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Discussion in 'All-Star Threads' started by Nettdata, Nov 27, 2009.

  1. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Re: Double standard on being single

    I actually WILL agree on that, but only because of my simmering hatred toward trophy wives. Just don't always assume it's the woman who's usually the household lay-around. I know PLENTY of women who bust their asses to support their deadbeat, X-Box playing boyfriends and husbands (though I don't sympathize with them for dating losers). Hell, my wife makes almost twice as much as I do salary-wise and I work harder and longer hours than she does. She's been on Mat' leave for the past year to "raise a household" and I'll vouch that it is not, by any means, and easy job for her.
  2. grits

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Double standard on being single

    Or we can all agree that you are making ridiculous statements based on stereotypes and personal bias.

    Pinkcup already mentioned what "women who don't work" do.

    Ever been to a non-profit theatre, museum, symphony or ballet? Women that don't work fold, stuff, seal and stamp the 30,000 pieces of mail each of those organizations sends out.

    Ever had a loved one in a public hospital? The women that don't work seek and write grants to get money for them.

    Who rocks and cuddles the thousands of babies abandoned at hospitals and firehouses so that the newborn infants will thrive? Oh, yeah, the women that don't work.

    Who knits blankets and hats for orphanages and makes My Stuff Bags for children that have to flee abusive households? Women who don't work.

    Who teaches prisoners to read as well as other skills? Women who don't work.

    I can go on but hopefully you are now seeing the picture. Non-profit organizations struggle financially in ways you can't imagine. They do not have the money to pay people to do the work that needs to be done so all of those organizations rely heavily on the time donated by their volunteers. You might not immediately recognize the importance of any of these but imagine a world with no art or dance or music, a world with no public hospitals, a world where babies fail to thrive and therefore have development problems and eventually wind up as welfare lifers, a world where orphaned children are raised from infant to adult without ever having one thing they can call their own, a world where prisoners are turned back out onto the streets with a 100% chance of return to crime because they have no skills. Because that is what our world looks like if "women who don't work" stop working.
  3. badman

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    Should still be lurking

    Dec 10, 2009
    Re: Double standard on being single

    I could name a couple of religious figures that do a lot of good in the world and are amazing people. That doesn't mean they all are.

    I could list off a couple of college graduates are certified geniuses. That doesn't mean they all are.

    Are you seriously arguing against my point by saying "Some people who don't work and are supported by someone else do a lot of good though". No shit they do, but I figured I wouldn't need to point out something so obvious. I could also bring up that most of them don't kill people on a regular basis, but I didn't think I needed to.

    I figured that it would be assumed that in an argument about laziness and people's general merit, that I wasn't talking about the people that actually do shit.
  4. Sam N

    Sam N
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Double standard on being single

    So basically the argument is:

    Some people that don't work and instead stay home to raise the family are lazy. Some of these same people aren't.

    I feel like that pretty much applies to any single group of people in the entire world.

    Great points dude.....
  5. BaseballGuyCAA

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Favorite double standard: $2500 for a wedding dress, $75 for a tux rental

    Least favorite double standard: An eighteen year old can die for his country, but if he drinks a beer he's a criminal.
  6. badman

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    Should still be lurking

    Dec 10, 2009
    Re: Double standard on being single

    I don't understand how this is such a difficult concept to understand so I'm going to put it as clearly as I can.

    Raising kids = difficult and worthwhile, respectable

    not working but at the same time doing something else i.e. volunteer work = worthwhile, respectable

    Staying home and doing laundry/cooking dinner/various other tasks(chores) that people do to run their everyday lives aka "making a house" for them and their partner = not a difficult thing, and not something that I will give someone any credit for.

    I'm going to give some examples to make this more clear, and in these examples I will use women as the homemakers, not because people like this are always women just because in the majority of circumstances I'm familiar with women fill this role, and for the sake of simplicity. Of course men do the exact same thing, I just feel like it's less common.

    1). Woman stays at home and raises children while husband works to make money. The woman has to deal with so much shit (especially if her kids are anything like me) that it's a full time job and she deserves the utmost respect and admiration for putting up with it, and raising (hopefully) kids with good values.

