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Ask The Interviewer of Sexual Predators

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pink Candy, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    Thoughts on Chris Hansen?

    Any of your predators ever make the news?

    I think Chris Hansen is a bit opportunistic. That's all I'm going to say about that.

    Yes. I can't say who. One was just made famous thanks to his particularly heinous crime.
  2. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Which case enraged you the most, or just wanted to make you take an hour-long cold shower when you were finished?
  3. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    Which case enraged you the most, or just wanted to make you take an hour-long cold shower when you were finished?

    Hmm, worst case...I'd say that's a three way tie between:
    -a man who was sleeping with his daughter for twelve years...from the time she was 8 years old until she was 20. I can't even get into the fucked-up-ness of this situation. And the mother knew what he was doing.
    -a man that was the ringleader in a gang rape and then proceeded to tell us during the interview that the "bitch wanted it." Apparently "the bitch" wanted to be violated orally, vaginally and anally by three animals. That was the interview that made me wonder if I was really cut out for this job.
    -a man that held a knife to a stranger woman's throat and raped her repeatedly over the course of three hours. This interview was made 100 times worse by his wandering eyes, looking me up and down. Think about the creep factor of a strange guy checking you out multiplied by 1,000.
  4. elo

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I've got a few "practical" questions, asked from a father of a toddler daughter (although I know boys get molested as frequently)

    Seeing as how 95% of all sexual abuse is committed by somone who knows/has a relationship with the victim (so not necessarily outward appearances), what are some "red flags" or common denominators of sexual predators? Unmarried? You mentioned in some cases many partners, but take it no wife? Considering most are uncles, etc... what are some things that would make YOU sceptical of family members who aren't strangers but you wouldn't obviously know about their fetish for shit in their mouths?

    Strangers... any particular circumstances (e.g. your repairman example with the 7 year old (WHERE THE FUCK WERE THE PARENTS??!!)).. or variables account for most of the sexual violence by strangers?

    How would you approach or educate your children about the dangers, especially when those dangers can come from very trusted sources (the doll and the no-no places talk? The frank approach? The stab-any-cocksucker-that-ever-fucking-gets-frisky approach)? Is there any sort of checklist you'd endorse... like how to keep your car from being stolen, or how to make yourself less of a target for robbery... these types of checklists exist, but are there any "rules to live by" when it comes to making yourself less of a target of sexual assault?
  5. erk33

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    You sound familiar... have we met before?
  6. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    I've got a few "practical" questions, asked from a father of a toddler daughter (although I know boys get molested as frequently)

    Seeing as how 95% of all sexual abuse is committed by somone who knows/has a relationship with the victim (so not necessarily outward appearances), what are some "red flags" or common denominators of sexual predators? Unmarried? You mentioned in some cases many partners, but take it no wife? Considering most are uncles, etc... what are some things that would make YOU sceptical of family members who aren't strangers but you wouldn't obviously know about their fetish for shit in their mouths?

    Strangers... any particular circumstances (e.g. your repairman example with the 7 year old (WHERE THE FUCK WERE THE PARENTS??!!)).. or variables account for most of the sexual violence by strangers?

    How would you approach or educate your children about the dangers, especially when those dangers can come from very trusted sources (the doll and the no-no places talk? The frank approach? The stab-any-cocksucker-that-ever-fucking-gets-frisky approach)? Is there any sort of checklist you'd endorse... like how to keep your car from being stolen, or how to make yourself less of a target for robbery... these types of checklists exist, but are there any "rules to live by" when it comes to making yourself less of a target of sexual assault?
    Those two are pretty good about the grooming process. This explains it better than I could.

    Me, I don't have children. But what would make me stand up and take notice is if a family member was paying quite a bit of attention to my child, always wanted to babysit or be alone with them, buying them a lot of gifts, that kind of thing. Usually your gut may tell you "Why is Uncle So and So paying so much attention to my kid?"

    A good number of the offenders have girlfriends and wives, even after their crime is committed. I don't know what kind of woman goes after a man like that, but there it is.

    Before you stand in judgment of those parents, do you really expect someone to come into your house and after an hour, drag your child into the bathroom for a lewd act that took all of 5 minutes to complete? From what I read in the police report, the little girl was reading on the couch near the perpetrator and he asked her where the bathroom was. That woman, in my opinion, did nothing wrong. You can't be paranoid of everyone that comes near your child, especially if it's a repair guy that has been hired by a company that you'd think does background checks.

    How to make yourself less vulnerable to a sexual assault...well, there are a few rules I live by as a woman.
    -I do not walk anywhere unlighted if I'm out after dark.
    -I remain on edge and I am always aware of my surroundings.
    -I keep my doors locked when I drive.
    -I keep the windows closed on the first floor of my house overnight. I have deadbolts on my first and back doors.
    -I carry pepper spray. I also carry a knife. I'm not quite at the point of carrying around a firearm.
    -If I lived alone, I'd have a dog. A big one.
    -If god forbid someone tried to abduct me, I wouldn't go down without a fight. Make noise. Usually that will make them run off. Usually.

