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Rant & Rave Thread

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Joel Raymond, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. skelley24

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Rave: Halloween was great. Was on a bus with a bunch of drunks from rural Wisconsin and things got ridiculous pretty fast. Got obscenely drunk. Couldn't have asked for more.

    Rave: Met a cute girl who knew all the words to Warren G's "Regulate"

    Rant: She has a boyfriend.
  2. kuhjäger

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rave: I went to the grocery store, filled with dread. Why? Because last year, they had christmas music playing on november 1st.

    This year they did not.

    Thank Jesus.
  3. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario

    Though wasted, I was watching SNL last night and Lady Gaga came on and I thought a fucking velociraptor was going to jump out of the screen at me. Is this broad serious? The sucked onion face, The clothes stolen from the Logan's Run wardrobe, the oh-so-incredibly obvious lip synching. Did Milli Vanilli not get torn on the rack for this 19 years ago (Granted, they NEVER sang)? Now ALL of these flavour-of-the-moments do this shit on live T.V.

    Seriously though, that bitch is a BEAST. She is the stuff of nightmares.
  4. M4A1

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Los Angeles
    Rant: The last straw. The ex has been blasting me with "I love you, I think about you all the time, I miss you so much," for the last week and a half. This led me to believe that she was finally coming back around. Then she kicks me in the balls by letting me know that not only has she decided to be with him "officially" she's moving his little sawed off ass in. This is a man who hates her mother so much that he named his dog after her(she's filipina, family is everything to her). We had more sex in 5-6 months than they had in 4 years. Her family hates him, her friends hate him, (but she still loves me, *tear*). Fuck it. I'm done. There is going to be a point in the near future, after the euphoria wears off, she's gonna wish he was me. I don't need her. Obviously, I am still nutty over her, but any desire for a future is gone. To top it off, I feel like a complete asshole for sitting here wasting my time on her.

    Rave: I've something to talk about with my therapist tomorrow morning. I am not crawling into a bottle, not this time.

    Rave: Awesome Halloween weekend. Mostly.
  5. swood

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Wales, UK
    Rave: It's no longer my birthday. And a whole year of it not being my birthday til everyone makes a fuss and tries to make me care again! If I want to spend my birthday chilling in bed, I don't see why not. I'm may have turned 21 but I also live in Britain so I've been able to legally drink for 3 years, and I got smashed on Halloween. I hate my birthday.
  6. Diablo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Armpit, NC
    RAVE: The only girl I've ever really loved has come back into my life. It's amazing talking to her again, I've never had more fun talking on the phone for 2 hours about when we used to date, no matter how brief a time that was. God I could marry this girl right now and be happy for the rest of my life.

    Rant: Still have a temp girlfriend who I don't care much for. Too young and immature, no motivation in life, no self esteem, just about none of the same interests as me. Not sure why I started dating this girl to begin with. Gotta end it soon.

    Rant: Got voluntold to go to a two day class at the Air Force special ops base an hour away. Starts at 7 tomorrow morning which means waking up at 530.
  7. Kittie

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 23, 2009
    Rant/Rave?: Fell asleep at a friend's house and their kid didn't want to wake them up since their "girlfriend" spent the night. Hello Awkward. Meet Kittie. Doing the walk of shame in front of a first grader is definitely an all time low. I hope Jesus remembers I was nice to stray animals before sending me straight to hell.
  8. CharlesJohnson

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rave: My pee is no longer brown, burning, or giving off the odor of caramel popcorn.

    Rant: My fucking pee was brown, it burned, and smelled like caramel popcorn.

    Rave: Drinking to renal failure. Wait, that might be a rant. I don't know anymore. Insurance covers dialysis so... rave?
  9. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nor'east USA
    Rave: Halloween on a weekend is quite possibly the greatest thing ever.

    Rave: Scared the crap out of little kids, their parents and even kids who were too old to be trick-or-treating.

    It was 70 fucking degrees out on Halloween and I was in a latex mask and a full fur ski suit. After the first half hour shift I went inside, changed out of my soaked shirt and weighed myself. After rehydrating with a couple beers I sacked up, put the suit back on and went back out to scare the kids. Sweated my ass off again and when I weighed myself I had lost another 5lbs.