    2). Woman stays at home, but does lots of volunteer work, or anything that in some way is productive and benefits people.

    3). Woman stays at home and has no responsibilities other than to make sure that things are in order when the husband gets home, i.e. chores.

    Now, in situation 1 and 2 these women are not lazy, they are working with the situation they are in, and if you raise children or do volunteer work or something of that nature, get after it.

    But in situation 3, I don't care how hard it is, or how much skill it takes to "make house", you're doing what millions of people do on top of their real jobs, and I'm not gonna give you credit for it. You want credit because the house is clean? because you did the grocery shopping? no, no credit is due.

    that's the point I'm making. I'm arguing with people that say, "you have no idea how hard it is to keep a nice home" etc. because it's not. Are these bad people? no. Are they lazy, not nessesarily. Do they deserve respect for the job they do? absolutely not.
  7. Bong McPuffin

    Bong McPuffin
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    Village Idiot

    Nov 13, 2009
    This thread actually made me so mad I rage quitted from a browser. Normally that move is only reserved for when I'm too drunk to play video games correctly and I get mad and quit, but I'm stone sober and this is just text. I couldn't even make it past page 4 before I honestly started to lose my faith in man-kind.

    Fair warning, I'm going to ramble/vent a bit here, because this is an issue that has plagued my entire adult life.

    FOCUS: Some background... My sister moved out, got married, and had a baby. Then she was too much of a bitch so her husband told her to get the fuck out so she moved in with me, with her baby. So anyways, the day before yesterday I was sleeping nice and deep at 8:30 in the morning when my phone rings... I answer it and its my sisters husband trying to get a hold of her. I figured my sisters phone is off, didn't hear it, or lost it (which happens every other day it seems). So I bleary-eyed get out of bed and stumble to the front room where she sleeps/lives. The TV was on, her baby was up and crawling around, so I thought she was awake watching TV... BIG MISTAKE. I accidentally woke her up, and there was hell to pay. She took my phone, yelled at her husband for 10 minutes, hung up and then threw my phone against the wall and broke it. All because I woke her up.

    This same girl will wake up everyone in the house for any/no reason at all. It can be any hour of the day too, and if you're sleeping she will wake you up. "Can you watch my baby while I do my make-up?" "Can you watch my baby while I run up to the store?" "Have you seen __________________? I can't find it and I know you have it!" "Do you know what time Mom and Dad get off work?"... The answer to all of these questions, every single time, is a plain and strong NO.

    So, she gets to wake me, and the rest of my family up for the stupidest fucking shit ever... but if I wake her up... because her husband woke me up and told her to, then there is hell to pay.

    Also, we got into an argument yesterday, and she said some spiteful and fucked up shit at me, so I came right back with the badness and put her in her place, but then when its all said and done... I'm the asshole for hitting her where it hurts, and she "was just angry and acting out". Fuck. That. Bullshit.

    My sister has single-handedly cured me from wanting a relationship with anyone. I no longer want to have a baby or a wife. I just want to be left alone, out of the mental-circus that relationships are these days. If I never got laid again, it would be worth it to keep my sanity in-tact. Im not just basing this off my sister either... I've seen many friends ruin their happiness and well-being by getting into "serious relationships". One such event happened when I introduced a girl to my friend. This seemingly innocent gesture turned out to be the wedge that would split up my entire group of friends and sever any ties I had to any of my old highschool friends that aren't dead or in prison. Even more recently than that, I made friends with my sisters husbands friend... and then she met my sisters best friends... and then that right there ruined the dynamic of our friendship and we are no longer friends because I called his girlfriend out on being a retarded cunt.

    Life is better when you are single, no doubt about it. There is a single standard that you live by, and that is your own. You go where you want, when you want, and when you get there, you can have whatever you want, and you can look at anyone, including females, and not have to worry about not getting laid for the next month because you glanced at some chicks ass as she walked by. Also, during this whole time, you don't need to pretend like you're interested in what shes saying, and you don't need to make up any bullshit to keep the conversation going... there are no awkward silences when you're alone... just golden silences.
  8. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Uhmmm... that's not normal. Your sister has some seriously fucked up issues that she has to resolve, and if you can't see that, and are allowing her issues to impact you like they apparently are, you have some fucked up issues as well.

