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Elephants and Jackasses...

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Nettdata, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Also, perhaps get rid of an intelligence agency or two, since the country has over two dozen of them. What you guys really need is a concentrated agency instead of so many. Perhaps some sort of a “central” intelligence agency.
  2. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Oct 19, 2009
    You’d think people would think twice about taking on a huge debt if their credit rating would be in the negatives. Might actually looking for education options that aren’t the sky high state schools.

    Having the government backing and promising debt forgiveness seems like a recipe for disaster.
  3. scotchcrotch

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    Nov 21, 2009
    Epstein’s arrest is going to go one of two ways- Epstein will walk or some of our nation’s biggest politicians are going down.
  4. xrayvision

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    Oct 22, 2009
    This could be interesting. Let the chips fall where they may.
  5. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I am more than willing to sacrifice any Democrat in the country to the gods of perversion if this takes down Trump and Alan Dershowitz.
  6. xrayvision

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    Oct 22, 2009
    I just don’t see child rape through a partisan lens. But yes, Dersh deserves whatever he has coming to him.
  7. scotchcrotch

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    Nov 21, 2009
    Dershowitz will be the scapegoat too seeing as he’s the low man on the totem pole.

    I don’t think anyone really thinks Clinton or Trump is going to be indicted. Now Dershowitz’s ugly ass is a different story.
  8. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Totally agree. Let all who are guilty burn.
  9. Aetius

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    Oct 19, 2009
    My point is I have no interest in soft pedaling this investigation to protect anyone on "my team." Let any Democrat who is guilty burn as long as those two perverts we all but know are guilty go down like they deserve.
  10. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    He bought his way out of his last “I enjoy raping underaged kids for money” speed bump, why can’t he just buy his way out of it again? What’s changed?

    I like how Fox News is eliminating any comments sections pertaining to this news segment on any social media site. I’m not going to say this is a coincidence, simply because any idiot alive knows that it isn’t.
  11. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Please tell me one of you has some sort of solid reasoning or proof to be so convinced Trump has sex with children, and this isn't more political derangement conjecture.
  12. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    The only thing to come from this yet is Epstein. He, cold, is good enough for me. Because he is just plain fucking horrible and I’d love to see him thrown into lava that is made entirely of AIDS.

    The reason why so many have a hard-on is because last time he he signed a waiver that allowed him not to implicate anybody and I guess this time the NYSD attorneys aren't going to let that happen. Even the Fox reporters are under the impression he is both a) fucked and b) guilty.

    ...personally I have no CLUE if Trump is involved with this scumbag. But there are probably other higher-ups who certainly are. I guess we’ll find out.
    #10772 Crown Royal, Jul 7, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2019
  13. Aetius

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I'm not saying Trump had sex with children (although if it comes out that he did, my shock-o-meter will read exactly zero), but this piece summarizes the situation nicely. The idea that a man who has openly admitted he sexually assaults women, has an entire wikipedia page dedicated to the sexual allegations against him from simple assault to rape, who once bragged about being able to wander into the changing room of Miss Teen USA and see teenage girls naked, and who claimed to be a long time friend of Epstein and was seemingly aware of Epstein's predilection for extremely young women, would excuse the kind of abuses Epstein is accused of and would reward a man like Alex Acosta for protecting a "friend," seems highly plausible to me.
  14. scotchcrotch

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    Nov 21, 2009
    Aside from his multiple rape accusations, flight logs showing him on the Lolita Express, and his very words praising Epstein’s fascination with young women?

    Am I missing anything? No one in here is a prosecutor with evidence. That’s the futility of arguing politics but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck that fucks kids.
  15. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    If by somewhere you mean everywhere. Donald Trump. Bill Clinton. I've heard rumors about Grover Cleveland.
  16. downndirty

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    Nov 18, 2009
    Reading the Times piece now, thanks for that. Tried to delete the post.

    I'll open this can of worms. There's a difference between "children" and "sexually mature, but illegal teenagers". I'd bet Trump has fucked the latter a time or two. Why else would a NY real estate "mogul" get into beauty competitions? I can't imagine there was a strong push to ID these girls that wanted to party at Mar-a-Lago, and I doubt Epstein deliberately sought children in the "not yet sexually mature" sense.

    If the girls were promised modelling careers, or paid hush money, they'd likely just move on from it as go to the police. Besides, lots of folks around at those parties to talk about how drunk/drugged you were, and "character witnesses"....we've seen this movie. It's despicable, illegal, and totally believable.

    It's likely Epstein didn't have hundreds of girls (according to the Times article) just for his own appetite. He was either a major customer or a provider of this service, and other customers will come to light. If he gets convicted, things get interesting.

    Given that there is no statute of limitations, and the tremendous backlash that occurs in the court of public opinion (name someone accused of pedophilia that got back into the public's good graces), for folks in the internet age, where the evidence of sexual activity endures digitally this is going to be a Standard Scandal for politicians for years to come.

    The playbook: "Epstein fucked underage girls at parties. Politician/public figure was at some of those parties and knows Epstein. Said politician/public figure is now socially equated to a pedophile."

    99% of the time, it's too ridiculous, but in Trump's case where he's had a long list of accusations, it carries a bit more water. We wouldn't be surprised if Harvey Weinstein was a customer, would we?

    I would also say this makes the "Me Too" movement seem a bit shallow. You had guys like Aziz Ansari get ruined for a date that failed to establish consent, and I think the public saw a lot of weird, borderline cases like that and accusations that featured a lot of sickening debate about what rape, consent and sexual assault actually mean. Keep in mind, Trump was born in 1946, and marital rape wasn't even legally considered rape until the 1970's.

