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Last Chance Domino's

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by scotchcrotch, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    I live in New York City. What's Dominoes?
  2. zyron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    You live in CT and you don't have a problem with Dominos? Have you ever been to New Haven and eaten at Pepe's? That pizza is like heaven.
  3. effinshenanigans

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I've had Pepe's. I've had Modern. I'm a big fan of the much-underrated Giovies. I make a damn good pizza myself. But if it's late, I'm drunk, hungry, don't feel like spending a lot of money and, moreover, don't feel like expending any effort beyond walking from my couch to my front door and back, then Dominos works fine for me. I'm not saying that there isn't better pizza out there--there most certainly is--just that Dominos has a place, and that place exists in the time after you've seen the bottom of a bunch of booze glasses and can justify settling for something cheap and easy even if it isn't necessarily a stellar choice.
  4. skyello

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 23, 2009
    I'm sorry, but "we used to totally suck ass, so we sprinkled some new herbs on our crust or whatever" is not a marketing campaign that will get me into a Domino's.

    I'd rather just get Papa John's, or a Stuffed Christ from Pizza Hut.

    EDIT: I just wrote "Stuffed Christ," but I'm gonna keep it like that because I'm a Jesus freak.
  5. VanillaGorilla

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    Oct 20, 2009
    I make a good pizza as well. Since moving to Memphis, I have yet to find a decent pizza restaurant for carry-out or delivery so I finally resorted to making my own. Truthfully, my own pizza is much better than anything I've had in recent memory and it costs about 1/3 of what the same pizza would cost, should I find a decent restaurant.

    Here's my issue with Papa John's- How is it that the 14.99 special winds up costing $25.00 when it's all said and done? Between delivery charges, tipping the driver, an extra sauce and so on, that $15.00 pizza winds up costing far more than it's worth.
  6. c_norris

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    Oct 31, 2009
    drifting by, totally
    More than the grease is the utter tastelessness. Christ, I could eat a loaf of Wonderbread and get more flavor out of it.

    Kringle's is the best indie pizza place around here. Fuckin' owns anything else I've ever had.
  7. villagebicycle

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    Oct 29, 2009
    Much like the gent from New York, I live in Chicago. I've bought a domino's pizza maybe once or twice in my life. We get it free through vendors at work or managers, and I recall having teachers bring it in elementary school probably because it was cheap as fuck.

    One of my neighbor's works at a Lou Malnati's and hooks it up. Less than $15 for a large deep dish. That pizza can feed four easily, so 5-5-5 deal be damned. There are also dozens of pizza places within a mile radius of my apartment, and probably hundreds within 3 miles ranging from "better and cheaper than fucking dominos" to "overpriced gourmet pizza with ingredients usually reserved for haute cuisine".

    The ads definitely piqued my interest, though. I'll have to try it to see what the fuss is all about. Worst case scenario: I eat a slice, get drunk, and eat the rest.
  8. nickygonzo

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    I'm from New England so I've been spoiled my whole life (I'm looking at you Willington Pizza too in CT, and Pino's pizza in Boston). But living in Oregon is brutal pizza wise, I didn't think it was difficult to make good pizza but apparently Eugene just isn't capable of it. Domino's isn't that far from the top around here, so naturally I stay away from pizza for the most part.

    If you ever find yourself in southeast Portland though, check out Hammy's on Brooklyn. open till 4am and they deliver (good) pizza and DVD's. It's hard to beat that closer when you're leaving the bars.
  9. Sicnevol

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    Oct 22, 2009
    I grew up in Indiana, so I'll eat the hell out of some Pizza King. Other then that is Guido's or bust up here in bfe ohio.
  10. bean

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    There is a Domino's exactly 2 minutes from me. I have never eaten there, I did attempt once, but it was so late they were not open. They are on the bottom of any pizza list ever made. Little Caesar's is about 7 minutes. Digiorno pizza: 26 minutes and 3 for $12 dollars at Sam's? Win because the closest Papa John's is roughly 20 away.
  11. LessTalk MoreStab

    LessTalk MoreStab
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    Oct 29, 2009
    My baby brother used to work for Pizza Hut when he was a kid and much like Blue Sprogs comment, when he used to bring pizza home they were fuckin tasty. He would use 3x the allocated ingredients and cook them for longer than normally allowed, meaning they had taste and wern't stodgy.