    I don't say this lightly, but believe me when I say that you BOTH need some serious counselling.


    If you don't, that kid will be so fucked up it'll take The Situation to describe it properly.

    $0.02 (CDN)
  9. grits

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Double standard on being single

    This isn't a thread about laziness. This is a thread about double standards about which you asserted this:
    And in that statement you made no concessions for unemployed women (and men) who do copious amounts of volunteer work. To that end I responded by given you a list of the "real work" they do. If your acknowledgment of that work was implied in that statement I missed it.

    I'd challenge you to poll one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand real life women and find a majority -- heck, even a significant minority -- that fit the bill of your Situation 3. You blanketed a generalization over an entire sector of population, most of whom it doesn't cover. And if it isn't a majority (or significant minority) it isn't a standard, it's an anomaly.

    Further, say you could find a majority or significant minority of women that stayed home and pressed sheets while watching soap operas (can't be done) how, pray tell, is it a double standard (the focus of this thread) if said laziness is equally despised, criticized or frowned upon regardless of genitalia? Even if you found more "lazy" women than men, I don't think you could find enough people that believe it is okay for women be lazy to qualify as a double standard.
  10. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario other words, don't kill the animals that we find adorable. And because of this, we probably are unaware that dolphin tastes great.

    Also, working in bars over the years (never as a bartender, thank you) it's funny how the slightest provocation can set off some women. She will call him a jerk, an asshole, a piece of shit faggot pussy and throw a drink in his face. He calls her a "cunt", and the record scratches off. Every female head in the bar turns. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU SPEAK TO blah blah blah....tears are shed, she throws punches at him, her male frinds jump him outside, etc.

    What a disgusting, magical word that is. It's astounding what kind of damage the worst word in the English language can do no matter what the situation is. Call a GU that same word, and it's shed instantly. Over in the U.K., the word is used pretty much in church but in the West it is the worst thing to say to a female, and no matter HOW much of an obnoxious loud idiot she is, if you direct that word at her you are worse than Hitler.
  11. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    A girl I was trying to make out with at the time once thought I had used the word cunt over the course of our conversation, in response to her telling me about something shitty that her friend did.. The word was not in my repertoire at the time, so I could not have used it. The result is that I got no action from her that night, or for the next week that I bothered to spend with her, despite my protests of innocence.

    So, I've started to use it. If women are going to get pissed at me for saying it when I don't say it, well, fuck, I might as well get some use out of that fine word. Cunt, cunt, cunt. Cunt.
  12. manbehindthecurtain

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    Oct 25, 2009
    When I was in college, the "Womyn's" rights group has a school sponsored parade and awareness event called "Cunt Fest" so that they could "take the word back." A state representative got his panties in a bunch and eventually went off the deep-end trying to rescind all public funding from the school because the event was sanctioned by the university. Anyway, long story short, I feel that I am not allowed, nay, encouraged to use "cunt" in as many social situations as possible. Usually to describe a very cunty woman.
  13. Bong McPuffin

    Bong McPuffin
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    Village Idiot

    Nov 13, 2009
    Hey, I don't really have a problem, but shes been here for 2 weeks and its been pure hell. As far as I've ever been able to tell, its pretty common place for siblings to hate each other.

    I'm a male, I have a need to make sense, be rational, and be a gentleman. I try my best to not hate on people, but shes a total bitch. My parents agree, my friends agree, her friends agree... shes just a dumb bitch. Shes so unbearably bad that her own husband kicked her out of his house for a while.

    The only reason I agreed to let her stay here is because of the baby, who I don't have a problem with, aside from the incredible amount of time it takes to baby-sit her, and how my entire workflow comes to a grinding halt because I have to constantly get the baby off my leg, she just stands there and pulls at my pants and cries and screams and won't leave me alone till I pick her up and play with her. If she were MY baby, then it would totally be a different story, but this baby isn't mine, and I never agreed to be its caretaker/babysitter, and shes ending up taking up like 18 hours out of every day, sometimes more.

