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Rant & Rave Thread

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Joel Raymond, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    Rave: One of the million plus plans I have had in my life has finally worked. Since Dahlia, my rambunctious lab/dane mix, ate a pair of my wife's shoes, we've been crating her when we left the house. I felt enough time had passed by that we could try her out of the crate again. This time, however, I left a pair of sacrificial shit sneakers out. Sure enough, we come home, she's chewed on the sneaks (which were left there for that purpose) and nothing else. This exchange, however, was priceless.

    Me: "Dahlia, get in YOUR CRATE NOW!"

    Dahlia slinks into her crate.

    Wife: "Why are you yelling at her? You left those shoes out for her to chew on."

    Me: "Yes, and that is the genius of my plan, dear ignorant wife. You have to yell at her, otherwise, she doesn't feel like she's getting away with anything. It's like me an porn. I watch it, you try to catch me. It's the forbidden nature of it that makes it so appealing."

    I am an idiot savant. Idiotic in every way but one: how to keep the dog from chewing anything but my crap sneakers.
  2. ssycko

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 27, 2009
    Being not a hipster
    Rave!: Finally leaving Oklahoma! Fuck, these past 5 weeks have just been one ridiculous producer bullshit problem after another, i'm so glad to never have to wake up and see that guy ever again. It could have been the breeziest shoot ever, but it turned into me wanting to choke everything.

    On the plus side, the team was great about us being around them for so long and we're all pretty good friends now. Looking forward to seeing how well they do this season. Also, one of the DPs and I get along well and we'll probably be working on some cool shit in the future.

    More Rave: Being able to play actual instruments through amps and not shitty headphones!
  3. hooker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Rant: I'm just washed five loads! I really wish that was a euphemism.

    Rave: When I'm done, I'm going to serve myself a liquid lunch and get good and tipsy before my husband gets home.
  4. JakeShovel

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009

    Rave: Online now. Only in Canada: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... clip503674</a>
  5. hooker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Rave: I think I just won $500 towards rent, in the Malibu "Be A Freeloader" Contest. I say think because it was all You're a winner! and I was all Is this for real?

    So, so random.
  6. Devils Advocate

    Devils Advocate
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    Feb 18, 2010
    Rave: Saturday, alligator hatchling collecting season starts. I have my Alligator Farm Agent License so I get to go collect baby gators. They are so cute. Just gotta watch out for momma gator.
  7. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    Rave: One thing that never fails to make me happy is making other people uncomfortable. I'm sitting in a public restroom and taking the after coffee dump. It sounds as if an elephant is trumpeting in my stall and someone is dropping rolls of quarters into a bowl of oatmeal. I've made the guy in the stall next to me gasp twice and it sounds like he's been holding his breath since I got in here. This is the best day of my life.

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rant: Sick.

    Rave: Not self induced. I don't miss hangovers.
  9. Nettie

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    Experienced Idiot

    Feb 1, 2010
    BFE, IL
    Rave: Home visit with the potential new dog went great. She's a counter surfer, which hopefully we can get under control, but no big deal, that's what pantries are for! Very, very, smart dog, and surprisingly agile for a seven year old, but not hyper. The foster family has had her for seven months, and you can tell they don't want her adopted, but they have to or they can't have another foster. Hoping to hear something in the next day or two!

    To all of you who talked about the 100 pushup workout. Yeah, I was in the army (eons ago), that would be a great way to get in shape for deer season next month for when I'm slammed at work. Started Saturday, felt fine. Sunday.. wow. I hurt. Monday.. wow, I still hurt, but will do it again. Today, back to work, not hurting *as* bad, and end up on a damn meat slicer all day. I HURT!

    Thanks for the pointer, it's a workout I think I can actually stick to. And I need to get back in shape, been a bum most of the summer.
  10. LessTalk MoreStab

    LessTalk MoreStab
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 29, 2009
    Rant: Lesstalkette is sick, kept me up half the night with the sound of bubbling snot while rolling around wafting Vicks vapour rub at me.

    Rant: I think she has infected me.

    Rave: She is a pharmacist so brought home every curative known to man to take the edge off her suffering. If my sweet ass immune system can’t kick the shit out of this bug I’ve got 3 flavours of pseudoephedrine to take the edge off.

