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I fuckin' HATE that show!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcc001, May 26, 2010.

  1. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    MTV in General
    MTV is the single worst thing ever to happen to music, TV and pop culture in it's entirety, period. Fuck you until the end of the earth, you shallow bottom-feeding child raping cunts. Again, fuck you. FUCK YOU.

    Star Trek
    My impression of every Star Trek episode ever:
    "Red Shirt Guy, look under that rock. Regular cast members, stand over here."
    The end.

    The Hills
    Intelligence-wise, this if for the type of mind that think professional wrestling is real.

    The fact this stupid show made it past the pilot blows my mind. I know there are lots of people on this board that love the show, and I really would like to be introduced to the drugs that they use to make it tollerable. Hammy, unmotivated, lurid junk.

    Anything written by Joss Whedon
    Expensive, contemporary clap-trap no matter which show it is. Buffy the Vampire Slayer just may be the worst show ever. I'm not wrong.

    Jersey Shore
    After reality TV hits rock bottom, what do you do? You get a diamond-studded drill and tunnel straight into Hell! Making celebrities out of the stomach contents that populated this shitbox of shitboxes? Look outside. I believe it's raining blood. "Grease" is the word, indeed.
  2. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Now we're talking. I'll go one level higher;

    Sopranos- As a twelve year old, I was really excited about this show's premiere. I watched a few episodes, and found them utterly boring. His family was depressing, stupid, and added no humor or interest to the show. Ditto for the psychiatrist. The scenes with the mob members were typically slow, predictable, and lousy.

    Several years pass, and as a 17 year old, I give it another try. I watch a few episodes, and it's still painfully predictable and boring, but this time I notice something new. It also contains a number of plot holes, inconsistencies, and frequently bails itself out with plain lazy writing. I had to force myself to sit through an entire show.

    To this day, I don't understand the show's appeal, and this is coming from someone who LOVES movies about crime and mafia in any style or flavor.
  3. Czechvodkabaron

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    I am a huge Jeopardy! fan and have auditioned for the show twice so this made me laugh. I don't like Wheel of Fortune but I also wouldn't say that I hate it. There is at least some skill involved in solving the word puzzles, but the fact that it is so easy to land on the bankrupt spot on the wheel and have no control over it would piss me off if I was a contestant on the show. Vanna White is still smokin' hot, so that's at least a plus.

    If we're on the subject of game shows then I will have to add Deal or No Deal. There was NO skill involved in that game show at all. You might as well have people drawing straws to win money.

    I'll also add The Price is Right, regardless of Bob Barker or Drew Carey hosting it. I know a lot of people who love it but I honestly could never sit through an episode.

    Most game shows are torture to watch. The only one that I ever liked besides Jeopardy! was Beat the Geeks on Comedy Central, but I don't think that one could have stayed good much longer than the two seasons it was on the air.
  4. Natty

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    Oct 19, 2009
    No. Shit. I've seen maybe, MAYBE five Seinfeld episodes ever. Why? Because everyone on the show is a whiny fucking bitch and it annoys me. I would punch Jerry Seinfeld if I ever saw him. Not hard, just enough to let him know that I disapprove of his "legacy".

    My Two Dads, Harry and the Hendersons, and the Cavemen spin off were also insufferable.
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Shows about looking for ghosts.

    Serisously, what is your damage? Ghosts DO NOT EXIST. You'd have better success searching for unicorns and leprechauns or finding the Ark of The Covenant in your fucking tool shed that finding imaginary, fictional beings we use to scare campers around a fire pit. What a pitiful waste of time and money these "shows" are.
  6. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    This actually reminded me of another one;


    Fat, greasy, disgusting, white trailer trash mom and her equally trash family. Complete with some of the absolute dumbest jokes I've ever heard. I feel sorry for John Goodman, a talented and versatile actor, that he had to be on this.
  7. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    Jay Leno in whatever incarnation his show has taken.
  8. Rumble

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    Experienced Idiot

    Feb 24, 2010
    Seinfeld. I'm so happy about the hate it's getting here. The neurosis that runs rampant in this show isn't funny, it raises my blood pressure and makes me want to punch stuff. And to say that Canadians don't get American comedy is by far, %100 the dumbest thing I've ever heard. We grow up with American media, we are so flooded by it we basically don't even have a culture of our own. I would bet everything I have that there is 5X more Canadians who know who the US pres and vp are yet have no idea who their own provincial Premiers are. Fact.

