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A fight to end all fights

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Angel_1756, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. Angel_1756

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    The Big Four-Oh

    Oct 21, 2009
    The T-dot O-dot one-of-a-kind
    Based on an article in HuffPo: 19 Relationship Spats That Prove Love Makes Us All Idiots

    "A Reddit thread popped up Monday asking folks to describe the stupidest argument they've ever had. Not surprisingly, a large portion of the the 15,000-plus responses revolved around romantic relationships, because let's be honest, love makes us all a little crazy sometimes.

    Here are 19 arguments that remind us why bickering with an S.O. is just the worst:"

    1. "My wife and I got into a shouting match as to whose friend's wedding we would attend IF they scheduled them for the same weekend. Neither was even engaged yet."

    2. "I had an ex argue with me 'over which would weigh more, a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers.' We went back and forth forever while I tried to explain it to her. It did not help when her mother chimed in with 'what about a pound of wet feathers?!' The apple does not fall far from the tree."

    3. "I once barricaded myself in the bathroom with my then girlfriend screaming at me and trying to break down the door, over who got to cook potatoes that night."

    4. "My wife was angry at me because I made the sink wet."

    5. "This weekend my GF and I had a fight over whether flavored oatmeal or cereal were more unhealthy. I tried to finalize the argument as 'let's just look it up' but she is very stubborn and the argument went a full day later."

    6. "My wife and I got into a screaming match because our broccoli wasn't growing as well as we thought it should, and clearly it was the other person's fault."

    7. "My ex and I got into a very, very heated debate about if you put icing on a muffin then it's a cupcake. Bull shit. Absolute bull shit. Completely different recipe. We're still friends 6+ years later and every time someone mentions muffins/cupcakes around us we just death stare each other."

    8. "One day my girlfriend was angry all day ... yelling at me, then finally saying 'well at least I didn't kiss another person while we were together.' Dumb struck, I asked her when this happened. She said "yesterday at your friend's party" ... It was at that point that we realized it was a dream."

    9. "An 'I'm breaking up with you' April fool's joke led to the real thing.

    10. "My husband and I argued over garbage bags at Walmart for about half an hour. He said he wanted the very large black bags because they hold more stuff, even though they don't fit in a kitchen garbage can when loaded completely full. I argued that if he wanted to cram a lot of stuff in there we should get the force flex bags... Now garbage bags are a touchy subject."

    11. "[My wife and I] recently had an argument about how we would furnish the non-existent, hypothetical, 8 bedroom mansion we would live in if we were billionaires. She wanted it to be full of antiques. I wanted a stylish and futuristic, minimalist theme."

    12. "A yelling argument about where to get lunch that ended with my girlfriend at the time crying in bath tub saying, 'all I wanted was tacos'. The hangry is real."

    13. "I once argued with a gf about whether or not we were going to have an argument."

    14. 'I argued with my ex-wife over when AM was, and when PM was... and not some philosophical or semantic debate. I mean, she argued AM was how we label the afternoon -- that the A was for afternoon."

    15. "I once argued with my husband over what day his birthday was on. Took me a few minutes to realize that maybe, just maybe, he was more likely to have it right than me."

    16. "My ex and I once got in an argument that led to him screaming at me and storming out of our apartment. The topic? How many verses there are in that 'ding fries are done' song Peter sings in Family Guy."

    17. "I had a boyfriend who insisted that some rivers flow uphill. Specifically, that the Truckee River in Reno, NV was on its way to and not from Donner Lake. Yeah."

    18. "My wife and I got in an argument over nachos. When we were halfway through, she said I had eaten my share and the rest were hers. What?"

    And for the win, the argument we've all had:

    19. "Which restaurant to choose? (ALWAYS with my wife, and ALWAYS when we are hungry). Goes like:"

    Me: Where do you want to go eat?
    Wife: I dunno, where do you want to go?
    Me: How about (insert name)?
    Wife: No ...
    Me: How about (insert name)?
    Wife: Nah,
    Me: Well, if you know where you don't want to go, where do you want to go?
    Wife: You never make a decision.
    And off it goes."

    I've had some stupid arguments with the husband, but the worst had to be the time we had a fight about what to make for dinner. He was home and was going to make dinner but wouldn't pick something to make so he called me. It escalated into "why do I need to tell you what to do, I'm not your mom" which devolved into "we used to be so much better at communicating" which resulted in me weeping in my car in the office parking lot while the bitchy accounting girl judged me from her car.

    Focus: What is the stupidest fight you've ever had?
  2. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Dinner, its always over dinner. What are we having, whose making it, if its healthy, whether or not there's too much gluten, etc. etc.

    She asks me at 8 AM want I want for dinner. I just want some food woman, lets not make a federal case out of it.