    Other than those few examples... Fuck Dominos and Pizza Hut and the shit they peddle. If you want good pizza you either make it from the ground up at home or go to an authentic, small woggy restaurant, combine with a bottle of ballsy Shiraz to wash that bastard down and the sexy has been brought.

    Life’s too short to eat shit Pizza.
  12. Fracas

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 12, 2009
    Arizona Bay
    Damn you, Chicago! After Giordano's deep dish, I can even watch commercials for the national chains. And getting deep dish in LA is well nigh impossible.

    Quizno's is becoming a habit for me. Thanks for putting me on notice, scotchcrotch. I can save a lot of money bagging my lunch.

    I'd say the entire American auto industry could use a facelift. Better ads won't cut it. They need to put out something snappy and efficient, like, yesterday. Or in 2007.
  13. Danger Boy

    Danger Boy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    In a flyover state hoping your plane crashes
    Real happy for ya.

    I'm surprised the Pizza Ranch hasn't been mentioned yet:

    They'll make you a pizza with just about any topping you can think of.
    Some of their more unusual pizzas are BLT, Buffalo Chicken, BBQ Chicken and Taco. Place is fucking awesome.
  14. Crazy Wolf

    Crazy Wolf
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    Oct 20, 2009
    I had a blessed pizza-variety in childhood.
    Original Pete's, good for a nice thick slice with soft crust that you could toss yourself, if you were so inclined.
    For those who prefer a deep dish, Zelda's, with a thin crust and a shit-ton of food. You try cutting a clise and picking it up, and the only thing holding back the impending "toppings" tsunami is the sheer power of the sauce.
    Once my pizza was linked to my wallet, I discovered an appreciation for a place by my school, a little joint called "Famous Pizza", complete with some happy Italian chef as the icon. Ten bucks for a pizza on soft flavorful dough, loaded with cheese, sprinkled liberally with pepperoni and with enough grease to run a R/C car off of. Truly glorious. If you ate one piece, you could be full. But there's not enough room in the fridge for a pizza box. Guess I'll have to take one or five for the team here, guys.
  15. toejam

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Domino's new pizza is a step down from their old one. It's nearly identical, with a new extra-greasy crust that tastes like the awful shit they pump into popcorn at movie theaters plus a little bit of garlic. In the past, if someone ordered Domino's I'd have a slice or two, but now I won't eat it. Chain pizza isn't really pizza anyway.

    I've also never understood deep dish. Deep dish isn't for people that like pizza; it's for people obsessed with piles of meat and cheese. But I should admit, the last time I was in Chicago we ended up eating some deep dish from somewhere other than Giordano's, which apparently is a no go. We weren't nearly patient enough to wait however long we would have there. In fact, we weren't even patient enough to wait for the pizza to come out at the other place we went to (Chicago-style hot dogs are too goddamn delicious and irresistible and available all over the place).

    NY-style pizza with a thin crust is where it's at.
  16. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    They say that pizza is like sex - even when it's bad, it's better than most things.

    Domino's Pizza stretches the truth of that argument.

    Where I used to live, I was in like suburban strip-mall heaven. I had literally hundreds of restaurants of all kinds available. Most within walking distance, a few within a couple minutes' drive. If you could imagine a kind of food, then you'd have every major chain for that food, plus one or two local places. You want a sandwich? What kind? Subway? Togo's? Quizno's? "Tina's Deli?" Your pick.

    Naturally we had pizza upon pizza. To prove I am not shitting you, see the attached image. The green arrow is where I lived. The red dots and red "pins" are all pizza places. Yes, there are so many that Google Maps RAN OUT OF FUCKING LETTERS.

