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Ask an Escort.

Discussion in 'All-Star Threads' started by shegirl, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Pinkcup

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    --What kind of outfits do you wear for your appointments? Lingerie, Catholic schoolgirl skirt, trenchcoat? Have a favorite place that you like to purchase your "working girl" clothes from?

    --How body-conscious is your agency? Like, are they known to tell a girl to lay off the donuts, or do they not really give a shit unless the bookings are low?

    --Did you ever consider being a private escort, or was working with an agency always your goal?

    --What kind of screening process did you have to go through with your current agency? Did you have to piss in a cup? Pass a criminal background check? Demonstrate BJ skills?

    --Um, this is awkward, you fake orgasms for your client? If you do, why?

    And I'd like to give you a big THANK YOU from everyone posting in this thread. You are very, very cool to be doing this!
  2. uzisuicide

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Seriously, if I were at my buddy's condo in Buckhead and we decided to order some escorts, how would we get in touch with an agency? I wouldn't know where to start.
  3. Captain Apathy

    Captain Apathy
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    Average Idiot

    Nov 1, 2009
    How long do you plan on working for? Are you just a temp or are you going to be doing this for the foreseeable future?

    Do you do overnight stays and weekends?

    Ever consider doing porn?

    What are your co-workers like? Do you guys hang out together outside or work and compare notes?
  4. Noland

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    New Orleans
    You know they have The Internet on computers now, right?
  5. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Just so everyone knows, the first chapter of Super Freakenonmics contains an interview with a high class prostitute. As well as some info analyzed on your average crack whore.
  6. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Along these lines, what do you tell people you do for work? Does anyone ever ask about the large (at least for a student) amounts of money that you are making?

    Do you take any measures to hide the money? Accounts in fake names, under a mattress, etc.?

    Has anyone that you have not told ever found out about this? How? How did that play out?
  7. BrotherNumberOne

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Denver, CO
    -- I've always wondered how you figure out your client isn't a cop. I've seen escort services in the paper & figured cops would just unleash undercovers constantly. Do you have some weeding out technique for that?

    -- Do you have 'regulars' that you really get along with or are even attracted to that you either a) Hang out with off the clock as friends or b) Give them something extra for free here & there (like an extra 1/2 hour free, etc)?

    EDIT: Forgot one..

    -- Have you ever had a customer turn out to be a fellow college student or, like, your mom's best friend's husband? If so, how did you handle that encounter?
  8. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    How long have you been doing this?

    How did you get into it to begin with? Were you recruited by someone you knew at school?

    Do you approach this as a long-term thing? In other words, when you're with a client, do you honestly try to make it really enjoyable for him and try to build up a clientèle, or are you just looking to make as much cash as you can for as little work/outlay as possible, not caring if you ever see him again?

    For that matter, how many people do you normally see in a day or week? How many are cold-calls vs. regulars?

    Do you only see guys, or do you also see women? Threesomes? Do you do duo shows with colleagues?

    Ever had an encounter that you genuinely got into? Do you have clients that you look forward to seeing, and enjoy spending time with, or is it all clinical and just a job/professional?

    How honest are you with your clients if they ask you about personal stuff?

    And finally, what personal limits do you have? What have you been asked to do that you wouldn't? And why not?
  9. Nettdata

    Expand Collapse
    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    With the guys that you see, what is the split between the ones that seem normal (as in you're wondering why they're doing this), vs. the ones that are weird and that's the only way they can get laid. Or am I mistaken in my preconceived notions? How would you describe your clients... pretty well a normal cross-section of people, or typical in some way?

    What's the drug use like? Is there any? Do you partake, or if you don't, do you allow clients to? (Thinking the typical cliche of Hookers and Blow here).

    What's the medical aspect of the job like... are you all regularly tested? Does the agency enforce any kind of testing, or is it just up to the individual escort?

    Thanks again for doing this.
  10. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Do girls ever pay to do you?

