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A Scammer Darkly

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Superfantastic, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    While I was taking care of my aunt these calls were all to familiar. Somewhere along the line she fell for some scam and got on a sucker list. It was at least twice a week she'd start talking to someone who called and after a while she'd reach for her purse to give them her credit card or bank account information. I'd jump up and say "Let me talk to them!" and grab the phone from her. As soon as I got on the line and said "Who is this?" they'd hang up.

    There is a special circle in hell reserved for the cocksuckers that do this to old people who no longer have their faculties intact. I can't even fathom someone being that big of a piece of shit, but apparently there are plenty of them.
  2. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I probably told this story before but one day I was just finishing up burying a pet, so I wasn't in the best of moods to begin with. Car pulls in and a young college aged guy gets out, comes over and starts telling me he's working on a college project involving childrens' education, saw I had kids by the toys in the yard and would I be interested in helping out ? Well, I gave him the benefit of the doubt so he got more time but something seemed fishy so he wasn't seeing the kids til I knew what he would be doing. He was kinda evasive and I finally asked him what he was selling. He told me nothing, but as he was looking through a binder I could see he was selling kids books. I told him I wasn't interested, didn't like being lied to, and he had to leave. He insisted we take the time to look over the books which he now admitted he was selling telling me I only had to take a few minutes and let the boys see them. I told him the only thing anyone "had to" do was him to leave. He kept trying, so I told him he had 5 seconds to get off our property or I was going to kick his ass. He wouldn't move. "That's it." I said and threw down the shovel, which caused him to tear ass for his car. Just as my wife and kids were coming out to go shopping. We had a good laugh about it once he was gone, but damn, when asked to leave, ya better do so.

    After that and the "need to unload this meat" guy I got a "No Solicitors" sign on the door. Most door to doors see it and leave except one guy who started giving me his sales pitch to I stepped out, looked at the sign, back at him, the sign, him etc. until he got the point and left. I never said a word.
  3. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    There used to be a website where you could give someone's address, some info about them, a reason they needed to be saved, and a Mormon would be sent to their door. I believe it was posted back on the old TMMB/RMMB. I had some fun with it sending Mormons to the houses of family members I hated.

    I'd like to think we played a small part in them deciding perhaps a website was a bad idea.
  4. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    This dietary complement has one actual constructive equation to reward particular uplift to your cerebrum’s without problems right-being. Now, anyone can come out of age-associated decay of memory with it. It's the most compatible reply for open your cerebrum’s expertise. This one can also be readily available in low price fee. This one is a clinically authorized pill. This one is famous within the circle of wellness-professionals as an extreme reply for all intellect associated problems. Take it continually to have higher wellness stage to your mind and real accelerated stage of your reminiscence. A range of brain Addex IQ evaluate medicinal drugs stories have headquartered that its day-via-day use will help your memory measure. This mind capsule is right right here to be utilized rather easily through grown-ups. Natural substance headquartered system of this pill probably makes an try to maintain your intellect out of all types of agonies.
  5. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    I met a guy in prison who worked for one of those "Security" companies, and he verified everything you said. He was amazed at how many people would let him into every room of their homes to "determine their security needs."
    He said that he would work really fancy neighborhoods in Houston, with homes in $500K-up range.
    (Before you even ask, NO, he was not there for burglary. He was there for a drive-by shooting.)

    Anyway, yesterday I got a really weird call. It was from some area code that I didn't recognize, and as soon as I picked up the phone, there was a long pause (this usually indicates a call from a call-center). A woman finally answered with a boilerplate greeting.
    I immediately cut in and asked what the call was about.
    She kept talking for a second or two after my question as though she didn't hear me, then there was a long pause.

    Her: "I'm calling about an opportunity in your area for a free wireless home security system-"

    Me: "I already have a security system."

    Once again, she kept talking for a couple of seconds, then there was another long pause.

    Her: "Well sir, we thought you might like the safety and reliability of a wireless syst--"

    Me: "I don't get any cell phone reception out here. It won't work."

    AGAIN, she kept talking for a few seconds, and then there was a long pause.
    "Wait a second, is this a fucking recording?" I thought to myself.

    Me: "Are you a real person?"


    "Her": (Laugh) "Yes, I'm a real person, not a robot. But this is an opportunity-"

    Me: "Look, I already told you that I have very bad cell reception out here, and I'm happy with my current security service."

    As soon as "she" started talking again I hung up.
    Apparently, automated recordings have come a long way in the past few years. That was fairly good, and would probably fool a lot of people.

    After I hung up, I kicked myself for not having some fun with it, like asking it to tell me what it's wearing, and to talk dirty to me. I wonder what it would have said? Did the programmers consider those kind of questions?
  6. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    We've done this thread before so I already posted some variety of this, but Quixtar suckered in at least a dozen people I knew at KU.

