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The Purity Test

Discussion in 'New Thread Suggestions' started by downndirty, May 15, 2022.

  1. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009

    Focus: What's your score?

    Alt-focus: At what point does this indicate a serious need to be incarcerated or under some sort of authoritative supervison? IE, if you score in the teens, you should be on probation. If you score below a ten, you're in jail for things that simply can't be spoken of.

    Alt-Alt-Focus: What's your number of partners and does it matter anymore?

    I got a 21%, which I feel is respectably mild.

    I lost count of the sexual partners back in my 20's. I sort of fuzzied some math to figure it out, and I'm in the triple digits by now. I recall being at 38 at the end of my freshman year of college. When asked, I say something shitty like "I don't go by number, I go by mileage" or "These days I go by tonnage."

    Why yes, I'm still single, why do you ask?