    For some reason the thought of you going down on a grandma is way more disgusting to me than you going down on a grandpa.
  11. Pussy Galore

    Pussy Galore
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    Dec 28, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    It's generally at the discretion of the individual provider. Obviously, by working through an agency, girls have to agree to certain terms, as I said earlier. Beyond that, though, it really depends on each girl's comfort zone. Violence is a big no-no, but I have a regular client that I'll let slap me around a little bit and whatnot, because he's not rough about it and he tips big. A lot of girls will not do Greek, which is what we call anal sex. I, for one, don't do it, though I'm not saying I wouldn't if a guy with a large enough wallet and a small enough penis came along. Overall, the more willing you are to go with the flow, even if it is a bit uncomfortable, the better your reputation is as a provider and the more money you make.

    I can turn down a client at any time for any reason. However, if the appointment has been made and my reason isn't a damn good one, like "he didn't have the money" or "he tried to kill me," I owe the agency their split. If I have a client once and really really really don't like him, I can refuse to see him again, but our manager has to be told ASAP. Otherwise, if he calls again and I get booked, see above. It's not a good idea to refuse clients, though. Reputation is very important in this business, as in most, and if you get a reputation for arbitrarily picking and choosing your clients, you're not going to end up with many clients to pick and choose from. This is reinforced by reviews on TER (The Erotic Review). A bad review can break your job/career as a call girl. The prices are completely up to the agency, I just collect the cash. My agency does a Hump Day discount - $25 off on Wednesdays. Most agencies also do VIP memberships where you can get special pricing on birthdays, holidays, and whatnot.

    Word to the wise, though - you cheapen us when you use the discounts or short us on the fee. And if you don't care, fine for you. But I'll be damned if I ever suck your dick again if you short me. Blacklisted! [Yes, it's happened to me, and I haven't found a way to tell guys they're short on the cash without feeling awkward. So if it happens more than once with the same client, I refuse to see him again.]

    I can't speak for all agencies or providers. My regulars are mostly unmarried professionals with no time to cultivate a real relationship and divorced guys, with the occasional married man that wants a younger girl thrown in for good measure. I would speculate that escorting as a business caters to just that: men that can't establish and maintain an ongoing relationship for whatever reason, whether they work too much, are already in a relationship, have been burned by too many relationships, or don't have the interpersonal skills to speak to an attractive woman, much less get her into bed. For those of you that wonder why clients don't go out to bars to pick up women, I want to highlight this several times over: We're all about discretion. Especially agencies. I will never have your phone number and you will never have mine. Once we fuck and say goodnight, you never have to see me again. I won't show up on your doorstep at three in the morning, bawling my eyes out, waking your wife and kids up, screaming semi-coherently about how you (a) knocked me up, (b) broke my heart, (c) gave me herpes, (d) slept with my best friend, or (e) all of the above. Besides which, you can go spend money on drinks for some bar skank, and you have no guarantee that she'll go home with you. Or stay conscious. Or not call rape. I come satisfaction guaranteed.

    That being said, they're usually normal. I've only had one out-of-towner. He was shorter than me and kept growling at me. I think he was trying to be sexy. All I could think about was how the valet at the hotel must know I'm a call girl, because I told him I only needed my car parked for about an hour. I also have one regular that is both creepy as fuck and emotionally attached to me. It's the armpit guy. The first time I saw him, I didn't know about his armpit licking fetish, so I wore deodorant. He made me take a shower. And then I had to dry off with paper towels. He also had me lick his armpits and nipples. Another tip, guys, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WASH EVERYWHERE before you come see us. I shower multiple times a day and I smell like a fucking rose. The least you can do is not smell like B.O. or taste like sweat. Anyway, Armpit Guy asked me to be his girlfriend on New Year's Eve. I told him he needs to socialize more. I try to be nice when I'm getting paid. See also: why I put up with creepy guys.

    Besides my dom regular, my favorite client so far was a young guy, late twenties or so, that had just gone through a break up and decided to treat himself to three girls at once for New Year's. He was adorable and nervous, and asked me if I was a cop as I stood in front of him in a see through tank top and thong. Scariest moment was the first time I saw another one of my regulars. He only does outcalls to his house, and his neighbors are jerks. They called the cops because I parked my car in the cul-de-sac instead of his driveway. I thought I was going to jail. Again.

