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Avatar sending people insane(er)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LessTalk MoreStab, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. aesthetic

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 19, 2009
    3*, you forgot Aquaman. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

    It's almost too sad to troll them. I just feel like somebody who can have their entire life's perspective altered by a 2 hour movie alone to one of hopeless depression wasn't okay before they saw the film.

    Fuck these people for ruining Avatar. I thought the action was sweet, the plot was almost irrelevant due to the awesome 3d visuals, and the blue chick was hot. Why can't they just be like everybody else and go baked?

    Dear God, The Road was fucking gut-wrenching. It wasn't a 'bad movie' in the sense that it was a visually striking film with great performances by the main characters...but I fucking hated that movie. It was a truly agonizing two hours, and I'd only gone to see it because I enjoyed the book(I felt the obligation as I'm a big Cormac fan.) The Road makes Earth look like Pandora.

    The only reason people in Pandora don't get depressed is because they don't have a movie to show them a race of 12 foot tall green idiots that ride even bigger dinosaurs and make the Na'vi look like a bunch of humans.
  2. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Yeah, and that will give the psychos that built the Creationist Musuem another thing to babble about. I mean, this shit is ACTUALLY in the museum. That's right, folks. Dinosaurs with saddles. Suck on this, Disney World:
  3. BrotherNumberOne

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Denver, CO
    In reading some of that Avater forum, I'm now stocking up on pepper spray & bear repellant for the up coming camping season here in Colorado. I'm now convinced I'll be running into some Avater-esque communes up there with a bunch of these fuckwits trying to re-create Pandora in the Roosevelt National Forest. Greeeeat.
  4. mad5427

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Good enough movie. Pretty simple plot. Visuals were stunning. I'm glad I saw it. I was highly entertained for the duration and want to see it again. The visuals really were that good. Good job Mr. Cameron, you've raised the bar for movie visuals.

    As for all this nonsense about living like the N'avi or whatever the big blue tree huggers are.....if I remember correctly from my 7th grade American history class, THE COWBOYS KILLED ALL THE GOD DAMNED INDIANS!!!!

    The scene with the native americans, I mean, big blue people throwing spears at the giant super helicopter planes was hilarious. In reality we'd see *rat a tat tat *napalm strike *rat a tat tat GAME OVER. Even with one of them on the largest dinosaur bird ever, a few 50 caliber rounds would end the day. Considering that this was a race of humans that had the ability to travel light years to distant worlds and the tech to create mind controlled living puppets, you'd think they would be better capable of handling the situation. But, a good movie that does not make.

    I can't even acknowledge these idiots who are all depressed because this fantasy land doesn't really exist. I've done a lot of backcountry camping and hiking and have first hand seen some beautiful shit. I'm not too worried about these idiots taking to the woods and interrupting the peace and tranquility, because to do so, they'd have to leave their parents basements.
  5. Decatur Dave

    Decatur Dave
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    Oct 19, 2009
    The woods of Central Florida
    They would be reborn as taught, blue, toned... things. The stranger they've been 'saving themselves for' would find them, fall in love with them, and it would not end in an awkward meeting at the airport Radisson with some fucked up afterbirth of humanity. All this without having to lift a cum crusted finger.

    My mother wanted to see this, and because everyone else in the family told her no, I went along motivated mainly by the fact she has some pretty serious surgery Tuesday. Some how I get the feeling most of these people so into it got a ride from mom too.
  6. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    The Na'vi did exist, they were called the Celts and they were also blue.

    Just kidding, but screw James Cameron for just tearing a page out of a history book and calling it a movie. These people who are so involved in Pandora are ridiculous. Maybe we don't have giant rhino-creatures trying to kill us all day, but our mushrooms glow in the dark too, if you know where to look.

    If they really want to cure their depression, they should migrate to Washington and join up with the forest people (re: hippies in the wild) and try to "connect" with a cougar. It's basically the same thing, only with more death because they are entirely unequipped to deal with regular nature, let alone a world like Pandora.