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Rant & Rave Thread

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Joel Raymond, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. effinshenanigans

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rave: Unintentionally made it the weekend of the deer. I made bacon-wrapped venison tenderloin for dinner on Saturday night and made a kick ass venison chili for football yesterday.

    Rave: Got really drunk with my best friend and my girlfriend's brother on Saturday and stayed up until 3am playing Tiger Woods '06 on PS2.
  2. Bob Trousers

    Bob Trousers
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    Oct 19, 2009
    The UK-a'ight, cunt?
    Rant: As much as I love a drink, it may be time to admit things are getting out of hand. I managed to fall over a waist high fence in the early hours of Saturday morning-wouldn't have been too bad but the other side was a 12 foot drop onto solid concrete-it wasn't all bad though, because in my drunken state I managed to make sure my spine and skull absorbed the impact. I dragged myself to bed, and when I woke up I figured it wouldn't be too long until the sun came up...except that I'd slept through the entire fucking day and it was seven in the evening. Fuck.
  3. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Rave: Cousin spent the weekend at my place (even though he lives 10 minutes away) and we had both of my TVs next to eachother for Modern Warfare 2 gaming. Drank beer, ordered pizza and wings, and didn't feel the need to go out and spend $300. I also got to wear sweatpants and a sweatshirt and only showered once. One of the funnest weekends I've had in a while.
  4. Moose

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Rave: Remembered the Omegle thread from the old board. My first conversation?
    I can only imagine what age would have satisfied his criteria
    Actually m/21, enjoys setting up chris hansen jokes
  5. LindseyBluth

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Twin Cities, MN
    Rant: I sometimes hate my dad and wish he would die early. There, I said it. I have actually been having dreams lately where I flip the fuck out on him and then I wake up angry. Great start to the day.

    Rant: I need a vacation. And no, going to my parents' and in-laws' for the holidays does not count. In fact, I think that counts as more reason to need a vacation.
  6. c_norris

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 31, 2009
    drifting by, totally
    Rave: Might be hooking up twice this weekend (one with a FMF threesome).

    Rant: The other potential hookup is with a girl who could be one of my exes plus serious self esteem issues. Will be spending all Saturday in a car with her.
  7. Nothingdoing

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    London, UK (Previously Auckland, NZ)
    Rant: What the fuck? I signed up to an 18 month mobile contract a couple of days ago to receive 800 minutes and unlimited text messages. As I text New Zealand a lot I specifically asked if the Unlimited Texts were international or not.

    I was told that the were by both the Customer Service Agent and the Shop Manager.

    Turns out that they aren't and I'm being fucking charged £0.20 for each text.
  8. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I spent the weekend at a friend's apartment, where he lives with his girlfriend of roughly 18 months. Every time I visit, they seem a little more like they're married, and a little less like they're in their early-to-mid-20's and just barely out of their respective parents' houses. Very domesticated, very quiet, and far less prone to the sort of antics that they both took part in not too long ago.

    It's a weird age. Half of my friends don't really give a fuck. They live in squalor, hold jobs they don't care about, and generally do what they want, when they want. The idea of marriage, children, and a career makes them laugh out loud. They aren't deadbeats, necessarily. Some of them make decent money, or will be making decent money, in fairly respectable positions. They just aren't ready to stop living hard.

    The other half is beginning to embrace the 'adult' lifestyle; if they don't know exactly what they want to be when they're grown up, they've at least got clear, solid goals and are playing the part as best they can. Real apartments, real furniture, Roth IRAs, etc. Some of them are engaged. Some are pregnant.

    The strangest part is watching the transition from the former to the latter, and especially the males. Guys I knew who were picking pukenuggets out of their hair less than a year ago are going to the farmer's market and enjoying quiet Fridays at home. Stepford Husbands, the lot of them. If you knew some of these guys, you'd laugh at the thought of it. I know I have.

    It's not that I think one approach is necessarily better or worse than the other. Whatever works. It's just strange to witness the turning point as it happens. It seems like some of them are just mimicking "adult behavior" as they perceive it, and I can tell they aren't quite ready to stop living the way they did. They're doing what they think they should, instead of what they want. On the other hand, some of them are flat-out refusing to grow even a little. They're clinging to the remnants of a part of their lives that isn't coming back, no matter how hard they try. They're seeing reality how they want to, instead of how it is. In both cases, I see major collapses on the horizon. So there's that to look forward to.

    In conclusion, no one knows what the fuck they're doing. Have a good week, everyone.
  9. MooseKnuckle

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    Oct 19, 2009
    RANT: Got horribly stupid drunk this weekend. I'm not exaggerating when I say I was either drunk or well on my way to being drunk 90% of the time. Woke up Sunday morning at 10:45 with one of the worst hangovers I've ever had. I had every intention of laying on the couch and watching football in my underwear all day. At 11:00 I was convinced by my roommate that I needed to drink because he wanted to return the keg and it still had some beer in it. That seemed logical. And the keg felt light enough so I figured it would be gone before I got too drunk. I finally passed out at 11:30 that night after attempting to finish the keg by myself since the roommate was passed out at 8. At 1:15 I woke up and had to puke (I NEVER puke from drinking. I can literally count how many times I have puked on one hand). I bolt to the bathroom and then proceed to puke up a little bit of food and a lot of blood. Like 2 fucking pints of blood. Oh, and I pissed in the corner of my room at some point. I think it's time to take a break. And kegs should have a god damn gauge or something so I don't get hoodwinked into that fucking game again. And texting the ex is never as cool as it seems when you're drunk.