    The agency screens our clients for us. I'm not 100% clear on the process. And you're required to bring 2 forms of ID to the session. We have a security guy on call if something gets out of hand. In the event he's not lightning fast, I don't really know what would happen. I do know (irony of ironies) a cop lives across the hall in the apartment complex, so maybe he would respond? At this point, I only deal with regulars or multi-girl calls. At the point where safety might have been an issue, I honestly didn't think too hard about it. Certain ground rules are laid by the agency when the call is booked. For example, my manager knows I don't do Greek. If a client is interested in that, she's supposed to let him know when booking the call so that our time isn't wasted arguing about it. Beyond that, it's up to me. Again, I go with the flow a lot. I don't have many ground rules. Don't beat me, kill me, sodomize me, or mark me in visible areas. Most everything else is negotiable.

    I stumbled upon escorting. I was fired from my last job, waitressing at Taco Mac, and I was completely fed up with food service. I refuse to work in retail. I don't have the availability for secretarial work and the like. I don't yet have the experience or education for a professional, salaried career. I was checking out online ads, which led to checking out the agencies' websites. I mulled it over for about two months and ran it by some friends, and finally decided to do it at the end of fall semester this past December. I sent in my pictures and got hired the next day, and I got my first call the day my pictures went up on the website. I've never been a stripper, outside of drunkenly stripping at parties. However, I often work with strippers and amateur porn starlets.

    I think it's entirely possible that my past will come up in the future. I want to point out what happened to the woman behind that Showtime series, Secret Confessions of a Call Girl or whatever? I don't know, I don't have Showtime. BUT I read the backstory on the woman, and she did what I'm doing: took up escorting to get through school, and then began her intended career. She was finally outed this past year. She does medical research with children, and her employers don't care because what she did in grad school doesn't affect what she's doing now. I'm not saying I'll be that lucky, just that I hope I am. I'm more concerned about my parents or grandparents finding out than any future employer.

    I have had a few back-to-backs. Those are always a bit difficult because the appointments often start a little late, so your next one starts even later. We all carry baby wipes, and our apartment has showers. I'm told that God blessed me with a supertight vag, which seems to be to my advantage in this industry. I don't like to discuss clients with other clients, and I think they prefer it that way. We provide the GFE (Girlfriend Experience). Most girlfriends don't tell their boyfriends about the other guys they've hooked up with. I follow the same protocol.
  12. Marburg

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Thank you for your replies so far to this thread... it's been very informative. I had a couple of more Q's for you.

    Are you required to have blood testing for venereal diseases periodically?

    If they are required... can a customer then request to see these results if he really wanted to before hiring an escort from the agency?

    If you were to contract a disease would this be the mark of death for your career? Or is there a market in and of itself for this... sorta like but with cold hard cash involved of course.
  13. Tim

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    Oct 20, 2009
    What are the qualifications ( knowledge, skills, abilities, and/or physical attributes) for which you were hired? Did someone assess your skill level at having/performing sex before you started?

    I don't intend any offense with this question, so please feel free to ignore it: were you sexually molested as a child? Or have some sort of traumatic history of sexual abuse in your past? If so, do you believe those experiences had an effect on your choice of job at the moment. I understand this could be a sensitive issue, so please don't feel compelled to answer.
  14. Benzilla

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Have you seen Steven Soderbergh's film by the same name? If so, does do a good job of depicting real life?

    You talked about tips a couple of times, how much is the average tip? What's the biggest tip you've ever gotten and what did you have to do to get it?
  15. Pussy Galore

    Pussy Galore
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    Dec 28, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    My dom regular likes to put a dog collar (like Petsmart collar) on me and have me follow him around on my hands and knees while wearing lingerie and making sure I keep my ass in the air. Beyond that, I'd like to reiterate everyone's favorite creeper, the Armpit Guy. I also have another regular that wants to take me shopping for a catsuit. I only find it odd because he has a wife and kids, and he lives in my area.