    Today she just broke a window out... shes totally out of control. The only reason I'm not calling the police is because she has a daughter and is basically a single mom now, and since shes female we can't take it outside and settle it like how me and my brother would if we were having such a disagreement. She needs to grow the fuck up and in a big hurry. This is no way to raise a child and I truly feel sorry for her baby, she deserves a better set of parents. Both of them are useless shitbags. I want to take the baby from them and raise it as my own, but since I can't, I just want to get on with my life and I can't because the entire god damn world revolves around this baby and her mom. Its bullshit.
  14. Psk

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 11, 2009
    Stockholm, Sweden
    You know what you need to do, mate. I would never take that kind of shit from a child, running around screaming and "wanting to play" all that time. What a little bitch. Lucky that your niece isn't your child, otherwise you'd have to take responsibility for it. Man, that would suck! And what's with your sister? Busting up windows and being totally out of control? Too bad you can't smack her in the face, that would probably solve the situation. But you you know what I'm talking about.

    In the words of a well known song write, for every problem there's a final solution. Do it. I won't tell anyone.

    Focus: I find it interesting that a someone can talk about resolving complex problems with violence and aggression, and think that they are being perfectly logical and sane, while simultaneously chastising another for using the same reasoning, and thinking they are "out of control".
  15. Bouchedag

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    Village Idiot

    Dec 14, 2009
    I dont know if this was posted already (probably, ill check later)
    Here are my views on the subject anyway.

    Its ok for a woman to physically abuse a man.
    But if he retaliates, its a murderous crime.

    I had one girlfriend who literally whipped me in the face with a dog leash while in an argument. Instead of instictually beating the shit out of her, i punch the tree right next to her face.
    Call it an anger problem I dont give a fuck.
    In all honesty i had a legal right to defend myself there and could have pummelled her face into the ground.
    But i didnt. Because that would be wrong. And it probably would have killed her. And i was raised different than that.

    What really pisses me off about this is not that I cant hit a woman, But that they feel that they can to men, without a problem.

    I've probably been punched in the face by about 6 women now. Not slapped. Punched. And like a "gentleman", have never retaliated. Pat me on the fucking back.
  16. Blue Dog

    Blue Dog
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    Absentee Mod

    Oct 19, 2009
    South Louisiana
    Jesus man...

    Let me ask you this- instead of asking why it is socially unacceptable for you to hit a woman back, have you ever taken a look at why, as a "gentleman", you have to put yourself in so many situations that involve violent interactions with women?

    I mean, you would think after about the 4th or 5th woman tried to punch you in the face, you might start to wonder "maybe its me?".
  17. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Why is it that if a woman rubs a man's taint raw with a hairbrush, she's "kinky" and "adventurous in bed" but if Ballsack does it it's disturbingly homoerotic? Such a double standard.

    Other notable double standards:

    -Men must take time out of their day to deposit waste in proper waste receptacles known as toilets. Women can convert 100% of consumed matter to energy, as was proven by Einstein.
    -When a male celebrity cheats on his wife with another woman, it's a media scandal. When a female celebrity cheats on her wife with another woman, it just gets even hotter.
  18. McDermott

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    Average Idiot

    Nov 17, 2009
    Wasn't there a Chris Rock bit about this?

    "Nothing is more obnoxious than a woman that knows you won't hit her. I will not hit a woman... but I WILL shake the shit out of her."

    I agree with Blue Dog. I mean how many times has the average man pissed a woman off enough that she would want to physically retaliate against him? If the taboo of not hitting a woman is really a big problem in your life, I think you're the actual problem.

    I've emotionally destroyed some women but they just sit there sobbing and crying. I've been slapped maybe once in my life and it was a mistake on her part (and not because I knocked her out afterward or anything.) From my few experiences with women, they are not violent, and if they are you fucked up big time (see: Tiger Woods.)
  19. jets22

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Sure about that?

  20. ghettoastronaut

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Sigh... ... gainst_men

    I don't want to make it sound like men are being victimized by violent women left and right while men never lift a finger against women, but whether you have a penis or a vagina, domestic violence isn't cool, and neither is marginalizing it, without a hint of irony, by suggesting that it's the fault of the victim.