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Dexter Season 5

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by hbax, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Well even though they killed her off, that Latina informant/club rat was disturbingly hot. I secretly hoped she and Batista would actually have an affair in order to keep her fine ass on screen.

    Also, Johnny Lee Miller's addition as Jordan Chase makes me think we've found our uber-villian of the season.
  2. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I'm not 100% sure about something, do I hate Lumen or not?

    On one hand her constant whining and forcefulness drives me fucking batty. I am not going to try and imagine the abuse she endured but wouldn't you think that you would kind of let Dexter completely run the show and not whine every time he told you to do something?

    On the other hand it's a new story and a unique one at that. She did bash that guy with a flashlight, however I don't find her very cute and seeing it's Julia Styles I doubt she will do a nude scene.

    Last night was also a monumental episode. Hold your hat Dexter fans I'm going to admit to something, I enjoyed the scenes with Batista and company. Crazy? I know! You can't complain too much about LaGuerta getting defensive about her shitty police work they have always made her incompetent.

    I can't tell you how funny the Masuka character is. (By the way I have seen that spelled with a 'z' and an 's' throughout the thread, anyone know what is correct? I'm to lazy to google.) Anyway I burst out laughing when Lumen said he's clearly a freak but I don't recognize him. Right away you knew it was a layup for a Masuka joke but I still loved it.

    Shame on Dexter for having made me watch a cop shoot a bad guy in the head while he was holding a hostage, honestly every show from CSI to SVU has done that along with every cop film. It doesn't matter that she already had the chance before, they should have had her wait outside the door and blast him point blank on the way out.
  3. Nax

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Dexter and Lumen sure seem to be hitting it off all of a sudden. Is it conceivable they might get married? Spouses not being able to bear witness against each other?
  4. The Dread Pirate

    The Dread Pirate
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    Oct 20, 2009
    My Secret Evil Lair
    I suspend a LOT of disbelief for Dexter and it is one of my favorite shows. However, the club scene in last night's episode almost ruined it for me. It was beyond stupid.

    I am not a cop, nor an expert on police procedure, however, I know there is a 0.00% chance that the scene would have gone down like that.There is no way Miami PD brass would allow five officers to take down not just one, but TWO armed and dangerous murder suspects known for taking hostages and fighting police inside a crowded club. That's barely a 2 to 1 advantage in manpower. In real life, that club would have SWAT officers stacked up at every entrance waiting for those idiots to leave. Even as incompetent as LaGuerta is, she'd never let it go down like that.

    If this plotline results in anything but LaGuerta losing her job and the rest of the squad (Deb, Batista, etc) being SERIOUSLY punished (i.e. loss of rank, back to patrol status, suspension or even termination), the show will lose a ton of credibility in my mind.
  5. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    Am I the only one that couldn't understand why the cop above Leguerta was so adamant about finishing up the case with the least amount of cost to tax payers? Two gangsters are terrorizing the citizens and lopping heads off and all of a sudden the police chief is hounding the unit to not waste money catching them? I also have a hard time thinking with the shitty man power that they had theyd even try a club sting. If they already had a snitch on them my guess is that theyd try and set up something that wasn't a crowded night club with dozens of bystanders waiting to get shot.

    I'd say if the story devolves into anything but Leguerta taking the brunt of the fire for this incident then the show has lost something in my mind. I just can't imagine she'd seriously try to pin blame on the cops in the club, maybe she'll blame her superior officer for not allocating enough funds, but right now she doesnt seem to want to take responsibility. I think that Deb trying to intervene and then killing one of the two will have her come out as the hero of the situation but they really set up a PTSD line.
  6. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Ugh, you guys are making me more pissed at the show than I already was. I think I was so happy it wasn't a stupid LaGuerta/ Batista love fest or marital spat that they fooled me with how stupidly unrealistic it was.

    YES- why on earth where there only five cops on the scene for guys who cut peoples heads off and eyes out????

    YES- why the fuck would the (commissioner?) tell them to wrap this up quickly??

    Did Dexter just become a bad cop show??

    I would think the witness's family will be getting a huge payday.
  7. miss_c

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    I'm not enjoying Dexter as much this season. I like the story line, but I am not as *desperate* to watch it as I have been previous seasons. Last season was that good, this is a bit of a disappointment. I'm not feeling it.

    Being said, I love Julia Stiles. I believe her.
  8. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    Like people have been saying, that club shootout better have some serious effect on the storyline in any way. When the Fuerte brothers were brought up again and the guy said "I thought that was dead" my immediate reaction was "Yeah, me too. I really don't care about them anymore."

    I'm still enjoying the show this season, but I agree that I'm not as "desperate" to watch the next episode as I was in the past. I think the problem is that they're trying to shove too many storylines in there and it's just distracting from the overall effect instead of adding anything. I don't care about the Fuerte brothers and their story hasn't given anything to the show as a whole up until the club shootout. I don't care about Quinn and that creepy guy's investigation on Dexter because that was done already (although I'm not going to complain about Quinn having more screen time, although he's character's not as hot for some reason this season). I don't care about Battista and Laguerta's marital problems. I don't care about Deb and Quinn boning and being weird about it because that story's recycled too, unless it ends up in Dexter making her realize that her brother is a serial killer.