    I've always been an open person. I try to be as least judgmental as possible, and I hope that others do the same. I'm just about as open about this job as I am about anything else. I'm not in a relationship right now, precisely because of my job. I'm a serial monogamist, and I've been fucked and fucked over more times than I can count. So I'm taking a break from relationships. By happy coincidence, I now have a job that isn't conducive to a serious relationship, anyway. I did casually see someone for a couple weeks. He was moving (has moved now), so I figured we could have a little fun and be on our way. After a week, he was on his period. He needed constant reassurance that I missed him, sulked whenever I wasn't glued to his side, and tried to tell me that I didn't want to have sex with him one night because I'm a hooker and I fuck all the sex drive out of myself at work. I learned my lesson. Boys that are okay with our jobs don't have a future with us, and when they finally realize they want a future, they don't want us to have this job anymore. As a side note, I hope to one day marry my high school sweetheart if I can ever win his poor broken heart back. He knows I work for an escort agency, but he hasn't asked for details, and I don't have the heart to tell him. I think that might kill any possibility of getting him back, and I am selfish enough to hide this from him.

    To my knowledge, no one in the complex knows what we do there. A cop lives across the hall from us, but he's never taken a break from fighting with his wife to come investigate our comings and goings. Interestingly, I have found that escorting is in fact legal in Atlanta. I'm supposed to have a permit. I don't have one. Oops. Anyway, it's a quiet apartment in a gated community, and we screen clients, so I don't think there's much they can do.

    As a rule, I don't do anal. I would make an exception if the penis was small and the tip was large. I don't know how large, though. Whatever it is, it hasn't come along yet. I have not been caught doing this, knock on wood. I don't know anyone that has, though I do know of other agencies that have been busted. I don't know if the agency would bail me out. I've never thought to ask. My sister knows what I do. She's the only family member that does. She's thinking about doing it herself when she turns 18. She'd have a great niche, too - she's 17 and looks about 13. I'm doing what I can to discourage her, though. If any of the adults find out, I'll be disowned. And my grandmother might keel over in shock. No, you don't have to pay me, but you do have to wait til I feel like making the effort to find that perfect angle where I don't think I look fat. A client referred to me as Botticelli-esque the other day, and while I know it was meant as a compliment, I still feel fat. We have a security guy that stays within a five-ish minute range of the apartment. The only other security I have is myself. Considering some of the frail old men I deal with, I think I could hold my own. I haven't had a client go overboard yet, except for those that choke me with their dicks. If I can't breathe, I will gag and then puke on you. This hasn't happened yet, but I've come close.

    I have a college fund that will cover my tuition til I graduate. My younger, medically fragile sister does not. I'm doing this so that I can buy myself a car that doesn't break down at least once a month, cover the study abroad trips that I want to take, and send my sister to a nice, expensive liberal arts college with a small student-teacher ratio. One of the girls from my agency, a good friend of mine, is also doing it to fund school. Beyond the two of us, I don't know any other girls that are in school. One girl claims to be going to med school soon, but I highly doubt it.

    Most of my friends know what I do. Only one friend knows which agency I work for. I'm not bothered by my job in the least, but like I said before, I would be disowned if my family found out. It puts me in an odd situation. I'm perfectly happy to be honest about what I do, but the more people I tell, the higher the chance that my family will hear about it. But I don't want to hide what I do. Sigh.

    I don't think I could handle a serious, exclusive romantic relationship right now. Not because it's sex for money, at least not on my end, but because it's sex with other people. I don't want my partner to have sex with other people, but I don't want them to feel that our relationship has a double standard because I'm fucking other people and he's not. So I avoid relationships for now. There is one boy that knows what I do and truly seems to want a relationship with me. I think he's convinced himself that we're in Pretty Woman, though I've repeatedly told him that I'm not Julia Roberts, he's not Richard Gere, and he's not going to "save me from myself" or whatever the guy does for the girl in the movie.

    For incall appointments, I wear lingerie. Outcall appointments, I'm required to dress nicely, with heels, though I've fudged it with regulars. I'm happy to roleplay, but I don't have many costumes, and stocking up on them hasn't been a priority for me yet. Some things, like the nudie under a trench coat bit, I'd like to save for my personal intimate relationship. I buy my lingerie wherever, just when something catches my eye. I really do love the undies at Kohl's - I got the cutest red and white striped nightie with white maribou there around Christmas time. I want to get more into the corset and catsuit stuff, I just haven't made it a priority yet. There's so much other stuff I want/need to spend my money on. I am getting fuzzy handcuffs to use with one of my regulars, though. I'm psyched about that.