    Rant: Sneezed twice writing this. Fuck.
  11. Chellie

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    Mega Super Huge Uber Rant:
    Last week I was laid off. AGAIN. This is 3 jobs in a year, down the tube. Because it has been three jobs in one year, each lending fucking me more and more vigorously financially, in 2 weeks, I will move into my parent's house. The day after my 30th birthday. Even if I get a job tomorrow, no one seems to be paying more than $16 an hour, which is simply not sufficient to support a family of 4. I have failed at life. I am getting drunk now.
  12. jordan_paul

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    Oct 26, 2009
    Binbrook, Ontario
    RAVE: Sons of Anarchy season 4 starts tonight.

    RANT: I'm surprisingly tired tonight. I didn't really do any physical work today, the hardest thing I did was lift a 175lb electric pump out of the truck and walk it about 15 feet.

    RANT: The rest of the day was spent trouble shooting a stupid bullshit problem with a POS generator. The Hertz was good at 62, phase to phase voltage was 612 volts, and roughly the same at the contactors, and the amperage was a solid 140amps, but the motor still didn't want to turn over. The generator was powering an identical 30hp motor which worked fine. The thing is if you manually turn over the pulley the motor is attached too, it'll run just fine. If you don't, the generator will bog down, only produce like 490 volts, and the inrush current will be at like 220 amps. I got the machine up and going with a quick patch, but I had to call in a generator tech to figure it out. I'll probably get a phone call saying it was the motor, or something is caught in the machine, although the millwrights say there's nothing clogging the machine up. FUCKIN bullshit.
  13. Angel_1756

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    The Big Four-Oh

    Oct 21, 2009
    The T-dot O-dot one-of-a-kind
    Rave: I have a big girl phone now.

    Rant: I think I'm too stupid to work it.
  14. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Rant: This job is killing me. I hate, hate, hate it and I would happily do almost anything else if it paid the same.

    Work related boring stuff:

    Problem 1: Had to build a new truss because the framer wanted the stairs located differently than shown on the plans. I backcharged because fuck it. It's not MY fault the plans are shitty. WHO BUILDS A HEXAGONAL HOUSE?

    Problem 2: Shipper got mad at me because I booked an order to be dropped and the customer wanted it hoisted. Oh, I'm sorry...first, I'm not in shipping. Second, I ASKED if we could hoist and after looking at Google Earth the production manager said no. Driver got to site and said yes, so...this is my fault?

    Problem 3: Short shipped a truss. Layout showed three, I built two. This was the order I gave to my manager to do while I was on vacation. That he didn't do. That sat waiting for me and that I had one day with when I got back. That I designed, then he asked me to redesign because he liked his idea better. I'm not picky; design shit however you want. BUT DON'T GIVE ME SHIT ON A DEADLINE AND THEN ASK ME TO REDESIGN IT WHEN IT'S SAT ON YOUR DESK FOR OVER A WEEK.

    Problem 4: Site had a hanger go missing. Customer says they were short shipped; shipping insists it went...this is my fault?

    Problem 5: Bad plans from a customer four weeks ago and I read a dimension wrong. Truss went to site the wrong span. An easy fix, but they built the entire house before anyone noticed. We had to do the unprecedented thing of sending one of OUR framing crews to a competitor to rebuild a roof because it was quicker and cheaper then letting the shitty customer do it. Well, wait for it...

    THEY DID IT AGAIN. Common sense would dictate to start double checking things, but NO. Built the entire fucking house and only then realized the problem. Yes, the truss is the wrong span (the dimension is shown wrong on the blueprints), but it's an easy fix...if you haven't already build the house.

    My boss is really mad at me for that one. He rolled his eyes when I said goodbye tonight, and said in a real smarmy way, "Maybe WE should start double checking stuff."

    Any one of these mistakes is a once-a-month-maybe kinda thing. In one day? Unreal. And I seriously don't understand why designers are expected to act as shipping coordinators, production coordinators, QA, generate orders and track/apply payments and yet still keep up with our design schedule.

    Our ass is being hung out in the wind and no one covers for anyone. When something goes wrong, they just say, "Jesus, what were you thinking?" How can you demand perfection AND super fast turnaround AND all the extraneous stuff? Please, universe, offer me a different job.

