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Dexter season six

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by redbullgreygoose, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Can't disagree with pretty much any of the complaints. Dexter has been so unprecedentedly loose with covering his tracks (keeping the pen from wherever Trinity Jr. was, giving Travis his phone number, giving Travis a freakin VIDEO with his face in it?!) that I feel like I've had to lower my expectations, which sucks, because Dexter being so air tight about not getting caught was in the past one of my favourite things about the show.

    I will defend the 'Deb potentially having feelings for Dexter' storyline though, and mention that this season has made me sympathetic to her character for pretty much the first time ever.

    I think it's pretty well established that Deb has had a...less than ideal relationship with her Dad, even within the time frame of the series, where she spent damn near an entire season researching him and finding out he was cheating and all the rest. He didn't explicitly abuse her, but I'd say 'daddy issues' isn't too strong a term to apply to her. Then there's all the fucked up relationships she's had which, as her psychiatrist has pointed out, have been a lot for one girl with daddy issues to take. So then on top of all this, she has her brother, literally the only male that has not only avoided harming her directly, but is consistently there for her and has outright saved her life on at least two occasions (and yes, with the ITK he was saving her from danger he put her in, but she didn't know that, and he still saved her). Even before this season, she's referred to him as her rock. So now that she's a big deal at the cop shop and is dealing with enough stress to need a shrink (likely overdue), and her rock has been distant during this major time in her life, she's hurt, and is realizing that she may have underlying romantic feelings for the only (non-blood related) male in her life who has treated her well.

    Personally, I don't find that to be much of a stretch, let alone a shark jump, and I think that if this season didn't have so many holes and weak spots, we'd be inclined to applaud the writers taking a risk like that, albeit one that only affects the last two episodes of the season.

    Also, there absolutley HAS to be SOME revelation or connection to the Ice Truck Killer in the finale, since even after his one episode appearance, they've referenced him about half a dozen times.

    Overall, I agree with the general sentiment of the thread. The writing's gotten lazy compared to the first few seasons, and these last two seasons have the disadvantage of following Trinity, one of the greatest seaons of any season ever. I'll still watch the series until the end, but the high level suspense just isn't there. Goes to show just how difficult keeping a great show going at that level is, and makes me appreciate a gem like Breaking Bad even more.
  2. upgrayedd

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    More to the point, with how lazy the writing has gotten, is it too far of a stretch to think that they would write the lab intern as a long lost brother of sorts?
  3. Kerbunked

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    What about if he's Rudy's son or something? If Dexter is in his mid to late 30's, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch since ITK was his older brother
  4. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    We all know who the REAL star has been this season: Quinn's hair. I fucking DIE every time he's in a scene: he's like Nic Cage in Raising Arizona--- a different freaked-out style exploding out of his head like fireworks every time you see him. Gold.
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I guess you can call that a "cliffhanger ending".

    Well, shit. We all knew that was coming, it was GOING to happen. But just like that? Is Deb going to fuck him on top of Travis' corpse? Aside from (once AGAIN) putting Harrison is harm's way, that was probably the best episode of the season since the opener. It was fast and had real suspense for a change. Deb being in love with Dexter is the dumbest fucking thing on this show yet, and that includes Angel marrying LaCooze.

    I thought creepy assistant dude was going to kill Masuka after the Yoda thing. Or did he? I missed about 7 minutes. Did Dexter even find the hand that episode?

    And Quinn's hair was, again, awesome. It looked like a fucking DQ dairy swirl. The highlight of the season.
  6. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    That creepy assistant is going to be the guy that threatens Dexter next season, all while Deb hems and haws about being a good (um, girlfriend or whatever) and a cop. I'm going to assume that we aren't going to see any actual plot progression until the second or third episode next year.

    I think next year needs to pull out all the stops. Specifically, killing off Deb. Nobody thought Rita was going to die. We need a George R.R. Martin-esque killing of a main character to keep us on our toes.
  7. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Again I just think this is lazy writing. It gives a great "oh shit" cliffhanger to the season, but where do you go from here?

    A much more compelling storyline would be one in which Dexter gets a little bit sloppy and leaves something behind that lets Miami Metro know that the Bay Harbor Butcher is still at large. The department goes nuts, the whole case reopens and the season tracks Deb's methodical hunting down of Dexter, slowly coming to the realization that her brother is a serial killer. Series ends with Deb either putting Dex away or killing him.

    But instead we get her walking in on him and catching him like he was jerking off.
  8. suapyg

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    Oct 19, 2009
    In the writer's room:
    "Okay, guys - we had Travis paint a giant Dexter-face on the wall of that house. How do you want to make that a near miss so that Dexter gets to it before the rest of the cops?"

    "Oh, dude, I've got it! I worked on this for almost a minute! Check this out:
    Dexter: Have you been inside?
    Batista: No, we were waiting for you."

    "Perfect. Damn, we're good."
  9. Dread

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    Apr 22, 2010
    Desmond Harrington's hair for best supporting actor.

    I have a friend who works for Fox. She's met Michael C. Hall and she had nothing good to say about him. He's apparently a bit of a prick. Knowing that, I like to think that the "Deb loves Dexter" angle is just Hall being an asshole and screwing with his ex. I mean... He's the star of the show. I can see him walking into a room filled with writers, throwing his latte onto as many people as possible and demanding that they write this into the show or he'll walk. Then he just grabs his crotch, flashes a peace symbol and storms out.

    But... Here's my question... What happens when Deb now sees Dexter's knives and immediately flashes back to the Bay Harbor Butcher case? Surely that's got to add some SERIOUS friction. Or are we supposed to forget about the 2nd season like we're forgetting about the 5th.
  10. Frank n Beans

    Frank n Beans
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I actually laughed out loud when that happened. They have never once waited for him at a crime scene, but this one nobody goes in to check out anything? Yeah, lazy this year. Good thing Homeland was such a good show and made it worth having Showtime.