    Domino's. Pizza Hut. Papa John's (actually in the plaza right next to my building). Giovanni's (local place). Giannoni's (another local place). zpizza. Round Table Pizza.

    Naturally I got to try many of these while living there for several years. Domino's is by far the worst. It literally tastes like cardboard. Pizza Hut used to be a decent middle-of-the-road standby, but I think they changed their cheese recently because it always tastes a little chalky to me (had it at several different locations, too). Papa John's is all right. They put sugar in their crust which I like. The garlic dips and stuff are just tubs of fat, and will grease up anything you touch if you get anywhere near them.

    The local places are generally better than most of the chains, but are hit-and-miss.

    The ultimate pizza, however, is Round Table Pizza. I have been eating Round Table Pizza since I was a little kid and it has never, ever been anything less than the best pizza in the world. Yes, a large pizza costs something like $68 ($48 with coupon). I don't care. The whole formula of the business has remained the same forever. Same high-quality ingredients and recipes. Same long padded-bench tables. Same little back room with a few video games in it. Same cheesy Camelot-themed menu. They know that it works, and do not fuck with it. It is better eaten cold out of the fridge on the second day than most pizzas are when piping hot.

    Sadly where I live now the closest Round Table is pretty far away, but I still get down there from time to time. Totally worth it.

    Attached Files:

  17. JohnQ

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    While slightly off topic, but still discussing pizza, I'm dying to go down to Atlanta and try the Carnivore challenge they had on Man V. Food. I'll lose, but it'll be fun.

    To me, Domino's has always been the pizza I expect people to have at parties when they start yapping to me about how they're gonna have pizza. If it's free, I'll have a slice or two, but beyond that, it just doesn't seem like there is any point. I have little to no faith in their brand reinvention. It's like Yugo trying to reinvent itself as Ferrari.

    I used to really like Pizza Hut as a kid, but then some Uncle ordered us a BBQ pizza and it made me sick. I've never been able to enjoy them at all ever since.

    Thus, I was left with no choice for years, until during high school Papa Johns finally arrived in Chattanooga. It felt like a Godsend to enjoy a pizza again. And what is this beautifully thick garlic/butter sauce that so drastically increases the taste quotient of my pizza? Simply a revelation. Now it's always a guess whether the sauce is gonna be that perfect thick mix like it used to be, or simply a bunch of grease. Plus they halved the size of the container, and then will charge if you ask for more. Really? That little tiny thing is supposed to be sufficient for my XL pizza? And what used to be 2 healthy sized peppers that came with it has now become 1 sad little pepper.

    So, nowadays I usually eat at a reasonably new local chain(3 locations) called Lupi's that is absolutely fantastic. While the pizza is amazing, it's too expensive ($1.70 a topping), and it feels like even more of a hippy place than Mellow Mushroom, which I don't like.

    And to whoever from Iowa or wherever mentioned Godfathers being the best...I haven't seen one of those places in something like 10 years. I assumed they went out of business.
  18. silentshadow56

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I know that my occupation isn't nearly as interesting as being a call girl or my past time as fascinating as being a pervert but I thought I would offer up that I work for dominos and I have for quite awhile now. I'm actually going to start franchising with them in a year or so. If anyone is legitimately interested I can answer any burning questions you may have about the place...
  19. Woody

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    LITTLE FUCKING CAESARS. The best pizza chain around with the best effin breadsticks. But for some reason they are a rarity in the North East.
  20. Currer Bell

    Currer Bell
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I used to think that Domino's was completely irrelevant and was all about the pan pizza until one time my father ordered Domino's crispy thin crust with pepperoni and mushrooms. I loved the crunchy-chewiness of the crust and all the flavors worked together really well. So now, when I am in the mood for that specific pizza, I will call Domino's. Otherwise, they are still irrelevant. And I'm not longer as into pan pizzas as I used to be, but I'll get the personal pan from Pizza Hut from time to time.

    I would say my favorite pizza right now is a local mom and pop shop downtown called Jojo's. They have good NY-style slices.