    Besides Seinfeld (auto correct on my iPhone capitalized "Seinfeld" for me... Piece of shit) I'd have to vote for American idol, Americas got talent and so you think you can dance. My hatred for these shows knows no bounds.
  9. LukesBoxHero

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    Mar 4, 2010
    Upstate NY
    Screw all of you Seinfeld haters. I'm 20 years old and I love the show. I have all the seasons.

    I hate three shows really. The first would be Lost. I understand that it is very popular and probably well written and produced, but I think it's just fucking stupid. The second would be anything involving Leno; while the third would be any VH1 reality tv show. How my room-mate can sit there and watch Tough Love and take it seriously is beyond me.
  10. KMD

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 7, 2009
    Gonna take the potshot at the retarded kid and say Modern Reality TV. I used to be frothingly angry at it when The Real World was the standard-bearer, but at this point it just makes me numb. You ever hate something so much that it just leaves you feeling empty?

    The American version of The Office, not so much for what it is, but for what it's done. It became a shining beacon to the crippled, "ironic" sense of humor that the humorless co-opt to seem cool. It's the comedic-neo Dada, the Pabst Blue Ribbon drinking hipster of ribaldry.

    Firefly: Buffy was an amusing experiment, Angel was forgettable, and Dollhouse was a lesson in schadenfreude. But since I happen to have friends of the nerdy persuasion, they Will. Not. Shut. Up. about this thrice-damned show. Fuck Wash, fuck Jayne, fuck Mal and his fucking douchebag-Spike Speigal wannabe smirk, and fuck Summer Glau in her prepubescent looking little snatch.

    True Blood, this one just left me hollow. It's insipid and in love with its own "realness".
  11. Thorgouge

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Deal or No Deal and all these new game show shitfests are all the same. Some of them could be more tolerable if it weren't for the fact that they try too hard to make the audience super intimate with the contestants. NBC game shows are especially guilty of this; they make sure to bring the entire fucking family and interview each and every one of them, even baby Tyler, about how excited they are for the opportunity to be on TV. Not to mention they get the most annoying, unintelligent douche bag contestants that just love the producers for putting all of the attention on them instead of the challenges they are undertaking. I honestly avoid every new game show because of how bad it's gotten.

    On a side note, I used to LOVE The Price is Right with Bob Barker. That fat sack of garbage Drew Carey replacing him promptly made me stop watching. Here is a typical episode of The Price of Right now:

    Drew: "Welcome up contestant, before we begin would you like to say hi to anyone back home?"

    Contestant: "Yea, oh my gosh, I'm like so excited to be here, I want to say hi to my parents, my grandma, and of course my seven cats."

    Drew: "Okay great today you'll be playing Plinko, where you guess the prices of items to earn chips to drop down the wall. Now then, want to say hi to anyone else?"

    Contestant: "Uhh, I think I mentioned everyone. Hi all my friends too! Okay, so I'm ready to play now."


    Drew: "Congratulations!! You won three chips to play Plinko with, who do you wanna say hi to back home?"

    Contestant: Ohhhhh my gosh I totally I'm totally ready to win money, I love you mom and dad!"


    Drew: "Wow, What a game! Hey remember when I used to keep my mouth shut on Whose Line is it Anyway? and I was tolerable?" Time for a commercial and when we're back we'll spin the wheel! Anyone you want to say hello to"

    Contestant: "Holy shit, what the fucks wrong with you, you fat fucking shit, shut the fuck up before I flatten you with the god damn Wheel."
  12. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    Alright I am seriously completely baffled by most of this Seinfeld hate. I consider it the greatest sitcom ever(aside from mayyybe the Honeymooners). I generally think most of you are pretty smart so I'm confident in a good explanation. What don't you guys like about Seinfeld? Have you watched the the show in any order or just whatever happened to be on TV or someone elses favorite episodes? Do you not like observational comedy in general? What about George Carlin(leaning towards the 80's Carlin)? Do you not find him funny either? Ever seen Curb Your Enthusiasm? What did you think of that?

