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And next, we can play charades!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nettdata, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    After reading about Scootah's upcoming party plans and visualizing the wonderful chaos that will happen, and the fun that I had tonight, I thought about some of the parties I've been to.

    There have been some great ones, and some really boring ones.

    Scootah's party is probably going to be great, and illegal in some countries:

    (dude... you SO have to set up a live web cam feed so we can be flies on the wall... just sayin)

    And then at the other end of the spectrum, I imagined Durbanite (hypothetically) throwing a bash:

    (that's him in the costume, with his parents. Hypothetically, of course.)

    FOCUS: I'm sure we've done this before, but I don't really care, so don't bother posting the "like this?" link to an old thread. Share your party experiences and stories; good ones, bad ones, ugly ones.

    ALT-FOCUS: Describe what kind of parties you imagine various TiB members throwing.

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  2. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Focus: The best party Ive ever been too was in college during UConns famous Spring Weekend. It takes place two weekends before final exams and is an excuse for students to act like maniacs. The police didnt really break it up at that time, they just corralled everyone together and contained the mayhem, like a South American prison.

    Ironically, Fraternities weren't usually big participants in Spring Weekend, as we saw it as an excuse to have massive parties off-campus as the police were busy monitoring the rest of the students. We threw a 3-day party that literally didn't stop and had a minimum 100 people attending throughout with no sleep. Some highlights:

    -1 girl had sex with 11 guys during the weekend, who later found out she was pregnant. I'm sure the paternity tests were fun
    -We drank 26 kegs of beer
    -The house had a wood stove in the basement, which when opened, was found to be filled with vomit
    -2 girls wore nothing but pasties and little shorts during the whole weekend, and somehow were not sexually assaulted
    -A guy broke his leg after falling off the roof
    -Another split his head open while trying to do a keg stand and also had to go to the ER

    Alt Focus:

    Nettdata's party: A big game hunting trip where only endangered species are killed, cleaned, and eaten during a mighty post-hunt feast.

    hooker's party: A Tupperware party, except with dildos

    Chater's party: Costumed themed, where everyone has to dress like Vin Diesel

    Frank's party: Dungeons and Dragons

    Audreymonroe's party: A fancy clothes soirée

    Angel_####'s party: See hooker's

    I have many more ideas forthcoming...
  3. Angel_1756

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    The Big Four-Oh

    Oct 21, 2009
    The T-dot O-dot one-of-a-kind
    They call that a Fantasia party.
  4. hooker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    That's so funny that you two say that because I've actually been trying to organize a sex toy party for a few weeks now. I don't even like toys. I just think it would be fun.
  5. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    Scootah's party is horror movie themed. I'm going in full Jason Voorhees costume complete with a real machete.

    There's a good chance I'll be the least dangerous person on the premises....
  6. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    A ballsack paaaaartaaaay!
  7. hooker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    No, actually.

  8. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nettdata's party: Get shitfaced in canoes packed with thermoses full of the best goddamn beef stew you've ever had.

    tjm's party: Bitterly insult what other people think is fun while having provided nothing for the party you're hosting.

    suapyg's party: Pick out charities to work for and feel guilty about being white.

    Fuck that table top noise, we'd be enjoying the outdoors hitting each other with foam swords.

    And don't even pretend that wouldn't be fun.
  9. lhprop1

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    No dungeons, just Frank and his dragons, or a tshirt artists rendition thereof.
  10. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Some of my favorite parties were FAC parties that we had in college. (Friday Afternoon Club - dumb, but whatever)

    If we didn't have a specific event planned for that evening, we'd start hanging out at somebody's apartment shortly after lunch. By midnight, somebody was passed out naked in the yard, somebody was in jail and somebody was nailing the fraternity sweethear (ho) in one of the upstairs bedrooms. This picture is from the early hours of an FAC. It's taken outside my apartment from my junior year in college. Later that night, the following things happened: the cops came because of noise complaints, and one of my fraternity brothers said to an officer that he couldn't move his car because there was some idiot in a black & white sedan blocking him in; six of us broke into the campus pool, jumped from the rafters and went skinny dipping; two of the people in the picture hooked up, even though both were dating other people at the time, and those two are now married.

    Anyway, in this picture, you can see typical activities from an FAC: a keg, wiffle ball, repelling off the roof, throwing a giant styrofoam airplane at somebody's head, etc. Just for reference, I am old - this picture was taken in the Fall of 1988. So, we weren't emailing, texting or calling on cell phones. One or two people would talk, and then folks would just start trickling in. Those were my favorite parties - not the ones you plan for weeks and say, "Oh this is going to be EPIC, dude!" - just ones that sort of gained momentum as the evening went along. Good, bad and ugly all in one.