    The cult atmosphere they built around it while prepping kids to explain to the unbelievers how it wasn't a scam was so pathetic. I heard the same story from every jack ass who could get more than two sentences out. Student goes to his economics professor and tells him about the revolutionary model that's going to make him rich. Professor says it won't work. Blah blah blah. 3 months later student beings in $20k paycheck. Professor still won't believe him. So he goes to the bank, cashes it, and slams the money on the professor's desk.

    Shockingly, they all knew this story, but not one could name either the professor or the student. It so fucking happened though.

    One of my friends was hundreds of dollars in the hole and was going to show me very soon when it turned around, but I transferred before that happened. The scam was less rampant at MNSU, but when we were talking about the tanking economy and our future job prospects at a party some dip shit chimed in "I'm not worried, I'm going to be a millionaire in 5 years. Have you heard of Quixtar?" I shook my head, which led to him calling me an idiot and then trying to talk me into joining.

    In fairness to the sociopaths that run it, it's a pretty good scam when your suckers call people idiots after the disaster it actually is is spelled out for them. In my experience don't bother arguing too much with a scam sucker. It's like that gambling addict who thinks he's a big winner. They have to hear it 800 times before they finally accept they have a problem.
  7. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    A while back the new scam was the call saying there was a problem with your Windows programming on your computer but they would help you with it over the phone. The first couple times I just hung up but then finally decided to have some fun. I asked them which computer.

    " The computer in your home sir"

    Which one ? We have 4.

    "The one you use primarily sir."

    Oh that can't be a problem, I don't use Windows...

    "How is that possible sir, we have you registered with.."

    It's a MAC.

    She hung up on me.
  8. Fiveslide

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I just had to run someone off our front porch. He showed to sell cleaning products, with one unlabeled bottle of green shit. Looked just like an ordinary bottle of Palmolive dish soa, minus the label. I was not nice the man. My dog was not nice to the man. He won't be back.

    Obvious scam, right.
  9. Trakiel

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    Call me Caitlyn. Got any cake?

    Nov 3, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Occasionally I'll get a call from someone "from Microsoft" claiming they need me to "install an important update". I've always just hung up on them but if they ever call when I have time to kill I think I might stay on the phone and start fucking with them and see how long I can string them along for.
  10. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    I do the same, and my Mom recently started doing that as well... she has a Mac, so when they go into the Windows stuff, she knows it's a scam, so goes full-old-lady-retard on them.

    First time I heard her, I just about choked laughing, as she ended the 5 minute conversation with, "go fuck yourself" and hung up.
  11. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    Did they call you back after you hung up on them? Because one time I got a call from some guy with an Indian-sounding accent, and I hung up on him... But he kept calling me back.
    This happened a couple of times.
    When I got tired with the passive-aggressive route, I finally told him "Fuck you, I'm not downloading your bullshit virusware" and hung up.

    He didn't call back after that.
  12. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Heh. I just checked my e-mail and came across this. Give me ideas of how to fuck with "Mr. Karis." I'm going to forward it to one of my spam accounts and reply from there.

    Attention my dear friend,

    Hello I send my greetings to you, I have been trying to reach you for quite some time on an important affair which involves an estate of the deceased who happens to be of your origin so you can be presented as his relative as far as i am concern, that is if all arrangement is put in place. Please understand that this is not a game, hoax or joke, the deceased is a client of mine, who had the same last name as you. I happen to have come across your information and made my research which is how I got your email, so i will need your consent towards this affair. However i want to be sure about this, so i need you to confirm your last name to me in your response. Meanwhile i want you to understand that I have the opportunity of making you the beneficiary to his entire estate & funds which is currently in a dormant account on my bank of which I happen to be the manager of. I have all the details and required information to make you the beneficiary to the entire deposit and I only need your co-operation. Please, I expect your response to this message so i can furnish you more details if you are really interested. Please i keenly want us to seize this opportunity to possess this fund which is simply lying at the bank system and will definitely be so till end of time. I look forward to your urgent mail response. Thank you.

  13. joule_thief

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Mar 1, 2010
    Austin, TX
    Use the name and SSN from Lifelock's CEO:
  14. litwin

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 23, 2009
    I've had quite a few door to door guys come to my house and try to sell all kinds of shit. The first was from a security company called Vivant. He kept asked a lot of questions and would not stop after telling him I wasn't interested. Eventually I had to walk into my garage and hit the garage door button to close the door in his face. He left shortly after.

    The other door to door guys assume that I'm underage (I'm 27 but look very young) and ask for my parents. They leave me alone when I tell them I'll pass he message along and then throw their cards in the trash.
  15. Trakiel

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    Call me Caitlyn. Got any cake?

    Nov 3, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Just got another call and this time I decided to string him along until I couldn't handle it anymore. He had me open msconfig and look at the list of services. I finally lost it and started laughing at him when he told me that all the services that were stopped were stopped because "malicious code has corrupted them". I figure the next step after thinking he scared me was to go to some website to download some malware or something.