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If I had a bulldozer...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AFHokie, May 10, 2014.

  1. AFHokie

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 13, 2010
    Manassas, VA
    Passive aggressive much? This lady finds the trailer home an eyesore and decides she's the only one with the gumption to do something about it.

    "According to The Florida Times-Union, police say a 62-year-old woman called a heavy equipment operator and pretended to be the owner of her neighbor's trailer. And the operator demolished it."

    FOCUS: What 'problems' have others identified and corrected for you despite the fact they were the only one with the problem?

    ALT FOCUS:Conversely what 'problems' have you fixed for others that failed to recognize the a problem in the first place?
  2. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Alt-Alt-Focus: What stupid shit have your neighbours done? Are you the stupid neighbour?
  3. happyfunball

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    overly defenCive stuffed cougar

    Nov 6, 2009
    I had a neighbor that decided after the builder JUST put in the new trees that she didn't want them, so she went out and took a hacksaw to it about halfway up but didn't cut it all the way off. She gets through most of the trunk, then pushes over the top half and left them there like that. So you had about 4 feet of trunk, then the top half just hanging there. The look on the builder's face the next day as he drove by was priceless. Like, what the hell happened here?

    She also decided she didn't want the trees in the protected open space behind her house and cut them all down and then couldn't understand why she was fined for it. Knowing she wasn't allowed to do it. Her husband was cool at least. He got drunk one time with the construction workers by his new pool and fell asleep on his side after they left. I talked to him the next day and half his body was red, half white. It was disconcerting.
  4. Diablo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Armpit, NC
    When I moved in to the house I'm renting now six months ago, the owner had an older white Jeep Commanche parked just in the woods behind the house fully visible from every where. I mentioned it to the Realtor but nothing got done to move it.
    Cue two months ago when I'm in Yuma and another older white Jeep Commanche shows up next to the house. Again, I call the Realtor and he speaks with the owner who agrees to park it next to the other one in the backyard.
    They are both still there today and are a major eyesore.

    I would think it's common decency to not have a redneck parking lot in the yard of the house that you're renting, but apparently I'm wrong.
  5. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    My parents have a neighbour out the back who is incredibly redneck, but in a nice subdivision.

    There are multiple hulks of trampolines in various states of repair, a deck that is probably going to fall down any time, tons of rusted out lawn chairs and other pieces parts, and last fall the wife decided that she wanted a laundry line.

    So, the husband and his son dug a hole and buried this pole into the ground with a part bag of post-mix and a bucket of water. And then they took the time to be sure that it was nice and perfectly level.

    Three big problems with that. 1) They didn't attach the hardware to the pole before they raised it. 2) They didn't properly orient the pole so that the strains of the laundry line (which are non-trivial), aren't properly lined up with the hardware mounting. 3) They didn't lean the pole away from the stress of the line.

    A couple of months after they set the pole, they then got a ladder (that was too short) and tried to attach the hardware to the top of the pole. (Normal people would have attached the hardware before raising it). It's amazing nobody went to the emergency room that day.

    As you can see now, almost 2 years later:

    The ground has heaved (because the hole wasn't deep enough and not enough cement was used) and the pole has leaned into the line, causing more slack. There is so much of a sag in the laundry line right now that birds don't even land on it, only sit on the pole every now and then. The robins love it when they're nesting, as they can keep an eye on everything that's going on.

    I've only seen them try and use it once, for two wet towels after they had a hot tub, and the line couldn't maintain the tension required to keep the towels up. Needless to say after 2 years, they've never used it, and the pole has split.

    It's a bit of an eyesore, to say the least.

    Attached Files:

  6. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    This is a great time to being this up: some of you may remember a coue years ago when I threw on here what could be described as a "complete and total shit-fit" about my neighbour cutting down my privately-owned hedge that I spent years trimming and looking perfect. It seems he has no memory of how angry it made me.

    Since this happened three summers ago, the once twelve-foot tall hedgerow is now back up to four feet. On Sunday I was outside squaring off the top of it for spring when he comes up to me. I haven't spoken to him since I last chewed him out and I swear to fucking god this is the conversation I had:

    HIM: You want me to trim that down so we have even hedges (he scalped his to the ground last year)

    ME: No, it's taken this long to grow mine back. Have you forgot I told you to stay away from my house?

    HIM: But....but.... If I trim it down again our hedges will be even and look better? Dont you want that?

    ME: Get off my property. If you ever touch my property again I'll dump motor oil on every living thing growing outside your house. Do not speak to me. Go. Home.

    HIM: Your loss!

    ...then he cluelessly skips away like I'm the asshole. It's bad enough he lives with his mom and he's almost fifty, doesn't work, looks and acts like a Class-A pedophile and beats his dog relentlessly.