    We have a pretty wide variety of girls, though a lot of agencies shy away from BBW. Many are also conservative with what they consider to be "attractive," since clients are generally middle aged, middle class men. I haven't seen a girl get fired for not looking good, but you're right with what you suggested - if you're fuck ugly and a bitch, you won't get any calls. One girl that works for my agency is just such a peach, and gossiping about her is our guilty pleasure.

    Being an independent provider is very risky. Agencies create a buffer between providers and clients. I don't get your number, you don't get mine, neither of us can harass the other. Also, agencies take care of screening and booking for us. Independents have to do their own screening and booking, often at their own peril.

    There's really no screening process beyond proof of age. We learn quickly enough if we're suited for this line of work. If you're good at what the boys want, you'll get calls. If not, you won't, and you'll (hopefully, for your own sake) look elsewhere. I would like to volunteer that I give a damn good blowjob, though, thankyouverymuch. I think I faked an orgasm once. If I remember correctly, I just wasn't in the mood. I wanted to go home and watch some Law and Order or something. I'm a bit odd - I really have to concentrate on oral, which is why I don't like 69. And if I'm not attracted to the guy giving it to me, I have to visualize someone attractive, which takes that much more concentration. As far as actual sex goes, I've never gotten off from it, and I'm content not to try. I know how to get myself off with my clit and my finger just fine. Even though I make an effort to cum during appointments, I've thought about faking several times. I really just want to do what it takes to make my money and go home. I enjoy some clients, but I feel like most of the ones that get me off think I owe them something. It's bad juju.

    And you're very very welcome! You're the one that broke the ice.

    There are a few in Atlanta: Jasmine's Fantasyland, The Hush Agency, Gold Club Escorts, Desired Companions, and ATF Club. I think Googling them will work. If not, I can send you links in a PM. Just a head's up, the going rate for outcall appointments is $300+ an hour per girl, though a 2 girl special is usually a little cheaper, around $550 an hour for the pair.

    I plan to work here through my college graduation, which is projected to be summer 2011. Of course, what I plan to do and what actually ends up happening are completely different. Escorts suffer burn out quite frequently. I can do extended appointments, though it comes at a hefty cost. I have a regular that's spending at least part of his yearly bonus on an overnight with me in March. Assuming it's an 8 to 12 hour stay, it'll run him somewhere between $2,200 and $3,600. I know that's a huge discrepancy, but I don't know exactly how many hours it will be, nor do I know whether he'll be charged the full $300 an hour for the outcall or if they'll cut him some slack for duration.

    I've never thought about porn. I can only deal with so many big dicks. I'd probably get to have sex with more attractive people though. Anyway, from what I understand, most amateur or beginner porn pays per scene rather than per hour. I don't know how long it takes to film a scene, but I think I prefer getting paid hourly. Since my dad looks at porn but doesn't use escorts, I think I'm "safer" in this job, anyway.

    I like the majority of my co-workers. I hang out with two of them on a near daily basis, and three more casually. We do compare notes on clients. Unlike sharing a man with your best friend, sharing a client with a co-worker isn't awkward, at least not for us.

    I'm generally upfront and honest about what I do. I kinda like the shock value. No one's had to ask because those that see the money know where it's coming from. Now that I've paid off all my debts, I'm hoarding my money for a new car, among other things. I looked into offshore accounts. I decided it was too much of a hassle. I'm just hiding it... somewhere. To the best of my knowledge, no one knows that I haven't told or allowed to be told. Regardless of who's telling them, though, most people go through a kind of shock and awe. Girls occasionally go through shock and disgust. It's ok, honey, I know you blew your ex boyfriend's best friend at prom. Don't hate.

