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Game of Thrones Season 7

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by Kampf Trinker, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    In case you all didn't know, first episode aired last night.

    I thought it was a fairly strong opening episode. A few rambling thoughts:

    - The scene where Arya massacred the Freys felt kind of shitty and anti-climatic. I just think it was a bad idea to start the season out that way. It needed more build up after the show had been off the air for a year.
    - Dorne has been absent from the plot for a long time. I hope they go back there soon. I still think the way Doran was overthrown was sloppy and not at all believable, but whatever.
    - Jon is getting kind of boring. Least interesting of the main characters in my opinion.
    - Daenerys is finally in Westeros! Fuck yeah, about time.
    - Did we really need an extended montage of Sam cleaning shit pots? Seriously?
    - Speaking of Daernerys, how does she not crush anyone in Westeros opposing her? At this point she has the entire Dothraki hoard, thousands of unsullied, a bunch of slave soldiers, a good number of iron born, plus three dragons. Who the fuck is going to win a fight against that? Also, it seems kind of odd that while the Kings Landing characters haven't totally ignored her, they've barely prepared at all, which is kind of ridiculous considering she's been massing her army together for years now.
    - There should be a lot of good battles this season. I hope they splurge and do them right. The battle of Kings Landing was fucking awesome. The battle for the North against Ramsay, not so much.

    I'm still torn on whether or not I'm glad the show deviated from books. I think there is a lot of things they fucked up, but I'm glad it's different plot lines so it won't be the same if/when Martin finishes the books. Do you book readers like most of the changes or think they should have stuck closer to the source material? I guess it's kind of irrelevant at this point since the series is well past the books now.
  2. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    I quite enjoyed the season opener, and thought it showed a lot of character development, especially for the Hound and Arya.

    The only thing I kind of didn't like was the Ed Sheeran cameo... he suits the role very well, and looked like he belongs, but the fact he was immediately recognizable from the singing, never mind when he was on camera, pulled me out of the story a bit.

    It's not worth bitching about anywhere near as much as the fucktards on the Internet seem to think it does (to the point that Sheeran deleted his Twitter account over the harassment), but it was a minor thing.

    I think the Arya mass killing was a necessary evil to clear the path for more interesting things to come, and they didn't have time to set it up, other than to use it as a "she's on a fucking war path for revenge" story point. It shows that she's an accomplished assassin, and is going after the Queen.

    It was also quite interesting to see the guards as human, and her not killing them, even though she had every chance.

    All I could think of when Daenerys landed was "that's a lot of fucking stairs".
  3. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Yeah it was... odd. They kept the camera on him even when he didnt have lines. It was like, "Hey look we have Ed Sheeran on the show!"

    I really liked the Hound's side story here. Still want to see a reunion between him and his zombie brother, but he has had a pretty interest arc.
  4. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I was hoping Arya would kill him for comedic relief. Watching the internet melt down from Ed Sheeran's violent tv death would have been worth it.
  5. ODEN

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 23, 2009
    I laughed during the montage. Watching him pour out the shit pots and seeing him pour out the stew and both looking almost alike, I thought for sure he was going to gag while pouring out the stew at some point during the montage.
  6. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    The perfect millennial show:
    A bunch of bearded emo hipsters fighting climate change and each other
    An entitled broke princess with weird pets
    A family WAY too obsessed with their dogs
    A bunch of people fucking people they totally shouldn't, jeopardizing the empire
    The smartest guy in the room is a ridiculed neckbeard (Tyrion/Sam)
    No one does any actual work.

    Solid first episode, can't wait for more. I actually started paying for HBO to stream this.
  7. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    See, as I don't follow pop music these days I had no idea that was the same guy Ill see sometime in enterntainment sections of websites. I thought the singing and his Lannister look made him fit right in.

    I thought it was a strong start. The best of the storyline being Sansa and Jon Snow's tension. It had more of a GRRM touch to it than some of the other thrown together stories. Then the Hounds story has been pretty good as well. It was nice to see them kind of linger on him instead of trying to cram more Daeny into the opening episode. Sam's struggles at the Citadel were good too until the whole secret books thing lead up to "Oww yeah! Stannis told me about the dragon glass on dragon stone, I tote's forgot!" I think that's a key plot point of the season and Im hoping they go the Martin route and instead of giving everyone the easy Dany' Jon Snow alliance, let them be adversaries, since Dany will want to rule all the kingdoms no exceptions, thus leaving Jon out in the snow as far as easy access to lots of dragon glass and the prospect of having to fight with the strongest army on the show.

