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Lesson Learned

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Frebis, Mar 12, 2010.

  1. Cult

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 1, 2009
    My dad shocked me with a stun gun multiple times. I also had a cigarette put out on my back when I was really young. I was also "accidentally" elbowed in the face so hard that I got knocked out for hours. Of course there was no trip to the hospital, I had a shiner for weeks, and I'm convinced that it broke some bones in my face, and I still have a discoloration in the area because of it over 12 years later.

    I've been hit with plenty of things, called every name in the book, and just generally treated like shit. I got beat quite a bit by my dad until I was about 11 or 12. After that he kind of mellowed out, that, or he stopped doing it because it was about that time my older brother started stand up to him and would threaten to kick my dad's ass. The name calling and general bad treatment didn't stop until I was 16, then he had this whole religious revelation and started going to church multiple times a week and eventually became into a born again christian.
  2. Allord

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    Oct 21, 2009
    The Nightmares of children with a 30" Dildo
    Anti-Focus: I've had the most un-fucked-up childhood imaginable. I'm not even kidding. Queen-Bee just repped me wondering what I score on the ACE test.

    I got a zero.

    Ahahaha, fuck yeah.

    The fact that I'm so clearly fucked up, and yet apparently not fucked up at all amuses me to no end.
  3. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    My parents were generally very good ones, but I was a kid in the early 80's "spanking era", where parents did it often, publicly, without remorse or apology and NOBODY stepped in or said anything (AS IT FUCKING SHOULD BE). I didn't get spanked often, but being an only child and having over-protective parents got your ass tanned once in a while. For playing in a house construction site down the street, by mom picked me up by the wrist and whacked my ass 1/4 mile all the way home, my feet not touching the ground once, and her not stopping for a second. I couldn't sit down for 4 hours afterwards.
  4. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    When my father was going to school in rural Saskatchewan, this was actually the preferred method for solving schoolyard disputes. If two boys were arguing or causing trouble, the teacher gave them boxing gloves and let them beat the shit out of each other to their hearts' content. He says they quickly learned the value of keeping their mouths shut.
  5. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    I also don't know if this was clear in my original post, but the entire school (it was a one-room school house) and the teacher stood by and watched. So you got a black eye and everyone laughing at your feminine flailing. One quickly learns to put up or shut up that way.
  6. Maltob14

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    Space Cadet

    Jan 19, 2010
    Halifax, NS
    That is the one man I am actually scared of and do not fuck with. He worked for about 40 years in a mining/cement company overseas. His official job title? Enforcer. To this day no one in town dares to even look at him. So when I got an ass whooping, I got a real fucking ass whooping with that whip. God I love that guy.
  7. abneretta

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I used to get the wire end of the fly swatter. That stung like a bitch and would leave fun little marks on your ass. I would always put my hands back there trying to soften the blow which never worked, I just ended up with hurt hands and ass.

    The best, though, was when I got caught smoking behind the school in 6th grade. When dad got home I got an 'attitude adjustment' with his belt. Since I knew it was coming I put on 5 pairs of underwear, which was surprisingly effective. It might have worked better had I not been so pleased with myself and told him "That didn't hurt" (which I never learned not to say) and then told him about my extra padding. That resulted in an even bigger attitude adjustment.

    I was constantly grounded for talking back, I can't imagine why.
  8. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I'm just glad my father didn't have it transferred on to him. He got his ass whipped by his World War II Airbourne vet father and drunk postal worker (there was no other ind back then) every single day for fifteen years. His dad once beat the shit out of him in front of the entire family at a party because he thought he had stolen some change off a bedroom dresser (he didn't), and then beat him with a belt buckle later out of anger of being proved wrong. My dad was a gang member later in life but never struck me once (aside from spanking). My dad is a true role model.
  9. SaintBastard

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Dirty South
    My cousin is basically being raised by Teletubbies, Barney, and Dorah the Explorer. All that fruity shit. My best guess is that my uncle is trying to developmentally handicap him amongst his peers as payback for destroying his wife’s vagina.