    Oh, and my mother's boyfriend of ten years had a stroke last week. And they still can't diagnose my dad. And someone hit my dog with a bottle last week and aggravated the injury he sustained when he was run over. I need to catch a break here. I'm not stupid or careless and every day I feel like the dumbest person in the room
  15. fishysticks

    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Oct 24, 2009
    RANT: My youngest liquid shit all over my house today

    RAVE: Apparently the blog I wrote on it was so funny that it got passed along over 5 times

    RAVE: this is great news for the release of my upcoming book

    RANT: People keep unliking the page- and I shouldn't care, but the fuckers shouldn't have Liked it in the first place!
  16. Judas

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Rave: The Louie "Duckling" episode about him visiting Afghanistan just made my day. I wish more TV shows actually meant something, rather than appealing to the lowest common denominator (cough 2.5 men)

    Rave: I doubled my usual recipe for white russians tonight, and after just one I am steadily buzzed.

    Rave: GRE was taken, got a 700 on reading and a 790 on the math. I can't believe my reading score, especially since I'm a Biomedical Engineering major, and haven't read anything since the SAT. Here is to hoping the grad schools ignore my shitty 3.0 GPA and concentrate on that beautiful GRE school.

    Rave: Everything is good. I've got a two dates this week with different interesting women, I'm doing well in school, and I am half drunk. Can life get better? Probably, but hey, fuck it. I like right now.

    Rant: I think I have to take the physics GRE at some point which is infinitely harder than the math I did today. Fuggit.
  17. Croftie

    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Washington, DC
    Rant: My back is still fucked up after a tragic but hilarious accident of my own doing from over a month ago. Was hurrying (semi-intoxicated) through some torrential rain to get to a local bar and managed to slip and land absolutely level with the ground on my back. I'm fortunate it was on the dirt and it wasn't on my head, but damn did it hurt like a motherfucker. It's still aching a bit a month and a half out when I sit up straight and when I twist around. Considering going to a chiropractor, but I've never been before and have always been REALLY reluctant to go. Any TIBers with encouraging experience at the chiropractor? Or unencouraging, even?
  18. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    Rave: After almost a week, my room in my new apartment is complete and it's so cute and cozy and just my style. I'm proud. It feels good to not be living out of piles on the floor and having a sense of permanence after three months. I generally have a good feeling about this move. I think it's one sign out of many that the life I imagined myself having in New York a year and a half ago is finally going to be a reality.

    Rant: Why is assembling Ikea furniture always so much more difficult than you expect it to be? I had such a rough time putting together my two little dressers and I discovered today that the drawers of one have already fallen apart. Also, they're not gliding on the runners smoothly at all and I have no idea why.

    Rant: After my original charger getting fried in a power outage in Costa Rica and losing the right adapter for the overpriced universal charger, the replacement overpriced universal charger died out of fucking nowhere tonight. I was right in the middle of working too and had to finish the last two hours of my shift on my freaking iPod. I managed to order a new one before the battery died, but I'm so addicted to my computer that the next couple of days are going to be tough.

    Rave: thank god for my fancy iPod. I've gotten so good at typing on this thing.
  19. Nettdata

    Expand Collapse
    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    RAVE:Spent 4 days up in the mountains fishing land-locked salmon out of some pretty gnarly streams/rivers. Only had 1 bear encounter, but it was minor, and didn't even have to use my bear spray or handgun.

    RANT: Must have picked up some sort of virus while I was gone, as I've been sick in bed with a 102 fever for 3 days. Finally broke this afternoon, and I can barely walk. Finally have an appetite back, and am eating everything I can defrost and BBQ.

    RAVE(?): Lost 20 lbs in 3 days.
  20. trojanstf

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    Sep 7, 2010
    Long story short - met a girl a while back, we got along really well but she had a boyfriend so we stopped talking because we knew we were getting way too close and it wouldn't end up well
    Rave: Spoke to her for the first time in months yesterday, just for a little but still get along as if we never stopped talking

    Rant: Overthinking everything as usual. Spoke to her once in months and I'm already worrying about whether or not I should pursue anything because I think that some of the issues I have will get in the way and I'll fuck things up.

    Spoilered for being a whiny bitch:
    I broke up with my last gf who I was very much in love with because I wanted to "experience college" and get with other girls and all that shit. But instead of doing that I stayed in my comfort zone, kept fucking the same chick for a while and never branched out. At this point in college I feel like I've locked myself into all the things I will be doing so there isn't this incredible access to countless girls, and that's also just not my personality to fuck random chicks, as much as I want it to be for some reason. When I think about it logically it is stupid and I know it's an ego thing of wanting a higher number so I can use it as some sort of validation to myself. But, I know that as much as I try to avoid it, it still gets to me and therefore I worry that if I do start things with this girl, that since nothing has changed in the two years since my last serious girlfriend that all this stuff will get in the way again.