    I still think Ayra's storyline was handled the weakest of the show. Right up until the end of last season it was the last story that wasn't beyond the books. The whole assasin training was built on being a nameless faceless person with no ties to thier past and only kill in service the many faced god. When the waif rightly called her on her BS, she just kills the waif and Jaqen H'ghar just gives her a nod that her quest for vengance is cool. Im hoping she still has to atone for this in some way, over confident in her abilities leading to a fall etc. I also thought Euron steaming into kings landing with the largest fleet eva', was kind of an easy cop out. The whole of the iron islands wasn't in the best spot after their last big assault on the mainland was choked out. Then boom, the Crow's eye shows up with a massive armada. It sounds like he wants to bring Cersai Tyrion's head as his show of loyalty.

  8. TX.

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    The Mad Pooper

    Oct 21, 2009
    With Waylon, Willie and the boys
    Agreed. I was halfway expecting that goofball to turn to the camera and wink. I'm not up in arms like a small population, but it definitely pulled me out of the show.
  9. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I don't know man. Go clean a couple hundred shit pots and let me know if it doesn't feel like actual work.

    I think Arya's storyline has had a couple issues, but the two I think they really fucked up was Sansa and the Tyrion/Shae relationship. Neither really matter at this point, but Sansa going off to marry Ramsay after the Boltons massacred her family was totally absurd. She's fine with it until she finds out he's a shit bag. I know she's supposed to be naive and whatnot, but she can't be so dense that that surprised her. Also with Tyrion/Shae they totally changed it up from the books, but then had it end exactly the same way and it made zero sense. Same with how Tyrion kills Tywin. They skipped an extremely importantly scene for no discernible reason and it really sucked the wind out of that finale.

    Overall, I still think it's easily the best show in recent memory (with the possible exception of Burn Notice which is recentish).

    Also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who had no idea who that singer was and as a result his appearance in the scene impacted me in no way whatsoever.

    I was thinking the same. On top of all the men they lost after raiding the mainland they also allegedly lost most of their fleet and a good chunk of their men who sailed off with Theon. We'll see how it plays out, but frankly the Iron Islands should have been in pretty rough shape at this point. Kind of like where Stannis was after his invasion of Kings Landing backfired.
  10. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Wut? You're comparing a mediocre USA network one hour sightly humorous action show to GoT?
  11. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I am. It had no where near the production value GoT has, but I really enjoyed it all the same. If I was forced to choose I would take GoT, but Burn Notice easily makes my top ten favorite shows. Not to get too far off the point of the thread or anything...

    Also, as good as GoT is they're also prone to doing really stupid cringe worthy shit at times. For example, the "bad pussy" line or when Cersei tells the Mountain he's going to fight as her champion and he's just randomly killing random people no discernible reason as she approaches him. I guess it was supposed to be bad ass or something, but it was just dumb. The show is plenty good enough to get away with it, but it feels like there's several points in every season that just leave that 'Are you fucking serious?' impression with me.
  12. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Burn Notice was amazing.

    And is it just me or did the bed pans look like they were also the bowls they were eating out of?
  13. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Can we leave the bodily excretion talk to the Weekend drunk thread?

    I get people liked Burn Notice in that cheesey soap opera kind of way, like Nip/Tuck, but it is nowhere near top ten in terms of quality tv in the past 20 years.