    Escorting is legal, at least in Atlanta. Prostitution is not. The loophole is that when you pay an escort, you're officially only paying for her time and companionship. Anything else is between two consenting adults and has no monetary value attached. That being said, the easiest way to get busted is to directly discuss sex-for-money. The money is never mentioned. We call it a gift and we don't touch it until you've put it down. I have regulars that I adore and would love to hang out with off the clock, but that's a big no-no in agencies. The agency exists as a buffer, and discretion is our middle name. Free quality time outside work would violate both those ideas. Plus, we have to check in and out for each appointment, so it's hard to go over time. I've done it once before - it was a late night appointment with a regular, and we laid around talking for an extra half hour. My manager didn't notice because she'd gone to sleep. I do have one regular that has already made it clear that if I ever plan to leave escorting, but want to see him every now and then for a quick grand, I'm welcome to do so. Assuming I'm not in a relationship when that time comes, I will certainly take him up on the offer. He's adorable and a lot of fun. Thus far, I haven't run into anyone I knew previously, but I've only been doing it for a month. I haven't thought about how I would handle that situation. Last night I had a client that seemed vaguely familiar, and he felt the same way, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
  16. Pussy Galore

    Pussy Galore
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    Dec 28, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    I've been doing this for just over a month. I found an ad online and followed the trail. I don't know anyone from my school that does this, though I've had friends express interest since I've gotten into it, and one of my co-workers goes to another university nearby. I do approach it as a long term thing. I'm shallow, I want boys to like me. I really am flattered by repeat clients. And some of them, I actually enjoy, so it's great - I get to fuck someone I'm cool with and get paid for it. Plus, it does wonders for your reputation. Why do you think I deal with Armpit Guy on a weekly basis? It's hard for me to estimate how many calls I get per day or week, just because the holidays were a weird period. Right now, I'd say one or two calls a day. I've had as many as four in a day. After that point, I usually check out for the night because my vag is too sore to deal with anyone else. Today, I had two, but one of them was three hours long. So I worked for three and a half hours today and made $900. Not an average day. I'm probably at ten-ish calls a week. I could take more if I didn't have classes.

    In the beginning, it was all cold calls. Now, I'm almost completely dealing with regulars. I'm happy to see anyone and everyone, male or female. I have done a threesome with a co-worker, and a foursome with two other co-workers. As long as it's one of the girls I'm friends with, I'm totally up for a 2+ girl show. My dom regular is awesome and I truly look forward to seeing him. It's three hours of cognac dipped cigars, Jerry Springer, and sex. I also have another regular with a gorgeous house in Marietta, and he cooks for me when I come over. He's one of those gentle lovers.

    I'm pretty honest. I won't give out my real name, but I've given out several other facts (I'm 21, I live at home, I have a younger sister, I'm a biology major, et cetera). I'm pretty distinctive looking, and if someone really wanted to find me, they could. I wouldn't recommend looking too hard, though. My only personal limits at this point are no anal and no violence. I may add more limits to the list as I see fit, but I'm trying to remain as accommodating and open as possible. I refuse to do anal because the one time it's happened, it was with a drunk ex boyfriend, and it was very painful. He swears it slipped. I don't know if he's lying, and I don't care, I just don't want to try it again. I'm perfectly happy with vaginal intercourse and oral. I think the violence call is pretty self explanatory.

    Most of them seem normal. They just can't maintain a conventional relationship for a variety of reasons (I listed them in a previous post if you're curious). Most of my clients are middle aged, upper middle class white or Asian guys. I occasionally have a particularly young or old fella in there, and the occasional Black Stallion, but that right there is my norm. I don't use drugs. I was diagnosed with epilepsy at 15, so drugs are a no-go for me. Some girls do drugs. Weed is really the most common thing, with the very occasional cokewhore. We run a pretty tight ship though, so chances are, if you're coked out, you'll be late to appointments and end up blacklisted or fired. I've seen other girls' clients high as kites (one guy paid for a 2 girl show and had one girl lick coke off his cock), but I don't think any of mine have ever been in an altered state. Testing is up to the individual. I myself get tested once every three months, when I go in for my Depo Provera shot. We're encouraged to use protection during sex, though there are obvious risks with the BBBJ. So far, I have been lucky enough not to contract anything, and I continually keep an eye out for anything suspiscious around clients' crotches.

    And you're very welcome.

    We have couples come to us every now and again, but female clients aren't common. None of the female counterparts that I've seen were much older than 40, so going down on granny hasn't been an issue yet.