    Now, you have actual sex trafficking, pedophilia and if the "hundreds" number is accurate, incredibly well organized crime. If these accusations are true, it makes Harvey Weinstein's crimes pale in comparison.
    #10776 downndirty, Jul 7, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2019
  17. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    If CNN were to publish a story tomorrow claiming Trump enjoys torturing dogs, I have no doubt millions of people would readily believe it, and the internet would be awash with supporting 'facts' and quote mined drivel. It's funny hearing people berate conservative media for not publishing unfounded rumors about how someone is a child rapist. That's exactly what an ethical media outlet would do, not that fox news is motivated by such a distinction.

    I know sexual assault has become a politicized term, and like anything politicized it's no longer a topic approached rationally, but grabbing a woman's ass, and fucking kids aren't two peas in a pod that go hand in hand. That's like saying because I beat someone up once I probably kill people. There's a reason one garners social shunning, and the other gets you a hefty prison sentence. At least that's my archaic interpretation, from back when people could see that two things could both be bad, and still wildly different.

    Oh right, there was an anonymous accusation that was withdrawn days before his campaign ended. Holy shit, it has to be true then. None of the fanatical fucking weirdos in this country would ever do such a thing unless it was true. Why would Julie Swetnick 'remember' Kavanaugh drug raping dozens of teenage girls? Why would someone spray paint racial slurs on the sides of a building to frame the other political aisle? I know to a lot of people on this board finding it more likely that an anonymous accuser is a liar will seem like a radical alternative explanation, but you do realize that these conspiracy theories and disingenuous smears are fabricated, quite literally, on a daily basis. If I were to point out that this happened to Obama throughout his presidency you wouldn't doubt it for a second.

    I wonder how much the media has to suck before people stop gobbling up every drop bullshit they pump out. During the collusion scandal they got their facts wrong several dozen times, and would half-heartedly retract the proclamations, but no matter how many times it happened people would still go ape shit over the next bombshell that would again be withdrawn, or reinterpreted a few hours later. Like the hysteria over the ever reinsurgent white supremacist movement that never goes anywhere, but has everyone clutching their pearls at the slightest innuendo, or putting the word 'credible' in front of 'accusation' more and more often as the accusation is found to be less credible.

    But you don't even care if Trump fucks kids or not. This might be the next big thing that gets him impeached. That kind of says it all there. I know you're arrogant enough to think you've been right about every prognostication you've made despite evidence to contrary, but you really might want to stop swinging for that fence every time the media says it's imminent.
  18. Aetius

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Sometimes I have to remind myself to be patient with your ignorance, and that it's not your fault.

    Epstein is accused of having sex with teenage girls, not fucking six year old boys. He is accused of trafficking teenage girls and "lending" them to wealthy friends of his (and by accused I mean arrested by Feds out of the SDNY). If on the one hand we're talking about a man (Trump) who has, in his own words, admitted to committing sexual assault, and again, in his own words, admitting to waltzing into pageant dressing rooms while the contestants were naked (thus corroborating what four underaged contestants of Miss Teen USA accused him of), and on the other hand talking about a man who would be willing to "have a taste" of some young looking women, who aren't openly protesting, that his buddy has provided as entertainment, we're not talking about two hands with a whole lot of daylight between them. With all that said, you'll notice that you quoted me saying I was not claiming that this had occurred, just that I suspected Trump was aware that his buddy was doing something illicit but that Trump saw as typical macho behavior that could be excused. The other potentially valid explanation is that Trump is such an oblivious fuckwit that he could trip over a My Little Pony backpack while climbing into the cabin of the Lolita Express and not notice anything was amiss.

    I get that you don't so much read what I write as you do stumble over the letters and words, but what I've posted on this forum isn't just a multi-year list of all the sexual assault allegations I believe without evidence. In fact I'm not sure I can recall a single time I expressed any more confidence in an accusation than that the woman making it "sounded credible" while testifying about it under oath. As opposed to the staggering number of sexual assault allegations you've been able to immediately disprove upon hearing them with a single "bitches be lyin' all the time."
  19. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Since you're not one to stumble over letters and words like those darn ignorants maybe you can use those powers to go back and discover that I wasn't doubting that Trump committed sexual assault, just pointing out that the leap to 'therefore fucks kids' is an illogical one. It's all there, I promise you.

    This is Russia all over again where if Trump knew someone who did something Trump must have done it too, or at a minimum must have known so much he would be complicit if he wasn't so fucking stupid, man. Are you going to apply this standard to everyone Epstein knew? Are you going to bitch about republican partisan hacks while completely shifting your standards depending on whether someone has a D or R next to their name? Are you going to pretend your interpretation of the evidence (or lack thereof) wouldn't be radically different if it was a democrat in office? I have to ask because I know you're happy to makes these leaps with Trump, but you eagerly discounted so much of Hillary's malfeasance because surely she would have been indicted if she was guilty.

    If you want to believe everything the media tells you Trump currently works for Putin while leading an enveloping white supremacy movement that will certainly destroy the lives of all women and minorities, and fucks kids on the side. That's just a start. If you look closely you might see that this isn't actually a person, and is instead the result of a media that needs to constantly invent new scandals and great evils so they can blubber 24 hours a day about how bad the other team is instead of doing their actual fucking jobs, and reporting the news.
  20. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Oct 19, 2009
    I think we’ve just moved into a post hypocrisy world. The concept of hypocrisy is meaningless to everyone now. That’s the long and short of it.