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I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by apex22, Oct 19, 2009.

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  1. speed

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    Oct 19, 2009
    The link to the interview on No Good TV with Tucker and Matt that I believe everyone is referring to:

    Matt's body language and attitude towards Tucker and his comments is quite interesting.
  2. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I didn't see anything in that to suggest Matt/Tucker were having seriously problems. Maybe it has a bit to do with me internet ADD, but I think you're reading into things a bit much.
  3. DrayCox

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Haha god damn it. I just literally spent an hour straight scouring the internet trying to find that freaking video to prove I wasn't making it up, and I finally found it, but then I come back here and see it was posted 40 minutes ago.

    Anyway, yeah that is the video, I personally think Matt clearly shows disdain in that video with his body language and tone of voice, but it isn't cut and dry or anything, and I could definitely be wrong. It could also be that Matt is, as Tucker has said many times, the exact opposite of him in many ways and they just don't get along for those reasons.
  4. iczorro

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    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    Oh my fucking god. Really? I'm six minutes in, and Czuchry looks like he'd rather be anywhere else in the world. Shaking his head in pain and disgust, knowing that if he ever achieves respectable actor status, this will be in his background. He'll be sitting next to the guy he played, who is saying shit like "There's no upside to fucking a midget, other than being able to say 'I fucked a midget. They got fucked up teeth, and they're weird looking, they squeek when they talk and they have stubby little arms...'".

    Czuchry looks to be in almost physical pain throughout.
  5. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Whoops. Yeah, like I said, internet ADD. I went back to watch around minutes 5-6 and yeah he definitely makes a lot of expressions suggesting he's disturbed by Tucker. I don't know if it's proof he regrets the role, or just finds the way Tucker approaches the topic disgusting. Eh, considering it tanked he might be regretting it.

    If it was true that Stults could have had a role in the Hangover he should really be kicking himself.

    Edit: Yes, I'd rather be in the highest grossing comedy of all time as opposed to a movie that tanked and got horrible reviews. Even if that meant having a lot less screen time.
  6. Sean Daley

    Sean Daley
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    Oct 20, 2009

    Really? I went to that movie opening weekend, and don't remember a thing about the groom except that he was stranded on the roof. In this movie Stults at least had a part that was seen throughout the movie and was well acted. Even if the movie didn't do well, how can you compare 5-10 minutes of background in a very profitable movie to one of the stars on a decent movie that failed in the box office where his character was great?

    I'd rather have film of me acting well for an hour than film of me lying on a rooftop getting sunburned, no matter the profit of the film.
  7. Morblitz

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Agreed. It looks like they're pretty good buddies, and Matt never acted differently than I do whenever my friends start up with weird twisted crap, especially the facetable part. I think the gossip machine needs to be turned off for a little while.
  8. Determined

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 21, 2009
    The Movie blog started out interesting, then just became redundant and boring. How many times can one man say the phrases "The die has been cast", "The cards are on the table", "TRUST me you guys, it's gonna be great", and "Just wait and see, you guys". Jesus-fucking-christ.
  9. Boris

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 21, 2009
    You forgot "Its COMPLETELY different to every other movie ever made".
  10. Brokenhats

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 20, 2009
    I'll preface this by saying that I'd be considered a "hater" rather than a fan of Tucker Max.

    For me, the interesting part about all of this was to watch all of you (as seemingly intelligent people) fall for Tucker's shtick over and over again. He had no problem lying to his fans about who was distributing the movie (cough fox cough) and saying that it'd be a wide release on thousands of screens when he knew otherwise. He thew everyone under the bus once the movie failed.

    He went from heaping praise upon Gosse, to saying he did a bad job. He blamed Darko, the company that had allowed him the creative freedom he craved so badly. He blamed Freestyle, a company with a terrible track-record that he had a hand in choosing. He must have known that Freestyle didn't have the same capabilities as the major studios. He blamed everyone for the marketing failures, yet after the movie had opened he still didn't have a banner for it on the website generating most of his traffic. Hell, he even bad-mouthed his mods recently, saying they did a horrible job running RMMB.

    So, what I really want to know, is why? Why keep defending him, when he'd been so dishonest throughout? Isn't that Tucker's whole game? That he's an asshole, but an honest asshole that tells it like it is? Once he'd broken that rule, why were so many of you still sticking up for him? Still believing all the other outrageous claims about his movie?