    You're quite welcome. I'm glad I could help. No one requires us to get tested; it's up to each individual provider. I don't think clients can request test results, as we use pseudonyms, and those results might betray our relative anonymity. Plus, they're given the option to use protection during any and all acts, so they proceed at their own risk. Were I to contract a bacterial disease, I would be fine, I would just need to take a few weeks off for antibiotics. A viral disease would most likely leave my job dead in the water, though assuming it wasn't herpes, I suppose I could still perform orally.

    I was hired for being a cute redhead with a big ass, tattoos, and pierced nipples. No one assessed me, but we are openly reviewed on TER, and one bad review can kill your career. These reviews are very detailed, blow by blow (no pun intended) accounts of appointments. If my first review had been negative, I would have been fired by the agency. As it stands, I give good head, and I'm a pretty good fuck when I'm not being lazy, so I think I met whatever requirements the agency had in mind.

    I was in fact molested as a child, by boys just a few years older than me. It was uncomfortable and confusing for me, and I forgot about it for several years. However, I feel that that has nothing to do with my job choice. I am not one of those wounded girls on the street corner. I made a conscious, educated decision to take this job. I'm a very sexual person and I have a talent for putting people at ease. This job makes the most of both those skills. No harm done.

    I have heard of the film, but haven't seen it. I'll try to rent it and do a comparison before everyone loses interest in this thread. Average tip is usually $20, $25. I think most guys think they're already paying an arm and a leg to fuck me, why throw in another appendage? I do have one regular that schedules 3 hours sessions with me, which runs him $900, and he tips me an extra $200 per session. All I have to do is be very, very obedient. During sex, he just wants me to lie still so he can dominate me. The perverse part is, I actually want to actively fuck him.

    I think I've caught up for now. Thank you, everyone, for your questions, and for giving me the opportunity to talk about my job so openly. Until tomorrow.
  17. Dragon of the Pants

    Dragon of the Pants
    Expand Collapse
    Should still be lurking

    Oct 20, 2009
    This might be one of those questions you want to ignore for privacy reasons, but would you care to share your name (Obviously not your real one) so we can read the reviews on that site you mentioned?

    Loving all your answers so far, very interesting.
  18. falconjets

    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I know you said you're not looking for a relationship right now and this question my be too much of a hypothetical to answer without being in the situation but I'll try anyway.
    How do you (think you will) deal with the beginning of a relationship with someone and having sex with them? Ever just think "fuck this I could be getting paid to do this" and lose some of the interest in the sex? I can see how once you're in a serious relationship and have strong feelings for someone it would be different but like you said there are clients you wouldn't mind hanging out with off the clock, so when you first meet someone how do you get past that?
  19. SaintBastard

    Expand Collapse

    Oct 21, 2009
    Dirty South
    What's the best pseudonym for an escort that you've seen? Are they as creative as porn names?
  20. Pussy Galore

    Pussy Galore
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    Dec 28, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    For those of you that are curious, I'll give up my stage name. But I warn you, if anyone creeps on me, I'll cry to the moderators til someone does something about it. And if you show up at my house, I'll shoot you.

    Just kidding. I don't give it away for free.

    I joke about it how I'm losing money, fucking for free, but I really do love sex. When done right, it feels great. And I'm very visual, so fucking a guy I think is gorgeous makes it even better. Beyond that, the important thing is that when there's someone I'm head over heels for, money never crosses my mind. If my high school sweetheart asked me to marry him tomorrow, I would drop this job the next second. Love may not put food on the table, but it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Besides, that boy's an engineer - he'll be able to provide. Anyway, there are certainly clients that I would hang out with outside of work, but that doesn't mean every guy I hang out with outside of work is viewed as a potential client, so I feel that there's nothing to get past. Chances are, you're gonna buy me a few dinners and some drinks at some point, so you've paid for it either way.

    My favorite is Brown Sugar. The best I think I've seen is Dakota Koxx. We're more like strippers - most of us have conventional names, but some girls like to get creative. Or weird. Like Pocahontas. And Summershowers. And Serene Butterfly.

    Generally early to mid twenties, with a few 18 and 19 year olds in the mix. There actually is a market for the cougars. Teri Lyn is a "mature" provider somewhere around her late thirties, I think. Maybe early forties. Anyway, she's one of the best reviewed providers in Atlanta. Huge boobies, too.

    Now I really am off for the night. Keep the questions coming though!