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I Love You, But Please Stop Farting In Bed!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Blue Dog, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. miss_c

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Just to chime in on the putting the seat down debate. I too, insist on having the seat put down. Mainly because when you flush, the toilet sprays water particles filled with faeces and germs everywhere. In fact, doctors suggest you keep your toothbrush at least 5 foot from a toilet. Considering my bathroom isn't 5 foot wide, put the toilet seat down!!

    I don't sit without looking/feeling (frankly, women who do that deserve to fall in the bowl) but I don't want poop flecks on my toothbrush!
  2. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Socks don't make an awesome "PING" sound when struck with a healthy-sized wad. This thing makes it sound like Omaha Fred just bullseye'd the saloon spitoon with a mouthful of baccy juice. Tarrrrrrrrrnation.
  3. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Not that I'm agreeing with your selection in the first place, but why not just use a regular steel bowl, so that you don't have to wrap it in cellophane? Or am I missing something...
  4. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

    -Theodore Roosevelt
  5. seelivemusic

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    the people's republic of Cambridge
    I eat cereal before I go to bed and when I wake up in the morning and I have a favorite cereal bowl that I rinse it out and leave on the counter. My girl didn't like this one bit and would constantly place the bowl in the dishwasher. Our passive aggressive battle went on for a few weeks until a former roommate stopped by and asked where my cereal bowl was.

    Evidently leaving a bowl out on the counter ruined the kitchen feng-shui so I made a little shelf for my cereal bowl and the battle was over.

    We have had some discussions on toilet paper consumption, replacing caps on containers firmly, closing the shower curtain, and leaving a teaspoon of my gatoraide in the bottle but nothing too major.
  6. Trickysista

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    Oct 22, 2009
    the burbs, PA
    My boyfriend and I don't live together, but we might as welll since he stays over pretty much every night.

    Things he does that bother me:
    - When the trash is full, he'll just leave it there until I say something. We both use the same trashcan...if you see that it's full, empty it.
    - Never bothers to do the dishes or even offer. I make dinner almost every night for the both of us, the least you could do is offer. (Although he always leaves food on the plate, so this doesn't bother me too much).

    That's about it. We both pee in the shower, poop with the door open and fart in front of each other. He actually thinks it's hysterical to fart ON me...I don't really see the humor in that. However, when I fart on him, it's the funniest thing ever.

    I'm also pretty anal about the placement of things and lucky for me, he's pretty laid back so he doesn't mind that I'm constantly moving things and putting stuff in its place.
  7. slippingaway

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    Oct 20, 2009
    I just remembered another rule.

    I'm not allowed to fart in the shower if she's in there with me. The last time I did was after a weekend of heavy drinking, and the accompanying random drunk food (Taco Bell, Denny's, etc.) and it was so bad that, combined with the hot, steamy environment of the shower, it actually made her start dry heaving in the shower. Now, if I have to fart in the shower, I have to open the glass door, and stick my ass outside.
  8. Diablo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Armpit, NC
    I don't live with my girlfriend, I live with one of my female friends though. Shoot me in the face if she's not inadvertently the dirtiest person I've ever known bar none. Even my sister who's pretty damn high on the list doesn't hold a match to her. I never thought I'd be the one doing the cleaning in the apt. But hell, I can't remember the last time she swept (we have hard floors, no carpets), mopped, did her own dishes, put away the clean one's, etc. And Jebus H does this girl shed more than anyone I've known. I swept yesterday and there was a hairball the size of a fucking ping pong ball. I swept today and there was another one. Fuck!! Also, we had a party for Halloween and she said she cleaned the next day, I guess cleaning just involves throwing stuff away. Floors were still shit, she didn't bother to mop/wipe up all the drinks that were spilled or throwing away the garbage outside or anything...

    Anywho, living with my girl could be pretty fun trying to see how many ways I could make her gag (dutch ovens!!) or anything of the sort. Fun stuff.
  9. Roundhouse

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    United Kingdom
    I did a bit of house hopping during University, due to being placed in houses populated by third year students and as such, I was always given the choice of finding five more students to fill up the house or move out. In my first year, I lived with five young women who were a nice group, but a terrifying experience to live with.

    Because of my upbringing, I am considered a neat freak. I follow a, "clean as you go" rule in the kitchen. When finishing a meal, everything is washed and dried up straight away, not left for several hours on the counter top. Beds are made following a specific method first thing in the morning, everything has its place.

    Surely this would mean the girls and I would live in perfect harmony for a year. Not so old bean, you're in over your head. Bath tub and shower drains were clogged up with hair, eventually sealing themselves tight. Dismantling a drain in order to remove large clumps of hair covered in the moist dirt which has collected in the drains for several years is a foul experience, of which I would have to endure once every fortnight. Waste bins were never emptied out until they toppled over under the strain of mounting rubbish, shortly followed by a shy call of my name, requesting I empty all the bins in the house. I would only empty bins on the ground floor, as I never had a reason to visit the first floor (my room and all necessary facilities were on the ground floor) on the rare occasion I did venture upstairs, I was greeted by piles of clothes, rubbish and broken glass (bottles of wine inevitably scattered across the hallway).

    I soon moved into a house full of men, who followed similar house keeping methods to those I grew up with. We had a simple rule; if you didn't clean up after yourself, the rest of the house was granted a free kick to the gentleman's area. An effective rule which yielded a house running like a well oiled machine.