    Spoilered for size . . .

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  11. hooker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Are those real life acid washed jeans?

    It isn't even a real party until there are acid washed jeans in attendance.
  12. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Yeah, in response to this and some rep.

    Yes, those are acid washed jeans. That dude was also arrested several years later for some federally serious drug offenses, so his judgement is questionable . . . And, even though the dude "supervising" the repelling does appear to be wearing jorts (he redeemed himself in years to come, as he was a pilot in the Army), the girl on the far right of the roof is actually wearing Jams, not jorts. Ha ha - you kids don't know what those are!
  13. ASL

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    Nov 16, 2009
    A friend on mine once found swords under a drawer in a vanity-type-thing at a place he was subletting. Obviously, he took these swords. At first, our drunk girlfriends would re-live their Scottish dancing years, then we got bored and started sword fighting.
    Fast forward almost a year to his new apartment. He pulls out one of the swords rather late in the evening to show me that the blade was broken in half.
    At this point in the night there were a lot of people jammed into his one bedroom apartment, with a DJ, hookahs, beer pong, etc. Basically, lots of people milling about randomly.
    I asked him what happened, so he told me it broke off while he was hacking through the woods. He then demonstrated how to hack through the woods (he his insane ADD and doesn't frequently think things through before continuing). I'm sure you can see where this is going, but the sword blade separated from the hilt and went flying across the room, right at one girls face.
    I say this with a grain of salt, but thank god it only hit her teeth. This was a very bad situation that could have been even worse. This poor girl has spider cracks all over her front top teeth and is starting to bleed, but she's drunk enough to just stand there with her hand up, wide eyed.
    It got pretty quite for a bit after that.

    The worst part is, she went home to her moms house to figure out what the hell to do, and her mom woke up, rolled over, and told her she did the same thing to her teeth with a beer bottle years ago. Classy lady.
  14. Dude

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    Nov 6, 2009
    The most (least) memorable party I have been to was the New Years party my buddies threw during our freshman year of college. It had all the makings of a great party: lots of good-looking girls, plenty of alcohol, an empty house (Literally empty. My friend's parents had just bought a second house down the street, and had not rented it out yet), and the whole night ahead of us. Boy did that go downhill quickly.

    I occasionally do this thing when I drink where I very seriously and convincingly explain that the only way that the night will go well is for us to drink all of the good alcohol before anyone else has a chance to, so we won't end up drinking burnetts and natty. And we must start immediately. I gave that speech at 8:30 on this particular night. Everyone was double fisted at 9, until the heineken in the fridge was discovered. Then we (awkwardly) started triple-fisting.

    Our first casualty was at 10pm, when my buddy dove off the stairs onto the pong table, destroying it. He then tore off all his clothes and passed out in the middle of the living room. People had just started to arrive.

    I was our second casualty. I passed out at 11:30 in the middle of the hallway (amateur status).

    I wake up the next morning to discover:

    -The walls of the living room are ENTIRELY pink from jungle juice. They started white.
    -Three separate people poured bleach into the empty jacuzzi in unrelated incidents.
    -Puke in every single room of the house, everywhere in the basement
    -Food and random shit all over the place.
    -Piss in three separate corners of the basement.
    -Three broken windows.
    -The host had gone home halfway through the party because he had lost control completely
    -No one had even tried to hook up with a girl, everyone was too focused on just getting as hammered as possible. This is either really really sad, or commendable.
    -Everyone decided to sleep in cardboard boxes.

    We cleaned the shit out of that house, and helped to pay for the broken stuff. Most parties I've been to have been fun, with occasionally something ridiculous happening. That was the first party I've been to when almost 75% of the attendees were blacked out and out of control by 11pm.

    Second place goes to sending 3 kids to the emergency room in 10 minutes at senior week.
  15. toejam

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    Oct 21, 2009

    = Nom's party

    Still working on why, but it just sounds right, right now.
  16. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Dude, seriously? The electrician who speaks in kitty/tongues is probably the most harmless human being on earth. She might one day be so cute that someone gets diabetes from looking at her - but apart from that?

    I'll be doing a Patrick Bateman costume for the party - complete with real axe. I see everything ending well for for everyone while I go to return some video tapes.