    I apologise if this is too far off-topic, but it's something that I've wondered about since the start of all this.
  11. Kerbunked

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    Oct 21, 2009
    I saw the movie twice when it came out the 2nd weekend. I took 2 different sets of friends each time and they loved it. I saw Zombieland that weekend too and I thought I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell was funnier.

    I had a couple problems with the movie though:

    1. The Tucker character was too much of a prick. One scene, the entire fiasco with the bachelorette party was almost painful to watch. Pretty much nothing in that scene was funny or redeemable.

    2. Despite several scenes where I laughed a lot, there were no one-liners that were memorable to quote with my friends afterwards. Maybe it was the way that the lines were spoken, but nothing seemed to stand out to me when it was all said and done.

    I liked the movie, and I think a lot of the critics reviewed Tucker Max as a person rather than the movie he made. Also, I guarantee Tucker is wishing he'd borrowed some of the marketers for Paranormal Activity. Those guys know how to promote an independent film.
  12. Trying

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 19, 2009
    Keep in mind Tucker's halftruths and blames have only came out in the last month or so. I think his fans we're justified in believing what he said up until recently.
    Tucker said repeatedly in the blog that he would take responsibility for success or failure of the movie. Until he mans up to that statement, I agree, he should lose credibility.
  13. dabeetrus

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    Oct 19, 2009
    brokenhats and any other haters:

    First of all if you aren't going to actually contribute to this board other than to register an account solely to rub in the fact that TM was wrong, or to say "I told you so" then just leave. Most of us really aren't taking it as seriously as the haters were and we don't care to read such childish prattle. If you can't realize that not everyone was a blind fanboy of Max and that in fact many (most?) of us were very skeptical of his claims then you are no worse than the sycophantic retards that leeched onto the board over the past several months.

    Is anyone really that surprised that Tucker, an admitted narcissist and shameless self-promoter, ended up for the most part being full of shit ? No. I still defend Tucker on some issues like the rape culture horseshit and certain other things because despite his flaws he is smart, funny as hell, and a person I admire if only for the fact that he accomplished so much essentially on his own terms.
  14. Brokenhats

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 20, 2009
    I'm not trying to rub in the fact that Tucker was wrong. What would be the point of that? He isn't even here. The reality is that a large number of people accepted Tucker's word as gospel and defended obvious lies. I'd like to understand why, and whether those posters feel differently now.

    What childish prattle?

    Obviously not everyone was a blind fanboy, but a large number were. If so many were skeptical of his claims, then why were they such pussies about it? Why not call him out? Was it fear of banning?

    I can assure you that a lot of people were pretty surprised. Again, his selling-point is that he is an asshole, but an honest asshole.

    Do you think this damages his credibility?
  15. broadstparade

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    That's the interview. Sorry I didn't link to it earlier, but it was hard to find. If anyone is interested, I actually found it on the RMMB through Google Cache. I googled: rudius message board ihtsbih matt tucker interview. It was the second link down (sublink of the first). Click on "cached" and there you are on the old familiar orange screen with the link. Don't know how long these "caches" will last, but it might be an opportunity for everyone to find some old gems if they're clever enough with google.

    As for the interview, unless you suffer from Asperger's, you should be able to read Matt's negative body language and social cues pretty easily.
  16. realness

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 19, 2009
    This is the typical old RMMB mentality that lead to its downfall.

    "If you are going to mention uncomfortable truths, please leave."

    How about using this new board as a fresh platform to discuss things that were previously censored? Brokenhearts is not rubbing anything in. He is actually exploring an issue that is very relevant to recent events. He is pointing out the elephant in the room.

    Why didn't Tucker loyalists question him more on the board? Were they afraid of losing social status at the RMMB because of expressed doubt? Were they afraid of FuckYouBans?

    How can anybody still defend Tucker Max after he's lied, exaggerated, and ultimately blamed everybody else for a failure that was ultimately his??? He even blamed loyal MODs, who were doing all of the messageboard work FOR FREE? Towards the end, 3-4 year RMMB veterans were getting banned left and right.

    How can you still defend this douchebag?