    Rave: After losing all that water weight I looked cut as hell. Also got drunk very quickly.

    Rant: Leaping over the bushes for a couple hours gave me one fuck of a leg workout. I hurts to sit on my thighs. I'm perched on the edge of my chair to alleviate the pain.
  10. swood

    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Wales, UK
    Rave: Got my physical chemistry lab script in on time

    Rant: They were shit.

    Extra Rant: Forgot to attach the COSHH forms, so there's a few marks lost that I really coulda done with

    Rave: Got good marks on a "key skills" assignment. I love key skills and the complete lack of chemistry knowledge needed to pass them!
  11. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.

    Fuck you.

    Besides, he didn't say anything about having weapons. You can't be me without a gun. Or three.

    Rant: My life has degenerated into people thinking someone dressing up like a wino might be dressing up as me?

    There comes a point in your life when you might start to question your antics and I think becoming a possible Halloween costume might be that point.
  12. Currer Bell

    Currer Bell
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    rave: October is finally over!!! Had tons of good, happy things planned, but the stress of planning kind of ran neck and neck with the fun of doing. Getting the flu and bronchitis only slightly derailed it. Whew! The upcoming holidays will be a piece of cake in comparison.

    rave: The major thing that needed to be accomplished got done: I is married! We had to shoehorn it into a schedule packed with my kid's soccer game and other halloween activities, but we did it.

    rant: US Airways apparently doesn't want to make it convenient to go to New Mexico.
  13. amberisma

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Dublin, OH
    It's about that time I finally make my first post here.

    MAJOR rave: I got my first medical school interview!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited, it's finally all real to me. And it's coming up so soon it's making me nervous.

    Rant: Had a Physical Chemistry exam today. My class is from 3:00p-4:15p. The exam was 5 questions long and 100 points. I left the classroom at 5:30p. I now have the biggest headache ever, and I just realized the correct way to do a problem that I know I messed up on. That was the most ridiculous test I have ever seen.

    Rant: I don't even get a break because I have to start reviewing 6 chapters for my next test that is on Wednesday. My professors seriously need to stop plotting against me.

    Rave: At least I had an awesome holiday weekend. It was very relaxing and my costumes were sweet. Time to go make me a nice steak before I dive back into my studying.
  14. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    I'm not sure which this is: Someone sent me a link to 25 highly questionable t-shirts today. I find those things funny, so I checked it out. Imagine my surprise when the 10th picture down is a picture of... me. From 4 years ago, wearing one of my favorite bar shirts.
  15. travdiddy84

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Centerville, OH
    This place isn't blocked at work! The old messageboard was blocked because of "adult content", whatever that means...

    So I'm still under the weather. It's now been over a month. I didn't go out on Halloween because of my mystery illness, so I decided to bring the Halloween spirit of sluttiness and questionable morals to me, rather than going out and finding it. While there's nothing wrong with a little holiday fun, I may hate myself for the rest of my life for what I did Saturday night.

    I have known this girl, GutterSlut, for a while now through mutual friends. I hadn't seen her in a while but she kept in contact through texts, instant messages, and videos sent via cell phone in which she fingers/fucks herself with a wide variety of inanimate objects. In recent weeks she has made her propensity for fellatio a known fact, and ate it up when I told her I was having an allergic reaction to my antibiotics (I was) and needed them sucked out of me (I did).

    Upon picking her up at King's Island when it closed on Halloween night, I immediately remembered why I hadn't made an effort with her despite knowing her for a few years. Despite her great body and decent face, being in near proximity to her is close to torture. She's a blithering idiot to say the least. She's close to failing out of Cincinnati State, which isn't really known for its academic prowess. In fact, it's not really known at all. It's a community college. She's failing out of community college. Her voice wouldn't be terrible, if not for the fact that she has somehow acquired an accent that is a rough mixture of 'valley girl' and 'Keanu Reeves circa Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey'.

    Anyway, we got back to my place and she demanded beer. Immediately. Before she even took her shoes off. Seeing as I've been sick for over a month and the beer in my fridge is no longer good, I let her have the last three. She then gets down to business, and while she was great at it, it was hard for me to get off because I realized she was great at it because she had to be to keep men around. In the same way some fat girls give the best head ever known to man, it was a skill acquired through need rather than chance. Like evolution. Survival of the sluttiest. I was eventually able to finish because I kept alternating between pretending she was someone else and pretending I was jacking off watching porn. Then she announced that she was spending the night.