    It's actually my 30th birthday tonight. But In the spirit of denial, I'm claiming it's my 25th (entirely facetiously, everyone knows my real age). But in the spirit of being 25, I have a bunch of thrashy dance music lined up and a fridge full of jello shots. There has been some discussion of my friends organizing a kinky pass the parcel game or something as part of the festivities tonight. I'm at once disturbed, and curious about how they plan to make pass the parcel kinky.
  17. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    Most of my parties end up with me dancing drunkenly to Scissor Sisters songs.
  18. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009


    Most of the good parties in college involved wall to wall people, loud music, and me tending the keg tap. Fighting usually occurred 1.5 times a night. One of my favorite parties was my buddies going away party before he moved to Texas. We crammed a good 50 people into our two bedroom apartment. We made Hairy Buff and got loopy. There was a rap battle AND a dance off (the 'down da way' being the hot dance at the time). My army buddy got in a fight with our Russian neighbors and the place got trashed.

    One of my buddies from Miami Oxford came down with a bunch of his friends. They found the shotgun some dude we knew left at our place in my closet and saw my mattress on the floor and figured I was the craziest gangster they ever met.
  19. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    At the risk of a completely inside joke, her dangerousness varies dependent on who has the laser pointer and where it's aimed...
  20. effinshenanigans

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The one party that really stands out for me was a buddy's 21st birthday.

    Four of us drove up to some town in Mass. from UConn and finished a 30 on the way. When we got there, we dragged a giant block of ice out of the trunk to make an ice luge in the basement, along with about 6 bottles of liquor to add to what was already purchased.

    Fast forward to about 9:00 and five bottles of booze are already gone and the first keg is on it's last legs--sputtering foam like a rabid raccoon. I've got about a half a bottle of Makers in me and who knows how many beers.

    My other friend, however, is just obliterated and is already using the walls to navigate the room like a kid at the ice rink for the first time. He keeps calling from the corner to pour him another shot in the luge, but can't get there without assistance. So, of course, we help him over. After finishing his shot, he collapses into the baby pool underneath the table with the luge on it that we used to catch the melt water. I help him up, and his girlfriend and I bring him upstairs and put him in the bottom of the walk-in closet they were sleeping in that night.

    About an hour later, I see a body carefully make its way down the stairs, and there he is, in all his glory, wearing only an upside down t-shirt as pants--both legs through the sleeves, desperately trying to keep it from falling down and confused.

    Him: Dude, ummm, dude. What...What's up with these pants?
    Me: I dunno man. They look pretty comfy, though. Didn't know Hanes made pants like that.

    At this point, his girlfriend runs over, explains to him that he is indeed wearing a shirt as pants (and nothing else), and leads him back upstairs.

    After she takes him away, I hear some noise outside by the keg and go to check it out. One of the girls is doing a keg stand and everyone is cheering. But it didn't go too well, because right as I walked out, she spit the tap and puked all over the top of the keg. Then, in one fluid movement as she was slowly being brought down, collapsed and pulled the nearly-full keg over on top of her head. It made a very hollow mellon-esque thump as it crushed her.

    For a second everyone froze. We all thought she was dead.

    But beer cures all and she started making some gurgling noises and moaning, and we quickly righted the keg and got her up. She seemed amazingly fine for the exception of her puke-covered clothes and now-throbbing headache.

    Being the only one out there with some semblance of sense, I went upstairs to get a bag of ice for her to hold on her head and found my buddy's girlfriend sitting at the kitchen table looking a mixture of sad and confused. I asked what was wrong. She asked me to follow her.

    We went into the office with their sleeping closet and she opened the door. There, sprawled out on the floor, was my buddy with two nearly-naked chicks--totally passed out.

    Me: God, he'd be so proud he even had game passed out like this. Are you mad?
    Her: How could I be mad? He has no idea what's going on.
    Me: You're going to have to get him back, though. Right?
    Her: Already done.

    She pulls down the blanket and reveals a letter to him that she wrote on his back in sharpie. It read, "Dear [boyfriend], You're passed out with two girls, neither of which is me. But I'm not mad, because you have no idea what's happening. Sleep tight. Love, [girlfriend]"

    Her: I need a favor, though. Can you help me get them out of there? I don't want him waking up, thinking one of them is me, and fucking them.

    I could see her concern and totally understood that, so I gently went in and grabbed the two girls and removed them--placing them on the sofa in the adjoining room. As I did this, my buddy came to--sorta--and just started mumbling his girlfriend's name louder and louder and said, "Don't you take her!" She kept saying that she wasn't being taken and that she'd be right back, and eventually shut the closet door.

    As she and I turned to leave the room, we hear a huge bang and turn around to see him Van Damme the closet door into the middle of the room. He stumbles over to her and grabs her arm, gives me the finger, and caveman-drags her back into the closet, only to emerge and lean the broken door against the opening and give me the finger again. I didn't see either of them for the rest of the night.

    As for me, at some point I fell asleep at the top of the stairs under an afghan I found. I think his name was Samir, and he was warm.