    Granted the show is slightly geared towards New Yorkers, but it has huge fans everywhere. It's just a little more real for people who have lived in NYC.

    The show has some of the greatest characters ever, namely George and Elaine. Jerry and Kramer are nothing spectacular I'll give you that, but George and Elaine? George can be analyzed and picked apart for days. Elaine is a feminist icon. She was incredibly edgy for her time(and by the way she is beautiful).

    The only real reason I can think of for hating Seinfeld is not liking observational humor in general or ignorance/lack of exposure. Please explain.

    My most hated shows? I'll second Gilmore Girls...completely unrealistic dialog. Also, I don't get the big deal about Glee. Their performances are pretty damn good but the storylines are as typical as they come. What's the big deal? Reality TV is of course a given (aside from Jersey Shore which is the greatest thing in the history of mankind). I'll also throw my hat in the ring for That 70's show, Two and a Half Men, Friends, Everbody Loves Raymond, and just about any sitcom you can think aside from Seinfeld.
  13. lostalldoubt86

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    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe

    What the people on the board aren't into is the neurotic characters. It's the same with Curb. It's not so much the observational comedy as the characters who are observing it. If I'm getting this totally wrong, let me know People Who Don't Like Seinfeld.

    Also, as far as Curb Your Enthusiasm goes, I don't like Larry David in real life, so I have no interest in a show where he basically plays himself.
  14. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    Ok, right there. I am so sick of all media having a raging hard on for New York and Los Angeles. There are other cities for a story to take place.
    Like I mentioned in my post, it is crazy expensive to live in Manhattan, so Cosmo Kramer would be living in an old refrigerator box and shitting in plastic grocery bags.
    Jerry HAD to have been getting money from his parents, because there is no way a stand-up comic could afford to live there. And before anyone tries to say "Well, but he's a famous standup comic," remember that in the Seinfeld universe, he wasn't famous until the end of the series (and that last episode sucked ass, by the way.) He would also piss me off because he would always have these smoking hot girlfriends, then dump them because of some minor ideosyncracy (Oh my god, she doesn't double not her shoe laces! SHE'S A GODDAM FREAK!).
    Elaine was just a bitch, and only "beautiful" in the way that you thought your 3rd grade teacher was beautiful, but when you go back and look at your old yearbook, you realize she was plain or even homely. She was only beautiful because there was no one else to compare her to.
    George was a whiny bitch; come on, that whole deal with his fiance Susan? Just dump her already.
    Now that I think about it, his parents were the only funny characters on that show, specifically his dad.
    The weirdest thing is I used to watch that show every day when I was in middle school; I think it was mainly so I could have an excuse to stay up later than I would otherwise be allowed to.
    I tried watching some episodes a couple of years ago and was shocked at how ridiculous they were.
    Example: That episode where Jerry (being a typical idiot) buys a suede jacket for almost $1000, and then he and the rest of the dipshit squad go to meet Elaine's dad (Lawrence Tierney), whom everyone is intimidated by for some reason. While they are getting aquainted, it starts snowing, and since Jerry doesn't want to ruin the jacket, he turns it inside out, revealing the pink striped liner. Dad doesn't want to be seen walking with a guy dressed in such a fashion, so Jerry, being a gutless douche, turns it right side out and ruins it in the snow, and eventually gives it to Kramer.
    How is that "a little more real" for anyone, regardless of where they live?
  15. Dread

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    Apr 22, 2010
    Steve Carell is the reason that I no longer enjoy The Office. I just despise Michael Scott. Is there a more cringeworthy character on TV?

    This is for you: (embedding disabled)
  16. Stealth

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Friends - have never watched a full episode. Caught a few minutes of it maybe 2 or 3 times and that was more than enough.