  10. BeerMonster

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rant: Godaddy is dumb and fucked up the link to the MMA board. If any of you have been having problems accessing it over the last few days, try this link.

    For anyone that doesn't give a shit...carry on.
  11. LessTalk MoreStab

    LessTalk MoreStab
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 29, 2009
    Rave: The wedding I went to in Melbourne last weekend was awesome, heaps of food, booze and eye candy. My best guess is the mad bastards spent over 50k, why anyone would want to spend that much just to entertain a whole bunch of people they don't know is beyond me. (See all the +1's)

    Rant: I've had to send my new iphone back, the speaker kept filling with static. It will take 7 days for them to "confirm" there is a problem. Fuck Telco's.
  12. swood

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Wales, UK
    Perhaps the lamest rant ever: Bought my supernatural season 4 dvd and it doesn't have any special features. Fuck that, sending it back and getting my money back. Looks like I'm going to have buy the region 1 dvd instead and get it imported. I hate the way the UK sells TV series in two volumes, but it's really shoddy when you buy the complete season and they haven't even bothered to relabel to DVD's 1-6, just two sets of 1-3.
  13. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    RANT: How the fuck does one get a zit on your eyelid?
  14. sisterkathlouise

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Rant: Apparently I'm allergic to something. My toes are on fire and my tongue is too big. What. The. Fuck.
  15. Allord

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    Oct 21, 2009
    The Nightmares of children with a 30" Dildo

    I just realized that over Halloween weekend I was visited by a girl who does modeling, parties with me, gets blasted drunk, thinks I am hilarious, grinds on me, lets me have huge handfuls of her ass, but always stops short of actual sex because she has a boyfriend. They split up before Halloween however, so this time she was free game. Upon first seeing me she dry humped my leg, she dressed in a skimpy sexy nurse outfit, she jumped in my lap in a room full of people twice and started bouncing up and down, she even told me how manly she thought I was as she ran her hand through my chest hair (I was a caveman for Halloween, I was basically in my underwear the whole time)

    and I didn't get laid

    She wanted to go run around in the streets and experience the insanity of our town during halloween but I wanted to get drunk first since I knew the parties would be dry. She ran off into the wilderness and when I phoned her an hour later her friend answered and said she'd blacked out at her house. I swung by the house, knocked on the door, saw people moving around inside, but no one answered. She went back to San Fran the next day.


    Rave: She wants me to visit her in San Fran, and is being flirty as fuck. God damn.
  16. Nettdata

    Expand Collapse
    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    RANT: Awesome. Major lightning strike ON MY MOTHERFUCKING HOUSE just now woke me from a dead sleep.

    Specifically, the electric blanket controller beside my bed practically blew THE FUCK UP. I cannot over-emphasize that enough. It is in pieces, and the carpet under it has a Hiroshima shadow of the now-dead controller. The noise and light show, in the complete dark, was more than enough to wake me up quite effectively, thinking that I was in mortal danger.

    As I investigated the rest of the house (fully expecting to see pieces of it on fire), I found that more and more shit was on or off in the house, and I now have 7 breakers in my electrical panels that are 100% fucked.

    3 of them are > $150 GFI breakers for the master bathroom.


    RAVE: It looks like all my precautions for my office servers/etc finally paid off, as 3 of the fried breakers were for them, but all of the UPS and surge protection did their job quite well.

    RANT: It's a pain in the ass running extension cords into the office until I can replace the breakers. And I hope they just have to be replaced, and it's not a bigger issue.
  17. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Rave: I dropped the relatives off at the airport yesterday, now I'm free to resume my life. Kind of.

    Rant: I swear to God they made this trip just to piss me off, and they succeeded.

    My father and I jointly bought the 130 acres down here and placed the property in a family trust with his wife serving as the person to watch over the trust in case of his demise. Dad and I had bought this property for the sole reason of it remaining in the family forever, and we trusted his wife to honor our wishes and take care of it for the family...after all they'd been married 26 years, and I trusted her.

    Bad fucking decision.

    She informed me that she's selling off the family homestead where my father grew up along with all of the equipment my father and I bought together and placed in the family trust. Dad was usually pretty sharp with finances, but he really fucked this one up and I followed along and agreed to placing the community property in the trust.

    This whole fiasco is going to leave me completely fucking broke. Not only is she going to get everything my father worked for during his life, but she's going to end up with a substantial amount of what I've earned.

    I had a couple of lawyers go over the trust and they agree they're isn't a damn thing I can do about it.

    Fuck. (Word of advice: Never trust anyone, even your own family.)