    It's reminiscent of a delusional domestic abuse victim:

    "He beat the shit out of me, but it was all my fault. He's still a good man."

    This board is doomed if this kind of mentality persists. So far it's looking the opposite though, so that is optimistic.
  17. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Oct 19, 2009
    The board is doomed if it becomes an echo chamber for talking about Max. "Wasn't it bullshit that he did this? Wasn't it fucked up that he did that?" Yes, no, who gives a fuck anymore? You're not discussing the movie, you're discussing the politics of a defunct Internet messageboard, and you're not injecting any humor into it. Does it really make you feel better to talk about this? Is some cosmic balance achieved now that you can independently praise or criticize a man who doesn't give a fuck either way?

    The fact of the matter is this: no one here knows the full truth about anything surrounding that board, that movie and the guy behind it, and I'll bet good money we never will. So what is the point of all this, beyond self-indulgence? All it does is prove that the new board can't exist without Max as the focal point, which does not have to be true.
  18. dabeetrus

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009

    Have you noticed that no one else who has talked shit about Tucker Max or the movie has been called out but brokenhats? Do you think it maybe has to do with the fact that you joined for the sole purpose of talking shit about Tucker Max and his fans?

    The issue isn't the fact that Tucker fucked up the movie or his fans, it's the fact that you are someone who has no interest in contributing to this board at all, yet you want to jump in and pick apart the psychology of a community using sweeping generalizations and implying that the majority of the board was a bunch of sycophantic fanboys.

    We don't need you here, no one cares about your prognostications on a community that you have never contributed to and probably have no knowledge of outside the IHTSBIH movie fiasco. The community existed WAY before the movie was even announced or any script was written and most of us only followed the making of the film casually.

    THe fact that some people are still defending TM is not that unusual, the fact that you are so astounded by it is. People have a tendency to hear what they want to hear (cognitive dissonance), especially when they emotionally invest themselves in something and it turns out to not actually come to fruition. I
  19. DrayCox

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I agree that his little hint about Fox distributing the movie was at best misleading, but it wasn't a total lie. Fox is doing the DVD distribution of the movie.

    As for the wide release...I don't consider this a lie at all. If the movie would have done what he expected it to then it would have been wide release. I thought it was obvious that wide release was pending a big turnout on opening weekend. He didn't get that so the wide release never happened. He was certainly wrong, but he didn't lie.

    I don't think he has heaped praise on Gosse since filming started. He even mentioned the tension at one point after filming had finished saying something like, "Gosse and I had issues." Though do I really need to tell you why it would be a bad idea for him to have bad mouthed the director of his own movie? Come on. There is honesty, and then there is stupidity.

    As for throwing everyone else under the bus, and the general way he acted after the movie failed. Well I can't defend him there, but have you ever literally poured everything you had for years into a project you truly believed in to only have it spectacularly fail? I doubt it, most people haven't.

    I once spent two months working on starting a business, and I gave it everything I had, and I was convinced beyond a doubt that it was going to make me rich, but when it launched, well it didn't make me rich. That was one of the most soul crushing moments of my life. I seriously felt like I had been shot, and this was only from spending about $20k and two months of my life on this project. Try to imagine what it would be like to spend years and who knows how much of your own money, and $10 million of other peoples money to only have it fail to that degree.

    So while even though he did say, "If this movie succeeds or fails, it is on us" to then turn around and blame everyone else when it fails isn't the most admirable thing for him to do, he probably has reacted better than I would have in a similar situation.
  20. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006

    We (the mods) have been pretty lenient about the discussions, but don't push it.

    We do NOT want this to be a vitriolic cesspool of bitterness and hating.

    The Tucker-bashing shit-talk is cancerous, not healthy, and won't be tolerated any longer.

    It's not about us being Tucker fanboys/girls, it's about starting a new board and having a fucking positive mental attitude. Build a bridge, get over it. And it's not like any of you are saying something that hasn't been said before, over and over and over. WE GET IT! He's an asshole, his movie failed, you told him so, yada yada yada. You can stop saying it now.

    So talk about the movie, criticize the hell out of it for all I care, but stop with the blatant Tucker-bashing. Either contribute something useful and entertaining, or fuck off.

    That is all.
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