    Any Australian afternoon soap opera , Neighbours, Home and Away etc.... they could use this shit to torture prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay.
  17. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I fucking hate that show too. Not because it's the worst out there, mainly because everyone else loves it so much. The first few episodes were great, but it took a quick down slide. The jokes are random, idiotic, and there's too much cheesy shock value

    South Park. I really like some episodes, but mostly this is stuff I had outgrown by the time I was 14. How the fuck do people in their 20s and older still enjoy this?

    The Daily Show. Goddamn, this used to be hilarious. Now, it's just a bunch of political rants where mouth foaming idiots can pander to their stupid ill informed idealistic scope of how the world show be. I'm not saying Stewart never makes a good point, but from what I watched they're infrequent, and he just isn't funny anymore.

    Everybody Loves Raymond. Worst show ever. When I found out Ray Romano was the highest paid writer/actor at the time this show was in it's prime I lost faith in America. No intelligent person could enjoy this humor. Although each episode seemed to suck worse than the one before it, they all followed the same format.
  18. Ton80

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    I usually go to the gym in my office building around noon. While the gym has a TV, it doesn't get cable, so our choices of TV watching is limited. So, what does the fat bitch walking on the treadmill at two miles an hour want to watch?

    WENDY FUCKING WILLIAMS. I swear to God, that vapid whore makes Tyra look positively brilliant. She has no talent and no real accomplishments, why does she get a show?
  19. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I find this interesting, because for me, the stories are what makes the show great, not the characters. And if you're bashing the show because it's not 'realistic' enough, then, damn, how do you like ANY show, specifically sit-coms? Yeah, Kramer would be homeless and Jerrry couldn't buy a cadilac (though they do use the actual address Jerry lived at in real life), but George pulled a golf ball out of a whale's blow's called suspending your disbelief.

    Obviously the actors do a great job (well, Jerry can't really act as anything other than himself), but the crux of the show, as far as I can tell, is total and complete apathy towards everything outside their world (the final episode was punishment for that, by the way). If you don't like that, or it offends you, that's fine, but you gotta admit they execute it well. I mean, the scene at a funeral where Elaine bitches to Jerry about how she hates her wardrobe, and it's "becoming a real problem" for her, while an unseen woman sobs continuously in the background...seriously? Not funny to any of you? George accidentally KILLING his fiance because he's cheap? Nothing? Shit, last night I saw George wear and ruin Babe Ruth's jersey and the World Series trophy and not lose his job, only to get traded by Steinbrenner the next episode to a chicken outlet in the mid-west, all because he wanted to make a woman think he was from out of town so he could sleep with her. The only show I know of that comes up with crazier, more hilarious plot lines is Arrested Development, and I think that's a testament to both shows.

    Anyways, this book (<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 1573223077</a>) does a better job than I could detailing the greatness of the show, explaining how it rewards the viewers the more they watch, with multiple plotlines converging, and inside jokes (Vandelay industries) that spanned the entire series. Oh, and how the backwards India episode is still considered a groundbreaking moment in sit-com history.

    In conclusion, Family Guy sucks.
  20. Obviously5Believer

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Kramer was independently wealthy via some inheritance or payoff earlier in his life. And Jerry was living in a modest sized apartment on the upper west side in a not-so-decent building. I mean fucking Newman the mailman was living there too. That's way more unbelievable than Jerry's lifestyle.

    Elaine was hot and had her moments but for most of the series she had that ugly ass curly hairdo. So yes she did resemble a teacher but when she actually tried to look sexy she was. Even now she looks better than some of the 90's hairdos she rocked.

    George was whiny. Of course he was, that was part of his character. They were all obsessed with themselves. That type of humour is so Jewish so maybe you just don't like jewish comedians. Ever seen Annie Hall? Bet you didn't like that movie.

    Sure, Seinfeld was corny and stale at times, like almost every show that has a nearly decade long run. It's style is also more hit and miss than most other generic sitcoms. However, it definitely does not deserved to be mentioned in the same sentence as any shitty ass reality show that require absolutely no wit or talent to create.

    I don't really hate tv shows except reality shows. Something about the fact that, instead of actors getting rich playing characters that I hate, which requires a certain level of skill, these people that I hate getting rich by being their shitty selves.