    We finally decided that since shes so worried about dinner all the time, she can buy the ingredients and cook them. Ill pay all of the utilities otherwise. Ill cook once a week because I am a pretty good chef, just a really lazy one. Plus shes a woman, so she knows her place (/s).

  3. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Not for nothing, but that list angel put up makes women look crazy.

    I once got into a fight with an ex because she thought I made a judgemental face at her when she was taking corn from a can to put in her kid's lunch. I wasn't even paying attention to what she was doing. But evidently, that meant I was judging her on whether or not she was a good mom.

    That was an actual screaming match. Over corn.
  4. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I got into it with the girl I was dating/hooking up with at work. The argument happened during work hours. Not a shouting match but heated as we'd let it get without tipping others off to our situation.

    It was over what BC and AD meant when talking about years in history. She had the position the AD meant "after death." Though I wasn't sure about the pronunciation I assured her it meant "the year of our lord" in latin and did not represent the year Christ died but rather all time after he had been born. BC being all time before he was born. If it really meant Before Christ and After Death I asked her what the intervening years of his life were labeled? She huffed and a quick google search on her phone turned the argument to "you always have to be right about everything." She was also a HUGE Christian. I on the other hand just read too much wikipedia.
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Even the idiots who thought The Davinci Code was a good book know you're right. "You always have to be right" is a wonderful dodge for not-so-smart people.

    The dumbest (and most heated) fight I ever had with my wife was over building a GINGERBREAD HOUSE. Now if our daughter wants one at Christmas or Halloween, only one of us help her to avoid a relapse.

    Lame lame lame lame lame lame lame.
  6. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    Yesterday The Husband and I argued over what 'may' happen.

    It was more of a debate...but...rarely do we argue.

    However - on the topic of NOT dumb arguments? NEVER tell your Jewish husband that maybe, just mayyyyybe, Israel is ever so slightly maybe out of line. He won't take it well.
  7. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I think that list just shows when you take 2 people that are really close, build up some tension over time, fights can break out about anything. Just got back from a week long vacation with my family. You should have heard what started arguments by day 5. And we're normally a close, non-combative bunch.

    FOCUS: Two specifically stand out.

    I got into a blowout fight with a recent ex cause she wanted french fries for dinner. We went out to a really nice brewpub to get dinner and watch MNF. Now I'll admit some guilt on my part cause I'm quirky about some food stuff, but she often times ate like an absolute child. Lived by herself in a nice apartment but all that was in her fridge would be diet coke, individual pudding cups, and single serve easy mac in the cabinet. So we go out and she had been talking for an hour about how hungry she was. Cool, we get ready to order, and she states her plan to just get a plate of french fries. I shoot her a "seriously?" look, and she gets a bit huffy. Mind you, she also had a habit of eating dumb shit for a meal and then complaining that she was hungry an hour later. So I don't remember what I said, but it quickly morphed into "You're manipulative. You're trying to make me something I'm not. You think I'm fat", just every fight buzzword you can imagine. Like I'm not gonna say anything on a first date, but when you've dated someone for awhile, you know their habits and such, I dont think its completely out of line. But it caused tension for a good 4-5 days.

    In college, of course, I had a gf FLIP the fuck out cause I liked a picture on Facebook of an ex gf's new puppy. She and my ex were acquaintances, its not like they were enemies, and I had dated her 3 years prior, never went back and hooked up with her after, and she had been dating a new bf for 9 months by that time. She posted a picture of her family's new lab puppy which was cute as FUCK, I liked it, cause I'm a normal human with emotions and feelings, and an hour later I get a "what the fuck" text. We fought for a week around it. Then 2 weeks later she made out with one of my friends as a cry for attention, and that was that.
  8. AFHokie

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 13, 2010
    Manassas, VA
    Number 19 is definitely the winner. I've yet to meet a woman that doesn't. Every girl I've dated, hung out with, worked mother is especially guilty of it.

    My gf has a habit of apologizing for everything, including when she's clearly not at fault. While not a full blown argument, we have had a few heated discussions resulting from it.
  9. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Back in my freshman year of college, some economics homework led to a decent spat between an ex and I. We were in the same macroeconomics class and disagreed on a question while working on some homework together, so being perfectly rational people we got into a heated argument over it. I still remember her calling me a "fucking idiot!" loud enough for most of my neighbors in the dorm to hear as she left, slamming the door.

    Well this idiot came to his senses and broke up with her the next month. Yes I was right about the econ problem too.
  10. stopthemonster

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jun 16, 2014
    Turns out my girlfriend in college was actually Satan herself.

    She idolized her fucked up family way too much. Her mother was an idiot but decided to disagree with 90% of everthing I said cause she's a bitch. We were watching tv once and they played a song from The Music Man and she thought it was something from some show her son was in during high school. I corrected her and my gf and her mom argued with me, looked it up on the internet and refused to talk to me the entire weekend when they proved themselves wrong. Her dad was the only decent person in that family. Once he told me he was about to leave her mom but she got pregnant with my gf and fucked that up. He knew his daughter was crazy too, just like her mom. I felt sorry for him cause he's so determined not to give his daughter a broken home... even as she nears 30...