    I think the Julia Stile's storyline is really compelling, and I care about it a lot. I usually consider Stiles a flat actress (which doesn't mean I don't like her thanks to Save the Last Dance and 10 Things I Hate About) but she has been helping give the story some serious emotional weight. Also, this latest twist of them being lifelong buddies and the intro of this motivational-speaker-yet-evil team is making me think things are really going to get exciting soon. I also still love the contrast of Dexter as a family man and Dexter as a serial killer. But both of them are losing their oomf when I have to pretend to care about all these other things. I wish they would just focus on that and call it a day. Did they do stuff like this in previous seasons, or was it just that the subplots were all equally interesting so I didn't notice?
  9. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah they did.

    -Deb falling in love with Witness/victim/brother/serial killer
    -Crazy girl obsessed with Dexter (great gratuitous nude scenes though) flees to Europe
    -Deb and Lundy
    -Batista and the "la passion"
    -awful Doakes
    -Deb finding out about Harry and Dexter's mom ect........

    All of these were silly subplots. The big difference is you don't have to compare them to the awesomeness of John Lithgow and Trinity. I knew it would be hard for them to follow this up but I didn't expect to feel this void.

    I still love it I still watch the show in real time but the writing has definitely been left exposed.
  10. shauncorleone

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 12, 2009
    I can typically wait a day or two to watch the new episode, in stark contrast to last season when I was glued every Sunday. I think it's more a function of having the bar set too high to hit.

    Where they've been trying to go with Batista/Laguerta is becoming a little more clear. Despite all the writers' efforts, I can't stand and have never liked Laguerta. I hope she gets canned or demoted again. Angel is über-honest super detective, and she has very few redeeming qualities.

    Lumen is growing on me, but my lack of trust in her character's judgment is a direct result of the trauma she endured. We've already seen once she's not completely reliable in determining the people who did this to her. I'll be interested to see how her character ends up. Aside from Masuka & Batista, there are no other characters whose fate I've ever cared about much.
  11. fourtytwo

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009

    I guess I'm the only one who doesn't expect a show about a sociopath who only murders bad guys to be in any way realistic.

    Weird. Must be something in the water.
  12. toejam

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Whoa. Is it enough for me to say I disapprove of this week's episode?

    Nah. You guys hit most of this already but fuck it, I haven't blasted Dexter in a while. Bad cop show doesn't do this episode justice. I felt like I was watching an episode of Law and Order Criminal Intent. This episode had it all. There were lame cop interactions. We saw poorly written conversations reveal who the bad guys are in case the audience was too dense to guess that they are, in fact, the guys on the screen. And of course inexplicable police action ending in a tremendous cliche.

    I feel like the people that make this show are phoning it in for a lowest common denominator audience. The kind that doesn't think about the fact that none of the shit that happens makes sense or is connected in any reasonable way except because they told us so. Bleh. I'll still watch next week though because I'm weak-willed.
  13. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yup it's only you are your tremendous insight. Everyone else on the thread thought that this was spot on realistic. I mean we didn't post about the cheesiness of it and how poorly it was constructed it was mainly because it didn't feel "real."

    Take the water and drown yourself with it, it should only take a teaspoon.
  14. shauncorleone

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 12, 2009
    Aside from her death, this seems like a reasonable conclusion to her story. It'll only work if she gets married and leaves town, though. People who've watched Dexter every season expect any possible foils not in Miami PD to automatically die, and the writers have proven they'll go to any length to surprise us.
    Judging by previews from the next week(s):
    It seems like the rest of the cast outside Dex/Lumen is going to be pre-occupied with some kind of police espionage melodrama, with the dirty cop blackmailing Quinn and Quinn battling with his feelings for Deb (I'm sure that'll play out well on screen ...). God only knows how they're going to keep viewers from wanting Laguerta fired or in the ground.
  15. Andolingus

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 28, 2009
    FUCKING FINALLY. An episode that made me remember how good this show used to be, back when the writing team didn't have to resort to using deus ex machina to move the plot forward.

    Also, who doesn't buy cancellation insurance on their ex-fiancee's impromptu trip-around-the-world ticket? That's drinking money you just lost out on, Owen.
  16. Kerbunked

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    I've got a question, maybe I missed it.

    Cole crashed through the door, bursting it to pieces. There's no way in fucking hell they could have used that room as the kill room, not with a shattered door and maids walking around in the hallway. Did they just move the kill room to Cole's room next door?

    Also, I've got to commend Julia Stiles. Her acting has been superb. The scene where she was in the fetal position paralyzed by fear because of the screamer next door gave me chills. They are doing a fantastic job with this storyline.

    I'll add that for once, the Laguerta-Batista drama is getting interesting. I really like the fact that they're focusing on the character's personalities instead of their stupid relationship.
  17. upgrayedd

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I think the door he crashed through was the separating door between his and Dexter's room.
  18. shauncorleone

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 12, 2009
    Jonny Lee Miller's character is going to make for a superb kill, and I imagine the conversation between he and Dexter on the kill table (maybe Lumen gets to kill him?) is going to be a third only to Arthur Mitchell and Brian Moser, which for obvious reasons will never be topped.

    Obviously Lumen's trauma is more vivid and recent, but I loved her line that "This is the only part of my life that makes any sense now." it instantly bonded her to Dexter for the viewer.

    Best part of the episode was the exchange between Dex and Deb: "Some people don't deserve to live." Bravo to Jennifer Carpenter for continually surprising me with her acting chops.
  19. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    That still brings up a question. When Cole is realized to be missing, and they check out his room, they're going to find that busted down door. Won't they be at all curious as to who was staying in the adjacent room?
  20. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Liddy is getting really fucking annoying. Not that his character would potentially cause problems for Dexter, but more that his overacting and yelling of every line is just getting on my nerves. His misogyny and need to fuck everyone over is getting pretty old.