    I made her call every person in her phonebook within a 50 mile radius, because I had to work the next morning (I did) and because she hadn't showered that day and smelled like a combination of cheap beer, lack of deodorant, and diesel fuel. After she couldn't get anyone to answer (I think she faked calling them) I enlisted the help of my friend to get her back to her place so I wouldn't get lost and/or die. Before I called, I took a quick shower and scrubbed with a mixture of boiling water and Listerine.

    He showed up and his disdain for this girl was immediately obvious. It could be a result of me telling him the story to that point while he was on the way to my place. It could also have been the cum still in her hair. So we started driving, without much concern because of her promises that she only lived 20 or so minutes away. We soon discovered this was not the case. I live in Mason, Ohio. She lives in West Harrison, Ohio, less than a mile from the Indiana border. She also didn't know her address or how to get to her house from anywhere. We eventually figured it out because my friend grabbed her purse out of the backseat and found her defunct drivers' license while she was leaning out the window yelling at cars (I wasn't letting her sit in the front seat, and no she wasn't drunk at all. Really. She's just an idiot).

    We discovered that she was unable to drive because of her copious DUI charges. We also learned that she had spent some time in prison. My friend made a snarky comment saying something about her writing a blog about jail food because her life isn't going anywhere. She then proceeded to break down, in detail, the pros and cons of the 4 prisons she has spent time in. Four prisons. She's 20. When we finally got to her neighborhood we were too busy debating whether her neighborhood was more likely to be in Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Deliverance to notice the family of deer walking in the road. Luckily, when I slammed on my breaks and swerved, I not only missed the deer but made GutterSlut bump her head on the window.

    The only good to come out of this was the fact that the stiff-arm I gave her when she tried to lean in my window to kiss me goodnight would have made Walter Payton in his prime green with envy.
  16. LessTalk MoreStab

    LessTalk MoreStab
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 29, 2009
    Rave?/ I finally gave in and got an Iphone, I'm expecting great things.
  17. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Yankees are losing, and so I drink alcohol.

    I'm feeling fucking whimsical, so I Google "History of the Flange". Before today, I can't accurately describe what in the Kingdom of Sweet Pudding Jesus a flange is or does, but I know I like the sound of the word. I figure there's no way that, even if someone actually took the time to write a history of a flange, they would actually use anything like that title.

    It's all on the Internet.

    This is what I would rather do than watch Fuckface Utley hit another home run. FUCK YOUR FACE. I will obsolete your fuckface like a
    23800 060 Size Bronze Flange Mount Pump. With my fist. And shit.

  18. Supertramp

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rave: Had a deliriously fun weekend. I'd post some of it in the Last Night thread but I'd like for other people to contribute (it's a friggin' wasteland currently)

    Rant: I think I have Strep Throat/Flu...

    Rant: I woke up Saturday with a giant hickey on my neck. Who the hell gets or gives hickies anymore? It was pretty bad when my dad asks if "she was vicious" in front of my entire family.

    Rave: When it rains it pours; I'm on a hot-streak.
  19. Stimpson J Cat

    Stimpson J Cat
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Rave Had our annual scholarship dinner tonight, where students on merit scholarships meet/network with the individual or company paying for their education. Since my benefactor (Boeing) decided to stiff me last year by refusing to give me an internship after guaranteeing me one (so I didn't apply anywhere else), I decided to take full advantage of the open bar provided.

    Rant Whoever set up the event decided to seat the chair of my department right next to me. I think he was less than impressed by my noticeable slurring as I tried to converse with the rest of the table.

    Rave At least I made him laugh a few times, though it may have been directed more at me than with me. And the bartender did make pretty good gin & tonics.
  20. annabanana

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Bay View, WI
    Ah, Wisconsin.,2933,571134,00.html

    I tried to find the actual 911 call because it is hilarious but haven't had any luck. The best part is when the officer instructs her to pull over and she does so and then says "I shut off my car, can I take my seat belt off?" and he responds "Yes, if you've stopped the car." and she just keeps saying she has and asking "So, I can take my seat belt off?"