    These are just in place to ward off stranger rapists. If I was in public, I'd keep my hands on my drink at all times and stay aware of the people around me. The drink trick was something drilled into my head when I pledged my sorority.

    As for children, tell them you will always believe them and they will never get in trouble if they tell someone about abuses going on. If someone tries to abduct them, tell them not to go quietly, to scream, bite, scratch, kick. If someone does something that makes them uncomfortable, they must say no and it's okay to tell. That's usually the abuser at work, pouring poison in their ears that they will be the ones in trouble and cause uproar within a family.
  7. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    You sound familiar... have we met before?

    I doubt it.
  8. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    I'm not sure if sexual predator is in the DSM, but what other mental disorders are most commonly associated with your crazies?
  9. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    I'm not sure if sexual predator is in the DSM, but what other mental disorders are most commonly associated with your crazies?

    Pedophilia is in the DSM, I believe. I also commonly see paraphilia, antisocial personality disorder, malignant narcissism and a slew of psychiatric illnesses like depression, bipolar disorder and shitzophrenia (sp?).
  10. Samr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Freudian slip maybe?

    It's actually "schizophrenia."

    How far removed from "normal" people, in your opinion, are these sexual predators? As in, do you think they were born with the psychological makeup that would make them follow this path, or do you believe that they are otherwise "normal" people who just had a breaker flip one day and suddenly decided to fondle a 5-year-old?
  11. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    Ha! I did type that...I was in a hurry and didn't even realize. That's funny.

    How far removed from "normal" people, in your opinion, are these sexual predators? As in, do you think they were born with the psychological makeup that would make them follow this path, or do you believe that they are otherwise "normal" people who just had a breaker flip one day and suddenly decided to fondle a 5-year-old?

    Y'know, it's funny. On Tuesday we interviewed a woman, a first in my career with the DOC. My boss and I were looking up her criminal history and we were both really surprised she had nothing. And I mean nothing, not a ticket, anything. Usually when I look up someone I'm interviewing, there's a five page sheet of crimes. This woman, for all intents and purposes, broke the mold in what I have come to expect in the field of sexual predators. Her crime was molesting a 12 year old girl and that was her only sexual crime. If you had met her and didn't know she molested a pre-pubescent girl, you would've thought she was just a regular woman off the street, like me. Her treatment provider doesn't think she's really dangerous and her excuse to us was that she was feeling lonely and abandoned by her significant other; the trust and love the girl put into her (this was her stepdaughter), in her warped mind, substituted the love and trust she wanted from her lover. In her mind, taking that loving, trusting relationship to the next illogical step was justified. For whatever reason, it did not click that it was wrong to molest this girl. I actually needed a lot of help writing up her scores and report and was so thankful my boss sat in on this interview. She was just so difficult to, I guess.

    But to answer your question, a lot of the men have a tendency to use children as prey because they think on the same level as a child. There are dozens of ways someone could stay in a childish mentality, be it abuse, rejection by peers, sexual abuse they've suffered, control issues, etc. A man that can barely keep control over his life can easily overpower a child's mental control on themselves and get the child to do his sexual bidding. Children, for the most part, are easier to control and manipulate. Why go through the mess of an adult woman to control and manipulate when it's easier on a child? It's harder to impress adults, but if you tell a child you're a police officer/fireman/soldier, they're enraptured. That isn't normal at all. That is a whole other brand of "dude, you ain't right in the head" going on.

    However, for the ones that couldn't wait for their girlfriends to reach the age of 18...that's something I am more understanding about. And I don't know if that really qualifies as a "normal" sort of thing but it's common.
  12. Allord

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    Oct 21, 2009
    The Nightmares of children with a 30" Dildo
    At least he knows how to pick his victims for helplessness. I imagine that'd be something like raping a teddy bear...a teddy bear that screams a hell of a lot.

    ...not that I'd know anything about raping teddy bears.

    On a serious note, a girl I know was molested from the ages of 7 - 16 by her father and his friends. She was finally convinced by her therapist to bring this up to her mother. Her mother's reaction? Screaming at the girl and calling her a bitch for stealing her man. What. The father was never charged with anything, but they wound up divorced soon after.

    What are your thoughts, if any, on "Internet vigilantes"? In other words, non-professional people who bait pedophiles online for the sole purpose of their own amusement, but that ultimately result in the conviction of people who weren't even on the police radar?

    For example: Chris Forcand
  13. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    The mother of that child needs a good ass whippin'. What that mother did is akin to the worst kind of child abuse. Fucking cunt.