    She and her daughter managed to piss off my entire family during their brief stay....they all know the how and why of the way the trust was set up. 77 acres of the property is where my dad and his siblings grew up and the whole family was thrilled when dad and I bought it back and *Thought* we had it set up so it would always remain in the family. We never counted on his wife blowing through $200K in liquid assets in 2 years and then deciding to go after the assets she was put in charge of to protect for the family.

    On the plus side, once I reached the "I don't give a fuck" stage., things started to amuse me.

    My step sister and brother in law are worth between $15-20M and my step mother thinks my brother in law knows everything. He's a city boy, but she thinks he knows more about this land, farming, climate, and equipment then the person that has worked this land and run the equipment for the past 5 years.

    In 3 days down here he fucked so much shit up it isn't even funny and I just started playing along...if he asked me to do something I'd do it even though I knew it was wrong, just because I knew I've probably lost my land and they can deal with the consequences. At first I would explain to him why we shouldn't do what he wanted, but he knew better then me and did it anyways.

    He fucked up my riding mower, created a mud hole on one of my roads, and ruined the brakes on my tractor. That was on his first day down here after I told him why he shouldn't do what he had in mind.

    The next day he fell off my tractor and broke his ankle, so now all he could do is hobble around on crutches.

    His final day he instructed me to take all the accessories for my tractor and place them in the barn because "They're going to get ruined sitting outside." They've been sitting outside for 4 years and they're designed to sit outside, but I decided to humor him and hauled all of them down to the barn while snickering to myself. Those things were placed where they were so that I could hook up to them with the tractor by myself, now I'm going to have to hire someone to help me move them to where I can hook up to them with the tractor. But, he knows everything.

    He decided that the back 40 needed bush hogged and I told him the field was to wet. A friend came by and took his small tractor down there and after a time came back and told him it's to wet for his small tractor and my big tractor would sink down there. He took a 4 wheeler down there and informed me that it was dry enough.The 800lb 4 wheeler didn't sink, so my 10,000lb tractor would be fine. I laughed and said "Okey dokee." My tractor sank about a foot and a half in the mud, but I was able to get it out after an hour or so. But he wasn't done yet, he took my truck down there and sank it causing me another hour of work because he did something I told him not to. Yep, he knows everything.

    He also closed the doors on my barn because...hell, I don't even know why. I just grinned when I saw it. The first good wind and the barn door is going to be in the neighbors field, that door was open for a fucking reason. I just figure if they're going to steal from me and my family I may as well let them fuck everything up and when they ask me to fix it tell them to piss up a rope...I was just following the directions of someone who knows better according to them.
  18. effinshenanigans

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    Had this conversation on the way home from work last night:

    Girlfriend: I just got home and something
    Me: Ok, well where does it smell the most hot?
    Girlfriend: [sniff, sniff] Right by the bookcase.
    Me: (Knowing that the bookcase could not be hot unless it was visibly on fire) Smell the bookcase.
    Girlfriend: [sniff, sniff] Nope it isn't that.
    Me: Well go smell the laptop.
    Girlfriend: [sniff, sniff] Not that, either.
    Me: What about the TV? Go smell the TV.
    Girlfriend: [walks over--sniff, sniff] Nope.
    Me: The amp, maybe?
    Girlfriend: [down on her hands and knees--sniff, sniff] Nope it's cool and doesn't smell
    Me: Well you said it smelled over by the bookcase, smell it again.
    Girlfriend: [walks back--sniff, sniff] Nope, and I told you it didn't smell before.
    Me: Could it be the recliner?
    Girlfriend: [sniff, sniff] Nope it's...Wait. Why the fuck am I smelling the recliner?
    Girlfriend: You're an asshole (hangs up).

    Had she not caught on, I was going for the cat's litter box next. I just wish I could've had a camera set up to capture her smelling random objects in our apartment.
  19. Ton80

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Rave: Just celebrated my one year anniversary with my wonderful wife over the weekend.

    We had a free room at the hotel that we got married at in dowtown Washington DC, but I was expecting just a standard room.

    Nope...upgraded Penthouse suite, complete with a complimentary bottle of champagne sent up by the hotel manager, and one of those Human Touch massage chairs.

    Dinner was a seven course tasting menu with wine pairings at Marcel's, which was amazing:

    raw hamachi crudo with grapefruit
    lobster bisque with a cold lobster salad
    seared salmon with a brioche crust
    rabbit terrine
    lamb tenderloins wrapped in phylo dough
    pepper-crusted bison tenderloin
    chocolate and pistachio soufflets with homemade chocolate and pistachio ice cream

    The best meal I have ever eaten in my life.

    Rant: Also the most expensive. Some people aren't getting Christmas presents this year.
  20. McDermott

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    Average Idiot

    Nov 17, 2009
    Rant: How fucking difficult is it to get an Australian student visa? I mean I haven't even been rejected or anything but this process is never ending. Also, my Australian panel doctor is a fucking asshole. You want ME to tell YOU where to send the documents? YOU'RE THE FUCKING PANEL DOCTOR. Sure, let me get Australia on the phone, just a second.

    Rave: Can't wait to move, start a new life and study something that I absolutely love.