    I think most of the GoT shitty writing in the past few seasons is really because they've painted themselves into corners in a few cases. Littlefinger marrying Sansa of to Ramsey being pretty glaring. While Cersai blowing up the sept of Baylor was very in character with how Cersai plays the game in the books (my guess it was a major plotpoint of future GRRM work), they had to figure out some angle where she'd have a, seeming, ally or else they'd be crushed by the houses she's betrayed. Euron being workable but the 1000 ships in a few months time is just ridiculous, like Vary's world wide travel while coalition forming last season. I think they might have jumped the gun with Ayra's story to in terms of killing off Walder Frey last season thus having to immediatly set up this seasons Frey kill off. I liked the book's use of Ladystoneheart and others the Frey's have betrayed picking them off one by one. Mostly it's been good though, just a few head scratchers. GRRM isn't immune to long drawn out storylines that suck and go nowhere.
  14. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Yeah, he is at times, but the plot twists in the books are really well thought out. When the show has deviated in this area they've really dropped the ball a few times. In the grander scheme of things it's totally forgivable, but I really can't stand when a book/show/movie or whatever throws a plot twist at you that is surprising, but it is only surprising because it either doesn't make any sense or involves totally out of character or idiotic decisions.
  15. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Episode 1:

    Clegane's storyline was the best. I'm so glad he wasn't written off, he's such a hardcunt but at the same time one of the shows most complex and magnetic characters. And his whole segment was heartbreaking.

    Jamie is either going to eventually be the Queenslayer, or Cersei will kill him. Random, honest prediction here. At least the Kingsguard and City-Dudes aren't wearing that gold-plated faggotry anymore. And I loved The Mountain as one of Fat Albert's crew.

    Jon has his shit together. Now he has to make a play for his Aunt.

    Please don't let Jorah die that way. He's fought harder and more badass than anybody on the show, he doesn't deserve to become the Incredible Melting Man.

    Let me guess: Dani is going to pad an entire season pissing around on Dragonstone. Her seasons seem to alternate between fabulous and dishwater.

    I'm glad the real enemy is now a main focus of the show. Fuck everything but the Army of the Dead, I'm eagerly waiting for their annual shit-storm episode and hope they don't take Tormund with them.

  16. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Well this season is shaping up quite nice. Theon still broken, Nymaria, the North, all good stuff. I winced a little at the "there's a foreign invasion going on right now" line, but seeing Nathalie Emmanuel in all her glory was AWESOME. Im not sure how Sam thinks he'll keep Jorah's treatments secret.
  17. Evolution

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Los Angeles
    I feel like the direction and costume design has been way downhill this season. Seeing everybody change their shit to the 90s vision of the year 2100 was a bit distracting for me (especially considering that basically no time passed since last season), and some of the scenes, like the battle plan in the opening of this last episode, have just felt slightly more wooden and poorly paced than in the past. Also, they leaned wayyy too far into the cheese with Euron- I dug his acting when he was introduced, but his scream as he lands this past episode was comical. Excited to see where they take things after all this building though.
  18. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I'm not totally sold on the actor cast as Euron. He's a smaller character in the book and they've cut out most of the stuff he was on the outs with family members about who are also not in the show. He's definitely not standing out like the guy they had play Balon did.
  19. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I really enjoyed this episode.

    Granted, it was mostly set up, but it was good set up. I'm glad Arya turned north because between the two options of her killing Cersei or getting captured I just didn't really care for either of them.

    I found it kind of funny how they tried to make the two sand snakes death all dramatic, music and everything. Ummm... was I supposed to give a shit about those characters? Pretty minor deaths really.

    I actually like Euron better than Balon. Mainly because I think Euron has a little more flair and personality to him while Balon was just a cunt, and not a cunning or devious one either. We'll see how he turns out as the show goes on. Him being relevant is important because the whole thing is starting to just look too easy for Daenerys. Speaking of her, did anybody else think she showed a touch of crazy when reminiscent of her father when she was threatening Varys? Theon --- yeah, he's kind of a bitch still, but what was he supposed to do? The battle was clearly lost. It's not like he can just carve through the whole kraken army by himself.

    The only part about the episode that bothered me was how easily Tyrion seemed to accept working with someone who murdered his niece in cold blood. He had one remark about it and then seemed to just shrug it off. I guess they weren't all that close, but still, it wasn't really believable.

    Good on captain dickless for getting some, or as close to getting some as he's ever going to get.
  20. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Tyrion's role these 2 episodes and the better part of last season is the only thing aim not quite buying. It never really made sense for him to run from Cersei into the hands of Danerys. I mean sure, Cersei wants to kill you, but why run into someone that for all you know might do the same? Always seemed too convenient, but whatever.