    During my final year of University, my girlfriend of the time was experiencing housing issues, so I offered to provide shelter while she sought out a new abode. She stayed for several months and I enjoyed having her with me. Eventually, our differences became clear and we went our separate ways, here is why;

    • While I do like to keep clean, my work is very messy, which is why the clean as you go rule is very important to me. However, when working I will break the rule, and have a large tidy up once finished for the day, otherwise most of my day would be spent cleaning and I would never get any work done. As an art student, it resulted in the studio (my house mates and I saw no need for a living room, as we would gather in each others rooms to watch films together, or the garden) being cleaned up at the end of the day, but I would resemble a walking Jackson Pollack painting. This is why you should never buy clothes for me, they will be covered in ink, paint, oil, grease, anything you can think of by the end of the day. This sparked many arguments with the lady.
    • I know it sounds strange to be playing music after I said I wanted some peace and quiet, but that's what I do for alone time. I will hide away and play my guitar. Do not get upset about me supposedly spending more time playing my guitar, or studying music rather than spending time with you. Three hours to myself per day in exchange for the remaining twenty one hours spent with you is not much to ask, so never accuse me of neglecting you. While the circumstances in that relationship meant that I did spend almost the entire day with her, as we were on the same course and lived together, I could understand why this argument rears its ugly head from time to time in the present.
    • Hanging up my every day jacket annoys me. I keep the house tidy out of habit, but the jacket will always be hung on the back of a chair, hanging on the banister, slumped over a couch etc. This is because I often have reason to leave the house in a hurry and it is much easier to leave my jacket near the front door rather than make my way up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire to fetch my jacket from the ward drobe. Do not put it there, I will not be happy.
    • For everyone's sake, open the window and turn on the extractor fan if you're planning on using the facilities.

    My telly, my remote control. It is a standard house hold rule. This is why the father in all families will enter the room asking, "What's this rubbish" and proceed to surf through all channels available. Even if it turns out the proposed rubbish is something he'd be quite interested in, and actually continue to watch after checking all available channels, this song dance exists solely to demonstrate who has control of the television set in the house. Or irritate the children just for the sake of being irritating. Besides, I'm preventing you from watching, "Loose Women" for your own good.
  10. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    Maybe I was destined to be a man. I blow my nose in the shower and the sink, piss in the shower, fart whenever the feeling takes me (read: nonstop), take large dumps, and throw my clothes on the floor in front of the hamper. I think my boyfriend appreciates it, though. One of my most attractive features is that I am low maintenance.
  11. thatone

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 6, 2009
    Just to chime in on the toilet seat debate - someone gave a pathetic "fecal matter flying around" excuse as to justify keeping the toilet seat down.

    I've never heard of any men taking a shit whilst standing. Nor have I heard of any men purposely lifting the toilet seat up after taking a dump. The reason why men don't put the seat down after we piss is because it is as unnecessary as putting it up after a shit.
  12. mikeondolences

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Welcome to pretty much every guy. I think it's pretty safe to say this won't change until he "owns" the place. I was guilty of all the typical guy-slob shit until I bought a house. Now that it's MY sink, I actually care if there are dishes in it. Also, the toilet...I used to let the toilet go until it looked like it needed a shave, but now, I wipe it down after every pee. I'm still astonished at how far and wide random piss droplets can travel.

    The only weird thing I can think of, really has nothing to do with having a "live-in", but whenever I clip my nails- I always make sure to leave a little nail on my index finger so I can pick my nose effectively.

    Also, as far as the toilet seat battle goes: If you're too dumb to look if the seat is down before you sit, you deserve to sit in pee dribbles. Just the same as if I pee with the seat down, I deserve to wipe it up. Women who bitch about the seat are just advertising the fact that they are lazy dipshits who like to sit in pee.
  13. nooneuknow

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 4, 2009
    Reading through this thread, I'm starting to get quite worried. I am guilty of too many offenses for a girl:
    -I piss in the shower.
    -I blow my nose in the shower/sink. (feels so much better than constantly using tissues)
    -I will undress and leave my clothes anywhere I feel like it. This includes bras and undies.
    -I am also prone to walking around naked...a lot.
    -I try to wash my dishes as I go, but I generally have a 24 hour rule.
    -I own enough clothing that I don't really need to do laundry more than once a month. This excludes bedsheets, towels and the like. Those get done every two weeks, or before the boy comes over.
    -I live in relative clutter, but usually clean it all up once a week.
    -I eat in my room and sometimes leave the dinner mess until the next morning. (I have a roommate. My room is my sanctuary.)

    I have never lived with a significant other. This is mostly because I moved out from home just over a year ago, and thought I should experience living on my own/with roommates first. Now I only scatter my clothes in my room and only walk around naked when I'm SURE my roommate is out.

    Things my male roommates have done that piss me off:
    -Leave a ridiculous mess in the kitchen every single day and never clean it up unless I say something. I've tested this. I once went away for two weeks only to come back and find the kitchen just as disgusting as it was when I left. All the same dishes still unwashed, and now many more added to the pile.
    -Never, EVER, take out the garbage. This went on to the point that three garbage bags were tied up and left to sit out on the balcony.
    -Use up ridiculous amounts of toilet paper never replacing the roll. (My last roommate went through one roll every single day.)
    -Display their filthy, hole ridden towels in the bathroom.

    But the number one thing they've done that I just can't get over:
    In my apartment we keep the garbage can outside on the balcony. This is only mere meters from the kitchen and the rest of the apartment and ensures the garbage stink is left outside. Yet, two roommates have insisted on creating their own makeshift garbage can in the kitchen using plastic bags. The problem is that they leave these plastic bags filled with oozing garbage out for days at a time at which point entering the apartment entails getting slapped in the face with a very strong odour. I've also had to pick up bags off of chairs in the kitchen which had oozed garbage sludge all over the chair and the floor. Fruit flies love my place.

    I also need to do this. Reading a book will sometimes work.