    I forgot where I saw this before, but I heard God allowed Jesus to be tortured and nailed to the cross because he was disappointed that Jesus gave up on his dream of being a carpenter. Especially, after he had promised to make God that napkin holder.
  10. Bundy Bear

    Bundy Bear
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 16, 2009
    Blue Mountains, Australia

    Likewise. My old man used to flog seven shades of shit through me on a regular occasion when I was younger. Broomstick was also used when he couldn't reach me. First time my old girl caught me with matches she burnt my finger with them, that did absolutely nothing to curb my pyromaniac tendancies.
  11. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    During my Sophomore year two seniors were boxing behind these portable trailer things schools use now do to overcrowding. There was a crowd of about 40 of us watching until a teacher came out (it was like 2 hours after the last bell) of his portable and everyone ran. One got expelled because of previous bad behavior and the other got a 3 day suspension. I guess times have changed?
  12. Virty

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Alright, so this may sound very bitter. I'm going to try but if no one wants to hear this shit, move along.... but if you want to read about some whore and how I learned two very important lessons, you'll enjoy!!

    So I just broke up with a whore. I only say this because of her actions with me, not her actions in the sack. Because honestly, a girl that likes to fuck is a good thing, no one wants to date a prude virgin. But when you fuck with emotions and bring sex into it. You ma'am are a whore.

    Anyways, the reason I say this is a lesson learned is because I feel like I killed two birds with one stone here. I work with this girl, like at a certain large consumer electronic store in the same department. Being that I happen to only work with horny single nerds, she was quite the prize. Like seriously, she was the only marble in a game of hungry hungry hippos.

    I've always considered myself to be a nice guy. I really do want to show people my nice side. Unfortunately, I don't trust people. I never have, but that is not the point. Because I don't trust, I can be kind of a dick to new people. This girl kind of understood it. Told me she was digging me ever since we started working together. Cool right, we start dating, we had a lot of fun together. Going out, drinking a lot, going back home and fucking. Fun shit, right? Well feelings get developed mutually.

    School starts back up, she starts getting "busy". I'm understanding, no big deal. She decides she really can't handle a relationship right now. No big deal, let me know whats up, right? Since there have been some developed feelings, I wonder if this is like we start looking for new people or kind of figure out some shit and see where our lives are in a few months. She tells me straight up,

    "if I wasn't so busy I would already have who I want to be with."

    Not really, while we are on this break of sorts. She sleeps with a coworker, like seriously the biggest nerd i work with. Multiple girls I have talked to are just like seriously...ewww. I find this out, give her a quick call. I wonder if I should worry about a certain coworker, she tells me that she went home with him. But I shouldn't worry though, she only passed out there!

    Again I'm a nice guy, we move on she comes over that night. When she gets to my place she has this very somber look on her face. I'm confused. She tells me she might not have been honest with me. She slept with him, she was drunk and she was afraid to tell me. She really does seem sorry about it. I forgive her, I really do want to be with her. I say that, because she was a lot of fun. Like before any of this went down, it was a really low drama fun relationship. She tells me that the only way I'll trust her is that we get into back into a relationship. I say alright, cool we're together lets have some more fun!

    Cue, to her being a huge bitch to me for an entire week. Sure she has a huge test at the end of the week. Sure she also has court in the middle of the week. I understand, but don't really appreciate. When we see each other again, we chat. I tell her she can't treat me like a bitch, when she is stressed. I'll be there for her, but I won't be treated like shit in the process. She agrees, we go out, have fun.

    Next day we are supposed to hang out, I call her when I get off work. No answer, no big deal I live kind of on the edge of town, she lives in the center. I'll go get some drinks at the bar. I'm there for four hours, drinking beer. I kind of got fucked up. Anyways I go home, and I'm quite honestly sick of her shit.

    She texts me,

    "I'm sorry I've been afraid to text you ever since I've woken up."

    I call her, turns out she got drunk with her good guy friend "Dave", six beers and a gin and tonic later and she was passed out by 4. I'm not happy, only because I'm sick of this constant bullshit. She accuses me of not trusting her and thinking she did something.

    The problem was, I didn't. One thing I've learned is if you go looking for excuses to not trust someone, you'll probably find something. So I try to only let the most obvious signs get to me. Another thing I've also learned is when someone goes blaming you for something really off base from how you feel. They are typically only worried about something they did.

    I tell her that I want her to think real fucking hard about our relationship and if she'd like to remain in it, and to call me the next day. She pulls some more shit, we break up. Alright, so long preface but here we go.

    I found out today that she is playing with two other co workers. The previously mentioned nerdy guy, and a guy who gets real attached. I'm fucking done with it.

    So like I said killed two birds with one stone. I will never date another co worker, and I will never date another whore who plays with emotions. Hooray!