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I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by apex22, Oct 19, 2009.

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  1. pterodactyl

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Because that is not what this board is for and there is no point in discussing it when no one but a select few actually know the truth as to what happened. If you want to discuss that then feel free to make your own board or go troll on the IMDB forums.

    I don't really see anyone defending what Tucker did with the boards or how he acted, I think most people here are just tired of people coming in and bitching about something that doesn't matter anymore.
  2. Latchkey

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009

    I completely disagree with this notion. Some people are clearly still mentally in RMMB. This board is only a few days old and already people are griping about "Tucker trolls." Well, here's the thing: any negative statement re: Tucker and his movie is relevant to this thread. PERIOD. Want to call it self-indulgent? That's ridiculous. Bitching that someone signed up and only left one post? THIS BOARD IS BRAND NEW!

    Honest to God, if this board turns into that previous shytpile , it will suffer the same fate. And it will happen sooner.
  3. BeatYourKids

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 20, 2009
    I grabbed my review from a google cache. Despite rating the movie 4/10, I was such a sycophant and loved the movie so much I was quoted on Gawker.

    I've hit the big time now.

  4. Morblitz

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    His point is that the haters simply found this site and zeroed in on the beer in hell thread. Their first posts are all about how Tucker is a hack, a liar, cause of cancer and sadness in the world, and it's all taking a very personal tone. Like they feel he owes them a personal apology. This is a brand new place, free of Tucker's influence and brand. EVERYONE knows what happened with the movie, he made it, apparently it was pretty funny, it tanked. Tucker was proven wrong.

    It's over.

    Stop smoldering with generic rage.

    We got to see an up close, almost by the minute, rise and fall of a narcissist. Enjoy your schadenfreude and be done with it. At the very least I appreciate the insightful looks we were given at a movie in progress, despite all the self serving praise.
    If you want to keep going on about how much of a douchebag Tucker is, there is an entirely different site around the great wide interwebs for exactly that purpose. There aren't even any other non tucker-is-a-douchebag related threads to distract and annoy you.

    I'm sure there is going to be an adjustment period, but that is why the mods and Chater are doing everything they can to distance this forum from the RMMB, short of beating it into our heads that this is not Tucker's site. Stop treating it as such. Unless someone who actually had behind the scenes information about what went on in Tuckers head with everything that went on, this is all meaningless conjecture. Whats the point in discussing something that doesn't matter, with such passion? I really, really, don't want this site to turn into something we would have made fun of on the old board.

    This thread is for discussing the movie, not Tucker.

    What netdatta said.
  5. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006

    Glad you disagree. But I don't care.

    This is NOT a place for you to work out your inner demons or issues you've got with Tucker.

    Now go back and read my last post HERE, try to comprehend it, and please follow the advice provided within.
  6. fuzzzy

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    What? Go over to any other TV or movie thread on the Pop Culture Board right now, and read them all. Count up all of the posts that discuss any of the producers or writers on this show to the same depth that people are talking about Tucker.

    If you counted zero, that is because there is intelligent discussion (or at least more intelligent than this) going on about the actual material. You don't need to talk about the actions of people involved in the making in order to discuss the film. Everyone is only doing so because they were far closer to the making of this movie than any other. Step back, realize it is still a movie, and talk about the movie.


    I for one really enjoyed the movie. I saw it at the premiere, and saw it with a bunch of friends on opening night. Out of everyone I saw it with, only one person didn't really enjoy it. His response was more of a "eh it was OK I guess" than a negative one.

    I didn't care for the lighting, but I also didn't go because I wanted to see this revolutionary lighting technique that was talked about. I probably wouldn't have even noticed had it not been mentioned prior. I went for humor and that is what I got. A few lines fell flat, but I think that is normal and made it resemble what it is like to go out with friends, even if that was unintentional. It has plenty of flaws, but I had a good time watching it both times. If I can go to a comedy and smile and laugh pretty consistently, it did its job. I wouldn't bitch about "I Know What You Did Last Summer" for being unrealistic and having a ridiculous plot. I'd watch it for people getting killed and JLH before she became Jennifer Love Bacon.
  7. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    Thanks for letting us know you'd approve of it being closed let alone that that's what should be done. What would we do without you?

    I'm about tired of all the bashing. If it weren't for Tucker we all would not be here. Yes the movie didn't do as well as he said it would. HE WAS PROMOTING HIS MOVIE. What the fuck was he supposed to say, "Well, it may suck so keep your expectations low and if it doesn't it'll be great!"

    What more can be said that hasn't already a million times over? We beat, raped, skull fucked and kicked the shit out of this for far too long on the RMMB and now it's beginning to infect this place. You people should learn to get your venting BS out and move on. Did anything directly effect your life? No. And if it did you should step away from your computers for a while.

    If we lock the thread people will bitch, if we didn't have it some would find a way to weasle it into other threads and ruin them. The only way to end the useless bitching starts with the ones that are doing the bitching. So, please stop.

    We are all new mods trying and learning everyday. Why can't you just be cool and go with the flow rather than making more work for us when the board is in its infancy?
  8. HoyaGoon

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Well, this is somewhat the crux of the matter. If this thread were devoted solely to members' opinions of the film itself, than the questions/backwards looking/evaluation of Tucker's claims would be out of bounds. But within the first few posts, people who were asking about the marketing strategy and why it failed; what should have been done differently; and generally offering their thoughts on the overall process, and not focusing solely on the movie as a movie. And these were the people generally, though not exclusively, supportive of Tucker. While you usually can't attack a witness's character on cross, you can do so if they bring it up themselves and open the door. And that's what happened here.