    Is it bad to wish death on a neighbour?
  7. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Well, I've told crazy neighbor stories before, but here goes:

    My neighbor across the street mows his lawn. Daily. Sometimes twice a day. He will mow it, wash his car, then mow his lawn again, in the same day. He cuts it to the dirt, his lawn is almost completely brown because the grass can't grow anymore. He will take a lawn mower and go over the grass that grows in the cracks in his driveway and sidewalk (every other sensible person I know just uses a plant killer to get rid of that grass. He mows it).

    Then he'll mow his neighbor's lawn. Not because they asked, mind you, but because he has cut his own lawn 2 times that day, but his one man war on grass isn't over, and he needs new little victims to commit this plant genocide on. He mowed my lawn, once, and I had to tell him to knock it off. He got a new neighbor about a year ago and mowed THAT guy's lawn, and was told to fuck off again. Apparently he has done this to every single person on our street, until they tell him to cut it the fuck out and stay in his own little area of crazy.

    He no longer cuts my grass, but he does cut a single strip along the road, almost down to the dirt, all the way down the road, to EVERYONE's house. Like a passive aggressive "this is how short your grass should be, motherfuckers!" To everyone on our block. He starts at one corner, and just walks all the way down the block on one side, mowing a single strip next to the road, then crosses the street and does it the entire way back. He does this at least once a week, but I've never caught him. He apparently waits til he knows the vast majority of people aren't home. He doesn't work regularly, so I speculate he has all of his neighbors schedules memorized, so he knows when he can ninja cut their fucking grass.

    Everyone in our neighborhood hates him, and his lawn looks like dogshit, especially compared to the rest of the street.
  8. wexton

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    North Coast BC
    There are a few houses on my block that are completely an eye sore. No one likes the houses, you couldn't do anything with them other than knock them down and start over. One corner of one house is so bad that they couldn't even close the front door. I have offered 20K to burn them down, and a few neighbours were actually considering it.
  9. Hoosiermess

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jun 2, 2010
    Along the lines of neighbors having fucked up properties, there are three in my subdivision that I see daily that are just a wreck. The one just has a yard full of dandelions and is a little of a mess (I'm not saying much here since I'm not totally moved in and haven't mowed yet either) the other had a fire or something and is being repaired. The third though is awful. The pool is empty and full of mud and trash (the kids, teenagers, and dogs play in it). Their fence is falling apart to the point where they have set blocks on the inside to stop the dogs from getting out. The portable basketball hoop is laying in the yard and it looks like they have done nothing to either improve or clean up the property. I almost wish we had a HOA, almost.
  10. Flat_Rate

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 26, 2010
    No you don't, HOA's are fucking awful things that need to be made illegal.
  11. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Focus: Not exactly a neighbor but I had a roommate who went nuts cleaning the house when he was drunk sometimes, which is totally fine by me except more than once he re-arranged my basement workbench for me. "Because it looks sloppy." Well FUCK YOU idiot, I have my tools exactly where I want them and now I can't find my channel locks.

    Alt-Alt-Focus:I'll take this moment to apologize to all of my parents' neighbors who were woken up at odd hours of the night with fireworks.

    My dad goes batshit over weeds in his lawn and seeks them out in the summer months with a vengeance. Once upon a time, he was "that asshole" who took it upon himself to eliminate some weeds along a neighbor's fenceline. Oh yeah, he did it when they were away on vacation and on top of that did it with his beloved Roundup too. The weeds died, along with a fair amount of grass. Not surprisingly the neighbors were pretty pissed off and my mom got a great "I TOLD YOU SO!" out of that one.
  12. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    Yes. Oh my God yes.

    My neighbors are still working their pool. There's still mud everywhere. They still start construction (legally because the county says it can start at 7 a.m.) in the early mornings. There's still mud and concrete washings pooled up in the street in front of my house. They're still replacing siding. The construction company already hit their house. I kind of hope they hit my car, so it'll get a new paint job.

    I don't know any of my other neighbors - and honestly, for now, I'm okay with that.
  13. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    True story:

    My parents had a shared driveway with their neighbors. Apparently the property line went right up the middle of it and they had an agreement with the nice old couple who lived next door to just share it and neither would ever block it. My parents would use it to access the back part of their lot where they would park off the driveway. Old people parked in their garage ( also over the property line ) and all was good.

    Until the old couple died and new people moved in. Dad asked them nicely several times to please not block the driveway so he could get out to leave. Then one time he got yelled at and called a bunch of nasty names. He calmly told them if it happened again he would put a "fucking fence right up the middle".

    It happened again. In came a chain link fence, right up the middle of a black top driveway.

    The police were called. Of course since it was on my parents' property they couldnt do anything abouut it. One of the cops who was there when the fence was installed was a friend of mine and when I asked about it he said he never laughed so hard over a neighbor dispute.