    Same girl and I went to dinner at a nice restaurant. She had been talking about their grilled chicken salad for 3 days, saying it's the best thing in the world. We get there, she orders the prime rib. I casually said something about being surprised she didn't get the salad and she freaks out at the table, gets up and sits in the bathroom for a half hour. I said fuck it and ate without her... which started another fight...

    I dated this girl for over 4 years. I don't know why. Her 20th birthday was the first we celebrated after we started dating. At this point we'd been dating 8 months. I bought her the nicest most expensive gift off ever given a girl. It was a necklace with 3 tiny diamonds. I was in college, it was the best I could do at the time. She had the nerve to be mad that I didn't buy her a promise ring. She locked me out of my bedroom for his being pissed, calling her crazy mom to complain. She actually left with the necklace, didn't say "Thank you" and refused to speak to me for a week....

    I have a ton more... but I'll leave you with the final argument we had.

    I dumped her on the first day of Christmas break. I had tried unsuccessfully before but caved every time she got a knife and locked herself in her room. We met at her parents house which was a halfway point between us as she moved for a job. I dumped her then said "sorry Dave, she's your problem again" and left. She called me nearly every day for a month trying to convince me that it's not over but just another fight. Finally I blocked all communication between her whole family and me. Crazy bitch.
  11. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    The fact that you stayed with a girl that long says more about you than it does about her.
  12. Noland

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    New Orleans
    What it does is make the men look like near retards for getting dragged into fights that are so astoundingly fucking stupid.
  13. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Seconded. Exactly how hard is it to say "This conversation is over"? Storm out and take an angry walk, do what you do to coolith thy jets but voluntary participating in mundane, nonsensical arguments makes you just as dumb as the instigator. Everybody knows a rock makes a shitty pet, but if you bought a Pet Rock you're still an idiot.
  14. stopthemonster

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jun 16, 2014
    Trust me I know. I have no good reasons for this. All I can say is it was a verbally abusive relationship. If you've ever been in one you know you get manipulated into believing you deserve what you get and that you're lucky to be where you are.

    I'm just lucky she never got pregnant and that I never gave in and married her.
  15. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Why were you so abusive to her?
  16. stopthemonster

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jun 16, 2014
    Lol I assume you're being funny as I was the one being abused.
  17. CharlesJohnson

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    No, why did you do the things you did to make her yell at you? Why didn't you love her enough, why didn't you love her for being her? You have problems. This wouldn't have happened all the time if you were a better boyfriend. How fucking dare you. Manipulative bastard, you always make it sound like her fault.
  18. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The wife and i fight rarely because we are both lousy at it.

    For my part, I can't stand yelling, I have a hard time thinking straight when i get that wound up, and i get very condescending. Can't think of a logical argument/witty retort? Just imply the other person is an idiot. The Mrsanthropic pointed out that flaw to me, and after implying once again that she had no idea what she was talking about, I realized she was absolutely right. We hardly ever argued to begin with, and now when we do it is usually because we've irritated eachother, we mutter to ourselves a bit, and it's over in about 5 minutes.
  19. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I'll do a non-relationship fight.

    So, I am pals with several people from here out in the real world now, and a month or two ago, MoreCowbell and Nom were at my place and Cowbell and I were waiting for Nom to shower so we could go do whatever it is we were going to go do. I don't remember how the conversation got to this place, but SOMEHOW I said something along the lines of how fancy pretzels were a trend now, especially in gastropub-type bars. And then he proceeded to argue with me about how that was not a thing for 10-20 minutes despite the fact that I've been writing a food column for years and he does something with money and I think that I OF ALL PEOPLE WOULD KNOW THIS and it was making me SO MAD because I hate when people argue with me about something they don't know anything about. Then it evolved to what a trend even was anyway, maaannn, because he eventually admitted that maybe he just hadn't noticed because he wasn't paying attention to that kind of stuff but even if it WERE a thing pretzels can't be a trend because they've been around forever. And then FINALLY Nom got out of the shower so the madness would end but every goddamn time I see fancy pretzels somewhere now I get so angry all over again and want to call him just to tell him how wrong he is.
  20. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Man, I got one epic story about my best friend and his gf. It's more the set-up and the thing that set it off than the actual fight itself.

    The biggest fight we've had was over if this girl wearing a full length red and white polka dot dress, matching shoes and kool-aid dyed red hair was screaming for attention, in a play or combination of the first two, an ultimate hipster. She got pissed off because she ignored me making fun of the fat dude that looked like a tattoo'd version of Fonzi and said I only made the comments about Red because she's a female. My gf has slight dustings of both hispter and feminist I need to constantly be aware of.