    What are your thoughts, if any, on "Internet vigilantes"? In other words, non-professional people who bait pedophiles online for the sole purpose of their own amusement, but that ultimately result in the conviction of people who weren't even on the police radar?

    Hey, you know what? Do what works. Just sayin'. If you're stupid enough to be baited by a "13 year old girl" that calls herself "Jessica" or whatever, you deserve whatever you get.
  14. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    You say that like the exact same thing wouldn't work on the majority of adult women.
  15. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    You say that like the exact same thing wouldn't work on the majority of adult women.

    Alas, this is true. Not many of them want to hear "I'm an engineer."
  16. cargasm66

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Seattle-ish, WA
    Was this at all related to the bestiality ring in Enumclaw? Where the guy died after having sex with an Arabian Stallion? (Link)

    How often are your cases news-worthy? Do you see/read about them very frequently? And how accurate have reports that you've seen been?
  17. Rusty_Shackleford

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 20, 2009
    You have said that you met your husband before you applied for this position. How did he react when you told him that you would be interviewing these kinds of people?

    How do you contain your emotions when someone is telling some insane story? Either if they are telling some graphic true story or making some elaborate fabricated story.

    Also, you said you had to ask how many times the offender masturbates in some kind of time period. So, my ‘friend’ was wondering how many times a guy could beat it in a week and be considered a 'two' on your chart. There were also bets on count level of the 'ones' and 'zeros'. Don't worry, there are only winners in this bet.
  18. Pink Candy

    Pink Candy
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    Oct 20, 2009
    Was this at all related to the bestiality ring in Enumclaw? Where the guy died after having sex with an Arabian Stallion? (Link)

    How often are your cases news-worthy? Do you see/read about them very frequently? And how accurate have reports that you've seen been?

    I don't think it was related to the Enumclaw guy gets his colon perforated by a stallion case.

    Well...there was one particular guy that just made headlines all over the country. Not for a sex crime, but for something a million times worse.

    Otherwise, they're in the news whenever they're released, but in local papers so the residents know there's a level III sex offender lurking around, possibly homeless. Frankly, I think the papers do it to stir up nerves because all it does is create chaos. A few months ago there was this story out of a town 30 miles away that listed all of the "DANGEROUS SEXUAL PREDATORS LIVING AMONG US!" in the paper. I'm sure you can imagine what happened after that.

    You have said that you met your husband before you applied for this position. How did he react when you told him that you would be interviewing these kinds of people?

    How do you contain your emotions when someone is telling some insane story? Either if they are telling some graphic true story or making some elaborate fabricated story.

    Also, you said you had to ask how many times the offender masturbates in some kind of time period. So, my ‘friend’ was wondering how many times a guy could beat it in a week and be considered a 'two' on your chart. There were also bets on count level of the 'ones' and 'zeros'. Don't worry, there are only winners in this bet.

    Mr. Pink wasn't happy at first. His initial thought was I'd be left alone in a windowless, locked room with a predator that was eager to use his wife as a penis receptacle. He tried to mask it as worry for me, giving me the "I know your thoughts on sex offenders and wonder if YOU could handle it," speech. I reassured him that I would be fine, none of the offices have locks on them and all of them have windows and that I'm way too old for about 90% of the offenders, he relaxed. He did push me to get pepper spray, which, to keep him calm and quiet, I did.

    I have heard some pretty insane stories and I've been told I have a pretty good poker face. Once they leave, I immediately go to their PO or my boss and let loose. While I'm listening to this, I'm either of the mindset of "Are you fucking serious" or "Just fucking admit you raped her, asshole." My mind is not very nice if I feel like I'm being jerked around (pun intended).

    According to the Stable scoring, someone that beats it more than twice a day for longer than a fifteen day period has got a problem with excessive masturbation.
  19. Virty

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I'm sorry to intrude here, forgive me.

    That quote just hit me hard. You realize you are dealing with a psychopath there, right? Seriously, look up a gentleman named Robert Hale. He writes extensively about this very subject. Like I said sorry for intruding, but everything, and I mean EVERYTHING you said about her screams psychopath to me.

    If there is not special care put to that, she will do it again. But the next time, someone might not tell..... My guess would be that your a dealing with someone who has been very careful to hide what she does to people. She also knows the right answer to every question you are going to ask her. I'm guessing she was a wreck about it too? Probably made a big sob story about her partner leaving, made you completely forget about the terrible thing she did to a child? If I'm wrong disregard, just saying.

    Here is a great link.

    Sorry for intruding, and I'm out.
  20. Virty

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I can't edit it now, but uh Pink Candy already corrected me through PM. I mean't Dr. Robert Hare. Not any rapists from Alaska or anywhere else.

    Like seriously Pink, uh, ouch.