting promoted and how I didn't want to have anything to do with it but my sister felt other wise and taped it for the family(I was just out of high school at the time so still leaving at the parents). I remember the whole family sitting there watching it and we were stunned and totally absorbed in the show, by the end we were ready for next week. Now I took a break from the show when I was in basic training obviously but I caught back up once I got home. Now my family quit they felt they weren't getting enough answers and things were getting to weird ,so they most likely would have hated the season finale I think. I never stopped watching the show and never stopped caring about this group of survivors and the mystery of the island it just intrigued me more and more.

    I would like to know about someone who also jumped in the middle of the series by flying through the DVDs once they hit the store. I think that if you have to wait every week about whats going happen next episode that it sinks in more than just watching them back to back. Now that's my opinion because I have tried watching shows like that and I just don't care about those shows anymore(my personal examples have been weeds, nip/tuck and even hero's is lame to me know). Alright I'm rambling now and being partially drunk/hungover doesn't help either.
  20. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    I actually got in at the break in the 3rd season. A radio show I loved was doing their annual 28 hour show, and watched the sixth episode at like 11PM. I knew they were going to be watching it, but I didn't really care that much. After listening to them watch it, I was intrigued (probably the thing that got me in was them describing the "bonesmooching" going on in the cages. I wanted to see Evie get it on).

    After that, well. You all know how deeply into it I got. I watched the first two seasons on DVD, torrented the first six eps of season three, and it became MUST watch afterwards. I loved The End, more so as I think about it.