    Look, no one wants a 40 page, meandering thread-jacking with pro- and anti-Tucker partisans e-yelling past one another, but when a number of people are "SHOCKED, SHOCKED to find that gambling is going on in here" in regards to the various commercial failures of the movie and openly questioning why it happened, then it is inevitable that some people who didn't drink the kool-aid are going to point out that the signs were there for a long time, you just had to be willing to see them.


    I found the movie to be decidedly meh. The production values were for shit, as oft-noted here, but that wasn't the problem. To me, there seemed to be no reason for this movie to exist, no compelling reason why it had to me made. This is something that, again, can be overcome (is there really a compelling reason for Office Space? for Old School?) if the funny is there. And here it wasn't. Part of the problem is that many of the jokes were dated (Magic Johnson, really?) or don't translate well to the screen. And this was a reflection of the writing, too much of the movie, to me, seemed like it was just copy-and-pasted from what Tucker believed were the "Best Of" his stories. While nice to see brought to life, it is a rather thin reed on which to hang an entire basis of a movie.
  9. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    Understood and exactly why if it were solely up to me this thread would not exist in the first place. There are plenty of other places to vent here, about shit that matters, here.

    There is a way to get your point across in an intelligent manner rather than coming off as a shit stirrer.

    All that aside what could anyone here possibly know that Tucker didn't know, and post about, there?
  10. Latchkey

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009

    I didn't bash. I supported open discussion. I just have one question and PLEASE don't delete it out of old RMMB habits:

    If nobody is allowed to discuss anything other than post a standard movie review of Beer in Hell, why not allow a Tucker Max thread and let people just go crazy on there? What's the harm? If you don't wanna look or are exhausted by criticism, let them have their tiny little space to vent a bit and ignore them. It will grow old and eventually everyone will have gotten it all out of their system.

    Point is, the movie IS wrapped up in the "auteur" Tucker Max. And I really haven't read anything that was trolling or unintelligent or super hateful.
  11. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    I have yet to delete one post anywehere and have no plans on doing so anytime soon. Part of this working is us learning, all of us working together and a mutual respect.

    My main point which I have stated more than once, is that at what point has every question been asked, answered and opinion posted, because I don't see it ending anytime soon. Yes it's all new and therefore to be expected but it's already old.

    Or maybe that's my cold talking.
  12. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    I've deleted a post, because the idiot (oh, look who's up there now) was espousing tinfoil hat theories about how we were somehow still tied to some old regime and it didn't do anything for the conversation. I've also deleted a few other posts that were useless and added nothing to the conversation.

    I will continue to do so, because I don't want to see these boards become a moronic free-for-all.

    Because it's cancerous, and the Powers That Be don't want it. It's not a democracy. We're all guests here, and your participation is welcome, enjoyed, and encouraged, as long as you agree to abide by a few simple rules.

    That is one of the rules.

    That's been brought up a few times, and it's not going to change. We ask that you be respectful of those rules, otherwise you'll no longer be welcome here.

    I'm really hoping that people get the hint sometime soon.

    If you feel the overwhelming desire to discuss that crap, feel free to do so in some other venue, where they allow that. Hell, go set up your own free forum here: and discuss whatever the hell you want. Be your own mod. Fill your boots!

    So yeah, any more "but why..." threads will be deleted, period, end of subject. If you're persistently annoying, you'll be banned.

    Yep, I went there.

    Shop Smart... shop S-Mart.
  13. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    This is not his forum. If you want to start one dedicated to that then go right ahead.

    We are not the ones banging away at our keyboards saying things like the bolded part above. We are simply trying to help Chater and the forum move along in a funny and intelligent manner.

    Thanks for proving my point.

    Nett beat me to it.
  14. Latchkey

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009

    Because it's cancerous[/quote]

    Best way to beat cancer is to isolate it. Or it pops up everywhere, in any place. Hence my suggestion of a lone thread.
  15. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Not to be pedantic but the best way to beat cancer is to excise it before it grows too large. If you fail to do that and it grows too large you have to nearly poison the host to death in order to send it into remission. We are not putting a gag order on anything, but this board is not the place to settle old scores, gripe about admins/mods/members past or do anything that generally indicates a fixation on events that are now over. I personally don't have a problem with discussion of the marketing/financing/what have you of the movie (other mods are free to overrule though), but more than one post has crossed the line into schadenfreude laced ranting. If I wanted to hear that I'd get married, become unemployed and call my mother in law.
  16. Nettdata

    Expand Collapse
    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006

    The best way to "beat" cancer is to not get it in the first place.

    Failing that, nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

    Last chance. Stop.
  17. shegirl

    Expand Collapse
    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    I would just like to point out that the only threads we've had any issues in thus far are the two directly relating to the RMMB and the movie. Funny how that works.
  18. realness

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deleting posts and banning people is the best way to ensure everybody that there indeed isn't a conspiracy. Because it's off topic to discuss why this messageboard was created in the first place and the events leading up to that...
  19. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    And in your opinion how long is that to go on? At what point has it all been said?

    realness, if you'd like to continue to do that feel free, somewhere else. This isn't your forum, it's Chaters. Follow the rules put in place, that we all have to follow, or go make one and some of your own.

    We all are so happy this place is here now huh? How about you treat it like that.
  20. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    If only you knew...

    You see, what you don't realize, is that this board, and the moderators, are all CANADIAN.

    We hacked the RMMB, hijacked the user-base, and are now beginning the slow but methodical process of getting you to buy our maple syrup and toques.

    THAT is the real fucking conspiracy.

    We're boiling the frog, baby... boiling the frog.
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